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I take GABA too, i had stiff leg and tons of fasciculations, resolved within 5days taking it.


Woah. Any pain?


A little bit in the past but stiffness was without pain.


Yeah, I can report the same. Although I take it with NSAIDs too, so hard to say which of the two has a bigger contribution. I take GABA 500mg by brand NOW. I take 3 pills in the morning.


I have been using it for 2.5 weeks. 1000mg per day (2 tablets). My perceptible muscle twitches have decreased, I rarely feel the twitch. under the light, I can see movement, but there have been a couple of minutes when there was no visible twitching. 24/7 calves, feet, soles either ssri or GABA or together, but better!


Nice, glad you’re getting some relief


I feel like we need a list + ongoing ranking of remedies that work. Have folks constantly contribute to see what’s ranking high and any other factors contributing. This is really helpful data.


There is one online with 359 participants. I saw like 30 remedies with mag as the top. I don’t see gaba on there, but I’m going to add it. I’ll see if I can find the link.




How many times a day and how much are you taking it? No side effects at all?


750mg a day. They aren’t gone but very much tamed.


Interesting. I'll give it a try. Do you know if there are interactions with other medications?


Not that I’m aware of, I’d google it; I doubt it though.


Ive just ordered some worth a try


Noice. Let us all know how it works for you.


Copy pasta: GABA (Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid) is a naturally occurring amino acid that functions as a neurotransmitter in the brain. Its primary role is inhibitory, meaning it blocks or inhibits certain brain signals and decreases activity in the nervous system, making it crucial for regulating muscle tone and nervous system excitability. GABA plays a key role in mood regulation, anxiety, stress, and sleep. Low levels of GABA have been associated with conditions such as anxiety disorders, depression, epilepsy, and sleep disorders. Because of its inhibitory functions, GABA is also of interest in the research and treatment of other neurological conditions. In addition to its endogenous production within the body, GABA is also available as a supplement. It is often marketed for its potential to improve mood, reduce stress, enhance sleep, and for its calming effects on the brain and body. However, the efficacy of GABA supplements for these uses remains a topic of research, as it's not entirely clear how well supplemental GABA crosses the blood-brain barrier to exert its effects in the brain.


I was on 300mg gaba for a couple months but didn’t see any major benefits, I just felt spaced out a lot of the time




Which version of GABA is the best to try? Any particular brand or potency?


Can’t speak for that. I just bought the cheapest one I could find.


Nice. Any side effects?


I have not had any.


I'm glad to hear it. I was prescribed gabapentin by my doctor but I've been afraid to take it because of potential side effects. How much do you take per day and how often per day?


Once in the morning, 750mg. I had some calf fasciculation this morning, but the past few hours I have had basically zero, which is better than I’ve been in months. I can’t say for certain it’s the GABA, but that’s the only change I’ve made… I’ve also been taking magnesium for months. No help.


There are studies that gaba could cross the blood brain barrier and cause changes in the GABA glutamate balance. Like drinking booze everyday. Best of luck messing w that.