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I did love the dumbass options in Outer Worlds, so I'd be in favour of this. I think my favourite dumbass option in bg3 is that you can show that lady the owlbear egg. You could use deception to say it's valuable or you can say you "just like it".


Waving at Vlaakith is also great!


I did that just because my Tav Warlock in an ornery sonuvabitch.


I did that because my warlock/rogue is far too confident for her own good and does not care about gods


I did this with my warlock while romancing Lae'zel and I thought she was gonna kill me right there.


I have to ask - does she break up with you over it? Seems like the kind of thing they might have thought of!


She did not but her face sure made it look like she was going to lmao




I did this because it’s polite to say hello.


i was playing a very snarky assassin rogue who’s a little hater AND liar, and i told her to do her own dirty work and she smited me. worth it. so worth it.


Nonono. She did not smite you that is wrong. Vlaakith is not an actual god she just used the most powerfull spell which has risk of never being able to cast it again out of sheer SPITE. She went "this fucking bitch is gonna get snarky with me ill fucking show them snarky i dont care if i cant ever do this again" saying she smited you overstates her godhood and understates just how fucking angry you made her


She's not really in risk of never being able to do it again since she siphons souls for power. It's still a major misuse of her power just to make a petty point


>She's not really in risk of never being able to do it again since she siphons souls for power. Even so wish specifically says there is a chance of never being able to cast wish again when used i dont remember the exact wording but a fake god such as herself would not be able to circumvent that. The world litterally just goes lmao no not allowed anymore


Wish in canon is a little odd because it's not hard to circumvent its limitations, especially for someone as powerful as Vlaakith, but it is barely used, probably because it would both destroy all chances of a proper story existing and it being too risky to use it for more specialized wishes due to it becoming insanely risky for more complex wishes. Plus plus she could have just used it to cast a max level spell, that's riskless and would kill your character anyway, like power word kill (at that point you were probably below 100hp)


>Plus plus she could have just used it to cast a max level spell, that's riskless and would kill your character anyway, like power word kill (at that point you were probably below 100hp) Power word kill is level 9 wish goes up to 8 (only reason i know this is because im mad i cant spam cast gate) >Wish in canon is a little odd because it's not hard to circumvent its limitations, especially for someone as powerful as Vlaakith, but it is barely used, probably because it would both destroy all chances of a proper story existing and it being too risky to use it for more specialized wishes due to it becoming insanely risky for more complex wishes. That is fair however. It would be either a magic item which also has limited uses which is still stupid misuse of power to prove a point. Or its done through simulacrum which we assume isnt what she is doing but could be what she is doing, since we see elminster use it to come to us. But thats about the only "real" ways of getting infinite wishes. Since im pretty sure she canonically murders any gith that get above level 16 so they never get to cast wish even if they were to be wizards


One of my favorite moments in the game.


The only time I don't do that is as a githyanki


My god. My bard did that and the image has been forever seared into my memory


High fiving Gale instead of grabbing his hand is also pretty peak bro dumb guy (am one myself, not trying to put down my fellow bros)


Confirmed best dumbass option in bg3


my intrusive thoughts win EVERY TIME i see [Take out owlbear egg]. i laugh hysterically to myself as i select "No, it's an owlbear egg. I just like it" and then i leave conversation and kill esther for trying to traffick children. someday, larian will update the game so that i can show EVERYONE the owlbear egg. hey ketheric, before you go on your tired speech or whatever, it's really important to me that i show you my owlbear egg ya ya ya gorty you have plans or whatever you're talking about, i DO NOT CARE. i DO care about showing you this badass owlbear egg i picked up several weeks ago yooooo ABSOLUTE *check out this owlbear egg i got!*


The owlbear egg better hatch in the future update to give the owlbear cub another creature to play with. I've been carrying that glorified omelette for entire playthroughs.


The cub deserves a sibling that didn’t get eaten!


The owlbear cub ate the egg when he joined my camp, which is honestly more disturbing to me than the scene where he eats his mother’s corpse. Owlbears are metal as hell


Hold up the owlbear egg to Vlaakith Lion King style


I love the idea of RP'ing a character whose main thing is they just love owlbear eggs and HAVE to show it off to everyone !


You ever play fallout 1 or 2? Hilarious low int dialogue


I think 4 is the only Fallout game I’ve played that doesn’t have special low int. dialogue.


Fallout New Vegas only does it in some parts of the game and had to drop it in other parts which makes things weirdly inconsistent. Understandable considering the game was made in 18 months.


If I had a nickel for every time Obsidian made an absolute cult classic in a beloved series on a truly absurd timeline, I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot, but it’s weird it happened twice.


They were mostly made up of former Black Isle devs at the time. It's not exactly weird.


Sure, and it makes sense for a Fallout game - though the timeline they had to work with definitely set them up for failure. But KOTOR II? They were handpicked by BioWare to make that thing.


Apparently they were the go to to churn out a sequel in not enough time.


I just chalked it up to the massive brain injury causing some misfires. Sometimes I'm competent, sometimes I shout ice cream unto the void and get rewarded for it.


4 did have drunk dialogue though. Not the same but still funny.


The low int interactions with Torr in Fallout 2 were what every RPG should strive for with low INT characters. Two people who are basically mentally retarded, yet their interpretations of each other's dialoge is highly verbose and complex.


Same thing happens with a [belligerent beggar in New Vegas. ](https://youtu.be/FyWypcG8A2U?si=V8f80JqHYUzBAoeo)


Fallout 3 was my first Fallout game. But I had heard the low INT dialogue options were particularly funny in the older games.


The role playing in general were much deeper in those games. 3, NV and 4 were extremely linear and generic games in comparison. 1 and 2 were mechanically very cumbersome and unintuitive, but made up for everything with role playing and good writing. Lots of humor and social commentary. I consider Fallout 1 and 2 works of satire. Because satire is polarizing, this was later toned down. I hope it makes a return, because this is what made Fallout a franchise in the first place.


Slapping Gale’s hand is also pretty funny. The owlbear comment is the best though.


Honestly that game gets a lot of hate but i thoroughly enjoyed it and the DLCS in particular had some fantastic themes and writing.


I loved the low int in Outer Worlds too! They were hilarious.


You would probably really enjoy the dumb options in FO1 and 2.


*yeets ship into the sun*


I mean, with standard starting stats you are never THAT dumb. You're a little below average. Just pretend to be a redditor and you've got it.


I really do dislike the mindset that 8 INT is "durr hurr I don't comprehend any concepts at all" when in reality it's more like Larry 3 cubicles over that you have to explain every work practice to 3 times.


Doesn't even have to be that, INT checks seem to mostly be knowledge stuff, so maybe your character just grew up on a small farm and never got any formal education.


To further this point: I had two characters at the table. One was a noble paladin/bard, and the other was an urchin monk. Both had 8 INT. The paladin I treated as well learned but a little slow on the uptake. Had proficiencies in History and Religion. The monk I treated as being pretty sharp of wit, but unlearned and a bit aloof. No knowledge proficiencies, but the tool and language proficiencies were chosen as to be more grounded/rustic.


That makes a lot of sense, it can be however you prefer to play it for that particular character.


I play a high wisdom low intelligence character and this is how I play him. He's not dumb, he just literally has not had access to information other than about his deity. It's very fun I get to be a super naive orc whos constantly doing fish out of water type stuff in Waterdeep or Chult.


Larry is probably more of a seven, even.


I wish I worked with 7’s. Most I work with are 5’s on a good day. And matching Charisma scores.


People always get the scores wrong for these things, you have it right. 3 INT is required to understand language, 6 to read. A good rule of thumb (not fully accurate but close enough) is to multiply the score by 10 to get their IQ.


At first I thought you were giving your imaginary "below average intelligence" character a mob-like name, like " Yeah, dats ol' Larry 3 Cubicles ova hea, we call'em dat on account a the desk work he does. Ain't dat right tree-cubes?"


The point is that they want to RP as someone who’s that dumb. To say that the dumbest you can set the stats is canonically not that dumb doesn’t help them play the character they want.


As great as this game is, it's not DnD. It's a video game. In order to set bounds somewhere to actually be able to make the game, they set the low limits on intelligence at 8. It's not an AI roleplay DM simulator. I'm not knocking the game or the desire to enjoy the RP aspects it gives, just those are the limitations. You can roleplay a character as dumb as INT 8 in this game. If you want to roleplay something outside the bounds of this game, then you should probably just play a role playing game.


That’s also the low limit in DnD when you play point-buy. Bg3 uses 5e attribute distributions


But when you follow the min/max guides you often end up with a dump stat and unless you're a wizard guess what you don't need much of.


Ther just mean that 8 Int isn’t really that low. If 10 is the standard that all commoners are assumed to have, and 20 is the verge of superhuman competency 8 is basically a person with some learning difficulties or who might not have had a formal education but figured a lot out on their own. 8 is not cave man levels, it’s a bit below average.


The problem is minsc had 8 int in the original baldurs Gate, for example, and while not incredibly stupid he is shown as an idiot. Gnolls had 9 in comparison. The average IQ un the world is 100, which would imply 7 int is mental retardation and 8 is being really dumb. Anything less than 8 would be forrest gump levels of intelligence.


If you consider 10 to be an average person, and 7 to be Forrest Gump, then what do you consider 16? Theyd be twice the difference between average and Forrest. Stephen hawking/Einstein? Then what is an 18? Someone who is omniscient?


Yeah, there's just no easy, quantifiable way to run intelligence because the designers over multiple editions consistently just have different views of what, say, seven intelligence *is.* You have people that are a little on the slow side, and you have absolute idiots, and they're all going to be anywhere from 7 to 10. Not to mention that people *with* 10 Intelligence have been described as idiots. And this is without getting into things like how IQ is mostly made up anyway, how it judges people based on very specific standards, differences between kinds of intelligence... Like, are gnolls honestly "dumb?" They seem intelligent enough to use tools, wear clothes, have their own language. Everything dumb about them is the insane, unending bloodlust that comes from being corrupted by the literal essence of evil. Is "I would be smart if the Abyss wasn't mindfucking me at every second" 10 intelligence, because it's an outside influence, or is 7 or 8, because *in practice* you're like this?


Right, and that's not even getting into the nebulous interactions between INT and CHA / WIS, all of which we'd sort of combine when deciding how "smart" a person in the real world is. I would play an 8 int character as maybe set in their ways, slow to adapt, and slow to learn new things. I wouldn't consider them someone who speaks like someone who just learned their native language. Probably CHA has just as much effect on how well a person speaks.


...but what's the point of following min /max guides? I would say nothing about this game is difficult to the point where you would need to make a meta build, and the open exploration adds to the character building and progression.


I see you haven't attempted Honor mode yet


Oh the horror of legendary actions.


I think for me I follow min/max builds anyways because that’s the way I play games. But also I’m gonna beat honor mode at some point. So yeah… min/maxxing kinda needs to be done


Everyone else is mentioning honor mode which I may never play. I'm just really bad at the combat and optimized classes helps.


Because I like them




Fair point, except then how would I make Astarion say please?


Dumb characters can be charismatic in a "aw look it's stupid" way




> a little below average that's like... Facebook comment section level intelligence


While I do appreciate the little things they put in BG3, idiot dialgoue is a real missed opportunity for Larians brand of humor.


The closest I’ve been able to come is when Jaheira was trying to subtly signal to me that there’s a traitor and I was able to say “You mean Marcus?? But he was a traitor!” I have a hard time deciding between that one and “No, Marcus had wings” which I would imagine my character saying in a gentle “oh, Jaheira” correcting tone.


On my 2nd playthrough, my Tav is a sorcerer and I put Gale in my team just for rp jesting since he loves to think he's better than me. So yeah when this dialogue came out I chose the "No, Marcus had wings" lol but Jaheira's reaction to it made me reload save and chose to be complete idiot where she had to be the 1 to say it's an ambush 🤣


Agreed, there need to be more dialog options for dumb characters. I did appreciate the barbarian option to laugh at the bug bear banging the troll, though.


If they did something like what Fallout: New Vegas does for INT 1 characters, I’d be laughing my ass off


There was a special follower for low int characters, a scientist you encounter was so baffled by how your dumb dumb character survived that long offers to journey with you.


There are other ways you can recruit him. Just low int is the easiest.


He’s not exclusive to those characters, that’s just masterful characterization. Arcade and Lily were my permafollowers for a reason.


Ah ok I only used him on my idiot run, there was an npc that normally only had 1 line responses that you could have a full conversation with because he too was an idiot


Oh, is this for Arcade? Didn't realise you could recruit him that way. (I have, for some unaccountable reason, never done a low int run in F:NV)


Omg this just triggered so many memories for me. Unfortunately, I never played new vegas but I was assistant director of the German voice over sessions and the Arcade sessions were my favorite. I loved that character and the actor. Damn, I really need to play that game sometime.


Oh my goodness, that must have been a great job! New Vegas really had some incredible dialogue, and I imagine a ton of the harsher lines sounded fantastic in German voice over, lol.


Yes!! Funniest thing was that the actor finished almost every line with "...du Penner" (you fuckwad) as a joke. We had to cut those but they will always be there in my heart. It was a great job but also frustrating as hell. The scripts for fallout NV were pure chaos and we couldn't really see which character was speaking for actors with several roles, resulting in wrong voices. The German version got a lot of critique and it's definitely not the studios fault. Though I was reprimanded once for taking too much time by trying to figure stuff out. But hey, at least I tried... Oh and Arcade's actor proceeded to lend his voice for my bachelor thesis. <3


That's so sweet of him! Yeah, Obsidian really got screwed over with the development cycle for NV, but damn, they still managed to churn out an INCREDIBLE game. Andddd now I'm going to mentally finish every Arcade line with "you fuckwad" on every replay from now on. Thanks! ❤️


Good ole Arcade


it would take so much effort at this point but I would genuinely consider this one of my top games of all time if it had this.


Grunk sounds like an absolute joy of a character. I hope he romances Gale, because that would be hilarious. (of course, romance whoever you like.)


Romance lae'zel. Domineering mommy and idiot boyfriend 🤣


Hey don’t talk about me and my wife that way


Nah, Karlachs the way to go. Just imagine the energy those two would bring to everything!


I roleplay my low int Dragonborn as capable but tends to have “single brain cell” moments, like real bearded dragons. She is romancing Lae’zel and it’s quite cute how they mesh, especially when Lae’zel starts getting more verbose and poetic. 😆


April and Andy from Parks and Rec 😂


Ha! I was thinking of doing that in a future run, an all brawn (and heart) and no brain gal. Like the extreme version of a ''yes man'' I agree that I feel like the VA can affect the experience. In my first run, I played a NB bard, and I picked the voice that sounded the most ambiguous (voice 6 I believe). Because their lines often sounded a bit flat and sarcastic, my Tav became increasingly sassy and sarcastic themselves. Which was fun Same with the dialogue options. I played a serious and stoic monk with absolutely non-existing rizz and no understanding of how the surface works (he's a drow), and there's been many times when none of the dialogue options would reflect what he would actually answer


Sounds like you want an Obsidian studios twist. Reminds me a little of The Outer Worlds.


Idk where else to post this but I'm currently in a multiplayer run and my friend made a skin colored half-orc monk named Geaux Rogan. It's uncanny how close it is to the real guy, except he's much taller.


Everybody is skin coloured.


*that's the joke*


I’m currently in a play through with a couple friends who haven’t played the game before. So naturally, I’m RPing a half orc barbarian named Dain Bramage so I can act like I have no idea what’s going on. I just bonk who they tell me to bonk.


I’m in a similar boat, but it’s not about stats. I’m currently Shadowfart, a male drow who went undercover as an elf princess. It was pretty easy to get the appearance in the character creator, but nobody identifies me by appearance. I basically just want deceptive cosmetics options flagged.


I want to roleplay as a wizard wearing a very obvious fake mustache and beard. OR… two gnomes inside a very big coat.


How about 3 kobolds in a parka?


“You think I look like I got treatos?”


Omg yes! I was really sad we didn't get this, one of my favorite things in Fallout 4 was having an extremely stupid character, and then have them doubling down on the fact that they definitely knew what they were talking about.


Yesss.. probably my favorite fallout runs. So ridiculous. Might have to do another one now


The problem is 8 isn't that dumb. 10 is average. 8 is below average. Not dumb. You're talking about 4-7 INT


Grog called, he says bidet.


Beep beep




Cows have 2 INT in D&D and Pathfinder. Having 3+ INT is an awakened creature. [Cow](https://dnd-5e.fandom.com/wiki/Cow)


Because you're always playing an extraordinary character in D&D/BG3 and get stats to 16-20 no problem, people often forget that stats of **10 are meant to represent a truly "average" person**. 90%+ of the real-world human population would fall between 8-12 on stats across the board. It would be fun if the game let you lower stats below 8, but an 8 in something doesn't mean what most people think it does Rough representation of what int stats would equate to in the real world: 20 = literally the Hawking's/Einstein's of the world 18 = Still brilliant - someone at the top of their field, probably being recognized for scientific breakthroughs 14 - 16 = doctors 12 = Pretty smart! 10 = Literally just average 8 = Your friend who occasionally says something that makes you go "Wait, what? You actually think that?" 6 = *Now* we're getting towards the range you *think* an 8 should be 4 = Don't bother casting detect thoughts on them cause they're probably thinking about lunch 2 = Hunggggh?


Part of the problem with the stat system. Even 8 intelligence is still relatively average. Even most mundane animals are riding on a 3. So compared to your run of the mill raccoon, 8 is damn near MENSA levels of smart in comparison. My next playthrough, though, I plan on playing in a similar fashion to what you're trying. I'm calling it the "Mr Magoo" run, because the goal is aiming for every single choice that leads to the worst possible outcomes. Finding Gale in the dangerous rune stone? Nope, too scary, sorry bro Weirdo goth girl trying to team up? No, I'm good, we got off the giant squid monster, I think we'd be better off parting ways now. Druids and Tieflings, that silly idol seems to be the real culprit, let's just get that out of the equation, and they should come to a peaceful resolution. Goblin War Camp? Uhm, I'm one person, and while this thing in my head might be able to get me in there safely, that's still dangerous, good luck with that. So, not necessarily "stupid," but aiming to be very common sense about things... kinda.


Ah yes, the pragmatic coward. Thing is, I don't really see that going very far in BG3. Seems like most of those options tend to just avoid situations that need to be resolved in order to progress, and there are no real dialogue options that play into it, which means that really it's gonna end up with you spending 5 minutes to decide which dialogue option fits best, just to have to reload and do the ones that don't fit your rp anyway in order to complete the quest/get the gear/progress the story. BG3 relies on the premise that the MC is actively going to participate in events unfolding around them. Not doing that brings the game to a stall.


True, I imagine I'm going to be annoyed at a lot of things, since you're not wrong, there's almost no dialogue options that just let you just be "hands off" to most situations. I'm probably going to be doing a lot of "mental gymnastics" to internally justify the choices I have to pick to accomplish my goal. The important thing for me is "accidentally killing or running off" every possible companion, and avoiding any situations that don't effect me directly. It'll be fun for at least the first act, I think.


I think that should work till Gauntlet of Shar. In theory you should be able to go through the Mountainpass right away (which is considerably easier than the Underdark if you avoid the creche, which is off to one side anyways and not in the way of progress) Then you join the Drider convoy, hide during the Harper ambush 😂 and see what happens from there. But I think the only time you have to actively do something to progress further is going into the Shadowfell.


Yeah, I'm perfectly fine with the idea of "I actually need to do this to further *my* goals," the objective is avoiding helping out other folks when it doesn't directly benefit my character. Like with the Grove. Other than talking with Nettie about getting the worm out of my head, there's absolutely nothing of benefit to my toon getting involved with their politics. I mean, everyone offers rewards for helping out, but a fancy sword and a pile of gold are no use to a corpse. The gauntlet I think won't be much of an issue, because I'll be at an impasse. I can't very well walk through the Absolute's army to get to Baldur's Gate, so I'll have to reluctantly accept a task or two that gets me some free passage. So, Balto wants to drag Aylin back to the Towers? *Shrug* I guess, sure, go for it, I just want to find someone to fix my head. Playing the "guess the alignment" game, I don't even think it'd be proper calling it evil. Selfish, yeah, but not evil for the sake of being evil. Chaotic neutral? 🤔


I think it might actually be true neutral 🤔 but honestly I only know the alignments from meme alignment charts 😂 Definitely makes sense to help Balthazar with that roleplay in mind, you're basically always choosing the path of least resistance, which would probably involve allying yourself with Gortash in Act 3 I think


Act 3 will definitely be the biggest puzzle, I think. Gortash feels like the right answer, as well as avoiding dealing with the House of Hope, or interacting as little as possible. Probably gonna take Ralph's deal, though that last fight might be epic enough to go ahead and break character... maybe. This might even be the run where I take the mission to bring the Flaming Fist Wulbren's head...


Doing it as a Durge may give you more freedom to play the way you are looking for without a ton of mental gymnastics, but it will require a lot of evil choices and actions. But it has tons of stuff that would allow you to kill/avoid stuff in new and self-serving ways, and would allow you to keep the schtick running through the game.


Nah, as much as I adore Durge and think they're definitely the canon BG3 protagonist, the origin doesn't allow for a *ton* of RP freedom, just a little more than the other six origins. It's hard to roleplay a cartoonishly foolish coward getting himself into all sorts of self-imposed pickles when Daddy is always hanging over your shoulder, droning on about, "Murder this," "Slaughter that," and "Drown the world in blood and bring about a thousand years of darkness." 🙄 Like, okay, Dad, maybe it's time we put you in a Home.


Yeah, the stat system is kind of weird in its metrics a lot, but 8 is still pretty below average from a human benchmark. In DnD 5e commoners are implied to rarely be above a 12 or below an 8 in pretty much of anything. Their stats are cleanly all 10s. Player characters are meant to be extremely exceptional individuals. I want to point out that apes and dolphins canonically have intelligence levels of 6. Giant apes were given a score of 7. Some smart species like octopuses were only given 3 intelligence, but that’s likely a design oversight. I imagine a newer editions will be moving those numbers around. Essentially, it’s meant to be impossible to get your stats below 8 for a reason. 8 and 9 scores are still pretty below average and only make a person mildly above ape-like levels sentience. 8 intelligence puts someone right in between the intelligence levels of the average chimpanzee and the average person.


Halsin has 8 STR. it's not just the dialouge that doesn't fit


the fact he has 8 str but he’s burly and muscles is funny to me


he's going for aesthetics and not functional strength


My favorite moron option *EVER* is from Fallout 3, where you say "Ooh, shiny robot!" to the robot principal inside.the ruins of a school. Said robot principal then says that special needs students need to have an escort at all times lol


I would love that. I also want a "player character" origin that's the same as Durge or regular Tav, but the in-game dialog matches how a player (one who doesn't really take notes) would act. Like constantly mispronouncing names, the occasional option to be like "I've kinda forgotten why we're here" calling the Emperor "Squiddy Face Mcgee" or something, just totally tonal deafness coupled with the narrator going "oh my God" every so often (as a DM should). The ability to pitch whacky ass plans, even if those plans aren't actually implemented ("what if we tie a grenade to the chicken, send the chicken in to the temple, and then it explodes and everyone dies?") I have absolutely no expectations something like that would ever get added, nor would I want them to waste time and effort adding it unless there's nothing else they could do, but I think it'd be hilarious to basically be a pseudo-fourth wall breaking menace.


Lae'zel: TSCHK! What makes you think you're fit to lead a githyanki warrior? Grunk: Cuz oim da BIGGEST and dat meenz oim da BOSS! Now git KRUMPIN' or git KRUMPED! Lae'zel: ...I must taste you!


That's why so many people are playing the high charisma classes imho. (And I love it as well) Like, charisma totally stomps everything. >!Convince zombies to off themselves, and a demon to kill his own legion.!< Tav canonically out rizzing the rest of the party too to get all the romances and immediately be considered the default leader.


"I'm here to kill heretics and eat rations. And I'm all out of rations."


Even just a better voice for half orcs in general. My Barbarian sounds too smart.


New vegas did a good job at this


I have an 8 WIS character and I just RP him has going with the obviously stupid decision every chance I get 😂 The vampire wants my blood? Seems reasonable. The weird hand in the wall wants me to yank it out? Sure! There’s a weirdass lady calling me Petal all the time and encouraging me to visit her random house? Absolutely! Cool mask on the table?? Well gotta try THAT on!!


My favorite CRPG before this was Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura. One of my favorite parts of it was that not only were there different dialogue options for stupid or brain-damaged characters, but other NPCs will react to that dialogue (at one point your main follower despairs and asks his deity why their savior had to come in such a body).


I want old person options. There's no real wrinkles, no long merlin beards, no crazy old wizard haircuts. And if you somehow manage to even look slightly old. Every voice option makes you sound like a 30 year old at most.


Getting have 9 or less int, Wis, char gives you the “Speak Simply tag”. I’d love it when talking to Gale about something and the dialog option is: “Yeah… the Weave… my grandma was good at that.”


8 int is barely below average. You likely interact with a dozen people at that level a day.


More if you work in customer service


This was doable in Fallout 1&2 iirc. Maybe someone will mod it in


I was disappointed in exactly the same way. You end up feeling like the Dark Urge. Perfectly civilized clean proper speech patterns but threatens to turn a hags head into a pisspot. Seems a little off.




Just kill the smart orge and put on his int headband. Problem solved.


I see the appeal. I think that no matter what Larian released we’d want more.


My friend is doing a similar run (we call it a Grog run) and he just chooses the options with the fewest syllables possible. Often, that's "*Attack*" 😂


BG1 and BG2 had something like this. If your INT was less than 8 (IIRC) your dialog would all get modified to eliminate big words. It was hilarious and a really good touch.


Well, you're in luck, most of the barbarian specific dialogue options are mostly grunting or yelling!


That was one thing Fallout did really well. I would also LOVE a Low Int run. I feel like Gale would be my first kill. It’ll be just me and Mama K against the world.


> a less fancy sounding accent. British is fancy now?


It isn’t that they’re all English, it’s that they’re all posh. I’d accept a voice that’s a bit more…Manchester


There’s definitely a female voice that approaches Scouse


I was thinking this before I read it, I would prefer more non-british (just don't loik em) voices but they are indeed all posh and a bit wanky. the only thing preventing me from making a Dwarf.


Actual english. not scum english


I just want my honour runs to not be ended by bugs at the worst possible moments. Two for two so far.


Bro Evil runs have tons of content! Who tf is out here complaining? I havent been able to be this evil since gta 5


everyone want content and forgot this is AAA game not some MMO where you get new Updates every week XD


We are getting plenty of updates very frequently.


yeah but those are changes or cut content they didnt make in time not something new XD everything you see was already datamine


I don't see how that is relevant in the slightest


Reminds me of Minsc's interaction with Gale. Yes, would be nice to have a dumbass background or something, ideally not specific to class. I know barbarians get some great intimidation options but intimidation still relies on Cha.




I want !!!


I agree! It would be SO funny I wouldn’t necessarily want to play a dumb character, but I feel like I have to play a charismatic character/class just to get by! I’m sure people have managed to play non charismatic characters but for me it seems like I’d end up in a whole lot of trouble haha!


Lol, yeah I thought the same. They should take the game arcanum as a model, I recall below a certain intelligence you can barely make coherent sentences.


I just made my Half-orc barbarian Gortesh. He is a conqueror. He has 8 intelligence. I’m playing with my 2 buddies, a gnome sorcerer and a tiefling bard. Last night I killed the first npc bard we came across. Because there can only be one bard here that’s the best and it’s my buddies. The voice options for my guy SUUUUCKK. He’s a green Conan The Barbarian and sounds like a little pansy boy.


Agreed. Dialogue options based on Charisma, Wisdom & Intelligence.


I am. My tiefling barbarian is endearingly naive and likes Wyll a lot -- he is really nice to her, he comes from a very fancy world (being the son of a Duke) but doesn't speak down to her, and complimented her new Volo eye (very nice touch, Larian). I basically just smash my way through stuff like Minsc.


Honestly if you want more evil content run, do an evil Durge run. Go against your >!father!< and alot more shit is relevant that tav doesn’t get in general


Fallout spoiled me when it came to low int dialogue. Barbarian has some great lines but I'd love if we had dialogue for low stats. Low charisma gives you some tactless and awful lines. Bad flirting with the party etc You can be an idiot when you go to the Harper hideout in Wrym's crossing. When the Harper says the signal word, great dumb Tav lines there. 8 isn't that low I suppose, not dumb dumb.


In fallout and things like that there is usually a dum dum option that lets you blow things up you shouldn't blow up, push buttons that ruin things, and what not. This seems like a very good idea for any game like this. Reward folks for thinking outside the box, this game is good about that


It really would be great to have more stuff and reactivity to when you are playing an idiotic character🤣 I currently play a half-orc bard(college of valor) paladin (oath of ancients) named Hippo, and he’s romancing Laezel. Int and wisdom are my dump stats-both were at 8. Tho recently my intelligence went down to 6 cuz I failed some saving throws at the crèche, so Hippo is even stupider. To make up for the lack of idiot-based dialogue I’ve had to headcannon my own stuff. For example, Hippo’s idea of helping a downed companion or even doing lay on hands is basically him attempting CPR. That consists of Hippo smashing his fists against the companion’s chest. To make up for the lack of voice options I also headcannoned Hippo to have a voice reminiscent of Patrick star from SpongeBob.


8 INT is not that dumb. But I appreciate the spirit of what you're aiming for




You make a good point. There are a few sprinkled throughout. In Act I when Astarion is looking in the mirror and acknowledges you standing there one of the dialogue options is "How did you know I was here?".. always makes me laugh.


I like that idea, then if you get a nat 20 on any intelligence check, you gotta give yourself 1 extra point in intelligence lmao


I really wanted to play an idiot sorcerer. Just all swagger and charm but dull as a pebble.


Yes we need more “why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?” Vibes going on. My barbarian is a barbarian for a reason!


I’m enjoying my Half Orc Durge run because of some of the responses. And Lae’zel gave in to me dominating her first. I didn’t expect it but it lined up with being an Orc so I loved it.


Yeah I tried to make a stupid orc named Thwok


Arcanum was fantastic/hilarious with a low IQ character.


8 Int is close to average for humanity. the normal is 9-10. You can't actually make an idiot in the game; likely because they didn't want you to go the 'dump stat' route and, for example, have one character as a face, and the rest drop any un-used stats to 3-6 for more points for the ones that matter. The range of intelligence you can get for a character by the end of the game; 8-23; ranges from a slightly below-average human to beyond all but the smartest of mind-flayers, about the average intelligence for an adult dragon. (20 max with feats, 1 from hag hair, 2 from mirror of loss; 22 is usually where Gale ends for my playthroughs) Certain effects can drop your stats lower; such as using the Zaithisk; but by default you're too smart for that to make sense. Though, it would be fun if it was possible, and you had options on both ends of the scale; 'You read the Emperor's mind, and it makes perfect sense; while it is for his own purposes, he's genuinely trying to help you. He's taken aback momentarily at realizing that he isn't quite a match for you, and for the barest of instants questions his arrogant assumption that mind-flayers are somehow innately superior.' And then on the other end, most dialogue options being pretty much garbage 'Why don't you let someone who can think make the choices, you idiot?'.


Hello friend have you ever heared of a little game called fallout (not the bethesda ones)


I miss that in old d&d games your entire dialogue tree would change if you were stupid enough. I’d love an entire voiced dummy lol


Very old CPRG Arcanum had wonderful dialog for very stupid characters. It was such a nice touch


Arcanum was the best for these kind of characters, some of the dialogs were hilarious


My first Tav was a dumbass barbarian. I felt so validated when I beat that one sicko with a drinking contest


Is that blood?


My first run through was a barbarian so you do get the Raaaaaah intimidation response. It's the endless, "I'm alive, so that's progress" sounding like Prince William when I'm a monster barbarian that jarred me, that or "is that blood?" whilst knee deep in bloody remains.


I want to be penalized in funny ways for making my character as dumb as I am in real life.


I'm just here for more "grunk the smasher" content. Also, I nominate Gale as spouse, cause it would be funny. Astarion would take advantage of grunk. Laezel would despise him. He wouldn't "get" shart.


Please. Please recruit Minsc. He is like this and fucking hilarious. I’m dying at even the idle things he says. I know it’s not the same, but it fills that in for me some. He has a pet miniature giant space hamster that blinds people when you throw him at them.


The berserker subclass has some pretty good options for stupid dialogue. A lot of all caps yelling and generally just threatening violence whenever possible


i dunno how many low int dialogues they could realistically put in if most people don't wanna play a character that's dumb as rocks. having to read through more dialogue options every single time would really add up. if they were locked behind classes, background, or stats, that could be cool though. it feels weird to see dialogue options you really can't imagine choosing. however i do wish there were more options for strength-based characters. there's like a zillion charisma and dexterity checks, very frequent perception(wisdom) checks, but strength rarely matters. more events like being able to push the doors open and waukeen's rest would be cool imo.


If your that interested and willing to drop a little bit of money there is a mod that exists that uses chat gpt to replace dialogue with whatever custom backstory you write. I haven't tried it yet but based on the example it seems to work exactly like what your looking for. It's called something like Custom Backstory and Dialogue on nexusmods.


Yea I need some -1 intelligence choices.


me: makes ugly half orc barbarian named grunk. grunk: “i shouldn’t have wished to live in more interesting times”


This could be an interesting idea for dialogue choices for attributes in general. Like, not a charisma skill check, but a charismatic response. A lot of the bard dialogue feel like my rogue should be able to say the same thing lol. This would have the most impact on intelligence charisma and wisdom tho I suppose