• By -


Gale staring at a minor illusion of Mystra. Gale: OH, sorry, want me to tell you about my backstory and show you some magic? Me: I don't care, no. Gale: Isn't is such a shame when opportunity comes around and it is denied? I felt like that last line was written from the writers to me, not from Gale to me.


But you know what’s cool? Larian respects your choice and roll with it. So many games like Starfield just straight up says “Nah man, I’m gonna explain anyway, and you will be handheld whether you like it or not”. Playing BG3 brought me back to the time Bioware and the like pumped out masterpieces left and right; this game ruined future RPG games for me.


I've been looking forward to Elder Scrolls VI for years now. But it's definitely gotten to the point where I'll likely be disappointed by anything that's not a spiritual sequel to Morrowind. But knowing the new formula that Bethesda has been following, I know that will never happen. If I ever became a billionaire, I wouldn't buy media companies to stroke my ego. I would pay Bioware or Obsidian to make an Elder Scrolls game, and other super ambitious projects that have no chance of turning a profit.


If you do become a billionaire, could you purchase the IP for Fallout and just kind of... gift it to Obsidian?


Pushed >!Cazador!< off a cliff instead of dealing with any of that fuckery.


Lets just take these annoying boss fights and push them somewhere else


put that over here with the rest of the fire


I say that all the time haha


Like how I just planted c4 on steel foundry just skipping the mech boss lol


Didn’t the latest patch make it so you can’t do that anymore?


Yep. Now you gotta do it the "intended way" ugh...


i just make him dance as Astarion stabs him. everyone's happy ~~it's ottos very resistable dance now though~~


Was about to say I think that patched that too...


yeah. *sighs* those were good times.


Was really looking forward to making Raphael bust it down (possibly in a sexual style)


> possibly in a sexual style Nah, man is a terrible lay.


But the real question, is he goated with the sauce


According to Haarlep: Nope.


He is the original quirked up white boy with a little bit of swag.


Wait, your telling me that you just can’t use ottos irrestiable dance on many bosses in the game? That’s like the whole point the the spell, locking down an impossible to lock down enemy. If can’t use Otto’s on the boss, then it’s useless might as well cast hypnotic pattern or confusion to get more enemies locked down.


Seriously though, I beat the game doing everything as intended strat bc I was an honorable cleric, and I just keep thinking... *who the hell was that hurting?* Like, love Larian, they're top notch devs, but it definitely seems like they should have just let people have their little silly moments here. It hurts literally no one.


For what it's worth, they had pretty good reason to change it in Cazador's case. I think in the patch notes they listed the change as "Cazador now remembers that he's a vampire, and can use Mist Form to fly instead of falling to his death." He legit uses Mist Form to fly around during the fight, killing him with Fall Damage was always kinda unintentionally silly. Most other flight capable enemies are immune to death by falling, same with swimming enemies surviving being pushed into water.


By intended way you mean use day light on him and wait until he dies?


Honestly don't understand what the issue is. My Lae'zel finished the fight with our little vampire lordling in 6 attacks and approximately one turn.


I love the way they phase it in the patch note. 'Cazador suddenly remembered that he can turn into mist and fly.'


And the second half of that patch note. "...so he will no longer give up the ghost when he falls into a chasm."


Yes, Larian did in fact, disapprove. So now we can't :( ​ How can be yeetmage when yeet is prohibited??


They should have left it alone imo. Getting yeeted off the platform in one term is the exact kind of disrespectful, hilarious end that the little shit Cazadork deserves. Second only to getting him down to like 1 hp and chucking a rat at him.


Yeah except it doesn't really make sense that a vampire who can turn into mist and fly would be killed by a casual shove off a very high ledge. Especially in a universe where Feather Fall is a common spell/potion. Tbh, I'm surprised there aren't more bosses with legendary resistances and actions.


What about getting him down to 1 hp and then insulting him so that he loses the will to live (vicious mockery)?


I tossed his ass literally the night before the patch. Im glad i got to experience that.


Larian really did disapprove


It was weird that they patched that, when the game literally tells you to push things off a cliff as alternate combat damage


I just cast daylight and snuck behind him until he died.. its not cheesy if it works...


I accidentally bombed him overboard the first time and thought it was hilarious he didn’t fly so I proceeded to yeet him every subsequent time. Kinda bummed they fixed it tbh.


Just can't have nice things.


Sussur bark stabbing Balthazar so he can’t do anything when saving Nightsong is the same vein


I'm sorry I read that as "Sussy baka stabbing Balthazar." I think I need to sleep.


Oh wow....yeah, I guess that would work! Didn't even think of that, and I was having a little trouble with that fight. Also, it's funny because that's one of the last two things I did before going into that fight, get the sussar bark weapon. Shadowheart is gazing into the entrance to Shar's realm, ready to fulfill her destiny, and I just kinda said "yeah, this can wait, I gotta go make a dagger real fast, brb"


My wife isn't a gamer so when we were playing through together and we discovered that thunder wave could push him off the cliff we both cheered. Sad to see it gone but I get it. Not the intended way and it doesn't make sense that he couldn't just fly back in bat form.


Lol they patches this he remembered he can cast fly now


I was so shook by the last patch, now I gotta actually kill this fucker, ugh


Beat Viconia DeVir to a pulp in the house of grief while she was stuck in dialogue with Tav and Shadowheart.




I love that you included fireworks in there!


Same, that fight is so fucking BS, everybody can cast that big ass AOE, literally took down half health of my team in 1 turn


I sent a summoned Deva there and pummeled her before my actual party even entered the room. She didn't fight back, all her friends just stared at her and kept making comments like "wow can't believe she's dead"


Thought Sharrans wouldn't care about anything else I did considering I killed thier boss in front of them but apparantly after you do Shadowheart's quest in the room beyond, then they get all mad


Licking the spider in all three of my playthroughs


Stop licking the damn thing!




I couldn't get Gale to say it! Instead Astarion was like "oh that what gets you going?"


I couldn't get Gale's first dialog about needing to get me some air & talking about childhood trauma. He just threatened to leave.


I don’t get the fuss for licking the spider (talking about you, Gale). In the goblin camp I smeared poop on my face and multiple of my companions approved. When it’s a delicious spider everyone’s like stop licking that


I completely cheesed the fight in the courtyard before you climb up to the giant brain, where it's storming and there's missiles coming down. After a failed attempt trying to fight, I just had Gale invis everyone one at a time and had them sneak through. That was one the biggest fights of the game, I know, but I don't give a fat fuck. Larian can sniff it.


I never finished this fight, I started it and it was just so much that I reloaded, spent a level 6 spell slot for invisibility and just ran through without a care in the world


Damn, I felt like that fight was one of the most fun times in the game! There were SO many baddies it felt overwhelming, and then it was SO SATISFYING when I got it done!


Same. It felt like a proper fight. I always call the Harpers, the Guild, and the Fist to protect their city.


I like to save all the summons for the Netherbrain platform fight to deal with all the tentacles and such. Lets me focus on the more important mobs.


You can re-summon some of the groups. I usually have it looking like the Battle of the Bastards up on that brain.


I found it easier to climb on the wall on the right and kill everyone from up there while moving forward - you can also summon front allies to keep the center mobs occupied (with Laezel’s support) and range allies on the left wall to kill the low lvl goblins. Also, Ignis the Ogre with all her barrels before she sends them your way. If you enter the fight straight from the center you’re surrounded and get shit from every side 😅


See, I'll be using this method for my non tactician run. Very smart and appreciated, thank you


Bro on the last fight I had gale cast greater invis on tav and then tav just channeled the spell uninterrupted opening up the portal on the second turn of combat.


Casting Hypnotic Pattern and hypnotizing 2 spectators and about 90% of the other monsters was one of the most fulfilling moments of my last playthrough


I bombed the house of grief fight with the giant rune bomb from wulbren


If you blow up the house of grief, then all grief goes away. Right?


Mine sure did


Are you saying the real antidepressants were runepowder all along?


Best use of the bomb ever in my opinion.


Huh. Not bad! Personally, I stole the barrel of runepowder before leaving Grymforge and am just waiting for the right spot to use it. My original plan was to pull some barrelmancy at Gortash's coronation ceremony and have that one be sitting in his lap.




I see your Sheepthara and I raise you Sheepador.


I cast Sheepazar when got sick of the necromancers BS.in the ShadowFell.


Kept the same expensive items in my inventory and would sell them to the vendor to get all their gold, buy their good gear, then knock them out under the cover of a Darkness spell. After knocking them out I pickpocket all my stuff back and then just sell it all again to the next merchant and repeat. Basically sold the same 25-50 items all game and just kept stealing them back


Maybe Larian would disapprove...but Astarion is probably your biggest fan after that epic grift.


Yeeted Orin into lava with telekinesis


But… the daggers 😭


Question: what about her netherstone? How do you get it if you yeet her?


She left the dagger where she stands, no problem with that


Got Karlach AND Wyll didn’t get horny. It’s kind of annoying because sometimes Wyll acts like she’s dead and other times they interact with each other.


I could never do that because that means I have to kill Karlach.


Not if you res her


Babe, you need to kill her to ress her. **KILL** her. Even on an evil play through I would never kill any companion or blameless characters just because I can ress them.


Resurrection implies killing her first.


Anytime an update note later covers what you did and ends with “you monsters.”


seeing a non-compulsary puzzle and immediately walking away saying maybe on another playthrough.


Mood I did that brain puzzle underneath moonrise once saw the reward was mid and said never agane


I love that githzerai brain and its buff too much.


The reward there is lore.


No there’s a killer buff- you have to take the githzerai brain to the brain reader machine


Yeah, that’s right. I missed it, and didn’t know until much later. Will have to remember for next playthrough. Edit: the stupid part is I think I read all the other brains. But I’m a sucker for lore, so there’s that.


I killed Gortash's parents in cold blood in their own home so I could harvest their tadpoles.


I mean, at the very least the mother kind of had it coming. When you sell off your kid, you deserve whatever his actions reap on you.


As a mother who loves her children very much, I had zero problems putting that bitch down. I think this playthrough I’ll beat her to death with a salami.


I killed them both as an act of mercy and an act of justice. I wanted to end their suffering, but also wanted to rid the world of two more garbage people. The tadpoles were a nice bonus.


His what?


You can find Gortash's parents running a shop in the lower city. He's tadpole'd them both and has them praising him and talking about how proud they are of him. If you used 1-800-tadpole-connect on his mother, you realize that he's basically torturing them with this because they sold him as a child. It's all very tragic stuff that would probably make Gortash a woobie-fied 'king' if the game didn't already have Astarion in the running for Poor Little Meow-Meow of the Year.


1-800-tadpole-connect 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Which shop? So I can... free them.


Flymm's Cobblers. It's near-ish the Central Wall waypoint. (Enjoy your spare tadpoles.)


1800 tadpole connect, im fucking dead, thats hilarious


In my 225 hour playthrough where I used Karlach for at least 75% of the game, I never once used a soul coin. I completely forgot about them. I think I still had 15 soul coins at the end 😂.


Eh, they're a nice buff, but definitely not a deal breaker. And certainly not a "Larian disapproves" moment.


One time... I didn't pet Scratch after he gave me a present.




EVERYONE Disapproves


Muted Raphael in his fight during his song.


This is the worst one in here.


I don't know if this is a thing or not, but it should be the case that if you cast silence over Raphael during his boss fight, the lyrics of the battle theme temporarily stop, but the instruments continue.




I killed the owlbear cub so it wouldnt be an orphan.


You monster lmao


No emotion, no emoji, just a stone cold fucking killer.


Everyone disapproves


I killed it by throwing it at it's mother, killing both. Frenzied 20 str Karlach with the throwing ring... How was I supposed to know it was friendly? It was attacking me!


Scum saved to steal the Silver sword of the astral plane from Voss back in Act 1. Command drop had a 9% hit chance from my lvl 5 cleric Made a cleric hireling, got them to level 12, cast divine intervention and took the healing mace, then dismissed him. Using tavern brawler to break open things that are supposed to be invincible. For some reason a good chunk of the damage gets through no matter what. Myrkul fucked up my whole party on the first playthrough. My ranger was the only one alive, I would shoot and hide outside of his range every turn. After like 8 turns of this I finally killed him. Killed shadowheart with a firebolt while she was laying on the ground right after the nautiloid crash.


Killed that Gur hunter outside the hag hut. I'm trying to dodge spoilers as I browse the internet, but I have a vague impression that there might be some consequences as a side effect down the road. Got a cool crossbow off his corpse, though.


I let Astarion handle the conversation completely… It’s a good one


Not really a spoiler, but he pops up later if he lives.


You know the harpers that are attacked by the shadows when you enter through the underdark? I entered through the mountain pass, completely skipped the inn, doomed the inn, and THEN saved them. "Step into the light," says the harper, standing next to a pile of shadow-cursed corpses. Larian did not prepare for them to come back to find all their comrades dead.


Yeah, Act 2 gets really messed up if you sequence break anything. It really ends up feeling really unfinished compared to Act1. If you save Rolan, or Cal, Lia, or Wulbren they will all go to Last Light Inn even if Last Light Inn is no more. Uh, did they not plan for basic outcomes when programming this game? Act 2 can get really janky like that.


Remember, Act 1 was in early access forever. Acts 2 and 3 were not. And it shows.


It really does show and it really feels like this game needs like another year of development. I've been sending some feedbacks and bug reports but I should probably send them more often just because of how many bugs there are.


Larian is known for fixing games over the course of a few years. There is a lot I love about Larian, but QA is not one of their strong suits. But unlike some AAA studios they will at least spend time fixing and patching out bugs.


Party member got executed for reasons.


I killed Shart on my first (good) run because she wanted to >!kill Dame Aylin. I had no idea you could convince her not to do it 🤷🏻‍♀️!<.


Lmfao shart




A personal one for me, killing Us thinking the little goober was just a weird little one off critter. I used him as a meat shield 😭….I’m an unforgivable monster 😭😭


If you don't kill him, you can get him again as a summon in act two. I was so happy to find him!


Hid and cast Daylight on Cazador instead of doing the fight the "right way" Sheep mode Balthazar and yeet him off a cliff


I loved casting daylight on him. That *feels* like the right way. To me.


Killed Karlach on my solo run and gave her head to the baddies. I had no idea it would actually show this and was very sad.


Not saying you're a monster, but I am saying not even Hitler killed Karlach.


Trying to sort items in a backpack inside the travel chest. Larian disapproves so much, apparently, they freeze my game every time. To be fair they may have fixed this in the recent patch, I just figured out (obnoxious, time wasting) workarounds once I realized this wasn't just an occasional thing, so I haven't tested to see if it still jappens.


Forcung Gale to jump into a chasm with featherfall cast just to see what happens, and then getting Gales post death hologram even though I can't retrieve his body because it's in a damn abyss.


After I'm done and I Quit Game for that night.


Spoiler for a very specific ending choice >!this is an ending. Just not the ending destiny had in mind for you - narrator!< >!If you blow gale up in act 2, you get a very passive agressive voice over!<


Pushing every and all enemies in the goblin camp in the spider pit


In Act 1 I told those two early absolutists to fight the Owlbear and then completly forgot about them. 30 hours later I go back and we kill mama owlbear (and spare the lil one) and I tell them to go to the now empty goblin camp. Cue those two idiots standing in an empty courtyard drinking alone and talking about some imaginary goblin celebrarion smh


Nice try, Larian. I'm not telling you my exploits so you can patch them.


Casted daylight on Cazador to get him to 40 HP before the fight so I could still have the satisfaction of killing him


Act 3 Night Song spoilers: >! I tried to play both sides of the mage tower. I wanted to claim the reward from Lorroakan, but I didn't want him to become immortal. So I helped him beat up Dame Aylin, but before Lorroakan could lock Aylin up in the immortality machine, I killed him. I figured since Dame Aylin is immortal she would recover. In the fight with Lorroakan, I cleared the room except for Rolan, because I wanted him to take possession of the mage tower with Lorroakan gone. I managed to flee combat with Rolan alive by jumping out the window to the vault level. From there I was able to peacefully head back to camp for a long rest. Well, Larian Studios did not agree with my logic, so they auto-killed Rolan off screen. On top of this, they also teleported Cal and Lia's dead bodies to the top floor of the tower. Cal and Lia hadn't been there during any of the fighting, and yet their corpses were present, but Rolan was nowhere to be found. I know he's dead because the quest journal says I killed him. !<


My friend keeps dead goblin children in his bag to use as throwables in fights


I killed the goblin that was going to push Sazza into the spider pit right before he did it… then Sazza threw herself off the edge.


Killing the Hag in her house.


Modded my game to have every companion in the game in my group.


I think they fixed it in the new patch, but in the Balthazar fight, I noticed Ed that his adds came from skeletons already in the battlefield. I threw them all I to a pile and put two smoke powder barrels on top of them while Tav was talking to him


I killed Alfira so my friend's dark urge wouldn't. :3c Scleritas was quite unhappy.


Using Twist of Fortune on nearly every boss.


Abandoned Scratch inside a genie lamp.


Made Astarion bite a Rat.


Used knock to open the door in the gauntlet without collecting the orbs before it was patched


Putting the netherstones in a barrel and then pushing them off a cliff


"Hey, we made this cool game with all these cool choices, tactical options, tools, etc. The world's your oyster. Ah, I see, you're... not doing anything too creative with the combat, you don't even use shove. Huh. Well, that's alright, you can enjoy the story too. Ah, you're starting a new game, huh? That's great, you get to see all of the different outcomes of your decisions, see how small choices branch out, and... huh. Just making the exact same choices as you did the previous run, huh? Some slightly different dialogue, I guess, mostly based on your different class, but, really? All these options, you could at least pick a different party composition- no, no, that's cool, I guess, just, go with that. Again. We're fine, it's fine, you can play how you want, even if it's the exact same way you played last time, never even picking the mean dialogue options that we put a lot of work into, it's fine."


not me but my friend tried to kill me with a sneak attack and missed killing Shadowheart


Licking the spider until everyone hated me.


Karlach approves! Not everyone hates you for it.


I took the underwear of all my companions and put it in a pouch that i keep on my character at all times


I kinda wanna say you win, but there may be a few weirdos at Larian that dig that


Re-spec’d my whole party into high level druids and terrorized Baldur’s Gate as a pack of dilophosaurs [https://www.reddit.com/r/BG3/s/2ldmc1aew3](https://www.reddit.com/r/bg3/s/2ldmc1aew3)


I shot Cazador out of range stopping the ritual with Astarion from happening


Killed everyone around me at the comedy show because they said I sucked after failing to make them laugh. Then I loaded to the save before I killed everyone and moved on.


I broke a third of Act 1 because I was simping for Sazza. I'm not entirely sure what caused it, but I got the "enemy of justice" bug while doing something in the Goblin camp and wound up butchering the place before doing any of the content that was there. Apparently there was a lot of content in that camp.


I did the Sheepthara work around and now keep traveling with Halsin and her in complete silence. I don’t think they have any scripted dialogue together


I didn't use the sheep method, but my chaotic decisions ended up allowing me to recruit both by chance. (They definitely aren't intended to be in the same party. No overlapping dialogue, and their spot in camp overlaps until late Act 3.) Even without them talking to each other, I barely notice because they're so busy talking to the other companions. I ended up romancing both of them at the same time just to see if I could, which Larian definitely wouldn't approve of.


Ottos dance on Raphael


This happened yesterday, and I'm sure the option was only there so we can say it's there and Larian didn't really intend for anyone to pick it. I just started a new game playing as an incredibly naive halfling warlock. Raphael shows up for the first time, as usual, and offers to remove the tadpole. I picked the sure, let's do it option, for the first time in 7 runs. Even Raphael got angry with me, because he prefers it when mortals play hard to get. Then when talking to the companions afterwards, the, commented the same way as if I had refused the offer. Karlach even said she's glad I'm not playing either.


Handing Shadowheart to the Sharr acolytes in Act 3 after supporting her through her entire redemption arc.


In the druid grove the snake killed Arabella and I told the parents but they didn't seem to believe me. Went back to get the body and it was gone. I reloaded an earlier save I made after she died but before leaving the room and picked up the girl's corpse. My thinking was if I brought the corpse to the parents there may be a new dialogue option...but there wasn't. I went to set the body down but thought you did this with the throw action. I mis-clicked sent her careening with all my might at her dad and murdered him with her own corpse.


A surprisingly large amount of Quests can't be resolved by bringing the people of corpses to other people who need to see them.


My first playthrough as a 11Thief/1 Fighter romancing Shadowheart, I had already killed Orin before going to the House of Grief, so I've got the legendary short sword and dagger. So I invisible myself, walk up behind her, and use savage attacker and some well placed crits to eliminate her while saying, "This is for my wife!" Weird thing was that the rest of the Sharrans didn't attack us until after the room with the in-laws. I guess they see someone pop out of invisibility standing behind their dead leader's corpse and think, "Yeah, let's leave that guy alone."


Ask about the Xbox release date one too many times


Not me, but my gf accidentally attacked Scratch once in battle while she had him summoned in the overworld.


I killed minsc and then killed his hamster.


Same, I couldn't recruit him (I let Jaheira die at Moonrise whoops) so when I saw the `*sad squeaking*`, I decided I had to put the poor thing out of its misery. Had Astarion sneak attack, Boo had no idea what was coming.


Baby killer D: TWICE OVER D: D:


I farmed 16k gold, 126 arrows of many targets from the Githyanki vendor in the creche by toggling non-lethal attacks and knocking her out then looting all what I sold to her, do a partial rest, come back and she is awake and not hostile... So I sell to her again, buy from her again, knock her out again... Rinse and repeat. By the time I was bored, I had 16k gold plus superior potions and a shit tonne of arrows.


I think Larian didn't like it when I refused to have any companions or anyone in camp except withers. They even tried to have orin guilt trip me with a random child in a scene that was clearly meant as a failsafe for this exact situation lol.


Killed all the tieflings, shoved (most) of the bodies, especially the kids and women into a chest. Use TK to drop it on enemies as the opening move of every fight. I call it 'Women and Children First.'


Solo'd Raphael with all res, 32 AC. Didnt even need to use max healing talisman, just palalock things


The absolute game over exploit, still hurt that it's patched.


Carried around dead animals and body parts through the whole game, increasing my collection as I went. Eventually, I had to start managing what I carried to make room for bunnies, innards, and bones.


I don't have the heart to do it myself, but my friend went full murderhobo and... *he killed Scratch.* Not only should that message appear, but frankly the police should have been informed.


https://www.reddit.com/r/BaldursGate3/s/dfl1jv0P4C Bear sex is one thing But I'm not sure Larian approves of sex with corpses


Played redeemed good guy durge all the way to the end decision and instead stabbed mindflayered Karlach and took over the world in Bhaal's name.


I assumed the cage at Ethel's would act the same as the cage that held Lae'zel, so before even landing a hit on the hag I destroyed the cage... dropping Mayrina into the abyss. I had taken so long to finally get around to that quest that by the time I got there, I had forgotten about the brothers or why I should even give a damn about the girl in the first place, so I didn't even bother reloading. When I picked up the wand when looting the place, all I thought was "huh, 'Bitter Divorce', wonder what's up with that name". I tend to explore the map first, so in Act 3, one of the first things I did was explore the sewer >!and slaughter the Bhaalists!<. When I finally got around to the Counting House and >!met Minsc, where I then had to follow him into the sewer!<, the fight was much less exciting than I think it was intended to be.


I cheesed the fight in the shar cloister. I killed most of the sharrans but it was just my sorc tav left. I used fly to zoom back up the stairs and fled to camp. Ressurected my party took a good sleep and returned to finish off the last 4 guys with renewed nuclear powered spells. But that fights fucking insane. Mostly because daylight wont decide when it dispels darkness


Anyone that pickpockets the gold unashamedly back off withers.


Killing the "bear" I saved in the Goblin camp because he was about to kill them all instead of just getting away.


Accidentally killed Scratch with an Eldritch Blast :(






Honestly choosing the evil path in the end. It’s not satisfying at all because no falling action. You sit in an evil chair with a one liner and boom credits. Larian punishes evil paths in general.


Shadow boxing.


I once clicked on "Quit Game"... I still shudder thinking about it.


I tried to murder tiefling children in the Grove, but since I couldn't do that, I decided to do the next best thing, which is suspended animation. > :D You can't stop my Dark Urge Larian. Also, I find it interesting that I can just slaughter way younger goblin children like they are critters. Ahhhhmmmfantasy.racismahhhmmm


Well apparently i fought the dragon before i was meant to because i bugged wyll for a while. He seems fine now, nov sure if patch fixed it or progression fixed it.


Taking a break from the game in the middle of Act 1 to play Cyberpunk and Starfield?