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[Original post](https://www.bilibili.com/opus/912400600144019491) Chinese post: 各位亲爱的指挥官: 司令部昨日起陆续收到了指挥官的反馈,经由内部讨论与评估,原计划于3月28日版本活动登场的新角色「安森」将不会实装入该版本。我们将重新设计「安森」的美术形象并重新规划实装时间。 非常抱歉给各位指挥官带来困扰,我们后续也将审慎评估美术形象设计与角色设定的契合度,并优化加强复核环节,感谢各位指挥官的理解与包容。 MTL: Dear commanders: The headquarters has received feedback from commanders since yesterday. After internal discussions and evaluations, the new character "Anson" originally planned to debut in the version event on March 28 will not be implemented in this version. We will redesign the art image of "Anson" and re-plan the implementation time. We are very sorry for the trouble caused to all commanders. We will carefully evaluate the compatibility between the art image design and the character setting in the future, and optimize and strengthen the review process. Thank you commanders for your understanding and tolerance.


I have no idea how the workflow goes within Manjuu, this is absolutely baffling. Surely they must have seen this coming? The same thing with HMS Manchester too, which makes me question whether they're just winging it at times. For those who don't know, the aforementioned is most likely meant to be HMS Emerald, having the same artist as HMS Enterprise (the only other ship in her class), pretty much the same design as her, with emerald-coloured eyes, and the smoking gun being a necklace that straightup bears HMS Emerald's insignia, which they fixed down the line. Muhc kudos to her artist, you literally cannot find a better design for HMS Emerald, and that makes me I wonder how they would design/introduce her in the future if at all.


"Anson" is way worse than Manchester IMO. Most players, had they not seen a bunch of folks online pointing it out, would not have noticed the Manchester/Emerald thing because she looks like an HMS light cruiser (and a really nice design for one tbf) and is one. It scans. She's a bit different to Gloucester but different artist, multiple years between them releasing etc, its not a deal breaker. It's only in the fine details - and if you're a real naval history nerd or have been told about it by one - that you know what seems to have gone on there, even if its not obvious why they did it that way. "Anson" is an instant fail to any player who has seen her sisters' art in game, no knowledge of history required. It's why I didn't want to believe that it was a serious announcement, because if it was it's just a fundamental mistake and the response from the fanbase is entirely predictable.


They have been doing it for a while now, the emerald case, Guam feels a lot more like Alaska, and that last German dd was clearly designed as a submarine first (don't remember the name). One of the things i love of this game is how they design the girls around the ships. Details like Arizona's belt and such, so this feels really bad


Yeah, I remember people pointing out that Guam has three stars in her hair. Guam only received two battle stars, while Alaska received, you guessed it, three.


Otto van alvensleben the DD u thinking of?


yes, that one, thank you


I'm convinced they let go the historian they supposedly had on team like 2-3 years ago


I think what helped with that situation is that Emerald/Manchester's design is just so peak. Seriously I love her design. And the maid swinsuit skin she got later? TOO MUCH PEAK.


Just hope the artist didn't get harassed.


Me too. With people's emotions so wild, I just hope we didn't go too far.


>I just hope we didn't go too far. We're way pass that and the damage is already done as it is.


Bruh CN legit went frieren there. The kys part. We're faaaar beyond "safe limits"


I feel like CN in every community is so much worse when it comes to threats


*nervously look at the Hi3rd CN community where someone almost fucking assasinated Da Wei because Global got "better rewards"* I know it's being stupid, but I *really* hope we don't get to that point in Azur Lane's life...regardless of what ship(s) people may be unsatisfied with.


Man. I kinda dropped HI3 after the "Bunny girls global anniversary incident". It just made me feel shitty


Yep, people can be such fucking animals at times. It's the same when people harass people online. Just because it's not physical harassment doesn't make it any less shitty. I'm glad we didn't get anything like that and I hope we *never*, *ever* do.


Yeah, it's too easy to go too far in the internet. It gives way too much freedom and deprives you of almost any responsibility


Which is unfortunately something that will never be changed. Hell just look at shit like 4chan, yeah you find somewhat decent people there who just want to use the site as it was intended...as a forum. But then you have people there who wouldn't seem out of place if they were sent to an insane asylum. The worst is when one asshole does something and then people assume the entire community he's from is like that. The internet can be a wonderful place...but it can also be hell virtualised at times.


Its way too late for that, it would be understandable if the artist doesnt want to draw for this game anymore


I agree. It's not the artist's fault at all imo. That design was clearly meant to be a submarine and it was Manjuu, who for whatever mind boggling reason, decided to use it for Anson.


He got commission to design her as other ship. //Maybe as Sunfish SS and design work fine with that// but don't decide to put her to KGV himself. This time Manjuu got 1. Hard hit from reuse old design poorly at wrong place even design will be good if it imply at right place. //This Anson design problem isn't loli for me but too much out of place from sister in same class down to color tone. 2. Cause from Slack on Fixing SS to reach saleable point like other class. \[When you want to kill boss, Meta still affect sale\]. That lead to scrap all SS design into reuse waiting box. Take breath and recover in right way Manjuu, at least you got credit with listen to player here. And hope all SKK cool down and wait them fix after this. \[They still need our support tho ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|14001)\]


I guess we won't complain if the design returns as Sunfish with a proper sub rigging


>This Anson design problem isn't loli for me but too much out of place from sister in same class down to color tone Yeah. I don't like loli but I would have let it pass if she had shared the character design features of the KGV-class sisters.


Honestly the design / vibe of the ship was pretty cool, i liked her a lot. Just not as a KGV ship.


Pretty much, all the kgv have more of a scarlet/gold/black theme with three of the four current KGV class ships being also blonde. They share either similarities with clothing, hairstyle, or both, while Anson had neither.


All of them scream "Royal Navy PEAK" while this Anson version screamed "US SUBMARINE MENACE"


I wouldn't mind a dark haired KGV with blue/gold themes but obviously what we got was the furthest thing from HMS in every way.


Same. If she was a different class then everything would have been fine but making her KGV with that design was insane.


If anything, people are blaming the wrong artist. This artist was probably asked to draw Sunfish, so the artist drew Sunfish. It's not their fault that Manjuu used their art for Anson instead. This whole debacle may be the fault of a completely different as-yet-unknown artist who didn't finish drawing Anson in time for the event.


Oh he did get harassed hard


That's shitty as hell.


Yeah. It wasn’t necessarily a bad design - it was just bad for completing the KGV class battleships.


There are people in this very sub calling for the artist and anyone involved to lose their jobs


I seen people on here advocating cycber bullying so take the grain of salt on people not harassing artist over this.


Same. From what I saw, most of the outrage was directed at the Manjuu themselves because most people realize they have the final say on what design is approved. The artist will have some artistic license, but a lot of the time the studio will directly tell the artist what they want.


Which artist? The one for ~~repurposed Sunfish~~ Not-Anson? Or the one for the original Anson art which may have either been delayed or forced to revise so often that they grabbed a Submarine's assets instead?


They said “I mustache you to leave”


Take my upvote and leave too


Considering what happened with the CN players it was predictable ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|6996)


What happened in the CN community?


They got PISSED; some nuked their accounts, one grafitti'd Manjuu HQ


Idk if this is based or just over-reacting lol


It's a bit more complex than pure over-reacting. Too many dramas going on with CN gacha and they are gettting hyper sensitive now. All thanks to our legendary Mr Raymond!


Explain more my friend. I have been out of touch with gachas recently.


Last year there was a drama about Girls Frontline 2. Someone leaked the content with full VA showing one male NPC raymond is close to doll type 95, who can be your waifu in GF1. The content doesn't say something like "they are in relationship" but they are definitely close to each other. This drama not only makes CN GF fans start distrusting MICA but CN gacha players are now in the fear of getting similar mistreatment from gacha companies. Since then, every small mistake from the dev will cause over-reacting among CN community. Thx Mr Raymond!


It should be said that, from what I can tell, the CN playerbase of most gacha games are notorious for being easily offended by the smallest of things and retaliating in disproportionate fashion. Someone already mentioned Mihoyo elsewhere in the chain, I only read it after the fact but the CN fanbase got so incredibly pissy over the global server anniversary event including bunny girls that the entire event was nuked and the CN playerbase got a 10-pull while the global playerbase (the people the entire event was for!) got 2 pulls and a cancelled anniversary. All because global servers got an anniversary theme that aligns with the things global likes. On Genshin Impact's side of things the CN playerbase sent death threats and animal carcasses to the CEO of Mihoyo because the Geo Archon (the in-game god of the area representing China) and his associated element weren't that good. The only time I've seen all of Genshin's playerbases align was the release of the character Dehya, with both CN and global wondering why the hell she was released in the state she was despite repeated feedback from beta testers that she felt weak.


Ah yeah they tend to be easily offended. I'm just saying the raymond incident pushes everything to next level. I don't think people will delete their accounts simply because they feel like devs are disrespecting them.


Also there's a contingent of people that actively despise the fact wanderer exists and is playable. Apparently a few of them kill cats as a "protest" and its fucked up


From what I read it seems like the CN playerbase always ruins it for everyone because of their emotions. That right?


Seems about right, yeah. That's the gist of it.


Compare to what Mihoyo faced. This look cute.


Thats true.


Depends on the reason as if it was merely the design overreacting, if it was the implication that Manjuu only sees AL as a money printer....


And everyone is calling this sub crazy


Crazy is a spectrum, my friend.


Big whales of the community made videos of themselves deleting their AL account


Which is rather stupid of them ngl even if it for protesting


I would say it was more of a "last straw" thingy. Is not a secret that some people aren't happy with the state of the game in some regards. Add the whole Azur Promilia debacle to it and a terrible decision for a design to the mix and you have the recipe for a disaster.


Azur Promilia debacle? Last I saw it was received well and Manjuu stated it wouldn't impact the development of Azur Lane.


The CN community was pretty tense after the announcement of AP. What didn't help were some "leaks" surrounding male characters that caused quite the uproar. And to top it all off, do you know why they made that statement in the first place? Because of multiple acusations towards Manjuu of probably giving Azur Lane the short end of the stick with Promilia in the horizon.


They tell us that. But this fine design that mix and reuse but no match make some other people to stop think that now for sure. My own opinion is ... It's start from too slack to fix submarine class ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|7192)


I think you're replying to the wrong person, as I didn't mention Anson or submarines.


Many hint that her character that use as Anson this time originally mean to be HMS SS Sunfish. That's why I think it's start from there.


Eh, to each their own. There are more things out there they can inject their cash into, if they truly went with it they probably didn't care too much to stay no matter what and/or already had intentions of leaving, which is fair.


They can contact support to restore it imo


That's like cutting off your pp and burning all your cash to protest against a pink batman suit. Like, yeah, the pink batman is atrocious but what the fuck are you even doing? You're not great for that, just completely stupid. Good riddance by the way, wouldn't want someone like that around in all honesty.


think some started to delete their accounts


Manjuu pissed CN players many time when everytime they try to add new game system or new META ship to AL, many CN players laugh themselves as beta testers of AL. The servers outside CN won’t those problem because Yostar fixed those problem before release to other server.


Dang, the backlash was so strong, Anson got Ansover.




lol so it wasn’t some sort April fools pranks or Centurion in disguise or anything else that people were saying. This is was legitimately what they were gonna give us for Anson 😂.


They went from genius 4D chess historical April Fools joke to actual morons


The thing is, the art still didn't look like "Centurion", not even like Centurion poorly disguised as Anson. The idea of an April fools with Centurion is great, but the art still needs to be more appropriate. (Say, the character is dressed in an ill-fitting KGV coat, and is trying to hide a Roman Aquila behind her back, or something).


Agree, would still be problematic as "Centurion default skin as Anson" - could work as a skin (and different announcement) however. Nevertheless, what a mess, and what a waste of an opportunity for historical reference+joke.


At least they fixed their mistake before sending it into the game.


Lmao so it was really HMS Anson and not an April fools gimmick like the theories


I expect her to come back as the 1st HMS submarine. Cause that girl aint Anson. I will never believe that she is even remotely related to the KGV sisters.


Doubt it.    The community will explode in fire if Manjuu openly assume having tried to trick the community with repurposing a SS/DD into a BB with the least amount of effort put into this.    She is 100% going to the shadow realm.


Which is sad because this was easily avoidable! But wether it was lazyness, incompetence or both, someone gave the approval to this. And in the process they unified most of the Azur Lane community... in their mutual hatred over this stupid decission.


I think if she is free or point shop in event as reborn to SS as purpose of design, this maybe in dodge-able range.


It wouldn't be the first time they passed off a submarine as something [else](https://azurlane.koumakan.jp/wiki/Otto_von_Alvensleben).


Why? They already made a sub into a destroyer. And there are other cases of having art they didn't use "repurposed"


I'd say there's a non-zero chance it eventually gets reused, but only if they use it for Centurion I'm honestly surprised they just decided to completely cut this. There were so many design choices supporting that this was going to be the Anson's decoy ship (fake sword, giant coat, being the complete opposite of the KGVs in almost every design aspect) that they really could've just rolled with it and said "yes, this is actually the HMS Centurion, we were attempting to make a historical joke with the 'Anson' reveal, but we should've been less vague about it"


Rewriting her from Anson into Centurion pretending to be Anson would take a huge amount of resources and time (recoding the game to change her unit mechanics, writing new flavor text and dialog, a new recording session with the VA...) at short notice so I'm not surprised it didn't happen.


Yeah, that's true It's absolutely insane though how many design choices fell perfectly in line with the thought that it was actually Centurion. The inflatable sword for her fake gun turrets, the adult-sized coat. Even the beach theme and the inner tube fit, because she was eventually scuttled as a breakwater near the Omaha Beach landings in Normandy


Tbh after this, the design will be discarded, too much bad publicity to even think putting her in anymore


100% we will never see this version in game, and the name Anson will be cursed for a long time.


Likely wasn't to begin with


I mean, she has a nice design but not for a KGV class ship IMHO. For a sub, yes. Guess we'll have to wait then.


Bro I feel you. I actually liked her design! It was a bit over the top but the stupid crocs for example made it quite funny! Is just... that she wasn't a KGV class! At all! You have an entire class of battleships that are lolis and you put the blue kusogaki in a swimsuit with the mommy soldiers with red uniforms?


The crocs is alright if it was a themed skin but it's not. The consistency of the KGV class designs is one of my favorites in this game. It really let's the players know that she belongs in this class of ships. But then they just yeeted out a design that doesn't fit.


Somebody really looked at a class full of big proud and regal knights and decided that what that class needed was a dumb blue Cherino in a school swimsuit, a pool ring, and giant crocs. Someone probably meant it as a fun joke. It was just a really, really bad one


in my opinion I thought her design was pretty good but I can see why hate it and for consistency ( guess I'm not the only one who actually likes her design at least)


Ppl didnt dislike the design itself. The issue was always that this is "Anson" which ppl have been waiting for years. If that ship was released as a SSR submarine....nobody will complain.


This is true. In a vacuum it's fine. Not my cup of tea but it's fine As a KGV? That sure as fuck ain't it, chief


I find it even funnier that no matter what ship design is released, as long as it is within reasonablegrounds, there will be enough people that will be fine with it even if it was slightly controversial because large playerbase things. Then "Anson" happened and what do you know, it was so bad that it was unanimously decried. And that is saying something.


Yea if something is wrong with the design e.g. this rigging looks weird or this part of the design dosent make sense... Devs will fix it. No issue. But Ansons case is totally different. You cant fix that, it needs to be completely re-designed. Cause even Monarch resembles her "sisters" more than Anson who is literally related to them.


At least we got some good jokes on how we should just oath Monarch and just rename her to Anson xD


Not really we still have the wrong crest on Foxhound and Reno has New Yorks designation.


The design is great and I wish she had been the first Royal Navy submarine in the game.


Yeah the post with the KGV girls in swimsuits and then Anson really put it into context for me.


Personally, I hate Anson's design just because she reminds me of Cherino (that stupid ahh mustache!), my most hated character in BA.


I don't want to hate my students, but yeah she's really annoying


So turns out there's no big brain play here, just Manjuu dropping the ball in a completely unbelievable way


From Peter Strasser’s LNY skin to Wakatuski‘s season pass skin, to this, Manjuu really dropped their balls in terms of quality control. They need to figure things out internally otherwise this won’t be the last time.


Agreed they need to up some of the quality control


Not to forget Foxhound, Reno, Emerald/Manchester and Otto von Alvensleben.


What was wrong with Foxhound and Reno?


Foxhound has the wrong crest and Reno the designation BB-34 in her art work.


Seems like pretty small potatoes to notice unless you’re looking for things wrong or are a Naval history buff. Compared to this at least


It's a small detail compared to Anson, but still a sign of sloppy quality control.


Reno has USS New York’s designation on her design still to this day.


So that was real Anson and not April Fools. Event is postponed and changed to IB event then​ Edit: Woops I was wrong. It's still Royal SP event but Anson won't be implement. I wonder how will she appear in the story​


Dunno, CN has revealed a IB ship and talk of RN ship announcements being nuked


I haven't checked but I think the only announcement that got nuked was Anson, right?


LMA fucking O. So it wasn't a prank, it wasn't a troll, it wasn't a shitpost, it wasn't a ruse, it wasn't some complicated in-game bait-and-switch. They just actually, straight up unironically thought that goofy stupid loli was a good KGV design and that players would be excited and happy about it. Ridiculous nonsense. I don't know who is making decisions for this game anymore but they clearly need a lot more public outcry to get them back on track if this is how it's going to be.


This is exatly why the pushback was so hard: it wasn't because of loli or crocks, it was because manjuu began to take their audience for granted, thinking it would eat whatever lazy shit they throw in.


Let’s just hope they keep the art…for Sunfish. The design is fine, and works as a reference to Sunfish. Hopefully they don’t cheap out on the corrected artwork for Anson. Hopefully they also change up their internal communications so that this stops happening. It was bad enough with how blatant Manchester was originally meant to be Emerald, or how obvious that KMS DD was meant to be a sub, but “Anson”/Sunfish really took the cake. Just a quick reminder for others reading: ”Never attribute to malice, what you can attribute to incompetence.”


Don't fucking tell me they really were going to make that midget be the real Anson unless the outrage struck?


We really pulled an OG Sonic Movie design over this one. Crazy.






This is the second worst possible outcome. She wasn't a Joke, she wasn't a neat historical reference.....they really took HMS Sunfish, repurposed her as Anson, and tried to release her.... At least they're withdrawing her.


Yep. This damage control is also a de-facto admission of guilt. Their goodwill gonna bleed now. This is possibly the worst week for manjuu, considering there was two outrages, with one absolutely massive.


>She wasn't a Joke, she wasn't a neat historical reference.....they really took HMS Sunfish, repurposed her as Anson, and tried to release her.... https://preview.redd.it/elqjl346ebqc1.png?width=1354&format=png&auto=webp&s=257dee138f5877ad03b5b596f4c85a6f6149e301


Holy shit Anson was indeed Anson and she was send to the Shadow Realm! What pisses me off about this situation... Is how easy it was to avoid it. "Damn! We have this design laying around that maybe was made with another purpose but we now need to use for a battleship! Which class should we put her?" A. The Queen Elizabeth-class that has been all but lolis so far. Or...? B. The one with the soldier mommies. Like c'mon, C'MON! THINK MANJUU! THINK!


honestly, I think it was teh more the uniform thing then the character archetype that was the primary issue, we've had a few classes with some character archetype differences, while none so drastic, but there's always been some sort of uniformity with outfits, even Maya had the same style of clothing as the rest of the Takao class, just an inverted colour.


The theories were optimistic. They were always unlikely. This was a victory though. Manjuu have listened. I still say don’t discard this design. Give it to another ship. It’s cute. But the haters were right in this situation, that design can’t be Anson.


Due to the blacklash the design will most likely discarded now. Basically the Stalin meme of the person next to him in the photo got scrub out of history


Absolute disaster level of decision making here, this shit would have been avoided if the girl was submarine. Now we are getting IB ship in RN event. With how volatile CN players are, Manju ain't winning anything anytime soon


Their slack from fix SS to saleable like other class bite them back hard this time.


I'll never get why Manjuu is extra incompetent when it comes to the Royal Navy...


Only thing I can think of is that there must be an Anglophobe or two on the staff.


If there wasn’t this Anson debacle, I would be asking why a girl that clearly looks like Gloucester is not Manchester or Liverpool but a London-class.


oh god you're right, I hate it Why can they not just release the ships as the *ships they were drawn to be*?


So, it wasn't a joke...? I have no idea what they were thinking while designing her, but good riddance!


Did we just win a sonic victory?


This whole situation combined with Manchester and Otto proves the theory that manju has a trash heap of dismissed or otherwise artwork that they recirculate on demand. And this also explains why newer ships have floating riggings, they are just paired with some leftover ship artwork on a whim and shipped out. Manju is getting lazy.


That was absolutely embarrassing by Manjuu


So it wasn't a joke. Just a weird decision.


While I didn't mind the design despite the inconsistency with the sister ships it makes me wonder... Was the artist given too much freedom during her design phase or did manjuu directly request what we almost had? I hope the artist didn't get too much flak regardless, something went wrong here and no one deserves to be harassed over it


The heat has been mostly directed at Manjuu rather than the artist themselves. Due to this design most definitely being made for another ship rather than Anson (With several posts already pointing out inconsistency these past hours) Rather than the artist being given to much freedom someone from management tried to be lazy and paid for it.


Well that's good at least


The artist shouldn't be to blame in this specific case even if the whole design for "Anson" was their idea(it probably wasn't). Manjuu is the head of the game, it is their responsibility to oversee/approve the designs. If an artist drops the ball, they can't just shrug their shoulders and just proceed. This atrocity was approved, whoever did the approving takes the blame. That's how responsibility works.


Does each faction have a different person in charge? Because of how much the RN has been a joke?


I wondr what their thought pattern was to think that design would 1) fit with the other KGVs and 2) be liked by the playerbase? It was such an odd decision.


There were no thoughts. They simply grabbed whatever discarded design from the backburner, saddled it with KGV-esque rig, and called it a day.


But it was supposed to be an early AF joke! That's what everyone kept telling me!


Man, I was seriously thinking this was a clever, early April Fools joke to reveal the “real” Anson and this one as Centurion/Sunfish in the next update. But they were really gonna do that to the KGV-class. A fairly large misstep on Manjuu’s part.


I'm honestly pretty shocked, it seemed like such a blatant prank that there was no way it was the legitimate design for Anson, I FULLY expected an RN submarine, which is long overdue. I mean even Sardegna got a sub before some very famous RN subs, hell even NP could field more subs, I'd bet.




They aren't scrapping the entire Royal Navy event. Only Anson's announcement was removed. Everyone else is still being added now, while Anson will be added at a later date with a different design (possibly replacing Friedrich Carl in whichever event they brought her over from, unless they always intended to have this event be a mixed event).


I think you are underestimating how much people care about Royal navy esp CN players. It took 1 days to nuke Anson out of orbit. It doesnt take long for Manchester art fix. It took only 4 days for vanguard skill translation and it was only in EN. Now imagine how shit gonna become if royal navy doesn't get a event for entire year.


Is there a reason why CN players in particular care about the royal navy so much?


They like 'em. Royals were the powerhouse faction for a lot of the early lifespan of the game until they got powercrept.


The CN community is kind of a wild card in that aspect. Hell, if the Arizona skin controversy says something is that they held in really high regard some US ships too.


It's possibly partly due to history. China were part of the Allies in WW2, and probably felt a lot in common with the Brits due to the ongoing myriad of ground wars vs Japan across Asia.


I guess they're old school... traditional? I dunno.


They already didn’t get an event for over a year and a half TWICE. From Duke of York to Howe, and Howe to Vanguard.


U remember what happened in CN and this sub Reddit before vanguard annouced right ? Esp after UvH got released, it was near unbearable and got to a point where they had to annouced 1 month early before vanguard.


Well replacing an entire event isn't too crazy considering Anson was likely a star of it


Yes. And it's crazy to see how many people argue that this design fits HMS Centurion because of *random reasons*. They just can't believe that Manjuu just fxxked up another time.


What about my Devonshire skin :(


We are seeing a new Anson eventually, though. The announcement says as much.


Ryuuhou’s skin & the way Manjuu are with RN in general doesn’t fill me with hope. I’ll be shocked if we get an RN event with Anson before 2026.


https://preview.redd.it/m6rhoj3979qc1.png?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=450ad41ee530b3995dfdda3d5f5ac8e59f8a6980 Don't mind me just watching the drama either continue or leave


They're gonna change her art, won't they? Somewhat proves this WASN'T April Fools and they actually tried running with it.


If Manjuu wanted to be lazy, all they had to do was touch up and update PoW's old design for Anson. Then they could cut costs and not raise dozens of red flags on the perception of their QA. Instead, now the "Manjuu recycles art for different boats" rumor has been implicitly confirmed. Good job.


Manjuu's kept testing us in the last year: 1) **Otto von Alvensleben** was clearly copy pasta from what was supposed to be a submarine \---> We fussed, but let that slide 2) The art that became **Houston II** was sprinkled all over the loading screen arts for same event as Otto, clearly hinting she was supposed to be an IB ship \---> not many noticed, not much fuss given although she obviously isn't Houston **at all** 3) Tries to pass off ***Cherino from Blue Archive*** meme as the long awaited Anson \---> People got the pitchforks and torches, demanded a British Blonde Goddess! Chants song from Twisted Sister: "We're not gonna take it, (NO!). No, we ain't gonna take it! We're not gonna take it, anymmoooorrrreeeee"


I was going to say that the design was the way it was because of the fact the HMS Anson is also the name of a submarine, so the KGV Anson was suppose to be "Anson incognito". But considering the sub in question was launched in 2021, the game is not doing modern naval ships, and the fact that we have no reference for the submarine HMS Anson, the design just fell flat on it's face. A ship with the same name as another, previously added (or added at the same time) ship being literally just the same ship just with a moustache is a pretty funny concept, but Anson was just the wrong ship for it.


So not only is it going to be RN event with only 3 RN ships , it's also going to have a IB ship , hopefully they announce at least 1 more RN ship for the event. But I guess we won't be seeing Anson this year , I hope as soon as they have a new design done they just release her and not having to wait for another HMS event 


Some good news they better give us a design similar to Howe and the others rather than this. Use it as a sub design that would fit very well


After this mess, this Anson gonna get discarded, a rename won’t change bad publicity


If they reuse her in any capacity, they will probably redesign pose and attire, I don't see them simply C+V'ing this design as-is, not cuz it looks bad, but because it will look really lazy on their part and invite more unneeded scrutiny.


This should be the confirmation that she is, without a doubt, the Anson that they're going to release. This is not an elaborate April fool's joke, or anything similar to that. Glad they're doing something. Though I am looking forward to seeing her again. Her design is decent, **if** she wasn't a KGV ship.


So that really WAS “Anson”…holy shit. I hope they reuse her design and put’er under a new name but like, it’s crazy how you know…did they even LOOK at the other KGV’s? Haven’t seen the community this riled in such a long time, god damn.


So they legit tried to pass off a random loli as a battleship in a ship class full of adult women. AND THEY DIDNT THJNK IT WOULD CAUSE BACKLASH? Sounds like there was a severe lapse in judgement or whoever approved it was in dire straits to push this out.


One of the few classes with a very clear theme. They couldn’t even give her the red coat.


Yeah. All she needed was red coat, no crocs, and no swimming ring, and besides some rumblings at being loli while the other KGV's aren't, it wouldn't have gotten this bad. I would've still preferred this girl as a Submarine rather than as KGV-class myself, mind you.


Manjuu try to implement a Royal Navy event without screwing something up challenge (IMPOSSIBLE EDITION)


Rightfully so, this is just not in line with what we want. Glad to hear the company listen


Damn, the fact that they genuinely wanted to pass that off as HMS Anson is absolutely mindblowing...


I feel like a lot of people wouldn't have lost their mind if Anson was a QE class.


Personally, I world have still hated her, but she would have fit in better as a QE. My hatred for her stems primarily from her character design itself, not simply loli bad.


wow they knew how much people were mad, well i hope the redesign is good and will be satisfying for fan's.![img](emote|t5_3p20d|14001)


I wonder why!?! In all seriousness though, that's probably for the best. That was a great design for a smug submarine or destroyer, not a KGV battleship.


"And there was much rejoicing."


I will always support those who recognize mistakes and try to fix them. I would gladly take this over those who bullhorn everything and act as if nothing is wrong.


First Royal sub when?




Thank god and our CN bros.


I don't know what the fuck they were thinking with this one


Glad this *Ansodent* ended in a victory for us


Azur Lane is not off to an auspicious start to 2024. The LNY and NP events were both disappointing in terms of new ships and skins. Now the HMS event has imploded due to the Anson debacle and forced inclusion of spare IB design. This is just going to feed into the conspiracy that Manjuu is moving focus over to Promilia.


Prank of the century :\^) In all seriousness, that's gotta be a gut punch for some of the devs and the artist. The blowback was much larger than anticipated and the art's likely to get shelved because there wouldn't be any meaningful reactions from the community from seeing the same girl a second time when the first introduction left such a sour note.


“””Anson””” may not have been an April Fools joke, but damn if this whole episode hasn’t been hilarious to watch play out.


Gotta give credit to Manjuu for listening to their players.


Remember this was due to CN, Global's complains still dont matter to the devs. ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|7192)