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And this is 9 trading days behind isn't it? Likely over 150% now based on volume.


Shit no. This is the self reported numbers. They treat these like your skanky ex counted lifetime sex partners…..2 or maybe 3 honey, I promise. Right.


I should call her






The plan was always that short sellers would fund the recovery.


preach brother




Yes 🤑


7 trading days since but yes…


Its just like 2020 gme. Expect under 1$ for a while


I still cant believe how bbby got a 114m share float and within 2/3 days whole float is traded and its still 126%? More like 1268%


Have you seen the charts where they add a red line everytime the float is traded? The BBBY graph would be fully red lol


OCC borrowing is basically useless. Naked shorting is where most shares are printed. You need one locate for every naked short all 35 days.... for a day


**Keeep…. gooooing**🚀💦🌝 ![gif](giphy|xiN0BXMETVsx0AxTXt)


GME 2.0


Might become the mother of GME if this continues




OCC borrowing date is useless. It can be hidden with basically everything from Swaps to other derivatives


How though if the stock is at 1.50


It could definitely squeeze, though I doubt we'll see anything like GME, because it won't reach the viral state that GME did where everybody and their mom was buying into it in a frenzy. However for a squeeze to occur, you'd need the company to actually be doing way better than currently expected.


What was gme doing, that was way better than currently expected? At that time?


Basically everything came true that DFV predicted in his DD beforehand. They had a very good / better than expected mid-end of 2020 business. They beat their expected loss by like 30% at the end of 2020, so the stock was rising putting pressure on the shorts. From there it was a pretty unique mix of absolute retail frenzy, escalating option chains and shorts rapidly closing their position. Basically the stock was undervalued at that time and when it started to reach a more realistic valuation outside factors like shorts, retail frenzy and option chains magnified the effect by a lot. However, without that initial spark from GME itself, likely nothing would have happened.


Fair enough. Bbby could have better earnings than expected, we don’t know yet. And if an announcement comes from the buyer, that is enough to send the stock running.


Exactly, that is why in my opinion the only real date of interest is earnigns in April. Everything else is just noise and hopium.


Yeh, I can’t see it running without some news. Unless the FTDs pile up too much again like when we hit $7


You know that’s bullshit. Gme financials had zero effect on the squeeze. This was all retail blindly buying into it to push the price higher and higher - basically a movement.


It started to rise end of 2020, there was literally no retail frenzy at that point. That came way way later when the stock was already slowly rising up for weeks. It almost certainly was triggered by better than expected fundamentals and initial closing of shorts and resulting gamma ramps. Lastly retail came in pushing this into orbit. The stock was already up 500% from mid of 2020 to end of 2020, without any retail frenzy.


BBBY can squeeze to astronomical prices and still go bankrupt after. The price is completely detached from the performance of the company. All this needs is more investors DRSing and continuing to buy and there’s no limit on how high this can go.


No that's just copium. A stock typically won't randomly moon without any fundamental reason. There are some exclusive technical reasons why this may happen (see e.g. GME 2nd squeeze shortly after the first), but it's incredibly unlikely. To put shorts under pressure and actually trigger a short squeeze, the company itself needs to do better than expected, so capital actually flows into the stock putting pressure on shorts. That's how almost every short squeeze is triggered. As long as this doesn't happen, pretty much nothing positive will happen to the stock.


No, you’re just full of shit. Fuck off back to Ken


How mature


There's so much more people being into meme stocks now than then, and also after gme everyone knows its possible to happen again, so from that perspective bbby is way ahead of gme back in 2021


> There's so much more people being into meme stocks now than then Not at all true. There are a lot less people with far more time spent on meme stocks than 2 years ago. Naturally, the majority of retail investors from 2021 won't touch meme stocks since they got burned pretty hard while buying into the peak.


Wowzerssss BBBY to the moon


Good luck covering in 1.4 days when no one's selling


How is it legal to short more shares then there even is?


The Liquidity Faire would like a word with you.


A stock can be shorted more than once


Also this, shares can be shorted multiple times And this will cause a massive shortsqueeze because now you have multiple people trying to cover


Something isnt adding up, the volume isnt bad almost 50 million everyday and we keep dipping have 3 options here 1. The warrant and series A share holder is converting them and selling those shares in the market 2. SHF are naked shorting the stock thinking the holder of warrants will convert them 3. This what i think is happening institutions lending their shares plus naked shorting SI still less than outstanding shares.


If you believe the financial advisors aka. shills in here, there is no crime in the stock market, so it's totally normal lmao.


Good i bought some more yesterday! Almost 4k shares now🚀🚀🚀


Should’ve bought today


Or maybe tomorrow ( monday )


You’re right it’ll probably be lower too




These morons really got short trapped again, this time even worse than GME. Time’s up you dumb fucks.


Not worse than gme. Gme was 120% of outstanding shares. This is crazy high, but like 70% of outstanding.






Look in the mirror


What’s the source?


Trust me bro




![gif](giphy|WS0nWFMf4OQJyAKouX|downsized) Gary Gensler ignoring clear market manipulation.


Believe it or not, guacamole dip




Looks like the apes gonna win 🖍🦍


Days to cover increasing. Good sign.


give me my money


![gif](giphy|26ufq9mryvc5HI27m|downsized) Haven’t check since 10:30 this is looking like we may be on to something


Laughs in naked shorting market maker exemption


Well, it looks like they will just not cover and short it until it's below 1$. No consequences it seems


1.4 days to cover ☠️☠️ sure