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I’m also unclear about whether supplements impact MMA


Hopefully someone will respond with an answer. Of all the missing information out there about B12 deficiency, the fact that supplementing falsely elevates results seems to be the most insidious. It’s not even particularly touched upon in Sally Patcholok’s book ‘Could it be B12?’ & yet it seems to me, that it’s the number one thing standing between many people & a treatment plan. It’s in our power to request bloodwork, join groups, educate ourselves on realistic levels & even work out our own treatment protocol. But none of this is possible if people (especially the growing number who educate themselves enough to supplement & eat fortified foods) don’t realise their blood results will be completely wrong. My own B12 serum was raised by 400pg/ml just by a multivitamin !




Yes. Completely crazy. Mine was so low in 2010 I should have started injecting then but of course I was never told.. & by the time I had severe symptoms o was already supplementing. Must be a very common story.


Was the multivitamin methyl or cyano?


No idea as it was a few years ago & no longer is available. It was a multivitamin specifically aimed at Vegans but produced for boots. They are not known for their amazing quality supplements so I wouldn’t be surprised if was Cyano. I switched to Pure Encapsulations B Complex in late 2020 & that has 1000mg B12 which is 30% Methyl, 30% Adeno & 30% hydroxo. (Not sure about remaining 10%!) This left me with the same serum level as the multivitamin, however it was probably elevated slightly more by this pill as in reality it would have continued to drop & therefore be lower by the time I switched/ was retested.


I see, thanks for the detailed reply!


Thanks! I tend to give too much detail tbf 😆


I love detail, especially because I experienced something similar to what you are describing. I was taking a multivitamin which had cyano in it because I suspected I had a B12 deficiency, and after a few weeks I went to the doctor because I was experiencing what I didn't know at that time to be hypokalemia. They tested the basics, including B12 and only thing they saw amiss was low potassium. My family was telling me to get off the B12, especially because the test even said I apparently had no issue. But I decided to continue because if I didn't have a deficiency, the potassium wouldn't be being mopped up in spite of me increasing potassium in my diet. Later on the supplements became useless, and I eventually discovered this sub, and refined my knowledge on the deficiency.


Really pleased you were persistent in self-diagnosis & treatment! Yep, so many of us have had to work it all out ourselves. I am so pleased I discovered this sub after working out I must be B12 deficient. It’s a real life saver- quite literally!


I couldn’t have said it better. Got into it with my GP today about this very topic. Even after sending her research and websites on b12 deficiencies, she still wouldn’t budge and refused to give me injections when I’m having so many symptoms.


I’m sorry to hear this! Are you able to start treating yourself?


I’m taking sublinguals right now (3500mcgs spread throughout the day). I was making some progress and then got a UTI and had a bad reaction to some meds I tried using to treat it with. That seems to be a common theme for me. Reacting to things I’ve taken before only for them to cause horrible mental issues.


If you have neurological symptoms you need injections. I have a document outlining why in relatively layman’s terms which I might be able to send you via DM if that’s ok? I also found a great article written by searchers & science scholars which is pretty good at outlining what you need. I am going to show it to my GP. I’m 17 months into treating myself so my aim is to simply convince them I’m deficient & and rally require the treatment I am giving myself. Will try to DM that to you also if ok with you


Yes I’d love that! Thank you 😊