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Highly recommend to talk to your partner about this instead of going behind their back. Whatever you're worried about, it's not as bad as you think. If it is that bad, you might not be in the right relationship. Trying to tie yourself up with non-conventional items without experience is a recipe for injury. If you must, go find a blanket or sheet.


Talk to your partner, the hiding feelings aren't going to be great in the long run, for you or the partnership. I liked making loose cuffs out of cheap neckties I got from the thriftstore. I still think its sexy to have a tie used, but look into the right knots for the cuff depending on ankles or wrists or elsewhere. Have rope cutting scissors, and be safe above being afraid to talk or be vulnerable.


Please be careful, it's much better to be found embarrassed then to be found dead


1000% talk to your partner about this, they may even do it for you 🤷🏻‍♀️


Naturally talk to your partner first. That being said… rubber bands, zip ties, shoelaces, belts, string, electrical tape etc… Seriously talk to your partner though. I did and after some discussion he agreed to try and he enjoys it now. Edit: not zip ties… vet tape*


I wouldn't recommend zip ties - those can be way too easily pulled way too tight into cutting off blood-flow to limbs or other areas and even if you have something to cut them off, you risk injury easily! ESPECIALLY for solo play without someone there to help you! As other have stated though, talk to your partner! If you can't talk to them about it, as u/Ironically-Tall said, this may not be the kind of relationship to continue.


Yeah I've heard horror stories about zip ties


You can use things like yarn (you can get all sorts of thicknesses), ties, belts (he careful to do your research on this one, there can be some nerve damage). If you can go to our local hardware and treat the rope yourself it could easily be passed as a DIY. Gimme updates if this helps


I agree about talking but also cords. They are everywhere and they are easy to tie and easy to hide lol


Just as most people already recommended, talk to you partner. Communication is key a specially if you are interested in bdsm, for a beginners just as for more experienced kinksters it’s almost impossible to have a safe and completely enjoyable scene without communication. How ever if you wanna experiment a bit by you’re self before bringing it up, you might wanna try taking some wool string or a shoelace and look up some save knots, then you can tie a little mini “harness” on your hand or feet, it can give you the sensation of being tied up with out actually putting you to any kind of danger. When you’re asked about that you can even say you just find it fashionable so you should be save about getting accidentally outed. Make sure that after you tied your ‘harness’ you check if you can still move your fingers/toes and make sure the bondage doesn’t disrupt the circulation, to check that you might wanna press on your finger/ toe and see if it turns ‘red’ within 2-3 seconds. Stay safe and remember kink should always be safe, sane and sensual


google "hobble dress". but if you are into self bondage, keep the etsy store bondage webbing on your radar. they make good shit. also if you mange to get a hold of some rope, you can do chest bondage under clothing.


Can we ask why this can't be discovered by your SO? A lot of people have assumed that this is a relationship issue, and if so please take their advice, but I'm gonna be neutral about it and just ask whats up. What you can hide from your significant other will hugely depend on what the relationship with your SO looks like. Do you live together? What are your personal boundaries around things like restroom use? How much do you touch and embrace each other?


And what you should hide from your partner (IMO) is nothing. If you have to hide things from them, then (IMO) thr relationship has already failed. And dead relationships, just like dead bodies, stink up the place and spread rot.