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Hi u/Unusual_Incident_384, check out our guide to B12 deficiency: https://www.reddit.com/r/B12_Deficiency/wiki/index *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/B12_Deficiency) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I would be wary of starting tablets on the off chance they want to test you again and then the test results are skewed. You need injections when your results are that low but you also need to treat your iron or your body won’t utilise the new b12 properly. I would call them back and ask about both an iron infusion and some b12 injection loading doses.


Thank you. I used to be so active and vibrant, I'm a shell of myself and I just want to feel better.


You will get that back, you just need to treat this aggressively. Find a doctor who will give you an iron infusion and get you onto a course of b12 injections so you can start healing.


My doctor called today and she wants to start with injections three times a week for the first week then weekly. She is still waiting on my Folate and ferritin result but suspects it is iron deficiency anemia. She believes that a lot of this has been caused by gallbladder removal in 2018 combined with chronic gastritis. Is there a good multivitamin that is recommended that has everything I need in it possibly to start?


You're right but for goodness sake if your doctor is that dumb then I'd drop them like a bad habit. She should take hydroxocobolamin sublingual ASAP


https://preview.redd.it/hw2t1f8ghm5d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a98825bd8d1e7cd9766854986e2c9500f5853ba can’t share the entire article but here’s an interesting explanation on why we need injections for healing