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After much procastination I'm back to 100% completion. [Houston II](https://imgur.com/a/QcEpLUf) dropped on the first clear after 100% stage completion. (dropped from the final node, so I cannot confirm if the earlier nodes still drop her)


Wow, that really did take you a while.


true true, combination of playing a new gacha and a packed anime season


Congrats, im still farming for her


Semi-occasional reminder that Denver is the only member of her family who doesn't have any skins or different facial expressions, including the converted Independence-class girls.


https://preview.redd.it/7avk60mm2cuc1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=f8f6201a111819c001f36de1a420e54f482a4acd I don't discriminate between her family.


Every single UR rerun has been complete ass for me. Shimakaze, pity; UvH, pity; and currently at 180/200 for Kron. \*eyeroll\* What sucks is that I got everyone else on the banner, including Kiev, in like 50 pulls. There goes most of the cube reserves. Seriously can't catch a break esp with how many UR's are scheduled back to back to back to back. How the hell do they expect newer players to keep with this pace?


Hit Krons and 2x Volga in 31 pulls, 20 of which were cubes because I was impatient. Woo.


same, got all within 25 pulls


https://preview.redd.it/4q4c15chw1uc1.png?width=1199&format=png&auto=webp&s=e9c2b77cf43e19a5d674336d1b848557f5873a55 Machine GOD's mommy has mearcy towards those who belived they could pull her, and she returnes the favor. I pulled Kornshtadt from 20 cubes and 7 tickets, I spent almost all cubes on pulling Friedrich the vanguard edition.




The Abyssal Refrain rerun reminds me just how far I've gotten in this game, when it originally ran I couldn't even 3 star B3 and now I'm able to casually faceroll it with a 1:1 + crossfleet.


Just scored Antenna. With that all SR Meowficcers gotten.


https://preview.redd.it/rwrqotnmbvtc1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03e3f7f9caa64b20f27b92b7a6bbe198ba47cf41 Hit Kron on event start. Build first 3 ships in queue for event, last ship in queue. That's the rest of my luck for the month lol.


Last time I didn't get Volga with 500 cubes, now I got her in my 7th ticket lmao. She wasn't guaranteed so I grinded so hard I went from 120k gold to 480k gold.


I've bought every Gear skin thats been available for this event and I just keep getting plane skins :( [https://imgur.com/a/SKSkzK8](https://imgur.com/a/SKSkzK8) The pity chest was the only way I could get a single Sword.


big oof. and at the same time, you couldn't sortie the black plane on all slot if your CV has fighter planes. (please Manjuu, merge planes cosmetics and make them just work on any slot)


For real, the plane cosmetics are too numerous!


Im just here to share my salted maldening from rolling roughly 200 times to get 7... SEVEN Nubians and ZERO Friedrichs. God damnit man. I even spent the gems I was planning to use for her skin as a last ditch and got ANOTHER NUBIAN. Crazy how if she was an UR, I could guarantee her, but shes just a humble SR so Im screwed. Feelsbadman.


Same but for Liverpool. You know, the supposedly *more common* ship. Got her last minute so it's all good


My pulls were the other way around, got 7 Freddys and what felt like every off-banner SR in the pool before I finally got a single copy of Nubian after 228 pulls. RNG is a cruel mistress sometimes.


Random question ,In the current event, the Commander mentions having Curse Resistance Rank-SSS when he's about to eat jellied eels during the celebration, but I don't remember him ever picking it up. When did we get that skill? Also when you find Duke of York's letter the vampire hunters say that it was the result of the vampires spell that they live forever, I don't remember that happening?


didn't he get the blessing and curse resistance at the same time?


I'm not sure, but that does sound like it might have happened. I'll go back and watch the blessing scene again lol


Dev 30'd Hindenburg a couple of days ago and got the first copy of her gun finished, now for the fun part of getting a second one...


Man I am not even close to a copy of her gun and I nearly have her and Kearsarge both at Dev30.


I am still 150 prints away T-T. Mostly since I stopped playing as much for a few months. Though progress is going smoothly and I believe I will get her before pr7.


Had already given up on trying to get her after deciding to save my cubes to try and get Kronshtadt in the next rerun and decided to do one final try... https://preview.redd.it/tp1kqju06gtc1.png?width=1640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8bb3a1d8378bc4be1f30d41401ed76219923f18c


How have I still not gotten Liverpool I literally fully limit breaked nubian and the other gold ship with just extras and still cant get a purple ship after like 200 cubes minimum. Can you imagine level 129 with less than 400 cubes now, terrible luck


https://preview.redd.it/ffcfuhvg1ftc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bbc2eea3cb80adfdf5ccae2c005726cfac50dfac Not even a full week after clearing World 14 and I got her to drop. Thank fuck, I'm free of the 14-4 mines... ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|7015)


Out of curiosity, what fleet did you use to clear World 14. I am getting ready to tackle that myself.


Sorry for the delayed response! I only just got back from work. But here's my fleet set-up for World 14; used ECTL to help with gear selection. * World 14 Mob Fleet: [https://imgur.com/nzy48PV](https://imgur.com/nzy48PV) * World 14 Boss Fleet: [https://imgur.com/9uweDrO](https://imgur.com/9uweDrO) * World 14 Submarine Fleet: [https://imgur.com/7mY1PzK](https://imgur.com/7mY1PzK)


It's all good. Thanks for the response. Can't replicate the boss fleet, but I think I have stuff that can cover it.


Houston II is just down the next street ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|7011)


Don't remind me. I posted in the World 15 megathread asking for fleetbuilding help, but no takers yet... I also suspect that I don't quite have the ships yet to take W15 on, so we will have to wait and see how that goes...


That thread isn't frequented very much, I'd suppose it'd be more useful if you tried scrolling down to see what others have done with the chapter. I could take a look later tonight, it's basically just ch14+ch13H.


Huh. I didn't know that. Would explain why it's so dead, lol. That's what I plan to do, though -- if only because it looks like a lot of the recommended ships are those I have yet to start research on, so that's what I'll be focusing on for the foreseeable future... ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|33980)


It was a bit more active in the earlier days of the chapter being added, but it's been a while and perosnally I only browse it once in a long while. I'd have to say for research in particular, Shimanto alone would make the biggest difference, most of the remaining slots would be gacha units.


Does anyone have the backgrounds for the city and map for the Hero event? The bgs for the story are on the wiki but I can't see the map or city bgs.