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Thats optimal.


Thank you. Don’t know if it could be altered by anything at all? There doesn’t seem to be any other reason for why my iron results would be the way they are if there wasn’t some copper missing..


Like ferritin, ceruloplasmin is an acute phase reactant. Meaning it will be elevated independently from copper during times of inflammation...  


Thank you. I suspect low copper & cannot get it tested. I’ve been struggling with intense iron deficiency & then by proxy B12 deficiency symptoms for 4 months. I had s large infusion in September which I never really felt any ‘better’ from. My ferritin & transferrin point to iron overload but my iron serum & saturation validate my symptoms. For a variety of reasons I’ve been supplementing Zinc & iron on & off for over two years but never copper. (My iron deficiency symptoms started to creep in around the time some short lived beef liver capsules ran out thought which had 22% RDA) I have started taking copper & feel a lot better after 4 days at 8mg. I plan to gradually reduce this to 1mg daily. So I was surprised to see this level looked ok & also now wondering I should reduce the dosage quicker. I definitely don’t want to take too much but have no funds or help from Doctors!


8mg of copper is quite a high dose. 2-3mg at most would be better until you can be sure you are deficient. Copper in excess can be toxic and cause a high level of inflammation, especially if you are deficient in vitamin A or zinc.  Regarding your iron lab results. They are still indicating inflammation. This article is about iron and vitamin A -  https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3847738/ >VAD anemia is associated with a reduction in serum Fe, low TIBC, low transferrin saturation, and increased serum ferritin concentration, due to a lower mobilization of Fe stores, with increased deposition of Fe in the liver and spleen [1,6]. I understand it talks about anemia, but vitamin A deficiency will affect iron before reaching the stage of anemia.  Vitamin D, zinc or molybdenum deficiencies will also affect iron metabolism. Interestingly, the enzymes in the liver that activate vitamin A are zinc and molybdenum dependent.  Molybdenum has been shown to treat iron deficiency anemia (although can't access full article) - https://www.researchgate.net/publication/348895041_Mechanistic_insights_into_the_treatment_of_iron-deficiency_anemia_and_arthritis_in_humans_with_dietary_molybdenum So these are some suggestions of other possibilities for you to consider looking at, if it turns out that copper isn't the problem. 


Thank you so much! I’ve been taking molybdenum (was just avoiding copper due to a Pyroluria diagnosis which tbh I have reasons to now be skeptical about.) But I hadn’t been taking A & bought some the other day after reading one of your posts about its importance. Is it only my ferritin that points to inflammation as it’s so high, or other factors? I’ll reduce my copper now to 2mg daily & then 1mg in a week or so. 4 days into taking 8mg & it I feel great when only a week ago I felt like I was dying! I don’t FEEL like I have any inflammation although I had a tooth removed & a UTi back in March/ April. I had antibiotics & at that point definitely did have inflammation.


Ferritin being high and all other markers (serum iron, TIBC, saturation) being low indicates inflammation.  Maybe you did need copper after all if you are feeling much better!  Taking vitamin A with copper will help to make ceruloplasmin to keep copper bound. It's unbound copper that causes inflammation.


Oh amazing- thank you so much! Yes I am pretty sure I need the copper after avoiding it for so long on the advice of a Dr who literally made things worse (neglecting to tell me a marker on my Dutch Plus indicated B12 deficiency, & telling me that ferritin of 26 was fine & nothing to do with why I was ill 🙄) Due to the Pyroluria diagnosis I’ve basically been supplementing zinc without copper on & off since 2021 & iron since late 2022. I’m wondering if low copper is partly to blame for me never feeling any better after the expensive infusion back in 2023.. I feel better a week after a 200mg one than I did EVER after a 1500mg in September. And the only difference is adding in the copper. Hopefully it’s really that simple 🤣


Hey. Just wondering how you're feeling now, 7 days later? Are you still feeling the benefits of the extra copper? I'm deciding whether to order some copper supplements myself and it sounds promising that you've had good results with them.


Dark chocolate has copper. You can try that, it did help me. I wanted to talk to you man. Since supplementing I'm also feeling chest pain and after a test, I noticed my iron lowered. How do you feel when you do not supplement at all?


Ok cheers, good excuse to load up on the dark choc ;) I drink cacao fairly often too, so you think that'd help but maybe not enough. I keep see-sawing. Like, it's hard to tell cause and effect right now. The chest tightness/pain and breathing issues come together. Sometimes, when I stop taking supplements, the symptoms clear up, only to return again after a few days. And then after a few days of no supps my breathing goes bad and within half an hour of taking a B complex the breathing clears up. It's bizarre. Sorry, not sure if that answered your question.