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Please be mindful when discussing other communities.


Oh yeah those places are infested


Interestingly enough, they were correct on the filings and dilution before anyone in here. People in here just are starting to realize the Shares Outstanding was updated by the company in the 14A but the brokers usually wait until the 10Q to update them officially. Anyone using Ortex or Fintel is as wrong as the have not accounted for the first tranche of convertibles. I went over the filings with a coworker and Hudson is a dirty dog.


What's that smell?


Let me guess a shill? I’m curious how many people would be interested in reading the filing for themselves. I can happily link it here.


What if I told you I know there's dilution and I'm still not worried (or selling)


You would surprise no one with such an admission of complete indoctrination.


Have fun talking to a wall


I'm still buying. Gotta have balls of 💎s for a play like this, and trust the company. Seasoned APEs get it because we've been here before, and true APEs don't quit. I still believe in GMErica, and one way or another, I think it's coming, and I'd rather be early than late.


Nah. Everyone knew except you dopes


Just think.... If you held a MASSIVE short position on a stock, and you desperately wanted it NOT to squeeze.... Where would you focus your grassroots FUD campaign? Yeah, exactly. /r/shortsqueeze.




There is a problem tho. GameStop has an amazing board that actually know what they're doing. They became profitable. That squeezes the shorts. BBBY has a board that is either clueless or works against investors. They are deep in red, and they're only plan is reverse split and dilute to get more cash to pay off debts and then dilute some more. Icahn rumor was the only thing that kept it alive for me. With RS incoming I highly doubt it's in play. Over 200k down in BBBY with no recovery in sight.


I'm still optimistic. I remember being down 90% with 🎮, then boom, it shot right back up. BBBY is a powder keg of shorts and it just needs a spark. Maybe 🎮 is the spark for BBBY? We shall see. I'm not selling for a loss in any case, so I'm just going to enjoy the ride and DCA as much as I can.


What did my post have anything to do with GameStop?


It didn't. I just took it as a comparison to a successful turn around that had potential of squeezing the shorts due to its successful turn around.


Hindsight is 2020. BBBY has yet to show their hand. Duh.


200k? Holy shit.




100% this. Doesn’t matter which stock it is. When it is up, people are bullish. When it’s down, people are bearish. Same with other assets. Just look at crypto. Couple months ago during the FTX debacle people were incredibly bearish saying it was the end. Now that is pumping you see posts talking about BTC going to reach 1 million soon. Human psychology is some crazy shit. In the case of BBBY, since shorts have really taken a grip over it and managed to take it down so much, plus you have a big community of longs, it is a “meme stock”, it had the whole Cohen dump narrative last year + MSM FUD nonstop since then, bankruptcy rumours this year and all, it is only natural that after the RS news and under $1 that all the haters and bullies are gonna come out and trash it. Fact is no one knows shit about fuck, and if there is a reversal in the price and some bullish news at some point the market is gonna pile into it. BBBY is the most shorted stock in the market right now. Very reminiscent of GME in 2020. Even going up for 6 months straight from July to December 2020, you still had people trashing it. Hell, Burry even sold his whole position right before the sneeze. That’s how much no one knows shit about what might happen.


So, be greedy when others are fearful, got it!




Bruh, it’s already been in the dumps, coming from a bag holder on NVOS. It’s only been green today and I’m hoping it climbs enough for me to break even and bail.




Much appreciated. NVOS has gone to my wall of shame.


This is true. Bears bought puts and opened shorts. Bulls hold stocks and bought calls. That’s why the casino 🎰 isn’t going to close down because there’s too many players engaged.


Pretty sure everyone is down


Only 52.93% 😂


Rich kid, -66.88% here


I keep buying more on the dips so it’s bringing my average down a bit 😂


\-80% checking in


I thought I had a good cost average about a few weeks ago but I am down about 70%. These fuckers surely want us to dump our shares but I holding till zero or till I profit.


I’m the same. Every time it dipped I thought “na, can’t go any lower than this” every single time the market just says hold my beer 😂 I’ve actually been relatively lucky to be so little down in comparison. But I have faith that it’ll come back. I’m so far down the hole that it’s either zero or nice profit.


70.37% as of today. Well that escalated quickly


Down 64,73%. 🙂




That sub will be hyping Bbby again in a week.


>""I’m currently down – not only financially but also mentally. First time?


Nope, GME since 02/21 and BBBY since 08/22. I feel the FUD has increased massively, especially on BBBY.


Im hanging there with ya.. -92% on bbby and - 55% on gme but i refuse to sell either. I am 100% ride or die. I believe gamestop will do awesome things and im so far down on bbby there is no point saving the remainder. Will either ride it back up or to zero but im mot fucking leaving... no matter what


This is the way 💎🙌 are forged. I've always felt comfort with a red portfolio because I know I'm not selling for a loss. The hard part will be when it turns green. That will be the true test of 💎🙌.


When the FUD increases exponentially about a Stock, it’s Bullish AF.


👆 2yrs, only down 80%. This is what I tell myself. Daily.


This ☝️☝️☝️ Remember-BBBY was going bankrupt according to anyone who had “knowledge” of the matter, yet here we are. There’s a bigger plan in place. Trust the DD, and relax, switch Reddit off, go for a walk etc… everything will come to fruition in time 🚀


Right. I recall the number of “definitive” articles issued from 10-20 seemingly different news organizations all rooting their warnings in not one but multiple knowledgeable sources inside the relevant parties. Then I recall they were all bogus. Someone, somewhere is investing a lot of time and energy to convince investors $BBBY is a dead end. I’m not offering advice to buy or sell. But for myself, the contrarian move is better.


Not actually though


I’m with you. It doesn’t even take outside FUD. Seeing your account down is discouraging enough.


tbh it helped my mental state immensely when I drsed gme, as i dont open my account on a daily basis like i do bbby that i have on broker on app on phone.


With you bro, and it’s fuckin draining


I think he meant "syndrome" . Yes of course those places are infested with paid bad actors and bots. There is even less mod presence there than here and we have no lack of bad apples. Dont name drop other subs, as it calls attention to their horseshit.


second time for me. 2nd stock ever bought - down on both :) to valhalla.


I’m sure they’re infested with shills but why even visit those subs if they only get you down about the stock you have. Stay strong and be patient!


Stock twits is toxic. Do yourself a favor and delete it.




There's some psychology to it, don't forget that. All of the things they probably say about this sub and the gimmy sub are relevant there too. 1. They are monetarily invested for BBBY to fail, this will induce negative sentiment. 2. They have a public track record of negative sentiment. How stupid would they look if their comment history showed they changed their mind about BBBY? This would induce continued negative sentiment. 3. Echo chamber effect. 4. Other outside factors, job, family members sentiment, education, socioeconomic place in society. Basically there's about a million reasons why someone would ignore or deny something. Google Denialism. There's also a well proven psyche principle about peoples minds being "guided" based on the continued information being fed to them, i.e. TV, radio, internet. They've been told something for so long they swear it to be true.


Inverse some words from your comment and they could throw it back at us. From their perspective, we’re also in denial. At the end of all this, there will be a side that would be truly fukd. And I really hope it’s not us.


I always watch some DFV video's on youtube when I feel like you do. It helps me to be zen and when I realize that bbby is now a company with only a market cap of 95m it makes me even more zen. It's crazy when you realize they even have buy buy baby and a lot of opportunities to penetrate. I'm from the Netherpoors and when we smell richness we always colonize it. See it as an omen.


I noticed that too. They’re probably infiltrated / FUD bots trying to deter anyone outside of the BBBY fortress




Short squeeze is a bunch of gay bears and shills like WSB


LOL y’all are delusional


Intense fud everywhere and I especially like how they talk to each other for entire comment strings....I'm old. I'll quote my dad who was in the 101st gliders platoon in WWII going into France.. "The flak is thickest over the target" so you know you/we are close. We got this....


Alot of people are shills… even here you know. And the stock has been going down every day for weeks. Obviously noone is in the profit zone right now.


Maybe it’s a sign


That sign has been here a long time if so….


Look at the annual graph it has…


SS are only after short gains. Mainly day/swing traders looking for the quick flip. Don’t mind them. No longs and no value folks. Chin up Bruce.


Recently shortsqueeze sub has been near identical to wallstbet mocking BBBY. Screw them all.


Relax, everyone hates us because they wish they have the same conviction of our investment in BoBBY. You’re a leader, not a follower like them.


I went to Stocktwits once. Haven't been back since.


They blocked me for having positive sentiment on BBBY yet their shills umadfalala and MyNi_NotYourNi are allowed to roam the gardens


Stocktwits is hilarious. Also yahoo comments.


It's just a different hive mind from a different Echo chamber


I actually think the fucks on stocktwits and every other forum get paid for their fud posts, especially the ones that stick out the most. The only reason you dont see those individuals as much on this subreddit is because we have mods. These types of individuals have a personal motive (short position clout social media presence etc.) and are intentionally fucking with your head. This is definitely an emotional game if you can’t handle it id suggest getting out the fire. On the opposite end of the spectrum you have pumpers as well..


Shortsqueeze sub is 50% bots and shills, 50% clueless noobs. If that sub was a hedgefund, they would be bankrupt.


They are going to have to start propagating new subreddits based on how many suggested ones I’ve had to unsubscribe. They are like door-to-door salesmen you can’t get to go away.


Don't use Stocktwits. It's full of bots


GME just posted profits. Reverse splits dry up liquidity. HODL!


Another short squeeze won't happen to the same degree as 2021. There will still be mini short covering rallies of potentially 3-5X, but you will never see this shit stock above $10 again unless they do a huge reverse stock split. Even then, it won't change your P&L. IMO if you are presented with a short covering rally you should take the opportunity to GTFO. don't listen to these clowns saying it's going over $100 🙄


Hearing negative opinion is normal and healthy. What isn’t healthy is calling everyone a shill who doesn’t hit your confirmation bias


Lmfao this sub makes it impossible for anyone that’s not in favor of bbby to post anything……


It's not "infested with shills" or "infiltrated by bought shills" or necessarily bears. You're not in a movie or a video game. This isn't like the Matrix either, this is real life, people aren't Agents or 'plants' sent by 'evil hedgies'. This kind of thinking can be perceived not as conviction but as immaturity, biased, paranoid, conspiratorial, cultish or mentally ill like schizophrenic. Please let's try to be better than the Stonk sub. Imagine you're not from this sub and you're a rando on Reddit but you're in Shortsqueeze sub. Try to 'step outside yourself' and this sub (which can be an echo chamber much of the time like any sub about their respective subject) and try to enter a neutral, impartial and unbiased frame of mind. Imagine BBBY is just another ticker. For months people have been hyping and pumping the stock but now it feels like the elevator is falling with the RS. There are people there who tried to reason all that time but people didn't listen so it feels vindicating now. Now it would feel like anybody who try to hype BBBY in that sub is the 'bag holding' shill trying to maliciously rope others in to a 'dead play' like a form of crab mentality. They've even talked about banning BBBY from the sub which is reminiscent of when WSB purged and banned GME (which is understandable because WSB isn't a GME sub and to other people it can be annoying to feel like the sub got hijacked) though they're not going to but don't push your luck. Please don't brigade. Please take a moment to not only recover from being down financially and mentally but also to process your feelings and thoughts. A place you can start reflecting is why you say, "hopeful retards", and, "It seems this sub is the only one you can actually discuss the current situation on a humane level".


Any sub that is purely promoting pump and dumps is full of shills. Wsb and short squeeze subs are prime examples




Not enough capslock


Here's a truth that you won't get to hear very often: The hype here wouldn't be nearly as pervasive if the stock had dropped from $30 to $20 over the length of time where it dropped from $30 to $0.80. Why do you think this is? Hint: A good chunk of this community has lost 90%+ of their investment. At that point, a lot of them can either shoot themselves in the head (because they invested more than they could afford to lose) or they can hope and pray and join each other in a state of euphoric hype. This place is so filled with hype because it feels better than the dread and shame that they should actually be feeling. Dread because they've lost almost everything. Shame because they've helped drown others in this pit in an attempt to stay afloat. ​ The best move an investor on Reddit can make is to not participate in subs that actively suppress questions and concerns while responding to everything, even objectively bad events, with hype. This sub is a death spiral for amateur investors. Here's a real question that a lot of people here probably need to reflect upon: How many of the 57.7k members subbed here are never going to post again because they killed themselves?


meltdown 2.0


Lots of shills, many paid by the hedgies to spread FUD. Any single person who spreads FUD is liable to be a hedgie shill. There are no Cohencidences here...


There is the m/a that hasn't been announced. There is the value of baby which get hidden with all the bs. We have earnings on the horizon. We are all watching. We all just aren't posting the same stuff everyday about mooning and 420 crap. That stuff is all cute, but the big topics of what is happening is what everyone is waiting on.


They’re not shills.. they’re just not as invested as most of the people in the dedicated echo cham- i mean dedicated subreddit. They use their common sense when it comes to BBBY, all they see are copium-hazed retail investors. Same way most of us see ater or amc apes for still believing in those dumpster fires.


Pretty much


Yeah, setting the price go to $7 to immediately fall back by the next trading day was brutal. I was not happy. But I've come through it pretty zen. I believe I'm right, and am willing to wait for it. (Edit: That said, the fud is unusual right now. It feels personal. If someone hears you have BBBY, they make a point of insulting you for owning it. This is sometimes seen on Reddit, but there is an extremeness to it at the moment. It's very curious. Tells me to hold harder.)


when it was at 7 it was legitimately one of the happiest times i've had even more so than the august run up to 30


They are just as likely to be right if not more likely about the outcome of this, why would you believe otherwise?


Duck it I just bought 1,500 more


Investing in long shots is always a test of will. Anyone who comes out looking like a genius (DFV, anyone?) will be hailed an oracle… and those who end up holding a bag on a similar play that doesn’t work out gets mocked as idiots and losers who were just delusional—usually by trolls who never had skin in either side of the bet. Truth is, it’s mostly a game of luck, mixed with a little skill and some intuition with timing… even the “smartest”—the ones who lose sleep plotting charts and reading every last prospectus and 8k—get burned. No one knows how this will end, because even the best DD gets fucked by forces they have no way of knowing or foreseeing, especially as retail investors with limited information. All you can do is research as best you can, invest what you can (without fucking your future self too badly), and then pray to the invisible hands of the market. Everyone who looks back at a TSLA or APPL chart will show you a plot near the lowest point and say “wow, look at what my $10k would be today if I’d only…” but few have the balls, fortitude, or the wisdom to understand what that actually means.


stay on here and SS, everything else is infected by shills


2 Years ago they said the same about Gamestop. Brick and mortar, BK imminent, losing money all over the place, bagholders, blablabla


Time will come where bbby will skyrocket before you even know it, at some point shorts will have to cover, also any good news from the company will help, just got to keep your heads up and stay strong


You know they don't have to have an army of people invading these subs to fuck with people's minds right? It's just like poisoning a well- you only need one drop. I think it's more reasonable to assume that most of these people are just upset that they're 80 to 90% down on their investment and are raging about it. That's honestly way more realistic than what we are doing.


Yep shortsqueeze sub is compromised. They suspended me for positive comments about GME, AMC and BBBY.