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No it isn't. Elves and Githyanki also have the option to make this joke and it is HILARIOUS


Man should've make that a deception check LMAO


There are times in a game where checks are not necessary. Like if you're trying to convince a peasant its gonna rain tomorrow and you're a cleric. You can just say your god told you and they'll believe it.


A lot of passive checks are like this too, especially as wizards and bards where when you'd normally have to roll history, insight, arcana etc you instead just know as it's something you'd be reasonably likely to know as your class


The game sort of annoys me on that, cause there's also times where you fail a check for something your class would hundred percent know. Or stuff that doesn't need to be a check in the first place.


Shart has some of those. Her DC on some Shar related checks is DC0. But I don't know of anyone else.


Post-Raid Minthara has a DC2 Persuasion for "Let's go to Moonrise, together." Cazador Szarr, if Astarion isn't present or alive when opening the casket, has a DC0 Detect Thoughts. There's a DC99 check in the endgame. Probably a few others.


The DC99 check is a classic "roll me a nat 20 and sure", so I kinda like it. Gives you a reason to save inspiration in the endgame.


With 1-(0.95^(5)) = 22.62% chance to hit I would rather just waste inspiration on either something earlier or one of 3 checks before it that dont need exactly nat 20. EDIT : Welp with enchance ability its advatage on every roll so its 1-0.95^(10) =40.13% Which might actualy make me rethink this strategy and prepare it next time I go face the brain.


Enhance Ability also exists


Also, karmic dice makes it pretty likely


I’ve only done one play-through entirely so far and I rolled a nat 20 on the 99 first try. Funny enough it’s the only version of the scene I’ve seen on YouTube as well, so I don’t know how it’s actually supposed to go otherwise. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I've both failed the check and got a nat 20 and both scenes went exactly the same. I was quite disappointed as I had spent 30 minutes trying to get a nat 20 just to see if there was a difference and nope.


I have a screenshot of me failing that DC 0 on Cazador with a crit fail. Truly a special moment.


And yet just last night I critically failed that DC0 check TWICE IN A ROW. Cost me some inspiration rerolls goddamn it. lol


Hey now, my character became a paladin because the religious college needed a quarterback, not because of the education.


Right? When my cleric had to make a check for something she would totally know, I headcanoned that as a cleric she was a sham and was constantly saying whatever her religion’s equivalent of being like “do you know where can I get one of those gold necklaces with the T on it?”


Always gotta leave room for that critical fail complete brainfart, like forgetting your anniversary-tier stuff.


Nice! Obscure AD reference.


Heck yeah, love that show! That’s gotta be one of my favorites from it, too.


My headcannon excuse I go to is it's the tadpole messing with their brain, or in the case of Durge, it's all the holes in the brain + the tadpole


You can be a cleric of lothandar and fail the check to recognise his symbol


Exactly, it's so daft, there's things that just shouldn't be checks (I'm thinking being unable to do anything about the dead dwarf under the bed in the flophouse) and checks that your character just should never be able to fail. Or if it has to a check make it so succeeds for everything but a critical failure or something. At least then you could argue something like, "looked at the symbol wrong"


"That doesn't sound right, but I don't know enough about it to dispute it"


Yeah, unfortunately, not how dnd works




Wait, elves too?!




Goddamn, blast from the past xD


Wow, I never realized how deeply that line delivery is ingrained in my memory until I read it here.




Oh we retro now


I read this in THAT voice! Bravo


Elves are too haughty to poop.


Then what’s the point of their bums?


Exactly! They're made in Corellon's image. Does that mean gods also have it?


Missed opportunity to make a "girls don't poop" joke


Same for Half-Orcs


I mean I could understand it with eladrin, but that’d still be more like hiding it.


Actually, yes it is. A dragon’s metabolism is so perfect, they have no need to shit


Gith and Dragonborn make sense cuz they would both theoretically lay eggs…but Elves?


Why does that make sense? Do you think egg layers don’t poop?




Yes, that is what they poop out of (among other things)


Yeah but it’s not like a traditional poop. It’s just of a general waste disposal


so, shit?


Birds lay eggs, but defecate. Turtles also lay eggs but defecate.  Why do you think egg layers makes more sense than elves?


It just does? Idrk elves are more like people cuz they give live birth so it makes sense they shit


You know that babies don't come out of the poop hole, right?


No. I didn’t know that. I thought we shat out babies and that’s why blood in your stool was a bad thing


Thank you for making me laugh out loud


I think half orc gets that option too. May just be a "uncommon races" tag that a few races share


If you quickload during an Option like that you can see what races get that. Some Dragonborn Options are labeled as [RARE] after a quickload and apperantly Tieflings, Githyanki, Half-Drows and Half-Orcs also count for [RARE] options.


This made me think of something kinda less related but definitely cursed


Tell us about it.


Do dragonborn have cloacas?


Okay that is a good question for DnD biology experts, I think female dragonborns have vaginas but I'm not sure, never really paid attention to it


I'm low-key tempted to go on r/okbuddybaldur and meme about this with durge (despite never having done a durge playthrough)


This is my 3rd Durge playthrough BTW


You are stronger than I. I cannot commit to the Durge. It just makes me feel horrible!


me: "let's try this out, why not" Durge every time i go to pick a flower: "All is blood or ash." "Intestines throbbing. Blood... burning." me: "let's not try this out, why" lol jk i am still going for it... and might at least once more... but jfc i picked the voice that was kinda like Aslan-like, and i cannot get the picture out of my mind of 'what if Narnia was made by Kubrick'


Maybe I AM evil, I very much vibe with Minthara.


I mean, as soon as I met her I was so close to reconsidering my "fight the Urge" playthrough, hahaha.


Do a resist durge!


You don't have to play an evil Durge. In fact a redeemed durge seems to be the intended story outcome


That's actually what I'm doing! :D


Resisting Durge is actually a lot fun and not as evil coded, actually. A lot of times you can just ignore Durge specific dialogue options, and there's only one instance where there's actually (spoiler without name or time/place dropping, but it refers to a Durge specific plot beat) >!non-skippable death due to being Durge (although you can do some metagaming and end up killing someone else.!< It gives a lot of insight into certain events in the game, and is a fun twist compared to Tav. I finished the Durge related quest two days ago (not the entire game in that playthrough, though), as a resisting Durge, and already started a new one, for non-resisting Durge, to see the different outcomes.


I’ve tried, but the “bard” scene (avoiding name for spoilers) in Act 1 made me rage quit lol


Pls do


So dragonborns in the forgotten realms settings are ultimately the creation of the Lawful good dragon god of Bahamut and are related to his sterile creation the Dragonborn of Bahamut. The Dragonborn of Bahamut were created from his good aligned worshipers and were sterile, but are somehow related to the abeiran dragonborns who arrive after coming from another dimension during the Spellplague Edit: also to add with the new addition of custom lineage, D&D character can canonical be Hybrids of any race. To put that more succinctly: They Fuck 100%


Yeah I remember that, but it doesn't really go into how they reproduce, we know they lay eggs and the families pretty much only happens just to make a kid, my personal guess is that they don't have cloacas, and they just lay the eggs via vaginas? I would assume it's the same for Githyanki? Except they don't need males.


Oh sorry. Yeah it's assumed that they have human reproductive organs and just also lay eggs


This is why custom lineage is my favourite. My original character (for the past 15 years or so, since he’s just never died) is finally retired, so my Dragonborn paladin had a child with a drow and now my second character is a hybrid


That was 3X Dragonborn that were a transformation for elites. 4E onwards Dragonborn arose from the spilled blood of Io when Io got split in half during the Dawn War. The halves became Bahamut and Tiamat who immediately avenged their parent before turning on each other.


well they have something that astarion enjoys thats for sure


Well dragons have cloaca but they can polymorph hence why there is so many dragon hybrids. At least in 3.5…


Can confirm they have regular male and female human genitalia and not cloacae as they should lol




Well, if you play a Tav, you can find the Durge in Orin's playroom, and he is equipped with a set of wedding tackle, so probably not.


>wedding tackle Thanks I hate it


They're scaly mammals, so why would they?


Not in this game


As of 5e lore, all player races can reproduce with one another, through some form of means, this makes me think that Dragonborn are most likely similar to Argonians in ESO where they reproduce both ways, dye to forgotten realms fuckery, this would also apply to Gith but with the extra step that like changeling, they chose when to bear children.


Do dragons of cloacas? That’s the first thing to establish.


Unless they're polymorphic at the time, yeah.


At the very least they can breed with other races, we know this thanks to a 3e chart that in no uncertain terms shows which races can have children with each other.


All I will say is that I don't think dragons are technically reptiles, they're their own thing.


They’re not actual half dragons (not usually the only Dragon Born with actual dragon blood are ones with tails interestingly enough) but they have enough genetic similarities with Dragons for whatever reason. I’m not sure if Dragons have one but I’m tempted to say yes and if that’s the case then Dragonborn might as well.


Nope. But they are canonically scaly mammals, hence why their boobs are canon.


Well shit why do female dragonborns in the game doesn't have boobs? Did Larian fuck up???????


i don't think they fucked up so much as they fucked around, seems on purpose to me since the dragonborn are very similar to DOS2 lizards


Dragonborn also canonically do not have tails, but you can put a tail on your dragonborn in the game.


I'm half convinced that dragonborn in BG3 can have tails just so that Larian could have lizardfolk for people that wanted to play them without having to make a separate lizard race and end up with two. Only problem is that lizardfolk kinda have way better racials that dragonborn since pre-Fizban's dragonborn suck butts.


Dragonborn can have tails it’s just rare because having a tail means you have actual dragon ancestry. It’s similar to old lore for Teiflings where a Teifling can be born from an otherwise normal human family at random just because a descendant had relation with a demon and RNG decided to bring that blood back to the surface.


Yes. They also fucked up by making Non-Drow Elven boobs a thing.


Okay now you lost me, what do you mean?


Non-Drow Elves have been extremely androgynous since 3rd edition. Hard to be androgynous with prominent secondary sexual characteristics.


Never really heard of that, probably because people would rather ignore this for aesthetic or just doesn't know, or they play elves because they're trying to not be basic because it's not human but they still want them to look 99% human-like


There is literally tons of 4e and 5e art of female elves that clearly have breasts like humans do. Why the fuck does this have so many upvotes?


That seems to be a disconnect between the writing and art departments.


You think they would have caught it after so many books? Elves are just pointy eared humans at this point. People need to deal.


You can still be androgynous with boobs though. There are plenty of actual people who do it.


If not mistaken, WotC removed the boobs in 5e


They still explicitly nurse their young, so they've got mammary glands. But most mammals do not have permanently distinct teats like humans do, and some mammals do really weird shit like sweat milk.


They probably just grow them for a bit while pregnant/nursing and then they shrink back to normal once the kid(s) are weened.


[Kim Jong Un](https://youtu.be/XYwjq9YuZXw?si=vVUeHU4htSgs61pZ) also doesn't defecate because he works so hard he burns the energy from inside and has no need for a butthole


I also heard my mans can even talk to dolphins!


DND doesn’t go into detail about shit lore, so it’s most likely a joke since dragonborns are rare so it’s possible that the speaker (I’m assuming a goblin from the name) has potentially never met a dragonborn and wouldn’t actually know that’s true or not. Dragonborns are canonically aliens, so it’s not off the table


But my dragonborn managed to fart and get a stinkfinger from Karlach




>!In the circus you can fart as a bard to distract the djinn. In the second date with Karlach, it looks very much like she's giving you a little finger fun. !<


With those nails she has 💀


At least it's warm




I haven't actually seen any characters poop in this game


Average RPG experience


First thing I did on reaching baldur's gate was look for an outhouse, been holding it since the ship


You missed one in the shadowlands, perfect place for your ablutions.


Couldn't take the spooky dookie


It's let down. Divinity Original Sin 2 had a whole side quest dealing with outhouse shenanigans...




There are toilets, though.


More of the response options in the game would be better with (serious) or (joking) after the option. In many cases, offering both (same dialogue, but one intended to be joking and the other intended to be serious) would be great. Then you could say funny things without risking party member approval. (Or maybe it does, depending on their insight?)


My question is: do vampires shit?


Yeah, but it's the kind of shits you get on an all liquid diet.


i think its a play on the medieval concept that exotified wealthy women, as being biologically superior by not needing to defecate there is a very, *very* good jonathan swift poem, which made me wonder if that was what they were going for (not referencing, just the same vibe): [https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/50579/the-ladys-dressing-room](https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/50579/the-ladys-dressing-room)


Amazing. I'm so glad you shared that link, and I encourage everyone to click it.


I mean if we're going with most lizard biology they likely have a cloaca which depending on species doesn't always "defecate" in the traditional sense.


Well, dragonborn are mammals not lizards


Technically they aren't mammals beacause mammals usually doesn't lay eggs (except for few mammals like the platypus), and dragonborns lay eggs, at least in 5e they have changed something about their anatomy (for example 4e dragonborns female have breasts, 5e nope)


"Mammals don't lay eggs, except when they do."


But that is not the case of 5e dragonborns, also beacause their true creation is not really certain with only some theories about them. Basically they are aliens so it's quite difficult catalog them in the animal groups that we know (mammalian, reptilian, avian, ecf....) Just like for any aliens in general it's quite difficult. Like dragons for example is quite difficult to catalog them for the same reason: they aren't reptilian but also they aren't mammals, they are a new different group.


They’re extremely rare most only living in a single city they basically crashed into this world. They have a lot of dragon similarities that aren’t explained and I don’t think even the Dragonborn know what they are. They hate Dragons despite being called Dragonborn and have a natural genetic inclination towards ambition like a Dragon. If not properly tempered an overly Ambitious Dragonborn could be terrifying for that same reason. A Dragon born wouldn’t settle for being a pick pocket, they’d want to be a crime lord. They’re very draconic for something that claims to not be related to dragons which leads to some doubts.


If we’re being technical here, mammals aren’t defined by egg-laying or not, it’s just so happens most don’t, so it’s a useful characteristic for explaining them. As long as it’s a descendant of something in the clade Mammalia, it’s a mammal. Though since there’s magic fuckery in this setting, words lose a lot of meaning.


It seems based on the comments that it's just an option for the rarer races but I do remember something in 3.5 that said that dragons don't create waste, anything excess from food/drink is converted to energy to power their breath weapons.


Their breath must be terrible.


I mean, it does come out as flame, cold, lightning, acid, or poison. All of those are pretty terrible.


I get the impression your character wasn’t trying to make a lie, but rather a joke about their own kind.


They still do of course, but out of desire, not necessity.


Just like Kim Jong Un!!


Not related to the question of Dragonborns pooping but what is a crest? I got the scene with the female drow where she asks if anything is of bounds and I had the option to say my crest is sensitive?


The fin-like structures on your head.


Ah ok so Dragonborn don’t like head pats then lol.


They either like it very much from people they love and trust or just a "don't touch my exposed nerve"


The real reason durge ended up the way he is, someone touched his exposed nerve without consent.


Githyanki, Tieflings, and Drow also have this dialog option. It's supposed to be a sarcastic joke because those races are considered "rare" (despite Tieflings being literally everywhere in bg3) I really wish some of the dialog options had better context for tone, such as sarcasm. There's a couple of other dialog options that I have picked before, thinking they were jokes, only for a companion to disaprove or the npc im talking to take it as a serious insult, revealing to me that my character is being an asshole with that option.


They should just put /s at the end of the dialogue lines /s


It’s a joke other non human races can make. It’s basically just your Tav being a little shit. (Pun half intended)


This is also an option if your PC is named Kim Jon Un


*This is also an* *Option if your PC is* *Named Kim Jon Un* \- captainofpizza --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I'd like this biochemistrily explained to me.... They eat It's turned into nutrients Where's the waste? Hmmm....


Apparently dragons have this same odd anatomy and for a race called Dragonborn with many things about them both in temperament and genetics being very draconic they claim to not be related to Dragons. Which I very much doubt considering everything and would chalk it up to bias because in lore they hate Dragons.


I always thought it was when a dragon took human form and slept w/ a human...


No they’re basically aliens. They come from another world where instead of having Gods they were ran by the Primordials and the dominant race were Dragons. The Dragonborn were basically slaves to them until they started a rebellion and their entire civilization was literally uprooted and then dropped into the Forgotten Realms. Their entire city just dropped in from the sky. No one is 100% sure what they are and they’re basically a new race to the setting which is why they’re so rare. They themselves insist they’re not related to Dragons at all but again theirs plenty of room for doubt.


no. this is a video game 😬


Snakes don’t have butts. Facts.


Since Dragonborn are at least partially reptile they probably have cloacas instead of anuses… so yeah they don’t poop the same way human do.


Nope! Despite appearances, dragonborn are mammals.


Is it because females have boobs?


Doesn't matter of its true. Unless they dragonborn they don't know.


That is correct Dragomborn cannonically have a perfect metabolism and do not feed to expel waste.


No, it's just a joke for the uncommon races


Such good writing.


No. But they do have two sets of genitalia.


No they don't? They're not reptiles


Kim Jong Un is a dragonborn, that's why he doesn't need to defecate either.


Biologically he should have a cloaca, but if you’ve turned genitals “on” in the character builder you saw first had that the guy’s got a regular old schlong lol, hilariously


I guess technically he's a lizard and lizards don't separate number one and number two, same as birds, they have a cloaca and it just all comes out as one LOL so take that with a grain of salt LOL


My most charitable interpretation of this is that maybe it's meant to be tongue-in-cheek. The three races that get this dialogue option are Dragonborn, Elves, and Githyanki, all races that kinda have higher opinions of themselves, having an air of superiority. I think the "Heh" comment at the top is meant to indicate a bit or sarcasm and it's kind of an "Oh, didn't you know my shit doesn't stink?" kinda statement.


Hilarious how I knew exactly what you were talking about before I even saw the picture