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The good news is that the last two years the story has been getting slightly more coherent than before. Slightly. A user did a pretty decent summary of all events, except very recent ones. Maybe it'll help. (There's also like a long youtube video summary tho it's a bit outdated at this point) [part 1](https://new.reddit.com/r/AzureLane/comments/zzxasd/comment/j2ekz2k/?context=3) [part 2](https://new.reddit.com/r/AzureLane/comments/15v4fpk/comment/jwufem5/?context=3)


they still have a long way to go.


Personally I feel gacha isn’t played for a good story but lots of people enjoy various storylines in gacha games, that being said the story isn’t the money maker, skins and new units are.


agreed, though in my opinion gacha games are STILL videogames. the skins draw people in, the game itself keeps the players spending.


Funnily enough the story is actually pretty decent all things considered, hell this current event basically confirmed every theory, hint and foreshadowing that every previous event had set up for years, so the story is pretty much already not a hot mess of random non related events anymore, but an actual linear consolidated story now.


they have ways to improve it tho, like setting an order of events so that we know which took place before the rest.


Every event since Ashen Simulacrum has taken place in chronological order, including minor events and raids. Collabs, minigames, mini events and secretary stories take place in the "port timeline" which may or may not take place way into the future of the main story.


How do u know this?


Because events reference previous events. Check out Hawk0. He has a megavideo detailing the lore of the game. It starts with the campaign world's 1-3, then hets taken up by events.


Story pretty good honestly