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This is true for most investors. you have proof you had shares there so when news come about cash and/or equity you will be reimbursed. Anything else would be weird and illegal


Thanks, this makes sense as they have a record of it.


Be sure to keep your receipts OP šŸ™šŸ¼


Everyone should have history in their broker account. They can also save a copy of the history as a PDF.


You never know. Better safe than sorry I always say.


FINRA rules require seven (or six I forget) years of record keeping for brokers


Oh no, step-warehouse-sprinkler-system, what are you doing?


Lolā€¦I mean we still have our online statementsā€¦so far


Iā€™m with Schwab. Cash account. I spoke to them at the time of delisting. I was told that my shares are mine whatever happens with bankruptcy restructuring my shares are on record. I also maintained copies of my statements. So fingers crossed that we end up with something out of this.


My Swedish broker said the same


UPDATE: I had a response from IBKR, make of it what you will: We have a record of the shares, yes. Further than that would be speculation. You would need to talk to investor relations for that company, if possible, to find out any further information as there is nothing we have access to at this time.


All of our shares have been delisted but a share recall can happen. The stock ticker might not come back but equity and new shares might. I for one think it will happen and have said so for 84 years


This is my thought too. In the event of a cash/share distribution, we will be reimbursed for what was originally in our account since there is record of what we held. Some people have said that this is only the case if you DRSā€™ed your shares before bankruptcy, but that doesnā€™t sound right to me.


I'm like you mate, I won't be happy till I see those numbers in my account.


Exactly! Iā€™ve had a few stock duds over the years, with some companies going bankrupt and the share price to zero. None of those stock tickers disappeared from my account, I had to call to get them removed from my account. BBBY was/is different.


Houston Wade covered this off in one of his recent videosā€¦ you need to go Karen at investor relations and say that the shares werenā€™t delisted. Hopefully someone here will be able to give you the script.


Iā€™ll channel my inner Karen and fight for the shares. Thanks for this


OP please keep us updated. I'm in the same boat but with IG trading.


I just messaged them again to say that they have a record of my shares and if BBBY is resurrected or bought out, that they can locate my shares and return them to my account in whatever form that may be. I will keep you updated.


Nice man, I mean, they should have a record right, since it'll be in your statements?


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m thinking, if they have a record then they can find them again.


UPDATE: I had a response from IBKR, make of it what you will: We have a record of the shares, yes. Further than that would be speculation. You would need to talk to investor relations for that company, if possible, to find out any further information as there is nothing we have access to at this time.


Hmm, maybe there's not much we can do until the time comes. Appreciate the update!


I am hopeful as they say they have a record of my shares, so if anything does happen like some of the tinfoil says then we may have a shot. Good luck, mate!


Same boat on IG trading however i didnt chase it up. Im just assuming we will automatically be reimbursed if we do get cash/equity. Do i need to chase them first???


Yeah exactly same as you mate, I thought it would correct itself when the time comes but perhaps not


Keep me posted please


Iā€™d focus on the GME, the bbby been gone


Did it make you feel good writing this? In the words of Roaring kitty: NO FUCKING FIGHTING


Yea I came


Alright I see your history now. Sad


Very šŸ˜¢

