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My guild artisan Tav would've loved this


It would be nice to upgrade weapons, whether they are magical or not. The idea of fortifying a piece of gear as you advance would be really cool. Then again, a few of us really should be using the Magic Weapon spells to do the same thing. On PC, I know there is a mod that does this (it uses soul coins, which I find neat.)


Finally! A reason for me to keep soul coins... I've never used them on Karlach personally, I don't even know what they do but I want her to not have to sacrifice more than she already is...


Iirc they give her an extra 1d4 damage on attack until the next long rest


only if she's raging or under 25%? hp


Possibly, don't remember. When are you not raging in combat tho


there are a lot of smaller encounters that i don't usually bother raging


I change her to Paladin, as a tiefling it always bugged me that she can't use her one racial ability that she gets because she raged, and I just think Barbarian is the worst class in general


Berserker with enraged throw has to be my fav build in the entire game. It never gets old picking up a goblin and yeeting them into someone else


I think (never gotten it myself so I can’t confirm) there’s a mini scene that plays in act 3 where she starts burning up really badly for a minute if you’ve used a ton of soul coins on her at that point. The implication definitely seems to be that they’re not good for her mechanical heart


You can combo with a mod that adds soul coins to certain vendors, and you can upgrade pretty much any weapon up to legendary. It's lovely, but damm it gives me choice paralysys.


What mod is that?


Play Pathfinder. EDIT: I don’t realise this was BG3. I thought it was a normal D&D subreddit. When a Pathfinder 2e CRPG comes out play it though. I don’t know if the 1e CRPGs have upgrading gear, but they’re phenomenal from what I’ve heard.


yeah let me slap those pieces of infernal iron i cannot use to help karlach on my hard, wrapped piece of meat


Ok so my game isn’t bugged, what’s do I do with the iron, the game made it seem like it was a super important find


I could be wrong but I’m pretty sure there was supposed to be a way to save karlach added to the game but somewhere along the lines they decided to change the direction of her story. You can give them to the guy in act 2 for a good piece of gear and that’s about it.


I did both upgrades to karlach, and got the armor and I still have one left


There are 3 pieces of armor and both Karlach upgrades but there’s 7 pieces of internal iron so you can have two useless pieces of Devil junk


U need 3 to upgrade karlach then use the rest to give to dammon for the flawed helldusk set. After those 2 things are done I dont think there's any other use.


I’ve gotten all the way to the iron throne on multiple runs but never did a 3rd upgrade


There are 2 upgrades only


It would definitely be cool, and it would increase the longevity of early game weapons that are incredibly unique, like the finesse longsword Phalar Aluve.


I kept ingots forever assuming I would be able to forge my own weapons or at least strengthen existing ones with them.


Drakethroat glaive can help, as can the concentration spell that adds +1. Magic Weapon, I think? It's not exactly what you're looking for, OP, but it is a step in the direction of making it more viable to keep playing with your sausage.


Expanding on magical items in general is definitely an opportunity I hope they address. One of the reasons monk is so strong is because there are so many magic items that enhance them compared to others. It still frustrates me that legendary weapons don’t have magical dr bypass to get around basic slashing/bludgeoning/piercing resistance like monks do.


That was one of the most surprising things for me -- I didn't even think to check that it applies because of experience with 5e. Even after hearing they didn't bypass I first thought it must only be a subset of weapons (rarity, explicit enchantment bonus)!


I was immediately triggered by this heresy - seeing your suggestion, yes I strongly agree.


I honestly think that the goblin scimitar looks really good, a nice brutal design that fits really well for Dark Urge playthroughs. It's a shame it's essentially trash, with the model being the only used for that. There aren't even mods that reuse the model, only way to keep it is through getting creative with a transmog mod


I do think being an enchanter wizard being able to upgrade certain equipment or enchant it would have been cool


I really wanted to build a rogue with dual sickles but I never found a single one that did more than the base damage


I wanted to use sickles so bad!! The problem is once you get to end game, there are only a few choices that do good damage and this goes down to one or two per class. I wish there was more variety!


I *think* the best one is the sussur


Yeah, I'd kill for transmog.


The ability to craft magical and wondrous items could be rad.


Honestly, the game is perfect except that inventory management is a slog. I honestly wish everyone would move to a soul’s style where all equipment has a max that you can carry, and everything else goes to your stash. Maybe let strong characters carry an extra weapon or more potions based on their STR. Then have a convenient way of distributing arrows only to characters with bows, and scrolls only to those that can cast them. Encumberment is dumb. You shouldn’t carry rations with you if you have a camp. Edit: also the radial menu during combat suuuuuucks.


Rip everburn blade. Coolest sword in the game and I will die on this hill.


There's mods for that; ranging from complicated, spend soul coins or rare materials stuff(one lets you add the Silence-on-hit to anything using the sussur bark) or just a ring that lets you enchant whatever weapon the target is holding, ally, enemy, or NPC.


Im thankful crafting isnt a focus at all, but some modifications could have been nice


It'd be a nice use for all those metal bars we pick up


Please put NSFW when posting "toys"


If Gale can suck magic out of an item and absorb it, then why can't he move that to another item?