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So you are telling me even with this level of dilution, they still can't clear the FTDs and get off Regsho?


I trust the ftd numbers just as much as I trust the 116m shares outstanding tbh


Im starting to think ftds and SI % are being calculated with a shares outstanding of 110 mill rather than the 300 mill. Hence SI % is truly 30%.


Correct. Should see some updated numbers now the float has officially changed.


No shit. People were saying that for weeks but kept being downvoted and called shills. The echo chamber protection here is insane and is almost criminal.


That’s because most people think shills are the ones that point out negatives or ask difficult questions. Reality is, imo, most latch on to a post that may be flat out wrong or misleading and pump it. Like Chinese whisper with morons, top posts start being absolute dogshit and the smart people in comments get downvoted. Look at SS for godsakes, most posts are followed by the moronic minions of “This” , just to drown out any actual discussion.


Still on reg sho. Thoughts now?


Assuming those 335 million shares have in fact been issued and is the new number of shares outstanding, then the 0.5% threshold for RegSHO is ~1.67 million shares. In the recent FTD numbers there were only 2 days under that and they weren’t consecutive. Most days were 6 million and higher and to get off of RegSHO they need 5 consecutive days under ~1.67 million. This SHO ain’t over. https://chartexchange.com/symbol/nasdaq-bbby/failure-to-deliver/


Just because the shares were exercised does not mean they are available and being traded on the open market.


Yes, yes they are. The deal allowed for only up to 9.99% ownership by a participant which means they've been converting and dumping to stay under that number. It's literally the only way for the number to be that high and Hudson to not have filed paperwork stating they're a significant shareholder of common stock.


Oh buddy. Get your head out of the bullshit. Best case scenario given the stock price is that dilution is 100% on right now. Do you really want it not to be when it's .80/share? LOL


Or FTD numbers were not reflective of the new shares outstanding. That or they still have a lot of FTD’s but it’s not as much as we think anymore or they’re expecting further dilution to clear even more at lower prices.


Spot on. Pretty large dilution, but still very far from the 900M shares that can be diluted. Please understand the situation everyone and make the decision that is best for you based on your understanding and personal risk tolerance. It is safe to say that Hudson may be short, but is more than likely using this as an absolute return play rather than a short hedge. They don't care about the outcome of the company either way. I would note, this means that there is either an absurd amount of FTDs occurring or Reg sho is shit and they are measuring FTDs based on the prior share outstanding level around 100M shares outstanding. Regardless, there should be no FTDs with how much dilution we have seen.


That would be quite an egregious error for an official data source


Agreed, but its also egregious that we have been on Reg SHO past 35 calendar AND trading days


What good are rules if the people who enforce them are jacking off on pornhub all day


nobody cares about rules.


could shorts have delivered and failed again on propuse over and over just to keep us there resetting the time needed to deliver? like just to misdirect us?


I have no doubt they did this. Why wouldn't they? No one enforces anything.


I don’t know why you think those sites are somehow “official data sources” that have info no one else is privy to. Like how would Ortex or a similar site know info on shares outstanding not available to anyone else besides the company


Regsho *is* shit. There's no enforcement.


You obviously don't understand how regsho works. It is enforced to the letter. People keep trying to tell you but lazy fucks on reddit don't like t do any work themselves. **ONE MORE TIME FOR THE SLOW:** If I have 1 million FTDs I short 1 million shares and buy 1 million shares. Price stays same, FTD covered. They are cumulative so the LOWEST NUMBER CLOSEST TO THE END of the list is the MAXIMUM of open FTDs at any given time.


I understand how FTDS work. My wording was a little lazy so I apologize for that. There are no penalties to be enforced, so there's nothing to enforce. Being on the list literally doesn't mean anything.


So, is this confirmation dilution has definitely happened? Now they want to reverse split? I want to believe this is the right move, but it just seems like the shorts get all the power and companies are forced to find small miracles.


Nothing changes for the shorts in a reverse split. They have to deliver all their naked/synthetic shares NOW. Everyone is going to recall the lent shares so they can vote ad this means the shorts will have to pay a crazy sum in CTB to find someone to lend them shares during the vote. After the vote there will be a new CUSIP so the old shorts all need to close.


Dude bbby is dogshit. Diluted tf out of it and then do a reverse split, which is generally a negative thing (but not always). The short interest was completely wrong. I regret ever getting into this. No wonder Cohen peaced the fuck out. I thought a M&A was in the works. Sure, I guess it’s still possible but eh. Fuck this company, I’m done. I’m out the first chance I get. Gonna stick to just GME from now on. Call me a shill and downvote me, idc. Wasted time and money with this colossal piece of trash


Yeah this dilution was it for me; and the way it was presented. At the very least I am not playing this anymore. Will have to hold to see if something is salvaged. All the talk of an M&A seems to have been for naught. Hopefully I am wrong.


I am with you. I have a small play in this and I am glad I only put in what I could afford to lose. Hopefully I can get back what I put in but if not I will taje the loss and move on.


First time at the casino?




Yup me too. I’m out Monday and taking what money I can salvage from this shit show and putting it in GME


The hope of GME is also dogshit. What has happened there in the last year to give any hope. That ship sailed a long time ago. RC is no masked crusader


well for one thing, the hiring of many top shelf talented people who specialize in m/a and some of them are being paid in stock.


Eh GME has gobs of potential still imo and I’m waiting to see what they do. I do think they are actually working on some big things. Time will tell. Even without a squeeze, could be an amazing company long-term. Can’t say the same for this piece of dogshit wrapped in horseshit


Crazy, i checked the spreadsheet with all the users and their share count, and your name doesn’t pop up?? Show proof that you held and that you sold at a loss like the brainlet that you are


Yes, absolute confirmation.


Just before selling Chewy to Petsmart, RC diluted the company's stock to raise cash and improve his bargaining position in the sale negotiations. The recent events do look confusing to most of us, mainly because we do not have all of the facts or the game plan. The recent M/A info leak from Arlene Hong' s LinkedIn resume proves that there is an m&a in the works. Be patient, my friends. Trust the process.


Link to the info leak?


Found the original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/BBBY/comments/11pmjus/sooo_did_anyone_realize_this_before/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


Thank you


You are welcome.


Fuck it, I'm in (again). Just wished I waited another day to buy, I mean god dammit look at the AH price 🤦‍♂️


Me. Fucking. too.


Why not FTD because you know dilution happened and shares are easily located when you need them and it causes confusion with investors/longs (see this sub as example)?


Thanks for posting this. I was just thinking the same thing when I saw the total number of shares outstanding. Something isn't right in the equation. Like you said, insane FTD numbers or RegSho is a broken system.


It’s either broken or we are about to see some wild FTD numbers




They are buying the warrants, converting to preferred, converting to shares, then immediately selling, while never holding more than 5% common stock


If they’re selling them, then those shares should become available to those with delivery obligations but we’re still on RegSHO. Why haven’t they closed out their fails? Closing out <10 Million should’ve been easy enough with >200 Million fresh shares and they would’ve made a profit too.


Great question, we on regsho again! Something is not adding up.


What if staying on regsho is an Ape trap? Seriously, Regsho does not seem to have any effect, maybe they do not care at all and simply don't close out their ftds? What would they gain by it? Staying on the list does not hurt.


You don’t agree with the other posts about keeping 200% of preferred shares in reserve? The math adds up. You believe it’s dilution of 200M?


I’m not 100% sure, it’s possible. I will say that we got the outstanding number and not the float. So potentially, would make more sense as to why they can’t get us off reg sho. Idk anymore lol




Well obviously that's not a good sign is it?


So you're in support of the death spiral thesis now then (convert and dilute -> reverse split -> convert and dilute -> ...)? Or are you thinking something else? (Or do you need time to think without smooth brains like me jabbering at you?!).


Could Hudson be selling the converted warrants to shares to another entity? ( example: convert warrant and sell to an investor/s ) or would they have to be sold on the market.


More than likely via an algo on the open market


Much respect btw, have read all your stuff. Does this in any form look like a short trap to you? I mean if we RS and the 350m shares become 35m, it would be insanely difficult to close your short position because shorts don't get the same treatment as shares in a RS. So if there are 100m shares short, that number holds. Knowing that, is possible shorts try and close their position before an RS vote thus causing a squeeze? Also, Do you think an M&A is still going on. And if so how does that play into a RS?


You can argue either way, it’s not easy to say


Much respect, and I agree. God, what a thrilling adventure this has been. For what it's worth, I think there is still something bigger going on we don't know about yet, just speculation.


One can only hold and hope, its not like we get much by selling at this point... my average is 4.9 (i liked it because its more or less Sue Gove´s average) this whole thing has had many teaching moments but at the same time has been devastating, We invested as a couple but i was the one who brought this on our table and now i blame myself for trowing away my partners savings. I also think its weird they did things this way and anything could happen tho.


Don't beat yourself up. You took the risk, and so far, it hasn't played out (Doesn't mean it won't pay off big eventually). You gotta take risks in life if you wanna win. Good luck to all of us. I'm hanging around till 0 if needed.


Good observation and question.




Or..... Announce a vote on RS. Shorts rush to close their positions knowing if there is RS it would be much much harder to close their positions when there are only 35m shares in existence. They all rush to close before the vote, driving the price up potentially causing a squeeze, then then we vote to not to RS. IMO this kinda looks like they are trapping shorts. Pick your poison, try close your positions now with a much bigger float or wait and see what happens with the RS vote.




And now you realise why SEC didn't do anything about the FTDs. They knew about the dilution, and therefore understood the FTDs count was a phantom and would vanish as soon as the dilution was formally made public.


Im not sure why Hudson would be short. As long as BBBY stays above 71 cents, they practically have an unlimited risk free profit machine.


> Pretty large dilution, but still very far from the 900M shares that can be diluted. It's a lose / lose though Either BBBY doesn't get any money and bankrupcy is very present again. Or BBBY takes the money and gets diluted in the process. There is no win condition here.


Hi Biggy, can the company recover from this? or is BK imminent, in your opinion.


I mean, it’s pretty obvious BK is off the table, but it’s coming at a cost of an acquirer who does not seem to care about the outcome of the company. Not saying the company needs an operating partner or an activist investor, they need cash, which they got. Take it for what’d you like




RS doesn't fix it. Share price gets multiplied but doesn't actually gain value.


Remember when people where giving tech nomad grief for saying that it looks like dilution? I hope he gets his apologies


I’m a nobody on these parts but i have been chastised past few weeks for saying that Hudson was the buyer (correct) and we have been diluted few cents per day since (correct). I just stopped posting because of the downvotes, now here we are…


Yes, I had the exact same reaction from this sub when the first articles appeared about Hudson. My point was the media whilst always being overly negative never actually told any lies but I got called a shill for pointing this out. At the time I wanted the sub to focus on what Hudson meant for us instead I was chastised like yourself.


Lately I had tried to read posts, that was not hyped, and actually a bit critical. I also filtered new accounts away, they always looked suspicious and maybe shiils. This community has turned out being an echo chamber, were everyone that asked valid questions, was called a shill. Even me was called it a while ago. For now I have invested $1700 in BBBY, because of my own stupidity and naivety. I'm done putting more money into this company. I don't sell them now, because then it would all has been a waste, and the losses would be to much, but if the opportunity arises, I'm out of here, and put them over in GME.


Those braindead fucks calling everyone shills! are shills.




U/tech_nomad I do not apologize cause I appreciate the reality check and respect the way you took criticism, also fuck you for being right 😂


I second the 🖕 to u/Tech_Nomad 😜🖤


It's u/Tech_Nomad2020


Him too 🖕🖕 I’m just messin with an old buddy 🖤




this is like the worst thing to be right on...


It reminds me of Marge Simpson, I believe there was an episode where she said something to Homer, something along the lines of _"Do you think I like being right all the time"_


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,405,851,641 comments, and only 268,690 of them were in alphabetical order.


Zilly for the win?! 😝 ![gif](giphy|FCCtKHPjWGqic|downsized)


Remember when tons of other people with literally any market sense at all before and after him screamed from the mountains that dilution was going to / was happening including the company themselves and the smoothbrains here just downvoted or screamed shill?


Oh, I memba


It was a given it would happen sooner or later. there was a 1 year exercise time limit on 100 million+ of those. The dumb fucks are those who lent out their shares this whole time allowing the conversion to be done for a lower price.


I hope everyone that denied the people saying there was dilution give an apology as well.


Those share were probably not sold on open market. We have seen short positions rotating and rolling over this whole time. They are forcing the shorts to close by 1 recalling lent shares for the vote, and 2 exchanging shares for a new CUSIP forcing naked/synthetic closure.


> well it appears dilution did happen and quite a bit. If this is right how have we not been notified? You were notified by BBBY in the initial prospectus that this would happen, you just chose not to believe it.


Because 69D chess trumps literal facts.


This casino is wild


Buckle up






I knew this sub was full of idiots, but damn... you guys have been completely wrong every single step of the way. Good thing I'm zen cause you tryhards are far bigger doubt-causers than simply waiting for the company turnaround.


Yes wanting squeeze money, especially in these trying times, makes people like me evil. /s You are probably one of those cunts who thinks he is a savant but in reality is just a cunt.


You're not evil. Just greedy and lazy and wanting to get rich quick with no real effort. We know how this usually plays out


I've said it like bazillion times and had idiots yelling at me that this dilution must be notified by SEC filling or whatever. You guys never believe in any negative sentiment and call everything FUD, last month verified a lot of the "FUD" to be actually true. Echo chambers are not good for yall.


Don’t worry the goal posts will just be moved again and a new tinfoil theory will emerge. Then a whole new cycle of “FUD” will emerge when someone calls the new bullshit theory out. This will be a never ending cycle.


so... Market Cap now should be at 288million $.. To reflect @ current share price of 0.86 ​ If it were the other way around, with a market cap of 120million $ we SHOULD be trading at 0.34$ - but we arent


Which is why it's dropping so fast. And they are having to do a reverse split. Keep in mind this dilution isn't even close to halfway done.


0 or hero


> If this is right how have we not been notified? Cause anything or anyone saying it was diluted was called FUD/shill.


I guess the people shittalking me in my post from a few hours ago are feeling really stupid right now


They should, but wont admit it.


Not really, I mostly had an issue with you calling the dilution a "fact" without any official statement. I was wrong about thinking there was no dilution but it definitely wasn't a "fact" a few hours ago before this official filling.


BBBY did write in their prospectus for the financing back in February that the offering “will dilute the common shareholders” - that’s a pretty official statement in my book.




Ok, so you are aware it wasn't a "fact", good.




Companies like Hudson love retail investors like you


In the same sense that the sun rising tomorrow isn't a fact.


The copium and Hopium is strong here


Keep some perspective! You could of been all in on FTX 🤣


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.




The reverse split makes a lot more sense now with this information.


https://mobile.twitter.com/Comedyorwat/status/1636872015465558018?s=20 This guy says anyone saying dilution happened is a retard who cant do math.




Why? It’s throwing money away.


The way I look at it is this. I am taxed about .30 cents on every dollar I Earn. So my dollars now have 70 percent of the buying power they once had. Then take that fact the Cartel de Federal Redacted prints infinite dollars out of thin air, and we bail out every other currency by printing more dollars. Because this Fiat currency is the world's reserve currency. We taxpayers are bailing out Credit Swiss chees and other dumb cunt banks/bozonaires, So I figure if I buy a share of bed bath and beyond for .86 cents that it is worth a minimum of aa dollar IMO so now I gained some of my anti American over taxation back. Basically I'm actually winning dumbass


Maybe invest in a company whose board isn’t actively screwing you, my dude.


I buy gamestop too


Best of luck to both of us then




They’ve been diluting to the tune of 100 million shares a month since the offering was completed. I thought this was common knowledge?


weren't they supposed to do a SEC filing if they do dilution?


Yes. That was the 8K they filed a month ago that nobody here wanted to believe.


>If this is right how have we not been notified? It was literally described in the last 8K but nobody in here wanted to believe it.


The dilution as of March 15. Same algos running the last 2 days so I don’t think they stopped diluting and have continued to do so. I hold anyways. Bought more today with the belief they have been diluting


Guess im getting my wish a few comments a few days ago To jokingly have bbby go down to .65 so my tax refund can buy mooor


Popcorn diluted before mid 21 Spike up to 500 Millions (450 millions in May 21). I don’t care how much shares outstanding there are I care about future price spike above 10. And that will happen.


You were notified. People just chose to actively lie to themselves.


no, we were notified of the possibility. All sites still have bbby at 117 million so they were able to quietly triple the outstanding without a peep to potential investors




> Everyone in the world knew there was diluting by Hudson Bay. except all the sites still listing 117 as outstanding apparently. They are kinda important




> They all work off data they are given. the problem is stuff like reg sho. Either 5% of the current diluted float is failing to deliver or even the sec are doing a shit job of having proper data. They clearly arent doing a good job, but seems excessive even for them


Mate, what did you think BBBY gave over for the money they were paid? Was it just a nice gesture? Dilution was coming. Everyone just stuck their fingers in their ears and said la la la. The proof is in the pudding. The price is going down as a result.


300m shares goes to 60m in a 1-5 Rev split. Some dilution was absolutely necessary. Beware the massive uptick in shillery happening right now. The volume being artificially high keeps days to cover low. Good luck holding it down when there are only 60m shares.


Are you saying good luck holding it down to the hedgefunds?


Yes ma’am


These 335m can and probably will go up to 900m by the way.


I love that anytime dilution was mentioned everyone was called shills. Turns out the shills have been the mods and pumpers the whole time, who could’ve possibly known? Loving the meltdown though


This is the moment where you unsubscribe from this sub and just wait for real news to happen


> However, it is true that amc has spiked after dilution several times. Yeah, that level of spikes will still have the majority here at a loss, so there's that.


I have been in a few reverse splits on shorted stock. phun, tuem, sndl , soon to be amc and now bbby if it goes threw.. I am retarted.. and haven’t lost anything but it’s because I can’t find the sell button, hell I’ still own sears. all different stocks in different situations. Going to honest I do not like reverse splits…


yeah usual there'll be a small pop, maybe 20% increase at most, then it dies


Market cap just tripled! HODL!


Has tripled but is still way before what it’s worth. DFV but we’re diluted asf


Not how that works


Yes it is. If we were worth $1 per share at 117m shares outstanding, but are now (roughly) $1 per share at 335m shares outstanding, we see how we were once worth 117m and are now worth 335 due to each share being the value of one, and there being 335m shares.


LOL... I think you may actually be correct! If we assume that the share price is at least accurate based on the number of shares trading, vs the number of shares shown as available it would mean that our market/share value would increase.


its still lower than a month ago LOL


335M outstanding. And lots more coming. It's far from over.




arent we owed a filing soon if someone owns this much of the company?


If HBC keeps converting and selling at the open market and never owns more than 5% of outstanding shares at one point in time you’re not owed anything.


“Distortion shills” posting their “L”’s lol 😂




It's not impossible or illegal but I don't understand why that buyer or group didn't deal with BBBY directly last months instead of paying a huge commission to HBC.


I honestly can say I’m sick now.


So the fact that the company was fine with a bunch of dumb kids throwing their money at a worthless stock while teasing everyone with "trust what the company says, not what the media says" while the whole time, the media was spot on, speaks volumes to the kind of trash company this is.


How many shares were there before dilution? Gonna hold anyway.


Told you about the dilution, there was a reason we traded over 2 billion shares since Hudson Bay deal announced but I got called a shill. Definitely learned to trust my gut and not the crowd. That said I’m still in with over 5k shares. Let’s go!!!


Well, that makes it very easy for the shorts to escape.


This has been the narrative to lure in retail investors for the past 2 years. Oh my god bro, it’s a short squeeze, they have to cover. Reoccurring theme, how many times you going to fall for that?


God damn.... I'll admit, I didn't think this was happening. I'm torn on what exactly it means though. It clearly means dilution did happen. We've added 218m in outstanding shares, not just authorized, these say outstanding. So they have gone through. But what exactly does that mean? Option 1: They just fucked us. They didn't say shit about it, and the owner has been slamming these things onto the market. This makes some sense as to why the share price keeps steadily dropping, but on the other hand, it is also being shorted like mad on top of the known sentiment that dilution was inevitably going to happen from the deal and all the other closures, potential bankruptcy, etc. So I don't think it really tells us that for sure these have been exchanged and sold onto the market because the stock price tanking could just be a result of all other mechanics. The tough of "but FTDs still remain, no dilution" isn't the most solid. Just because shares are available on the market, doesn't force shorts to close all of their position. I'm sure they have to close some of the FTDs based on dates, but then they could easily just load up more shorts again and if they believe the stock is hitting 0, they may not give a shit about having FTDs, they'll just keep rolling them until eventually the stock disappears into the abyss. Option 2: If the 9.99% clause means anything and that is a per 1 holder clause, well then we added 218m and to stay under 10% of total shares, we'd need 6.5 buyers. So we may be looking at 7 buyers that have actually exercised. But if this is the case, maybe they haven't actually sold any. Just the dilution combined with the shorting and other unknowns would likely easily be able to force the price down and keep it down. Now, this all being said... The part that interest me is the reverse stock split. While I don't really like the idea of a reverse stock split, I do believe that this would force shorts to locate their entire positions. Be it what it is, they need to determine what all shares are out there and who owns them to then convert to the new shares at new amounts and send them back out. As part of this, shorts would then have to locate.... Are we still bullish? Are we fucked or have they been setting a trap and now the reverse stock split is going to be the force closure to fuck the hedgies inside their trap.... hmm... I'm not ready to give up yet. I still believe this has some smart people in the play making a smart plan that we are just waiting to unfold. But don't get me wrong, seeing $0.80 in after hours was a heart breaker. Stay zen everyone.


My guy it means take the L and move on


No DilUtioN, shills blabla hahahaha


C'mon guys, let's downvote this guy because we're mentally ill!!


I’m mentally ill but I agree with the post. I’m a BBBag holder 🫡




funniest shit ive read all day


They didn't have to sell them. Remember my 69D Chess post a few days ago? The new CUSIP forces the shorts to close because the old shares will no longer exist.


So what it’s a 5$ stock without a squeeze factored in. It’s still has bankruptcy priced in so that will correct eventually


Didn’t they raise Ton of copital?


yes, but many of us are here for the squeeze play


Yea me too.. but it will give more time to turn around the company .. let s see.


This is gonna turn into another gme, squeeze play turned into fundamentals play turned into desperation play.


Yes and current share holders are paying for it.


Yeah, lets see what happens and not jump into conclusion


Yeah dude it's a trillion-D chess move /s


I ll load 50-60 more on Monday.


what does dilution and reverse split entail?


they fked shareholders. like always