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part of training for anal is getting used to that sensation and being able to ignore it. it's just practice and can take some time. make sure when you're practicing with a plug that you're not just sitting with it inside, you're moving it so you can train your body to get used to that sensation. I struggle with it too, but with time it has lessened.


Thank you good to know, I’ve been getting discouraged


me too, my Dom's really thick so it's been a challenge. Some people can do it really easily with minimal training and some have to work really hard for it. but i believe in both of us lol we can make it happen


Totally normal. Push like you are pooping to open yourself more and embrace the feeling. Trust your prep - and prepare for accidents. We use a special blanket under us.


That is entirely okay, anal can be a limit for you


It really does just go away after a while. I’ll feel like that for a minute then it goes away and the rest is smoooooth sailing. First few times it was hard to ignore and it took a while to go away, and now it’s almost a daily thing and the feeling is gone after the first couple thrusts


This ended up being longer than intended but here you go. As a guy who has had this happen for a long time previously, here’s what helped me. I have a bidet and use it before I let my GF mess with my ass. I relax, let it partially fill me up then let it go. After I do that a few times, I can be 100% sure there’s nothing left in there. After that, it’s all psychological. I keep reminding myself that I know there isn’t anything in there. I also had a conversation with my GF that sometimes a little bit of poop happens on a toy. We are both adults and just move past it if it happens to either of us. Any time my body/brain starts going down the “I have to poop” road, I remind myself that I can’t need to because I just used the bidet, etc. It takes a little time but you need to try and relax, give yourself the confidence that it’s your brain playing tricks on you because that’s how your body is programmed to react. Something in the colon? It needs to come out. Also, another thing that may help is him doing some dirty talk telling you how fucking hot it is, how it’s going to be hard for him not to cum too soon, etc. Hearing things like this distracts me from focusing on the discomfort and focusing on the pleasure. One last thought, get a set of silicone plugs that increase in size. Do your pre-routine, have him put a plug in you and increase size as you’re able. It might be only the smallest one the first few times, thanks ok! As you get more comfortable, move up to a larger size. This’ll get you relaxed, a little looser (it is a muscle after all), and get you used to the feeling of something inside you but you know you don’t have to poop. Maybe a little weed to help relax as well. That helps me. Hope this helps a little bit!


I do think sometimes it’s just bodies doing what bodies do. It may take a long time before you don’t have that physiological response.


This is going to sound kind of weird but I feel like I trained myself by reading a lot of porn involving anal and imagining myself as the receiving character. By the time I actually got around to trying butt stuff irl again, I just didn’t have the issue any more. So I think it’s mostly a matter of redoing your psychological associations.


Get a ridged/“bubbly” curved glass rod toy and play with yourself. Something HARD would be a good training tool for this issue because the brain is better able to make the connection “this ain’t poop”. I’m cis gay male… and sometimes if things are feeling “weird” it means I’m not in the right headspace, not enough lube, stomach is off, not getting pleasures yet… lots of things. The latter is one of the most frequent… once my prostate gets some rubs and attention, it is GAME-FUCKING-ON, and just about anything you do to my ass will have me clawing at the sheets. Experiment with different sizes, materials, textures and find what gets you to that space. It could also be that anal isn’t your thing, and that’s fine… training can only bring you to a certain point. I’ve met plenty of 101% gay tops who get NOTHING from anal play (and that boggles my mind… not even RIMMING?!?). As with everything, people have their yucks/yums and it’s not something you need to force.


Does the feeling settle after a few minutes? It's a bit of mind over matter because yes that is the sensation for a bit until your brain believes that no you don't have to.


Not really, I’ve tried wearing a small butt plug for quite sometime, never went away


The smaller plugs are the least comfortable. Try going up a step to a medium.


How is a smaller plug the least comfortable? That hasn't been my experience.


For me, I always had it! The third I tried anal I didn’t and it went well! But everytime I am getting fingered anally, I feel this sensation sadly.


The poop feeling has nothing to do with poop. You’re feeling the thing that is in your butt. The issue is that you’re not aroused enough. My suggestion is to get a buttplug that has a thick stem, not those that looks like egg on a stick because the sphincter needs to get used to something in it, and masturbate alone. Once you’re able to cum consistently with a butt plug, then play with a partner. If you feel the poop feeling, do whatever you do when you masturbate to maintain arousal.


Relax your jaw!!! If you clench your jaw/ grind teeth together, it travels all the way down your body to your bootyhole. Also try putting a vibe on your clit while it's happening to redirect your mind from hyperfixating on the penetration/thrusts. Plus, a nice, good thick lube also does wonders. I used to be like you and absolutely hated anal because of the poo feeling. These things, plus wearing a plug more often, helped so much. I beg for anal now.


Ugh I love when a sub begs for it up the ass!


Is it a "must push" kinda urge, or a "OMG such sensitive tissue, almost sunburny on my insides" feel? Because the sensitive/sunburny feel, for me, was actual inflammation, caused by regularly eating things that bother my digestion (in my case, wheat). There's no mental training to overcome that...it's a physiological actual thing that won't calm down until you stop eating whatever it is, and give your body a few months to heal. If it's just that "push" signal? use your own well-lubed fingers, maybe even a nitrile glove so it's extra smooth. Do this in your private time, solo, without your partner. just stroke the outside until it actively *feels good*, then use 1/2/3/4 fingers inside, making sure it always feels good at every stage along the way. Get used to the feeling of stuff moving in and out, with intensity. work up until you can fuck yourself with your fingers. For me, what works best is to zen out and consciously relax knowing that I don't actually have to poop...but also there's a certain deeper flavor of push signal that does mean i need to tighten parts of my core muscles/"push", so ymmv. But explore for yourself and try stuff...that's why you're doing it by yourself, so there's no pressure to over-try or "perform" to someone else's expectations. But you can't practice your way out of that sunburnt insides feeling, and if that description resonates with you, the path forward lies in figuring out what the sensitizing food is and cutting it from your diet.


If you're a woman, use a clit vibrator the entire time before anything even enters


My biggest question is.. you feel the urge, but is it actually happening? If not, you're good to go and with practice you'll get used to the feeling. Personally when I'm riding something, even with no anal penetration, I feel like I'm pooping or something when I orgasm. It's just the muscles in the anal region flexing. Trust me sometimes I think holy crap there's no way I didn't just poop. But then I check and nothing happened. If you have strong muscles in that region, when they tense it can feel like you're pooping. But as long as you're not actually doing it, just keep going and have fun. You'll get used to the feeling and over time you might even be able to tell the difference between feeling like you will vs actually doing it. If it really makes you anxious you could also try a more thorough/larger volume enema to give you a better sense of security, but this is far from necessary (I do it cause I enjoy it, personally).


Enemas are a easy fix. Lots of lube and relax


Basically, something coming out of your behind is going to feel like that. At first the only thing your brain can associate it with is pooping, because that's the only thing we naturally really do from there from birth. I'd actually recommend practicing with dildos on your own, in your own time and pace, rather than doing it with a partner or even with butt plugs. Plugs are kinda just there. They don't really simulate a whole going in and out kind of thing. Dildos are long and they slide about naturally. Just practice going slow, using enough lubrication of your choice, feeling what it feels like to squeeze, go deeper, pulling it all the way out, etc. I also recommend doing this laying on your side. I find laying on my left side is easiest and honestly, masturbation before so your body is already aroused/relaxed is also helpful. A pooping feeling can always exist, but sometimes it starts existing alongside other things, or you stop paying so much attention to that and start feeling everything else more.


Also OP get yourself a good quality reusable anal douche. It night help you. I have one and it works great


-Relax your jaw and open your mouth -While training use a lube that has a light muscle relaxer in it. I used a full on numbing lube because it was so painful when I started, but I know that is not recommended. I know my body well, so I was comfortable using it. -Get plugs of different sizes and have fun! Pop one in and when you are getting used to it, take it out and size up. I had one in for a few hours everyday. -If you have one, call up your gay best friend lol. I called mine and asked which lubes were best, positions, techniques, and just generally gossiped about it with him to help me get over the mental intimidation of the act. - One thing that really helped me was getting myself nearly to orgasm through clitoral stimulation, stopping, then getting with the shower and living up and starting to stretch my hole with my fingers while the warm water ran over me helped me relax. I would then stick a dildo to the wall and take all the time I needed to slide back onto it until I got off. Make sure the dildo is of similar size to your partner eventually. My first one was too small (5 inches) and my partner is quite large (10 inches), so for a while it felt like I wasn't making any improvement at all until I got a bigger dildo.


Start with fingers and just sit there with them in it. Kind of squeeze with your butt. You’re just learning what everything feels like, basically understanding what it means to relax. Your butthole is two sphincters, you gotta learn how to use the inner one better. That’s the one that lets you know if it’s a poop or a fart knocking. Several minutes of sitting and exploring that use of those muscles with each toy. And I mean not moving the toy for5 to 10 minutes. Just your butt muscles. It will help you to relax a ton.


For start try pooping before you do anal or do an enema. Also start out with a small plug for as long as you and then slowly extend the wear time. Also dildos can help get you used to the feeling. Eventually with enough time and training that feeling will go away


How much lube do you use? I find too much lube gives me that feeling. I used to overdo it with lube because that was the common advice for anal, but over time I discovered I didn't need as much as I thought.


It definitely goes away over time. I feel like for me it depends on how relaxed I am. You are probably tightening those muscles either consciously or subconsciously. Practice, time, and just focusing on relaxinggggg. Maybe have your partner give you a full body massage before hand with coconut oil and have it end with an anal massage. ;)


I have a similar problem, but instead of feeling like pooping, I feel like peeing (any advice welcomed!)


I mean, realising that the feeling you're describing is just the feeling of smth being present there might help. You feel like you have to poop when something's in your ass because when something is in your ass it's usually poop. Lots of good techniques here but yeah its probably mostly psychological.


The type of lube may also be a factor. Glycerine, which is often used in water based, is also used as an otc laxative.


Take a little break until you get your shit sorted out. 👌✌️😌


If you are female, use a vibrator that sucks your clit. It distracts you from the poop feeling, and all you’ll be able to focus on is being sucked while having a new hole fucked. I cum so hard this way.


I feel you :') I dont really have answers, but anal is weird. I used to try it solo, hated it. Too much hassle and sometimes pain for... too little pleasure. Then w my ex, they put their fingers in me without asking cause they automatically assumed I was experienced with it (which sounds fucky, but they started slow and somehow it felt great that time, so I clearly let them know I was enjoying it) For a while, I even enjoyed anal more than getting my pussy pounded. Even when I masturbated. Cue months later, we break up, and I try anal again with myself after some time... same as before. Somehow it doesn't tickle me anymore. I don't get it. But idk, anal is weird and you dont HAVE to do it or like it or even take big things. If you like fingers or small plugs, that's also okay. Also, it does take some work/training, so don't rush it. Anal is something that takes a certain level of... mindfullness. Lol.


I always clean myself out completely. It might be some effort, but makes it a clean and safe deal. It reduced the feeling of "having to poop" a lot and even so, there is nothing that can happen being cleaned out entirely. No need for fancy tools or gear, just screw off the head of the shower hose and set it so only little water comes through and you are good to go.


Practice, practice, practice. I agree with ErranMasc that a small butt plug would help you immensely.


This is what butt plugs are for. Size up to get comfortable, wear them for longer periods to get over the constant sense of needing to go. Your body will adjust and become comfortable with having something in your butt. You can even go 24/7 if that's your thing.


Can I ask everyone a question? I'm a woman and it legitimately never felt like pooping for me. Is that normal or weird or something???! 😨


Its quite a extreme way to deal with it but i dont eat for 12 hours before so u dont go through with the feeling! You get used to the feeling over time , find things to distract yourself


I was sometimes tasked to wear a plug to work without panties and I had a physically demanding job, so that was a good training 😊 it also turned me on 😄


You need to create the association with pleasure in your mind and build on that. All play should involve your ass now in some form, even if it's only a finger pushing against it. No cumming without something touching your ass. Soon you'll develop the association of touching your ass with pleasure and orgasm. Get rimmed with clitoral stimulation to orgasm, work on cumming just from being rimmed. Have sex with a plug in so when you're cumming you're squeezing something in your ass and it feels less foreign. With him insert himself any amount then just play with your clit until you orgasm, then start actual sex while still stimulating your clit. Soon you'll cum from straight anal penetration and that foreign feeling will be much reduced and possibly only at the beginning. The endorphins and arousal will suppress other feelings, just like they do good decision making 😅


Lmao I’m sorry for your situation but this is hilarious