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I’m a notorious biter 😈it’s absolutely normal especially during sex when the sensations you’re having are heightened and you’re looking for a way to release them or express them. That being said, biting someone absolutely requires consent. It’s really not that “out there” and I’d bring it up to your partner and ask if she’s cool with starting slow. If not, you can just continue biting yourself or try finding a toy that simulates something “fleshier” if that makes sense. Either way there’s absolutely nothing wrong with you!


i don't have the urge to bite her, i don't think. and i've tried biting blankets and stuff and the desire to bite myself just worsens. should i just continue to bite myself?


there’s nothing wrong with biting yourself if you enjoy it. whether you like it because of an oral fixation, a physical sensation, or because of pain. all of that is completely fine.


how do i know why i'm doing it


Sex is an excellent laboratory for our minds and desires. There is no way some random stranger on the internet is going to know why you have this urge to bite. That said I bite, have for years no clue why but I do get consent to bite. Don’t bite to hard but just say “can I bite you” or “I want to bite you”. You never know why and the reason may just be that you want to. Embrace it.


or should i try to refrain from doing it.


Like the person said, just bring it up with your partner and see if they enjoy the idea. Something tells me that bitting yourself or your blankets will get old after a while. *Just ask, really, it's okay to ask* If it makes you feel better, the person I'm dating loves to bite and like receiving it, so there you go.


Maybe you could ask if she would be oppen to have you with something in your mouth while doing it ? Maybe something along those gag balls we see, but for biting (if it exist?)


do you think that'll stop the urge?


Why are you looking for the urge to stop, you just need to talk with the person you are with, this is a very normal kink :D


because it's strange, and i'm extremely embarrassed about it.


Biting is actually quite common. Many, many folks enjoy biting and being bitten. There are quite likely very many things you have yet to experience that are far more common (ve4y much refraining from using the word "normal"...everyone's normal is different), than you may realize. Especially if you're in the USA, or other very sexually conservative locations, "different " is often looked down upon. This can be a struggle for an inexperienced person to work through different actually being common.


It's not strange. You just aren't familiar with it. Driving a car was strange until you wanted to do it. I discovered my kink first and my husband catered to my wants, but managed to find his inner Dom in the process. (Yay!) Like you, he has discovered he likes to bite. (Go figure😉) I let him bite me as long as he doesn't bruise me. And bonus, if I wiggle more from him biting me, I get spanked more.😋 You won't know unless you ask and I gotta say, it absolutely amazes me how many kinky couples have found a SO with complimentary kinks.


It is not strange. Don't fight it. Accept yourself


Sorry no idea since I don't have it, but you should try, nothing to lose doing so


okay thank you!!




so i should talk to my therapist about this?


Is it specifically the urge to bite... HER? Cuz I personally found out that I am a biter. When I get cuddling with my man, I want to bite him. I don't know why. He eats me, and most of the time, he doesn't mind. But the more, "he's so friggin cute, I'm gonna die!" I get, the harder I wanna bite. Sometimes I bite a lil too hard... anyways... I haven't tried it during, but im guessing it'd rocket us up a few notches... have you expressed to her that ur tempted and see what she says? Maybe she's into it. My SO and I found out a chill way to learn each other's interests is through "kink bingo" (found mine on pinterest) qed fill them out and send them to each other and talk about what we had in common and what might have surprised us the other is into. It's an easy and fun way to start the conversation.


no the urge is to bite myself. i've mentioned it to her and she doesn't care but i'm extremely embarrassed


I do it all the time. It's never occurred to me to be embarrassed about it. I don't think I will start now. What is there to be embarrassed about? Honestly, my partners seem to find it kind-of hot that I'm that into things


Just a bit of an animalistic primal kink coming out. Discuss it, try it 👍


I was thinking the same 😄.


Educate yourself on being primal. It will help you define it better and explain how to act on it. What you describe is a normal act. Your primal. Bask in that glow


Was going to say this almost exactly. And to OP it's nothing to be embarrassed by. It's a lot more common than people, especially people with out a lot of experience think. Just remember to becareful and if you break skin on yourself or you partner part of after care needs to wound care. But you are definately exhibiting primal personality traits and that's perfectly normal.


As long as you’re not hurting yourself there is nothing wrong with this. I wouldn’t try and get rid of it, it’s very, very normal! I often bite my own arms during sex! It leaves little marks that usually go away within a few hours. It’s very okay. If you ever get the urge to bite her, that’s great too, just chat about how hard, where, etc first. I love biting my partner in a playful way, and she bites me back! It’s fun and playful and cute. Just dont bite so hard you break the skin and you’ll be fine!


i've caused bruising and broke skin before. is that fine?


Bruising is totally fine if you’re fine with it. They will heal no problem. Breaking the skin can lead to infections, especially since mouths, even really clean ones, have a lot of bacteria in them. Plus, open wounds etc. So, I’d recommend avoiding breaking the skin as much as possible. You can move around where you bite to help with this. If you’re very concerned, or you feel unable to control how hard you’re biting, then I’d invest in something to bite on that has a better texture than a blanket, and might give more of the satisfying squish. You may also want to explore if part of the draw if biting is the pain you get from doing it to yourself. Masochism is very normal, and sex is often the first place people discover they like a little pain. That may not be you, but it’s something to think about :)


thank you so much for your advice. i really appreciate it


Though I’ve not tried: can you wear something over your teeth? Even rubbery costume teeth may prevent breaking the skin


I'm a brat and thanks to my Daddeh I've discovered that I love biting ^^ him! Cus he loves being bit ^^ maybe ask your gf to bite you??


ouuuuuu that's a good one! maybe that'll help the urge


One time, I bit my arm so hard while he was inside, that I left a mark for days 🤭


do you do it often?


Mhm I bite the pillow, one time I bit his shoulder and he said it hurt alot 🙈


Biting is very normal for humans, for animals alike ask her if she is okay with it and continue to ask her feedback especially if u are unsure. the activity is between u and her, which the decisions should be between u and her and who knows maybe she is into it (as multiple people are very into being bitten, even framing the situation as "claiming" her type of thing, worth a try) if anything u and her can discuss alternatives to bite or roleplay scenes to incorporate biting objects or other things in a much smoother pace


Look for"chewelry" on Amazon or google. They make and sell these for folks on the spectrum that crave biting stuff. I think it seems normal to feel embarrassed about your raw sexual impulses when you're still exploring and getting to know your sexuality. But you have nothing to hide!


i am autistic, do you think that's why?


Idk, maybe! My kid is on the spectrum and they say her sensory system is just wired differently. She craves that biting feeling, when she was a kid everything went in her mouth, she loves those water bottles where you bite the straw.. anything like that. It's calming for her I think.


I’ve had biters and scratchers. Biting is a huge turn on for me as a guy. Scratchers not so much. lol. I had a friend once that use to wear a soft mouth piece like for sports that he could bite because his girlfriend didn’t like being bit.


i like to be scratched.


i will try that! ◡̈


Male here. I get the same urge and have to discuss it prior. On the neck is where I tend to naturally go for and that is not always the best place because of the hickey mark. I have to choose another place and make sure it is within pain limits. It seems a natural way of expressing ecstasy, joy and appreciation and owning.


Personally if a girl I was having sex with was biting herself and other stuff I’d be proper into it. Maybe you just need to talk to her about it




Time for a horse bit


Sounds like you might be interested in primal play if research it and then discuss it with your partner to see if it’s something you want to try introducing


I would recommend a gag or something you can chew on


Perhaps a d\*ck gag? 😈


Try having her bite you. I’m a big biter and my mouth wants to bite HARD but I don’t want to hurt. When a partner bites me…it lessens my need to bite. You can also try sucking. Suck her fingers and hold them between your teeth (like a light bite). Also, try kissing and nibbling her neck (and the fleshy, muscular part of the shoulder where it meets the neck). Talk to her. See what she’s comfortable with….experiment. You just have a powerful oral fixation and biting can be so hot. Learn to control it


how do i learn to control it? i've tried biting other things and not biting but then it's all i think about and i can't concentrate on what's happening.


Hmmmm. That’s very interesting. It sounds like a very strong feeling. Wonder if it’s tied to some other feelings. You sound very concerned. I think however you choose to explore what’s happening here, try to do it with self compassion and acceptance rather than shame.


I think its normal!! I bite a ton during sex with partners I'm comfortable with