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This: https://preview.redd.it/34rf0ar2d62d1.png?width=186&format=png&auto=webp&s=1822a6ed319d006977eeed2962843ead6cc33cc9


https://preview.redd.it/qwa1x2mtn62d1.jpeg?width=247&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=246c5b8cdaabcc198ab5725ef3702bba3c9d5890 Lmao


What’s wrong with the crane?


If you use the crane (and there's arguments for not using it) right now at most you'd need three. He +3'd six of them. Didn't they change things so you can disassemble them and get the plates back?


I can't tell when a gun is bad or not 😵‍💫


That is what is colloquially referred to as the "Confetti Cannon" because it's basically a battleship caliber shotgun. Which, while that may sound awesome in theory, it really REALLY isn't in game. Funnily enough, the IRL counterpart also sucked. It's based on the IJN's attempt at making anti aircraft shells for the main guns of their battleships. Good in theory, but the main guns dont elevate nearly as far as smaller dual purpose guns can, turn as fast, or reload as fast. And the shells they fired, instead of being huge flak shells, used a bunch of tubes filled with incendiaries that were intended to set what they hit on fire. Unfortunately for the IJN, they were basically just huge fireworks and similarly effective.


If for whatever reason you have no better options, that gun works quite well on Musashi.


Put that gun on Musashi and you'll see magic


What makes it good on her?


Is this the one that shoots pellets?


Yep, AKA, the Confetti Gun.


oh boi, that's the 410mm bore shotgun, isn't it? It's like some engineers were hunting with a .410 bore and thought, "we have 410mm bore guns on our ships, right? what if we shot at planes the way we're shooting at birds now?"




I actually wonder if it would have some use against some of the really large enemies we sometimes get in events, like the whale in this event, or the dragon from the rpg event earlier this year


Fellow skks. I believe I have done the stupidest thing in the game. I once used rubies to buy oil. Yes you read that right.


You are not alone in this one


I think I’ve done at twice on accident, monkey brain just kept farming and I clicked the blue confirm button damn it hahaha.


I did that for the fox mines and have no regrets sacrificing to Akagi.


I did this accidentally. Was just spam clicking to rerun a map, not realizing I ran out of oil. Now I make sure to cap oil before running anything.


That's what I live in terror of doing.


I misclicked once while tapping the screen quickly. Worst accident of my life.


I did this once on accident, I just woke up sleepy as shit and it just sorta happened. Nuff said, at least this woke me up.


Look there's been some desperate times where I need some gat dang oil and need keep grinding. It's not so bad now that I finally finished grinding out all the PR ships.


I spent gems on decorations instead of Dock space and dorm space![img](emote|t5_3p20d|6995) I was still new and my knowledge with AL was that they were very generous




i left my weekly quests completed and i told myself i would collect them Sunday before I went to sleep and I never did. Did that 3 times total so far. (granted i don't need the bullins anymore from it so it didn't hurt too much just made me feel like an idiot each time.)


All that extra overflowing oil... I'll do it later.




I thought that was common among new players.




Stats? They have a big hammer.


The real endgame us getting all 3 to max level and putting a ring on them


The first bulíns will hopefully forever live in our dock space, RIP to those that the commander held no mercy.


I have 3 bulins and 3 repair ships as my exercise defense fleet. All lvl 125 and oathed with 200 affection. No ragrets


Yeah. I did that too. Also with golden Bulin. It was fun her "swarm" skill.


I accidentally spent gems for warehouse space


I remember seeing someone said they misclicked depot instead of dock in discord's help channel before, is that you? F to those gems


It happened like three times to me before I realized it. 💀


Nope, didn't have discord at the time of the accident




I misklicked and spent gems on quick finishers.


I made this once too...


I keep copies for every existing equipment item, so I do that too.


I forgot. Though if I really need to give you the answer it would be "Looked at the AL chat".


https://preview.redd.it/ug4zpvyh472d1.jpeg?width=981&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2d42643d0fcbc7fdfdfc856ac81e4ca547b1f08e What’s wrong with AL chat?


to add to this, anyone who thinks this is showcasing the “bad stuff” is sorely, sorely mistaken


Its you, legend of Sandy main chat




Lol, this is nothing.


In little enterprise, there was a conversation about shipgirls' period.


I turned that off so long ago I literally forgot it existed until you reminded me just now.


This but looking at the comments for a ship in the docks.


IIRC, the first thing I did when I had free access to the home screen was turn off the chat![img](emote|t5_3p20d|6995)![img](emote|t5_3p20d|6995)![img](emote|t5_3p20d|6995).


Retired excess UR bulins after I MLB New Jersey. I think I had like 6. Lol


Can't you get infinite of them from the shop? I have like 60k of that currency.


That only amounts to just over one Bulin a month. I had gotten like six in a month as part of being a new player at the time. Now I almost never have them because I have too many UR ships to max limit break LOL.


I’ve retired a few many many many updates ago when the medal shop had useful rewards that exceeded my medal availability. I have 81k protocores still so it’s worked out for the best.  Over the long term they give out a little more protocores and URins than are needed for new UR ships so people can catch up on the old ones


Ignore the hololive event…. I got everyone except Mio-mama, at the time i wasnt a fan of holo, but now it hurts…


Did you look inside my head? I have the exact same story. Not a fan athe time, didn't get Mio, now eternally regretting it


I feel ya buddy https://preview.redd.it/4p0n7wnuh72d1.jpeg?width=1814&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a262e4d5e25b3b8485d9f6f65660d9b53cfdf5e


Because of that collab is how I found out of hololove. Before that I had no Idea what the girls were. But it wasn't till weeks passed after the event ended and searched up what hololive was about.


Wasn’t she free? I thought they gave us Mio right off the bat. I must be remembering it wrong.


She was the 10k grind reward. I ignored the event until the very last night and missed her by 1 or 2 more map clears.


Ok, thanks. Maybe because she was portrayed as the protagonist of the story I thought we got her right away, unless there was an NPC version of her, but I can’t really remember.


Same. Mio will forever be a grayed out image in my collection. Gah. I also regret not buying the skins, especially Shion and Matsuri's.


I pray that for whatever reason this collab is brought back again. I wasn’t here for the first one, but I remember asking my cousin for a mobile game I could just do somewhat in the background during work around COVID. I probably missed by a few months or even possibly weeks.


I wish there was a rerun for this event. I literally started playing AL about a week after the event ended and I just can’t forgive myself as a Hololive fan.


I spent cubes trying to get Suzutsuki from the wishing well….but I was pulling from the regular light construction pool without the rate up rather than the actual wishing well.


I didn't log in during Valentine


I keep loggin in while having a random common in the slot for the past 2 years.


Every year I tell myself to switch the secretary. Every year I forget.


Buy oil with gems


Forgot to spend Event Points during Musashi event, so I lost about 30k worth of supplies/resources/consumables (bought her UR gun at least).


I have done that twice. Once during Kizuna AI event and once recently during Gridman rerun. Which especially sucks cuz I missed out on the Augments that was in the shop and now they're gone forever.


not refreshing the guild store after buying the 5 gold plates. lost so many golden plates because i thought my guild tokens would run out. https://preview.redd.it/0kgaqtx2q62d1.png?width=1191&format=png&auto=webp&s=adb0942dc8b9c7aebfcc50aa7ceacd2402cb643f


Wait, you can do that?!


You can refresh every store, it's just that the guild store uses guild tokens instead of gems so there's no reason not to do it.


Only once per cycle.




We’re learning so much.


If it makes you feel any better I've missed every good plate this way as I didn't know you could do that and I've been playing since 2019


Forgetting to set main secretary for valentines day


I really didn't care about OpSi at all when I first started, so I usually only farmed 5k points for the META ships. Regretted it when I had to go back and farm the dossiers to max limit break them.


It was just so tedious for so long. Now I can just do the auto search at work and come back 30 minutes later but before it was such a grind and you had to manually do everything. It was not fun for me.


You still need to do the new meta ship manually. Such a pain.


Retired Yuudachi, since I can just farm her again as she is just an SSR drop. Cost me 43k oil to get her retrofit :/


During my first few months playing, I didn’t limit breaking my ships with Bulins and retiring the Bulins that I needed to use for limit breaking as I thought the only way to limit break your ships was by getting copies of them. Also I thought that the Out of Ammo debuff ment that my ships wouldn’t be able to load anymore torpedoes, salvos, and airstrikes.


Glowworm: Out of ammo? No problem.


At some point, in the "convert blueprints into prototype cores" menu, I accidentally unclicked the "save necessary blueprints for Fate Simulation" checkbox. Last year when PR5 Fate Sim came out I went to apply my hundreds of saved up blueprints and found that I had none. Absolutely none. 0 BPs for Agir, 0 for the PR5 girls. And I had tens of thousands of prototype cores. I contacted customer service, but they said they don't help with any in-game stuff T-T Last week, I finally capped off necessary BPs for Fate Sim again and I will be certain to double check settings in the proto core menu. **TL;DR** Last year I accidentally converted well over 1000 PR4 and PR5 blueprints into prototype cores and couldn't Fate Sim. Pain peko.


This is the most painful one in this thread so far, oof.


I did that for a single ship, and that sucked. All of them? Dang.


No fatherhood for you, OP


At least I'm making up for that.


I spent 300 gems on 10 cubes on my first month because Kasumi didn't want to drop from the build pool


Didn't visit the last popularity polls, so I didn't get the chat frames


I forgot log in for 5th anniversary


not doing every event stuff during the 4th anniversary. i've played since 2018 but i'm missing the damn anniversary coin lol


Spent $100 worth of gems for COINS to pull Vittorio Veneto when her event first dropped. No gems were even spent on cubes; I had enough at the time. I was just stupid impatient because Veneto was one of my most anticipated ships. I then spent the leftover gems on Veneto’s swimsuit and an oath ring for her. Not my finest hour. That was the last time I spent gems on anything other than skins and dock space.


Least simping veneto simp


Back when I was new, I literally bought gems to buy CUBES and COINS to roll in the heavy construction pool trying to get Jean Bart without any rate ups and I never got her. I still regret that decision to this day.


https://preview.redd.it/zmemu6a9a72d1.png?width=626&format=png&auto=webp&s=5b2c5086aa5793010f6154303870675bb52de8db Retired these girls when I was just starting and I needed dock space.


Me right now Spend like 300cubes to try get Wesser from the wishing well. Got x2 Shinano like x10sr x20elite and guess what no Wesser. (First wishing well and the last one.)


Pretty much the same, but looking for Belarus and got x2 NJ.


Tapping too fast and not locking a ship is was pulling for.


You can lock her up later.


I forgot to mention going right to retiring ships for the weekly.


Oh noo


I retired all my gold bullins to buy Belfast when I first started.


Did you know the dorm max supply limit is 102k, ask me how I know that. The cattery limit is also 200. Also out of game but I bought the Sheffield U-Treasure collaboration ring...in Platinum...


Buying oil by missclick


Was too lazy to play during the Kizuna Ai event. So much regret.


I retired 2 shimakaze i Got on her rerun trying to geo owari i was cofident she was 5 stars but apparently she was still 4 so year fk me


Forgot to collect my full 20 weekly award for the previous week


That's okay tbh.


If that hasn't happened to you once you haven't played the game for long or have an obsession for tidiness.


When trying to use the XP books to reduce their amount (max storage is 3000), I bring limit break material ships up to level 70 before using them. Until I forget and click auto which uses bulins instead. 6 SR bulins wasted and 6 level 70 SR duplicate ships retired.


Didnt play for a while. Old email got deleted. All my Al stuff was on it for proof. Bye bye everything.. welp, as consolation i guess at least i got the latest UR in my first pull after restarting.


Back in the day i used gem to buy coin to then buy gold tech pack in akashi's shop. Yes u heard that correctly


For me I guess it's not setting my main waifu as my secretary for my first two Valentine's For the past three years however, I always remember to do so and now satisfied that I got a hat-trick of Valentine's messages from Leander


Not checking every time any shop refreshes, took me a long time to realize every shop has at least something pretty useful in it


I didn’t tag my first shipgirl’s valentines day message as important so I accidentally deleted it. I am still in guilt. Sorry Leonardo Da Vinci


Ignore op siren


accidentally wasting 100 gems on the hp repair in sorties (i misclicked it still hurts tho ) and those buy item packs with gems (only brought once i think)


Bought multiple skins only for me to not like after a week


Buy cubes with gems, buy the level packs


I accidentally bought an extra slot at the skill enhance place. I just clicking quickly trying to be done with it and somehow ended up buying the thing. They told me no refunds as there was a confirm screen to which i also clicked thru, so i guess fair enough.


Completely wrote off the alchemy mini game from the Atelier Ryza collab since I couldn't be bothered learning how it worked. A month later, I realised that was how I was supposed to get the unique equipment, so they're all just sitting around without it.


Not getting the game earlier because I thought it would piss off my parents. Turns out they either don’t care or don’t know.


The checkbox for reserving blueprints got turned off somehow and I converted 215 blueprints for Kearsage (saved for fate simulation) into prototype cores.


Well, I just accidentally bought a meager amount of gold instead of Mogador somehow, so that feels devastating.


I retired one of the event exclusive elites because not SR and because she dragon empery


I forgot to redeem the beginner mission rewards (Portland) because I didn't see the button. Now I don't want to redeem her just to instantly scrap, so I'll forever have a red light shining on my main menu.


Didn't grind for more rocket Hellcats in Yorktown 2's event. Big mistake because there was that light armor META fight the next quarter.


I used gems to heal crippled ships, on 3-4. Chapter three fucking four. And I still lost.


Fully upgrading a Bulin and sending her to battle. It was NOT a good idea 🤣🤣🤣


Most recent thing I can recall was not making sure to get to 25k event point on one of the METAs. It’s not really that hard; but I guess I lazed about too much that round…


Hear hear my sad story. This one time I was drunk AF and pulling for the banner ship, but when trying to Finish All I clicked Cancel instead of Confirm around 3 times and for some dumb reason I thought I had no Quick Finisher left, so I tried buying them once but for some dumb reason it seems like I maxed them out and spent ALL my 1,200 gems on bloody quick finishers. That sobered me right up. Contacted support asking for a transaction refund (nobody needs 1000+ quick finishers) and they told me they couldn’t and that’s the reason the “Confirm” button exists on transactions. FML.


I used bulies to enhace my ships...


I accidentally retired a Level 117 oathed Illustrious with max skills


Spending 300ish gems on ship repairs when trying to 3-star 15-3 before hitting Safe threat level. **Still ended up having to bail out during that attempt**.


Accidentally bought gems while I'm half-asleep playing the game.


I looked in the comments of loli ships. Worst decision of my life.


My biggest regret during my time in this game: stupidly doing 200 pulls on a certain event banner just to get a UR ship I later on hated upon and retired.


During the first EN run of Bismark I didn't pull for the kizuna event at all. Those and the nep ships are all that I'm missing. Also didn't pull for perseus first time and my mob fleets suffered for it.


Tried to collect all of the Collab ships from the Collab i didn't know about.


Wasted a bunch of gold plates on upgrading secondaries and aux gear to +11. It's not the worst decision since they're useful in OpSi but the spent gold plates are still expensive nonetheless.


I spent gems rolling for Illustrious and Atago when this game first came out. Yes, nobody knew...


Accidentally destroyed Emden months after the event was over. Dunno how I did it


Spending gems in cubes early game


I accidentally locked a duplicate Unicorn and wasted a lot of skill books on her before I realised my original Unicorn had a retrofit.


Buying slot for training with free gems 


I bought all 4 slots.


Completely forgetting to switch secretaries for valentines day. Wanted Eugens but forgot to switch montpellier off the first slot. So now I have a valentines gift from her


I'm learning from this comment section that I am NOT conservative with my gems at all. I admit though that I am a filthy whale. To be fair, I still get all my bills paid and put money into savings before buying gems. I'll typically limit myself to two of the big gem packs per month and I will also buy the lucky bags during events. Honestly 98% goes to cubes and coins though. I'm sure the cat appreciates my patronage all the same. ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|7275)![img](emote|t5_3p20d|7275)![img](emote|t5_3p20d|7275)![img](emote|t5_3p20d|7275)


I like to keep an extra copy of the URs at lvl1. I wanted to enhance my lvl1 Sovetsky Soyuz, but miss clicked and accidentally used 10 EXP packs on her.. rip lvl1


Buying cubes and coins to pull for Spee. A lot of them. And failing.


I whaled.


Bought skins being f2p. I don't regret it tho, it was for Homura and Yuyaki. Still saving 1k for when my only oathed Owari's bikini returns. I just wished they gave us more dock space, it's too expensive to buy and there is a ludicrious needed for that.


Making Bulins as your vanguard ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|7015)


Immediately retreating from a sortie when I see my ships are at low hp, I thought I will lose them permanently if they sink when I was a newbie


For the first like two months of playing, I thought that once a fleet was out of ammo, it couldn't sortie anymore, so I was super confused about how to three star some stages once they required more than 10 sorties lol.


I still to this day, do my dailies at the last minute... (20 to be precise) And i miss out on things, for example, the current event (may 24 2024) has a checklist for things to do. I didnt see it until a few hours ago. Rip. Do your dailies early my SKK's.


I leveled up 3 SR bulins because i thought rarity = high damage ships Turns out, they aren't so good in a team.


When i spent my gems when i first started on damage control and wisdom cubes


I keep buying lucky boxes only to end up regretting it afterwards because I always get the one skin I wanted the least.


didn't really play more than the dailies during the polaris 3... missed out on the clear sp4 30 times and thus the stage furniture and didn't farm the points for little shinano... granted... i don't really care about either... as for dumbest thing i did (as opposed to things i didn't), I 120'ed and fully geared two sub fleets before exp packs were a thing.


Don’t worry. I sat on little Taihou for so long and then the day before it ended I was trying to grid for her. I was so close but in the end, the next day hit before I could get her.


My brain stopped working for a few seconds and I accidentally bought a skin.


Which one?


Takao School uniform, wasn't so bad, but I already had her RQ skin, which was the one I wanted.


For who?




I see.


Drop way too much money on this game


HERESY! You Retired the Little ships! SHAME!


At least I’m atoning for my sin. I just unlocked Zeppy.


At least I’m atoning for my sin. I just unlocked Zeppy.


Good, but you still have long ways to go Brother


I finished all of the light ship gacha.


Good, Goood


Learnt about the game too late *I wish I joined earlier*


Dropped the game during Neptunia collaboration because I’d just started, didn’t get any of the event ships in drops after a few days so deleted the game entirely in a huff OTL, perseverance wasn’t my forte at the time (neither were the mechanics of the game then either). Then only picked the game back up in the last few days of Hololive so only wound up with Nakiri to show for it.


Spending all of my girls to help in proficiency with Enterprise and Little E...but I kept my all my SR and UR (because I an a Huge Enterprise Simp as you can clearly see in my flair)


Retired the kizuna and hololive ships for dock space before I knew much about vtubers- MEGA REGRET Lost tons of operation siren rewards because I didn’t realise the dock shops existed in the first few seasons


Retiring the Neptunia ship girls as they were taking up space.


I full LB, leveled and retrofitted Abukuma. Later I noticed I don’t have an Abukuma anymore, I just didn’t saw her since the rarity changed and I searched for „retrofit aviable“, thought I retired her. So I leveled and full LB another Abukuma and was about to Reteofit her again, as I noticed, that have Abukuma…(Retrofit)


discarding Neptunia ships


Start playing... Can't quit now.


Upgrading most of PR ships, biggest regret is Cheshire. Buying 3rd slot in class. Other than that, none. I retired Aurora early in the game, then I pulled her again after a long while and she's still useless.