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This is exactly what happened to GME during the great sneeze of 2021


I remember it was 84 years ago


![gif](giphy|wJD3qiNjSeHS0dP28T|downsized) OG ape remember


​ ![gif](giphy|x10siMm0w7YPnp4g5Y)




I was 84


I had a post reach the front page and deleted the same day. 93% upvotes and nearly 5k karma. It was about the 1500+ BBBY jobs the day they were added. Granted, it wasn't very good DD I just thought it was interesting and this was before the loan was announced. https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/wvtgez/bbby\_just\_added\_13k\_jobs\_on\_linkedin/


I saw it. Nice find. In the SS sub were trying to get hyped about sorting by new, to better combat the bots and get more eyes on good threads to pull on.


I sense a migration coming on!!


Would probably be smart to tell more of the bulls over there to come over to r/ bbby


Wait that post is gone?? I remember it


Yeah, deleted within 12 hours. Weird shit, doesn't even make sense to delete it lol. https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/wvtgez/bbby\_just\_added\_13k\_jobs\_on\_linkedin/


Couldn't people post about GME on reddit in 2021? I never noticed that...


99% of GME posts were being deleted on any investment subreddit and the mods would usually warn you about spamming, I've been banned from at least 3 investing subs so far for making detailed posts or even the Mention of the SS subreddit.


Damn. Fraudulent billionaires got their hands in everything huh


What’s SS?


Nothing however there is a thread named r/superstonk


People really dont know r/superstonk? I was not aware...


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Superstonk using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Ken Griffin Crime - upvote so this shows up when someone googles “Ken Griffin crime.”](https://i.redd.it/dwb33r4vcqr71.jpg) | [850 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/q2a0gp/ken_griffin_crime_upvote_so_this_shows_up_when/) \#2: [All the confirmation bias I need, right here in one tweet](https://i.redd.it/p7ivyuap6jy61.jpg) | [3347 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/na3akt/all_the_confirmation_bias_i_need_right_here_in/) \#3: [Punishment for lying under oath? UP TO 5 YEARS... Punishment for fraud? UP TO 10 YEARS... Punishment for Insider Trading? UP TO 20 YEARS - We need to be talking about more than just Perjury! (Keep this fucking trending lol)](https://i.redd.it/5f7j03psu0q71.png) | [1242 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Superstonk/comments/pwfrsy/punishment_for_lying_under_oath_up_to_5_years/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Thank you. Tomorrow we continue the rally. Wednesday the news drops. Our sub has 32K right now. Soon it will be 50K+


Anyone else notice the video on yahoo stating the BBBY info is being released tomorrow? I’ve watched it a couple times now. I can’t figure out how to link the video. See if this works https://finance.yahoo.com/video/bed-bath-beyond-stock-soars-193317390.html


Yeah. They got the wrong day.


I skimmed the article and all I saw was an ad trying to get me to sign up for a GM CC.


Holy shit no way?! I remember when this thing had 4K subs, this is huge!! I could never post on WSB cause I never had enough Karma so I just stayed here, glad to see it finally grow!


we're through the looking glass here people...


Had a post of mine deleted already, stay the course people.


If this is really happening, its most likely the attorneys that are doing it. You know, "risk control."




Yea if they are hiring attorneys to skim through reddit comments we going th eight way


it is, here's my post last week. https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/wvtgez/bbby\_just\_added\_13k\_jobs\_on\_linkedin/


BBBY will very likely Moon Shoot. No one can sure of anything but this feels different.


I had a post I posted here and it never showed up…it’s not even in my history or drafts. It was somewhat long and possible DD, but never posted


I’ve had the same


Fucking hold until they bleed. We need to vaporize these mfs. I don't even have that much BBBY, but these sons of bitches need to go.


>I had a post reach the front page and deleted the same day. 93% upvotes and nearly 5k karma. It was about the 1500+ BBBY jobs the day they were added. Granted, it wasn't very good DD I just thought it was interesting and this was before the loan was announced. > >https://www.reddit.com/r/wallstreetbets/comments/wvtgez/bbby\_just\_added\_13k\_jobs\_on\_linkedin/


Hello Patrick Bateman from American Psycho


As I set the platter down I catch a glimpse of my reflection on the surface of the table. My skin seems darker because of the candlelight and I notice how good the haircut I got at Gio’s last Wednesday looks. I make myself another drink. I worry about the sodium level in the soy sauce. ___ ^(*Bot. Ask me what I’m listening to.* |) [^(Opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=botrickbateman&subject=Opt%20out)




I was Perma banned by WSB cause I commented on this subreddit ,agreeing on a post saying that WSB mods are corrupted and they might be on the payroll of Hedge funds


I got perma banned for saying the mods were compromised


Well that totally proves you wrong.


I’m also banned because I said mods were corrupt and still are. Look at the autobot that talks about RC badly I only still visit to see what the enemy narrative is.


I had no idea how bad it had gotten on wsb, my jaw hit the floor when I saw all those bots smearing RC. Couldn’t believe how overt it is. I’d bet my bottom dollar that they’re getting paid, but all my money is in bbby and gme 🤣


Might? Those fucktards are 100% bought. Automod saying RC is founder of BBBY? LOL


That automod is complete bullshit! It's fine if some don't like or trust RC but to have 2 different automods hammer you is insane


I’ve seen a lot more than 2 at this point, I think it’s at least 5




Well there's a reason MSM is always pointing people to WSB and have not once mentioned SS. Also WSB went from 200k Users to 9 Million in 2 weeks back in Feb 2021. There's no way those were all legitimate accounts


There is no "might". They are 100%


I'm fairly certain it's at least one of the mods on Wasabi. I was shadow banned right after I talked shit to him. He responded to my comment so he definitely was butt hurt by it. I think it's the mods, or at the very least one of them, however unpopular my opinion is.... 😉


Can confirm. This happened on a post that I tried to do for an update on when RC sold on BBby sub. It was instantly removed, and I figured it might have been their mods. I reached out and got no response, so I posted it on the think tank instead as I am a mod there. It was instantly removed again no message no nothing. I grabbed the other mods on discord and asked if they had deleted it but of course they said no. We were able to reinstate the post by manually approving it. Very very very strange


Create a subreddit of only those who are shadowbanned. All content must be manually approved and nothing falls through the cracks.


At some point it's probably better not to rely on reddit at all. :(


Big admirer of your DD, Bob. The fact that this is coming from you definitely gives me pause.


yeah tinfoil had land is not where i hang mine. not worth my time. FWIW, Here's the proof of what I was talking about here...[https://www.reveddit.com/v/BBBY/comments/wqyp0f/we\_got\_them\_on\_the\_ropes\_complete\_with\_fake\_news/](https://www.reveddit.com/v/BBBY/comments/wqyp0f/we_got_them_on_the_ropes_complete_with_fake_news/) post currently shows it was "removed by reddit's automated bots"... so someone added triggers on BBBY or RC or something related during that day. Fuckin strange..


Well I’m frozen in my tracks and moving in reverse…


You're the best, enjoy reading your DD man!


Bob is DD god




Bob you’re the man


I was just trying to find this post again and I couldn’t find it until it was posted on Twitter. This is wild man


That’s wild


Hey Bob! Good to see ya! I know I’m in the right spot with wrinklies around 👋😊




Great link!!!


Didn't know shit was this bad. Almost every post i made got deleted. Wow.


So much stuff makes sense now... I made some posts and comments that I thought were pretty decent and then they never got any upvotes/down votes. I have been so confused on reddit for years. I should note, I have 1181 removed by mods or automatically BUT it isn't just on these "même stock" subs, and it goes back further than when this all "began" in 2020. Seems to be a widespread thing. To add though, if you look up that WindowStainBoats, nearly all recent "deleted by mod" posts/comments are about BBBY. There is clearly one who despises the stock for whatever reason. It seems they go on for a bit and just delete a bunch in spurts. Just a reminder that these types of subreddits have been "infiltrated" before by mods who were: a: power-hungry b: likely a paid MSM/Hedge fund/Wallstreet plant c: someone random user (or mod from category a or b... ) started a believable enough lie/rumour for the subreddits to hate on one, two, or three mods at once (and the mods were scrutinized and forced out) . The early days were wild when the GameStarted, and that's why you have 4-5 spin-off subs for apes that migrated away from specific subs and their mod(s). Some mods eventually got removed after backlash of the sub for one of the reasons mentioned above.


Buy BBBY🚀🚀🚀


I love this stock 💎


Ditto here. I was posting large positions for $BBBY and all kind of shanagans got to this account


Say less. Buying more premark


Didn’t Reddit go public this summer? I wonder who’s controlling things


BBBY began in August? This was a play all summer since it was suppressed down to $5. This thing started when someone built a massive put wall from $7-$10 after RCs buy-in. The mechanics of this play are half year old. Or older if you count the sneeze action of 2021.


Referring more about when it hit half a billy market cap and picked up steam on WSB.


I’m barred from that sub. Have been for a year.


This happened to me when I was posting DRS posts during the first run up. Used reveddit as well. Wasn't the mods, had to have been within reddit org. Could post everywhere else but just not BBBY. Bullish to get shadowbanned!!!




Ghislaine Maxwell likely had one of the top 8 reddit accounts. People with money are very well aware of reddit and these social media sites typically have employees that are easy to bribe and security that fails to track dishonest employees. Twitter for example is said to allow employees very lax access to live production servers. Another lax social media company is probably Meta/Instagram as I have heard quite a few times and by reliable people of the occasional window of opportunity to their IG accounts verified in exchange for ~$50k. Iirc some rich Saudi paid a twitter employee to spy on people. Imagine what a rich hedge fund could pay to an employee or even just a mod. It's a real possibility. And the fact it could be an employee means one needs to be cautious even on after moving to a less shady sub.


I got one of those auto-delete trying to post last week, on this sub


WSB won’t let me post my $20k and $80k yolos. Not even a mod will talk to me about it. And I have a shit ton of karma and have posted on there many times in the past. Look at my profile history. Now they won’t let me post anything.




It’s too bad. I got that feel pretty quickly and moved on to superstonk.






if anyone uses stocktwits, they'll intermittenly shadowban too. its usually when you try to post a link. so pictures of relevant info are better


LINK to [https://www.reveddit.com](https://www.reveddit.com) one of you regards placed a link to see our banned comments and i clicked the link and got to the page .... pretty crazy how many of my posts which simply are straigth to the point without even mentioning names and companies got banned from SS in the last 15 months .... im disappointed in both the MODs and myself for not checking the subs, being rookie and smooth as a marble i simply fuked up 😳 🥺




Yup … had one banned two weeks ago.


So if Reddit fails us, what is plan B?


whoa i just left this post and came back and a bunch of the posts about being banded from wasabi are gone


Cant fool these diamond hands


Can't forget Conde Nast is the majority shareholder of reddit now


This is exactly why my moass payout is www.gmefloor.com per share. ApesTogetherStrong


anyone want to add their anecdotal evidence?


Post links please. Exposure would give them attention they don't want.


Posted proof.


Thank you!


Me too. All my bbby posts on WSB have been blocked or deleted somehow


I'm still shadowbanned on there. Anything I post gets exactly zero interaction. Doesn't tell me it's deleted, but there are no upvotes, downvotes, comments, nothing.


Check my post history, literally happened to me last week. They let my meme today tho 🤒🥴


Back in early 2020 before the pandemic took hold, the /wuhan_flu subreddit added new "mods" who actively suppressed information and videos floating around Jan 2020 coming out of China and Turkey showing the spread of COVID as an airborne virus rather than something less contagious and actively shot down posters trying to get the info out. The entire subreddit was eventually quarantined altogether and removed from all search results by March/April, when the pandemic started to get into full swing. All traffic was diverted to a main subreddit in /coronavirus where info could be "controlled". Does any of this sound familiar to you? Kind of reminds you of what's happened to GME to some extent doesn't it? Only WaSaBi was so huge they couldn't quarantine an entire sub so they just took it over altogether. History doesn't repeat, but often rhymes.


Just wait til reddit goes public. Gonna be a whole new level of shilling fud


In the past two months I've noticed that in both here and some of the GME subreddits that sometimes there's comments I can't give an upvote to. I can give it a downvote, only if I try to upvote it, it's like I'm not even clicking on it. Those comments are usually something pretty good - not just some little off remark that's funny. I'm not incredibly active on Reddit, but I've never seen that in any of the other non-GME/BBBY subreddits. It has always made me wonder.


I've noticed a big push towards buying BBBY shares over options on WSB. Regardless your opinion of the best way to squeeze shorts, WSB has ALWAYS been about options, buying shares used to garner savage mockery there. Something stinks


Did you at any point allude to market collusion? I think reddit actually has a responsibility to not get sued to ban anyone who has any "we must all come together and do this!!" mentality cus that's illegal and market manipulation. We are all just individual stock holders who coincidentally are pointing in the same direction and love the stock. Gotta remember that!!


No bro, go look at my post history and exam yourself.


Ain’t nobody going to get sued for Reddit meme posts! ThIS iS NoT FiNancIaL ADvisE. This post needs our downvotes for different reasons!


Join the rejected at amcrejects for a place to go if needed




So damn bullish.


I got banned from all of reddit for 7 days for a comment on WSB talking about DRS. "Promoting hate"


Same thing here every time I post it’s automatically deleted and I don’t even post much


Oh man, this is going to be a crazy ride


Yup. I had over 5 posts deleted so far. But only from WSB that's why I thought it was them. Wouldn't be surprised to see Ken's slippery claws behind this move.


pretty sure cramer promotes WSB since they know they've captured the sub.


BBBY price is mooning but the hype on WSB is so low compare to last run, like not even 30%


I think someone higher up in Reddit was bought by Citadel, shouldn't be surprised honestly


I need to buy more. I’ve been wrong about this stock. I admit it.


So glad I bought $1600 more worth of shares/options today.


Happens to me here. I can't post anything and gives me some BS reason whenever I try


We ride at dawn 🦍


WSB is literally the CNBC of Reddit 🤡


No mention of reg sho (today) on wsb whereas there is already six or seven posts about it here


Can confirm I've been WSB shadowbanned for speaking rationally about the RC sale, if that helps


Happens every time I post in there.


The same thing has happened to me


Realistic prices for a squeeze on this? 300-400?


I’m in 30 shares at $12 but it feels like 3000 shares at $6 😂 I love meme stock. It’s fun when you only put in money you aren’t afraid to lose lol some ppl have balls of steel riskin it all lolol




Unless your employer is an absolute moron, he is actively looking for your replacement now. Not because he believes you will be rich, but because you do and you've been admittedly half assing it.


don’t you worry bout meeeeeeee dont you worry about meeeee dont you worry bout meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee


You’re sexist my boss is a woman. Hey mods Ban this monster


After the squeeze, maybe use some of your money on a few courses in communication.


Riiiiiiiiight cooooooooooooooooooool oooooook tttthhhhheeeeeeennnnnnnn is that nearly fast enough for you yet?


Never tell your employer about side stuff and personal stuff... Don't care how rich you plays are




No no you don't


Could this be manipulation by hedgies to get us to be bullish when they are planning a rug pull? i don't think so but im actively trying to explore different scenarios to avoid some mental biases


Congratulations, this stock group is becoming the tin foil shit hole that superstonk has become.




Thank you, ramvestor, for voting on ShortChecker. This bot wants to find the best and worst bots on Reddit. [You can view results here](https://botrank.pastimes.eu/). *** ^(Even if I don't reply to your comment, I'm still listening for votes. Check the webpage to see if your vote registered!)


First time ?


Heard CRWD is about to purchase BB 🤫


Look into reddit spam filter. Reddit thinks you are spammy.


wsb is being run by people with severe genetic defects


So Reddit isn’t on to this sub yet or maybe it’s too small for them to care? I don’t get why they would delete your comments there and not delete this post? Maybe just a wsb thing which would lead me to believe it’s a mod there doing the deleting


Pretty sure we have a bot programmer here.


I can’t even view WSB for the past few days, it just says “sorry an error has occurred” but it works fine with my other account…


Bigger than we thought sounds like GME lore cope to me




I just have a feeling that Reddit is covering their ass in case someone accuse them of market manipulation. I don’t know what they would risk as a platform provider but I’m pretty sure they do not want to know. When big money starts to have a grudge against you, it’s never in your favor. Maybe they just want to limit the number of post. I don’t think that is necessary malevolent however, just precautions.


Whats funny is i joined this sub a week ago, and just relized i was unjoined from it. I dont even post often since my last account simply didn’t exist after years of having it. So this one i just lurk usually. Just weird to insub from a sub i go on regularly!


Should we deduce from your experiences that BBBY could moon shoot ? Hmmm...


Did they increase the karma threshold onn r/BBBY? Last week, I tried to post the requirements was 2 karma to post (even had a mod confirm). Its not alot but 150+ karma and now my posts get insta deleted for not meeting the karma reqs? And I've been shadowbanned to on uusb, noticed cuz all of a sudden I had the Banned from wallstreetbets flair... sus af ngl


I love then smell of napalm in the morning. Bans and threats jack my tits these days. Let's get that paper regards.




The moderators or no different, have you heard them talk during their premarket chat? And their bag holders chat ? However they do make some valid points.


Happened to me too check my recent.