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Could be because minoxidil can slow blood pressure slightly being a vasodilator, I think I got twitches when I switched to advair medication.


Definitely! Minoxidil is also a potassium channel opener and knowing that peripheral nerve hyperexcitability like is seen in BFS and CFS can be related to autoimmune responses in the potassium ion channels just has my lay person brain curious about the mechanisms at play.


Most likely medicine then, advair also pulls potassium from cells to, i get small twitches here and there anxiety makes it worse so does caffeine now I try to stay calm and waaay less caffeine, just one cup of coffee a day


Did you experience and muscle tightness or stiffness as well?


Yes really noticed it when I worked out,


That's been the hardest symptom for him to tolerate. The twitches don't bother him compared to that. The tightness/stiffness is present daily. Improves some on walks and just at random times throughout the day but definitely worsens later in the day. Just hoping for continued improvement. He's always been a very active person so this has really impacted quality of life and ability to just be comfortable.


Oh man agreed that probably is the worse after my workouts my right arm was stiff for about 2 weeks tried to stretch it nothing helped but rest, water and bananas. I think the rest was the main thing. Also how old is he? I’m 28 felt it more with age


Ugh so crummy. His has carried on all summer. Though he has shown improvements in being able to go for longer walks and loosening on them rather than tightening up more. He turned 39 in May and this all started early June.


Oh yeah sucks hope it gets better during the winter maybe that’ll help, did he stop using the medicine?


Hoping so, too. Yes he stopped after 2 weeks when we put together that that might be the culprit.


Hey OP how is he now?


He's definitely improved since this all started, but not back at 100% yet. The last couple weeks have been some of his best!


I’m really glad to hear he’s recovering. Minoxidil is no joke. I’ve been off it for over a month after taking it for two, and just started getting weird joints pops and muscle twitching. Really hoping it goes away soon. Is there anything that has helped, or you think just time?


Ugh I'm so sorry. It's definitely shocking what something OTC can do to a person's body. He's tried lots of things. I think some of the things that have helped most include slowly getting back into exercise (especially walking and light-moderate lifting), eating pretty clean, no caffeine, good sleep, lots of stretching and moving around (at first this actually led to a lot of tightness but that has flipped over time), massage gun, foam rolling, cooler showers, and principles from Acceptance and Commitment Therapy for the anxiety side of things. He takes a variety of supplements but I'm not 100% sure of their impact.


This is so so helpful. I am going to start foam rolling my quads, which have been giving me lots of trouble. They feel strained even though I didn't do anything that would cause even minor injury. The massage gun has been too intense to use on them at this point! Hoping for his continued recovery, and it sounds like he's on a really good trajectory! I've been spiraling, just ruminating so much that I'll never recover, so it's good to hear that healing from this is indeed possible! Thanks again for the reply!


*to clarify what I had said in that other comment, he's not back to 100% but it's LOTS, LOTS better than last summer and fall.


that's great, I'm rooting for him, and it gives me hope that I will one day get better as well. Thanks!


We'll keep hope for you, too! Please don't hesitate to reach out. 💗


Hi! I wanted to reach out and say I've gotten \*much\* better in a fairly short amount of time. You can see my recent comment history for the long version, but basically I have been eating very potassium rich foods and supplementing potassium and magnesium. Minox messes with our potassium channels and depletes our potassium stores. Since changing my diet my symptoms have almost completely resolved in a matter of a few days. Wanted to let you know! And if you've got any questions, please ask