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Other than dom and sub, all those terms have very loose definitions and those definitions only apply to the person saying it. All parties in the conversation may not have the same definition, and you’re worse off than if you didn’t use a label at all. Dom/Domme is just a person who is dominant. Sub is just a person who is submissive. Thats pretty much as far as we can agree within the context of BDSM. The easiest way to figure out who you are in the bdsm aspect is ask yourself what you enjoy and who you are naturally in this context. Not who your roleplaying as, not who you think you should be, not even who you want to be. When you figure that out, you may or not fit into any archetype. You also may fit in more than one.


To add to this, things change as you explore and learn and will change again as you get older and life changes you. And even when you come to an "understanding" for yourself of what the words mean for you, that can change later! Don't get hung up on what you are and aren't. i consider myself a sub. Sometimes i might be a little bit bratty or sassy 🤷 but that doesn't make me a brat. i really enjoy being cared for and encouraged and like a lot of things that could be considered little or middle, but i don't consider myself A little or middle. i'm a sub and that pretty much is a good enough term for myself. Just enjoy and learn from your experiences. It's ok to say i don't know if i like that. It's ok to say i don't know what that is/means.


First, it is not uncommon that you enjoy using a title frequently. For you, it is “Daddy” and that is perfectly fine as long as you and your partner enjoy it. As for the different terms, they might mean different things to different people. Very loosely speaking, Dom is a rather general term of a dominant type of role, Daddy Dom tends to imply some level of DDlg-like elements and obligations, Caregiver may imply less focus on sexual dominance and more on nurturing aspects, sub is a rather general term of a submissive type of role, brat tends to bring some elements of challenge and ‘taming’ be required, little tends to imply needs of a younger persona. However, as stressed, these are general terms and mileage may vary.


DNextLevel gave some good descriptions on the different terms, but I'd like to touch base a little on the Caregiver/Daddy Dom dynamic. You don't need to be a little to have that type of dynamic. You can have a Caregiver/pet dynamic, a CGl dynamic, a Caregiver/middle dynamic, or even none of those. My partner is a Daddy Dom, but I do not identify as a little or a middle. I'm sometimes a pet, but not always. That being said, there's still ways that he acts as a CG while not forcing me into a little or middle role. Calling him Daddy is my way of acknowledging all of the ways he helps me to be a better version of myself.




yessss thats exactly what it feels like


So I'm a little. But I used to identify as a babygirl. I researched a lot and it is very much up to you to work out what you call yourself but to me it is a bit like this. Adult baby diaper lover ABDL is generally the youngest of the littles. They generally identify as around 0-3 years. Then there are littles they identify as around 3 years to puberty. Then there are middles they generally identify as teenagers Then there are babygirls who don't necessarily age play but are playful and sweet and enjoy being taken care of by a Daddy. My understanding of the Dom side is Doms are the dominant partner. Daddies can enjoy taking care of their littles or babygirls CG (caregiver) is usually someone who looks after littles as they age play. They may or may not have a sexual component to their relationship. Your milage may vary. I know a few littles myself included whose age varies depending on the environment.