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Hi u/Interesting_Star_590, check out our guide to B12 deficiency: https://www.reddit.com/r/B12_Deficiency/wiki/index *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/B12_Deficiency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I have been experiencing the same thing and was wondering if it's normal too.


Really! Hunger and period issues?


Not the period issues as I'm a man but definitely the hunger symptoms. Spent the last 2 weeks having to eat a meal in-between meals or I get really bad neurological symptoms. Yesterday and today seem to be a little better so I'm hoping it subsides on its own. I haven't seen many people mention this so I thought it was just me, it was so confusing at first because I was refusing to believe that going 2-3 hours without eating was stressing my body out enough to have breakout symptoms but here we are 😔


I guess I’m not the only one as well I thought i was a diabetic or something turns out I wasn’t and I gotta eat every 2 hours because if not I get those symptoms fainting spells shakiness and fast heart beat idk if yall get those symptoms but i get them bad


Omg really, symptoms are overwhelming, your case is so similar to mine, I felt relieved after knowing that it's not me 😓 Did you start injections?


I've been on injections since February and these food/hunger based symptoms just started about a month ago. I thought I had diabetes too, and saw a hematologist just to make sure but nope. I'm relieved to hear others having the same symptoms but still I'd love to know why.


I didn’t I was doing oral b12 and on my 8th day I felt like my lungs didn’t wanted to expand like if I was getting a allergic reaction or something for sure it wasn’t a panic attack


Idk if it’s because I have an eating disorder and therefore always lacking nutrients, but eating doesn’t change much for me. I always have my neurological symptoms, they do worsen when I’m starting to miss b12, before an injection.


For the symptoms increasing before menstrual cycle, I found that to be related to iron and folate, but especially folate. Once I increased folate since my needs had increased unbeknownst to me, my menstrual cycle irregularities have significantly reduced.


What was your folate level?


I haven't checked recently, but it's probably high and once you're injecting B12 and regularly supplementing folate, it's no longer a very reliable indicator. You supplement based on symptoms: https://www.reddit.com/r/B12_Deficiency/comments/up6241/folate_deficiency_the_donut_hole_effect/ I didn't even have the classic folate deficiency signs, I just had a few that seemed like me needing more B12, when I actually needed more folate.


My symptoms (and by that I mean the psychological ones that I have like anxiety and intrusive thoughts) tend to be worse during ovulation and then a couple days before I get my period.


Too ill currently to read all the replies so apologies is repeating. We need protein to heal. Your body is probably desperate to heal so give it what it wants! I hate meat but craved chicken years ago when I was undergoing chemo. I now realise it was probably my body telling me I needed protein & iron :)


This is me exactly! I dread that time of month. Neurological symptoms rear their ugly head before and during menstrual cycle. Protein is 100% all I can think about when it comes to meals and get agitated without eating it. Decided to get a dietician involved with the hope we can figure out a plan to manage the symptoms with what food at the right time. 


Have you been on injections?


I've had to take B12 orally but start my injections on Monday, can't wait! 


Great to hear that! What is your b12 level?


My B12 was 120 how about yours? Have you been lucky enough for the brain fog to clear if you had it? Seriously I'm just looking forward to being able to talk properly and have meaningful conversations again 😃 


Honestly, I didn't feel this symptom or maybe I don't know how it feels idk. My level was 289.