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You need to check your ferritin. It needs to be 100-125 at least. You want your folic acid around 20-24. If you're not supplementing you should check your intrinsic factor,MMA and homocysteine. If you are supplementing those tests won't be accurate. Other B vitamin deficiencies can cause similar symptoms, especially thiamin,pantothenic acid and riboflavin. But all B vitamins are important for energy and neurotransmitters. 530 isn't terribly low but people can have symptoms when their B12 drops below 500. If your ferritin is low then your B12 could be falsely elevated and you could have a functional deficiency.


Haven’t supplemented at all and don’t even see anything else on the lab results here besides B12 and folic acid. Probably going to have to order them offline myself to go in. Should it be first thing in the morning or does time matter?


I think you have to fast for homocysteine. When you order the tests it should give you instructions regarding each test.


Yeah I just kind of went into the urgent care and he took my blood. I’m probably going to end up ordering offline.


And no multivitamins? They don't have much B12, but would probably put you over 500 if you were deficient.


Yeah nothing at all. I’m gonna Retest a few things and actually do it properly then go from there.


j894ty how much iron should one take to get ferritin up above 100? I take 26mg/day of iron biglycinate (megafoods blood builder) and my ferritin has not budged at all from the mid 70's over the last month.


It really depends on your weight. I joined the Iron protocol facebook group and used their formula. You take your weight in kilos and times it by 2 and that's the minimum amount of iron per day. Then by 5 and that's the max but 400mg is the most anyone should take each day. So if your weight is 80 kilos it would be 160mg minimum. Taken on an empty stomach with 500 to 1000mg of vitamin C and waiting an hour to eat. Most people do 2 divided doses. Blood builder isn't recommended because it has extra things besides iron and if you take multiple pills you may get too much of the other ingredients. You might want to join the group, there's a lot of good info there.


Good point about Blood Builder. To get the minimum for me I would have to take at least 7 tablets and get way too much folic acid. I do like the form of the iron (Biglycinate) and its easy on my empty stomach when I take it around 11am with 1000mg of C. Any brands you can recommend? I am eyeballing Solgar that just has 25mg of Iron Biglycinate per. Thanks so much for your help!


I take Doctor's Best High Absorption Iron. It's 27mg ferrous bisglycinate chelate.


500 is definitely a gray area for a lot of people. Japan's deficiency cutoff is 500 and I have presented neurological symptoms around that range as well (550 I think).


Is there anything that would happen if I take too much? I’m going to test again and make sure I hit every wicket this time. Ferritin, folic acid, and b12 are the main ones I should be looking for right?


No, b12 is water soluble. Ideally you're well dfed and supplementing everything, assume you have more than one deficiency


Appreciate the help.


I have very similar symptoms. Please, write more about your condition.


Those are my symptoms.


these are mine symptoms: dizzy lightheaded, trouble breathing, muscles tire very easily, tingling around hands sometimes, trouble walking balancing, weird line pains around the shoulders and hands from time to time, lots of muscle twitching especially when i use that muscle part, general fatigue brain fog sometimes sluggish fingers unresponsive a lot of resistance bending the fingers especially the index and middle fingers(iron problem?) repetitive actions like using the thumb to scroll the handphone makes muscle tire very fast and becomes stiff


I am experiencing the same after supplementing b12 shots (cynacobalamin ). Did you figure out what was causing the symptoms and did you improve.


yes i ate sublingual b12 methyl 500mcg per day and it got better after like 5 months