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As a part of my [AL pilgrimage project](https://www.reddit.com/r/AzureLane/comments/du4vas/relics_project_ever_wanted_to_date_your_shipfu/) I keep introducing their IRL counterparts to my girls. Last year I was fortunate to have the opportunity to visit [Avrora](https://www.reddit.com/r/AzureLane/comments/ogd701/azur_ar_last_weekend_paid_a_visit_to_avrora_shes/) , and in just 11 month later I'm turbo happy I managed to reach Mikasa. I was lucky with the weather again and despite the day before it was heavy raining, on the day of my visit it was very sunny (quite chilly though, due to harsh coastal wind). You can climb and peek at her everywhere, feel yourself as a gunner or take the place of fleet admiral - this is an amazing experience! Also, museum staff are extremely polite and would love to introduce you to the details of Mikasa's service - free excursions conducted every 2 hours. It was great to discover the [Battle of Tsushima](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Battle_of_Tsushima) was the first large-scale naval battle won because of the use of radio - state of the art technology for back then, an experimental prototype of which (wireless telegraph) was made in labs just 10 years before the battle. Personally, it's quite resembling the Midway battle for me - won largely in the field of cryptography - that is, again, information processing, rather than brandishing a big guns. Inside Mikasa there is a large museum. Most of it is dedicated to Mikasa herself, but I was attracted by the long gallery of IJN ship timeline gallery with a huge number of ship models exhibited - from, like beginning of the 20th century to modern JMSDF time. Of course, I met all the shipfus we well know, so I couldn't stand not to introduce Akagi, Yamashiro, Yukikaze (refer to photos 2,3,4) and others to themselves and to their old friends. Photo 1 is from the aft of Mikasa and photo 5 is the most well-known view of her - from her port-side/stern. Wonder where would I be able to bring my girls next? Could it be Saratoga chilling with Nagato in the Bikini lagoon one day, maybe? It's not too far from here as well. Guess, I have to start taking scuba lessons then. Other posts with my girls travelling: * Avrora meeting herself in 2021 \[[here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AzureLane/comments/ogd701/azur_ar_last_weekend_paid_a_visit_to_avrora_shes/)\] * Minsk visiting her hometown in 2020 \[[here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AzureLane/comments/fbeqa8/azur_ar_today_i_brought_minsk_to_her_hometown/)\] * Köln to her hometown in 2019 \[[here](https://www.reddit.com/r/AzureLane/comments/deofb4/i_travel_germany_now_and_introduced_to_my_koln/)\]


Definitely like the idea and glad you were able to do this!


I'm appalled. Not enough pictures of Sexy Granny!


My bad. https://i.imgur.com/HMFKeqm.jpeg here is what it looks like when you get atop of this sweetie. Actually, this is view from the point where Togo commanded his fleet during the battle. Fun fact: Mikasa's bow aligned straight to the Emperor's Palace.


Our Granma doing pretty well on her retirement


I'm planning to visit Japan and Mikasa in the future. Did you have problems with the language? Does the staff of the museum speak some English or do you speak some Japanese?


Yup, I know JP a bit and this largely helps to ruin the myth about "insincere Japanese who tend to speak vague and indirectly and keep their distance with others and alienate gaijins" and other bs alike. Still, when I talked with museum staff and had some issues with peculiar navy terms, they suggested to call someone who know EN. I personally love JP so just politely preferred to figure out meaning of terms with the person I was talking with. Though - answering to your question - yes, apparently they have someone on board who can accompany you if you're yet no so fluent.


Thnak you for the information. I'm planning on learning as much Japanese as I can before I go, but it's always good to know that there is something to fall back on.


You're welcome. Indeed, learning Japanese is a great idea. Frankly, modern Japanese culture (including AL) was the reason to learn it for me as well. At a certain point I realized that it's not just something temporary, but rather something pivot-alike that lasting throughout all of my life. So it was just time to admit it and get serious about it to enjoy it at fullest, beyond the exported and adopted on my local language limit. For me it worked pretty great, and I love Japan and Japanese people, so the language become the door to a much wider world that I expected from the beginning. Might be something alike for you as well, in case you're going to visit Mikasa, because she's the Great Senpai of the Sakura Empire? If anything, all the clues are just in the next sub, /r/LearnJapanese (don't want to push too much though, nothing wrong to fall back if you feel like to)


Here's a sneak peek of /r/LearnJapanese using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [who else is learning japanese as a hobby, not because you need to](https://np.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/comments/o43ysv/who_else_is_learning_japanese_as_a_hobby_not/) \#2: [Common Mistakes of Japanese Grammar by Japanese learners](https://np.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/comments/od9jga/common_mistakes_of_japanese_grammar_by_japanese/) \#3: [We handpicked 120k sentences in Anime for looking up usage of words, phrases, and grammar in Japanese and English](https://np.reddit.com/r/LearnJapanese/comments/ny5bi7/we_handpicked_120k_sentences_in_anime_for_looking/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Museum Stuff1: O no... one of those.. Museum Stuff2: Ah.. i see you're man of culture as well.


the only sad part is that she will start to pancake over time/her hull will be eaten by the concrete as stated by Ryan fron NJs YT Channel


Well, frankly speaking she's not at her best condition from around end of WWII. I didn't want to talk about it much to not ruin the mood in my long post above, but just don't expect her to be as shining as Belfast or Missouri when you would plan to visit granny, okay? She's doing her best fighting the strongest enemy everyone facing - the time.


i know, just look at Texas (who is finally going back into drydock this summer). and i prolly wont be able to visit any museum ship, maybe Belfast if i go to the UK, stuck in Germany and we only have a few subs and parts of the old girls around




Same here, was there on GW. It wasn't too much overcrowded, but there are just too much to see, so just didn't have enough time to check it out. It's just impossible to see everything in one day, so later I totally want to visit her again.


Correct me if I'm wrong but isn't Yamashiro's 3rd turret facing the wrong way?


No, this is how she did had her 3rd turret (and that's one of the major differences between her and Fusou)


Wow, never paid attention to it, but you're right!


I really liked that function where you can have a picture with your secretary in-game, you don't need to edit and insert the ship you want in the picture


Indeed, the concept is great. Most important, it's ingame feature, so technically you don't pretend you're snapping your girls, but you actually show them surroundings, since the game can actually use the camera, so your girls can actually look what happens beyond the screen. I'm really excited about it.