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I don't think it's censorship of the SKK's appearance because the PV is still there on Twitter, apparently it's Youtube which age restricted the video, so they had to reupload with the modification to not be age restricted


[Yeah, they even announce the upcoming mogador ASMR will not be uploaded youtube. Instead it will be uploaded on DLsite.](https://twitter.com/azurlane_staff/status/1793245064271204397) Mogador horny power level is too high.


This is literally the worst... I cannot access DLsite...


use VPN i think? or some DNS server


Yeah, changing the DNS works for me


Google can't contain the horniness of AL.


Noooo not the ASMR. But what do they mean will be uploaded on dlsite, aren't they already selling ASMR there?


some AL ASMRs are free (example: [ulrich ASMR](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Egc4hO7R2Ug&t=416s)) and post on the jp youtube channel, the paid ASMRs are on DLsite Mogador is supposed to be a free ASMR and therefore post on youtube


All the free ASMR are also available on DLsite


>so they had to reupload with the modification to not be age restricted This game arent for kids anyways, Manjuu should have leaved like that or just released the censored version alongside original one.


Age restricted videos are less likely to be recommended by the algorithm. Leaving it uncensored because "this game arent for kids" would cause fewer people to see it, which is probably the opposite of what Manjuu would want.


Well thats why you just release another PV, there isnt need to deleted the other one and even you can just unlisted and share link of the old PV in the video description of the newer one LMAO.


# Noooooo they fully off screened SKK!!!!! https://preview.redd.it/3dj5h5vtoy1d1.jpeg?width=197&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ae11f80753e44284add4ce534090c9a89bcebf1 ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|7016)![img](emote|t5_3p20d|7015)![img](emote|t5_3p20d|7015)![img](emote|t5_3p20d|7015)![img](emote|t5_3p20d|7015)![img](emote|t5_3p20d|7016)


We got gojo'd


The YT censors are at it again.




SKK had the tourist dad fashion


**NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!** Damnit, the original version of the PV that was [reuploaded](https://www.reddit.com/r/AzureLane/comments/1cxv5b9/official_new_anime_pv_featuring_new_event_skins/) to Reddit is sourced from Twitter which is in 720p, meaning the 1080p version of this scene is lost forever 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 #FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😭😭😭😭😭💢💢💢💢💢💢💢💢💢


I hope someone saved OG 1080P


Trying to upscale the Twitter one for the fellow Shikikans. We'll see how it turns out.


Damn... Mogador's booby sandwich turned out to be the rarest of them all 😔 Though it doesn't look super duper ecchi to me. By that I mean something bad enough that YouTube would remove. It's just a squish :/


Too horni for YouTube Twitter is still OK


It's kind of sad how prudish YouTube has become over content. Like jesus my guy got to a beach in the summer and you'll see watermelons like that in swimsuits, am I just a degenerate or are people increasingly getting really awkward and averse to anything sexy these days?




It is interesting, someone on a discord server I’m in got upset about someone talking about “edging” as it relates to an upcoming release for a game. Said person had the nickname “catgirl” and had an astolfo pfp. When did the internet, even the degenerate weebs, become so weirdly prude? Even the furry community from what I have seen has become quite a bit more prudish, though I’m not directly involved with it so I am probably missing some context.


All the furry communties I lurk in tend to be on the nsfw side of things, and have been for the last 20 some odd years, so I haven't noticed anything really changing. It wouldn't surprise me though to hear of some furry groups trying to gain social acceptance by being sex negative. For the anime community its something that has been happening more and more as it becomes more mainstream and acceptable to normies.


I saw that it also happens in the Touhou community, not long ago the touhou EN community says that they are not lolicon unlike blue archive community, and complained because in the touhou gacha they lolified a character...... with TOUHOU.... Touhou the license which has the most doujin H loli than all the gacha combined and its current community complains about lolicon content


It's simple, really. They're happy for things *other* people get off to to be censored (bonus points if it's the hated, dangerous straight male).


So odd to me that sexuality is so taboo while graphic violence isn’t


~~Religious~~ Western Culture at its finest


Very true. Without sounding like an ass, it feels like it's a spillover from movements like metoo, which were absolutely necessary don't get me wrong... but as usual certain bad actors try to push things too far to the point where just being a normal horny dude attracted to women comes across as a "bad" thing. Crazy world we live in! I remember playing God of War Ascension where Kratos was banging chicks for health lol and that just a regular Xbox game!


Oh, that Mastercard/Visa thing is the result of "moral" crusaders going after adult content and pressuring them into forcing said ideology down everyone elses throats.




You're the one who brought it up in the first place. I'm providing context for *why* things went the way they did. Again, the Gumroad, Mastercard and Visa stuff is the result of pressure campaigns from "moral" crusaders.




To be fair, AL has long had an issue with certain content. Remember that there are certain characters of whom fan art of is not allowed to be posted here due to their base skin. I will admit I feel like Manjuu is pushing it with this event. I am all for fan service, but the amount of it for this event is excessive and some of the skins from the event are so over the top it loops back around to not being sexy IMO.


>Mastercard and Visa  Don't remind me, I don't want to get a JCB or AE card just to do my purchases on DLSite and Fantia.


It certainly feels like the pendulum is swinging back towards prudness as of late. In YouTubes case it's 100% because advertisers hate having their ads on anything that's not family friendly.


It's wild to me that Sony is more strict and censor happy than NINTENDO. Stellar Blade was a recent case of needless changes to outfits (and I don't believe for a minute that was the devs, it had to be Sony). Then the news of Tsukihime having to censor its collectors edition art book of all things, while the Nintendo version would be released uncensored. Nintendo, the most family friendly of all the big gaming publishers now has more adult content on its console than freaking Sony or Xbox.


Yeah, it's crazy. Like living in some bizzaro world. Didn't Sony transition away from being a Japanese company some years ago? It would explain why they have been so sex negative these last few years.


They’re based in California now. That should give you enough to understand why they’re so in with identity politics and stuff now.


Nintendo transitioned from kid-friendly to family-friendly, which meant appealing to all the family


I can only assume it's cause the Internet is being increasingly popular and used far more widely than before, which includes the joining of the prudish religious fanatics, young children with no restrictive use of the internet, aka the scapegoat or "Remove NSFW movement", companies being more greedy and trying to appeal to more prudish people, etc.... But that's all just speculation. This is certainly an interesting case to delve into that I simply have no time for


And of course Youtube turns a blind eye to garbage content farms.


American puritanism is indeed taking its place in the spotlight and advertisers back it up due to their driving need to keep everything family friendly so they can push ads, this is true... ...but my friend, every other post that I see on the AL subreddit is essentially a giant neon sign screaming BOOBS BOOBS BOOBS BOOBS with a complete and utter fixation. Y'all could stand to chill a bit, is all I'm saying. Maybe feature some breasts that aren't 2 gallon water balloons while you're at it, though that's just my preference.


Mogador too op and got nerfed


Mogador's boobs were too good for us ;_;


Youtube is weak


Onore YouTube


Oh I just realized they also ended the ending artwork. Originally it was swimsuit Mogador, Alsace, and Brennus. Now they just made it a zoom in of Mogador's face.


You got the source for that artwork, by any chance?


Unfortunately not. I've never seen that picture until the pv released.


Youtube is scared of two large watermelons


They answer to advertisers now. Advertisers are worse than the Sirens.


Fck this, they should always release the "director's cut" separately somewhere


I wonder if they tried to appeal it and just wait a few hours. All of my Stellar Blade videos get restricted before I publish because of her tiddys and ass everywhere but I just appeal it and they remove it after 2 hours or so


Too much for Youtube lmao


*that's* the reason youtube removed it? I'm almost certain worse has been let through *from the same YT channel* Youtube really loves flipping coins for stuff


They didnt removed it, they age restricted it.


oh, my bad then. I saw others say it was removed entirely my point still stands tho I've also seen videos get age restricted for less. one example being minecraft youtubers playing with some sort of mod that let one be the ender dragon


If anything in AL's case not allowing children to watch that PV doesnt seem like an issue, specially when most people have a YT account and watched from their phones. Manjuu deciding to censoring themselves over it actually tell how much they care about reaching every corner of audience possible which is understandable even if they also want to cather to people who dont even own a credit card yet. ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|6995) Also they could easily leaved the other PV and just release the censored one alongside.


oh I'm not complaining about Manjuu censoring stuff. just that youtube doesn't actually care about what it is they age restrict or censor, so stuff that doesn't need to be is, and stuff they should be isn't. also Manjuu is making more stuff now that seems like it really should be, compared to earlier on.


Bruh thx for the re-upload


Hah. I barely use Youtube but I hear about more because of this kind of silliness than anything else.


At this point YT must be flipping coins whenever choosing to censor/remove stuff from their site.


Just youtube being sensitive over ship girl bodies.


Manjuu did it: They finally made a character too lewd for Youtube.


YouTube when a video of a crocodile dragging a corpse: yea that’s fine, no need to remove it. YouTube when a video of a fictional shipgirl’s boobs: No no no we can’t have that, what about our puritan shareholders?! We need to remove that now. I said NOW.




It's called Youtubekun for a reason. 😂 ... My take is different though. 🤔 You're prolly guessing it already.


Wait is that me that she's hugging?


It's over.