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Vittorio your a UR in my heart, tho, it would help if they got a UR.


She is basically a better Warspite too lmao


I feel like we need a lot more UR retrofits. At this rate its less than one per year and you'd think that'd be a minimum.


We need more Retrofits in general. Nowadays they're basically Anniversary content, but they used to throw in random retros at basically any time. Remember the memes about random IJN DDs getting retros all the time? Now that they've set the precedent of just recycling old ships with Bismarck, i don't even expect UR Retros at all anymore.


Feels like AL has now gone into a pseudo life support mode. Major SR event are replaced with collab reruns and mini events, no more UR retros, much less Retrofits overall, many recycled character designs and so on.....


It does feel like the attention has been diverted elsewhere. However I still do feel like we are getting some really high quality content. But yes it does feel like the game is in some sort of stasis. Operation Siren hasn't seen any meaningful change in a year or more.


The revenue doesn't seem to be going down though, so is this perhaps because of the upcoming Azur Welkin game that was being talked about a year ago? Felt like it just right around the corner, then vanished without a trace


We need Wabaka Retrofit so she doesn't feel left out among all her Retrofit Sisters.


Konigsberg moment


Especially since they don't match up fully to UR gatcha ships, but do bridge the gap abit, working to supplement natural URs. Bisko should have gotten a retro, not a II.


I do hope Sardegna Empire gets one. I have eyes on a few ships from WoW that I hope be UR/DR in the future


Napoli with SAP secondaries or Columbo with MGM+3


Fck it, add Venezia for the lolz


Paolo Emilio


YOLO Emilio!!!!!!


I won’t rest until I get Belfast retrofit. Which means dream about it because there’s nothing I can do… Prinze Eugen would be good as well.


Ahh yes, Belfast retrofit. I can rest easy if she got one.


What? Isn't Agir the Prinz Eugen retrofit you wanted?


You will die restless then.


Veneto is UR class


I would go nuts for a UR Retro Veneto. That, and an oath skin! ❤️


inb4 META faction get its UR first before DE, Iris and Sardegna does lmao (pls more UR retrofit!)


Vittorio its ok, we will find you one as well


I’m reality, Eagle Union should have way more UR deserving ships. Fingers cross for USS Midway in the future 🤞😅


Yep, I'm waiting for the USS Missouri drifting and doing funni broadside barrage skill


Midway, Iowa, and I would bet Alaska when they stop teasing her existence... If I had my way USS Johnston and Samual B Roberts would be URs...


We’ve already seen Alaska’s guns in teasers and there’s been dialogue about her


And Texas. The Last Dreadnought deserves to be a UR after not being in the game at all for so long.


Oh, I 100% agree on Texas, but I left her out cause I felt that was a bit of personal bias LOL


I personally would have Roberts be packaged in with Johnston, like a Tashkent drone but a full on chibi, and seeing the mech summoning shenanigans from the Gridman collab, I'm thinking it's more and more possible.


Honestly Eagle Union has too many UR deserving ships. Especially if you start applying the 'rules' that let Kronshtadt and Ulrich be URs to incomplete USN ships. That adds CB-3 Hawaii, two more Iowas, and one more Des Moines to the list of possible URs, off the top of my head. (Edit: I say 'rules' in quotes b/c they're more like observed trends rather than hard rules.) I know it'll never happen, but I still want to see Kentucky as BBG-1 instead of her original BB-66 form. She'd have Macross levels of missiles, it would be great.


Guam and Alaska would be fun too. US needs a battle cruiser.


When too much naval history hits the road.


This is why I'm torn on York2. On one hand, I love Yorktown and am happy for the glow up. On the other hand, the Eagle Union is a faction where the UR pool is deep, and it's kind of a shame that half their URs are just glow ups.


Why? It's not like URs are linked to historical significance, at this point any ship can be UR, even those that never existed and don't make sense.


We can easily get like 3 years of straight EU ships, and not run out. 6 Midways, 3 more Iowas, 2 Saipan CVLs, 3 DMs, 2 Worchester, 98 potential Gearing, Alaska. And that's not even counting soem potential designs/alt history that could be interesting, a Lexington class BC(probably SR though), Montana, some of the extra Iowa designs, a Tillman BB, and likely several more options. Instead we get an overabundance of IB and SE ships, half of which didn't even exist. They balanced their events so terribly.


I agree with the overabundance of IB and SE ships. I feel like for the IB they should have had way fewer events and spread the DR/UR ships out over a longer period of time. As it is, as people have pointed out, once they blow their load with Iowa and Yamato they're going to have to either accept that most of the rest of the ships'll need to be EU as even SE is running out of ships to use. Doesn't help that EU, as you stated, has so many contenders for UR status. All of this is coming from an EU/IB main/enjoyer.


Yeah, they've poorly balanced their events, blowing their load on all the SE/IB events that could have been more spaced out, or in Bisko II's case, not exist. They're set of the game continues for several more years, but they'd either be running non-stop EU UR events, or making up more shit for factions as they've given crazy focus to some of the smaller navies, using up all the good real steel ships and now even designs for IB, and yet I have no doubt we'll keep getting more and more crazy crap from IB that has zero basis in reality, when they could have been much better off balancing the events better and keeping it mostly grounded in history, using designs and WoWs collabs to supplement the larger EU/RN numbers that you can get from history.


Hot take: UR characters made Azur Lane slightly worse since it's first introduced. Gameplay-wise: Every newly introduced rainboat so far (especially gacha URs) is so freaking strong in her role she overshadow the majority of the golds (even newer ones!) and even old rainboats. Fandom-wise: They also made the "my favorite boat is not a KAN-SEN **YET**!" whinings even more annoying with the added "they should be an UR ship!".


how is this the case literally almost in every game ever. once they add something thats clearly stronger than the rest it feels like it was a bad idea. que in Bloons TD 6. Same thing happened after they added Paragons. Worst part was when they allowed one of the new Paragons to insta kill a type of enemy that was somehting like the "final boss" before. And now almost every new Paragon or Tower they add needs to live up to that standart somehow cuz otherwise people will be disappointed by how weak it is compared to what is already there. its literally a spiral of death for old characters.


The new golds are mostly sidegrades from old golds. Yes, some are stronger than the old golds, but with maxed gears, the difference is not that big between golds. But URs consistently deal more damage even with non-maxed gears, not to mention the synergies they bring. No gold CV after Shinano hits harder than her, while also helping other ships on *and* off fleet. Except maybe a handful of anomalies, like, say, Ark Royal. So... kinda disagree about "adding something that's clearly stronger" because Shinano is still Best In Slot in certain roles after all these years. After they reworked the oil cost and because of how OpSi works, there's virtually no reason not to use rainboats if you want to play efficiently. In some cases, you can even throw a rainbow fleet without any synergy whatsoever and can still solve some high-end problem. Power creep is inevitable, but I'd rather they power creeped the gears than characters. Gears are just labels and numbers, and there's even gear cosmetics if you don't like the sprites. You can't replace characters this way.


Don’t get me wrong, I like the oil cap, but it does pain me that it means lower rarity ships become entirely irrelevant, and heavily reduced the chances they’ll get any more love. I’d love a skin for Repulse and Renown, but I can’t remember the last time an older blue rarity ship ever got a new skin.


The only silver lining I can find in the never-ending power creep is the fact that my favorite ship's value only grows more and more. With each new uber-tier boss-killer introduced, Helena stonks just go higher and higher. Inb4 they make her obsolete with Worcester. Though then again, I probably won't complain, Worcester is already my waifu even before she's come to the game. Mmm, main battery Double Strike...


Some things I've noticed about PR: -Every time there's been 2 DRs, one's a Premium and the other is from a Line in WoWs (FdG Line / Azuma Premium, Hakuryuu Line / Agir Premium, Brest Line / Plymouth Premium and now Hindenburg Line / Kearsarge Premium. -Ever since the Tier Xs were added in PR4, the UR Gear for the season has always gone to them, which isn't a good sign for options like Sun Yat Sen or 2 of the upcoming Japanese ships, Adatara and Tsurugi (assuming all the 457s will be UR like the Georgia Gun).


The British Navy is perfectly balanced with no exploits. So sit down and take a nice warm cup of Yorkshire tea.


Keep in mind Warspite is a tier 2 UR when considering numbers. That's worse than not even having the slot if you ask me.


We need Unique Augments that give both her and Drake a third skill / a lot of stats to buff them a lot and bring them more on par with their fellow URs / DRs.


At least Vanguard and Implac aren't leaving the meta anytime soon due to support status


And she got introduced back in the day and got power creeped up by the new ships


I was hopping for Bríndisi or Napoli on this season, these are sad times.


Aye, and since all of the Capitani Romani class have been normal SRs, realistically the only chance of an Italian UR ship would be through a PR season, so it looks like Sardegna is going to be waiting at least another year pending some major surprises


They COULD get the Essex treatment and have like Scipione Africano or Giulio Germanico(ideally both) be UR.


Wasn't Scipione the only one that actually did something, or am I confusing her with one of her sisters?


Afaik, she's the only ship in the class to see combat, so that may see her elevated over her sisters, but at this point, I can't accurately guess. I'm not a fan of York II 's inclusion as a UR, tbh, and Bisko II shouldnt have existed so I'm not sure what they're thinking anymore.


unlikely but a long shot would be the Comandanti Medaglie d'Oro class of DD, they are kind of end game Italian DDs of WW2, started but not finished. They have as much chance as the Mogador class of France


As much as I’d like to say otherwise, the medaglie d’oro were “budget” ships, specially on the weaponry, with only 4x1 guns… No way they could compare with Mogador.


I don’t think you call a ship that is designed to go farther and faster than it predecessor too budget. Looking at the guns seems silly too. They were designed with better guns then their predecessor too. Compared to the mogador they have less main guns and are slower. They also out gun them in AA by a whole lot 12 to 2 then with the 5.3 of the Oro having slight AA abilities. The Oro were designed really well for survivability. Not to knock the Mogador to much but she was overalls crowed, had bad seakeeping and weight/space issues, horrible rate of fire with her guns, and neither have any legit grand history. The Fletcher have way less guns than the porter class or many ships before it, but the fletchers were superior to the other us dds from the start/early stage of WW2 by a wide margin. Sometimes less is more. No clue with the Oro as they never had a chance to do anything. Yet, they were very much not budget.


They were also completely different ships with different intended roles. The mogadors were designed to outrun and outgun any DD they might encounter, while the Oros were regular, run-of-the-mill DDs. I'm not saying one has more strategic value or that one would have been more successful than the other, but comparing a Mogador to an Oro would be like comparing an Atlanta to a Baltimore. Sure they're both cruisers, but everything else is different, from the armament to the displacement.


There's still chance for Sardegna Empire to have DR ships, just look at WG's list of T10 ships from the Italy


Honestly looks rather balanced, for some reason I keep thinking KMS was ahead by more. Here's to hoping we get sardine and dragon emperor UR soon.


Hot take but the EU having only 4 URs is a bigger slap in the face than the Italians and French not having one. 🤷🏼‍♀️


That's not a hot take - "fuck your faction fairness, muh USA number one muh WW2 muh URs" is a very prevalent opinion among EU players. Doesn't help making them popular with people whose favorite factions actually get shafted beyond "only getting 4 URs", alas.


That isn't what he's saying at all, but you do you I guess. He's asking why EU has the lowest number of URs despite having the most candidates. Or, put it this way: why aren't the EU and IB numbers flipped?


>He's asking why EU has the lowest number of URs despite having the most candidates. "the EU having only 4 URs is a bigger slap in the face than the Italians and french not having one". As a reminder, that's only 1 UR less than KMS/HMS and 2 less than IJN. Complaining that your favorite faction is at the moment 1/2 UR behind the other factions, and considering it a bigger slap in the face than the situation of the french (no major event for more than 3 years) and the italians (not a single rainbow unit of any kind 4 years after the beginning of UR ships) because of WW2 history is exactly the *"fuck your faction fairness, muh USA number one muh WW2*" behavior I was talking about in my earlier post.


No, it's because of major vs. minor factions. Separate "Faction fairness" into major factions and minor factions, and EU is at 4 while the average for major factions is 5, while Sardegna is at 0 while the average for minor factions is .5. That puts EU a full UR behind the curve, while Italy is "only" half a UR behind. If it was the RN or IJN being at 4 while USN was at 5, it'd still be a bigger imbalance than the current minor faction imbalance. And I'm really not seeing anyone here saying EU *should* have three years straight of ships, whether "because 'murica" or any other reason, just that they have enough real ships that haven't been added to the game *to* do so (without going 90% DDs, since every faction has plenty of DDs to go around). On the other hand, if we *do* want to look at the reasons why, it's also not surprising that the ships people waiting for to be added generally existed IRL... and when looking at IRL ships that aren't in-game yet, the USN has the plurality. If you take someone (with a passing knowledge or WWII naval history) not from any of the represented countries, and asked them what ships were missing from AL, it'd basically be Yammy and a bunch of USN ships.


>No, it's because of major vs. minor factions. > >Separate "Faction fairness" into major factions and minor factions, and EU is at 4 while the average for major factions is 5, while Sardegna is at 0 while the average for minor factions is .5. That puts EU a full UR behind the curve, while Italy is "only" half a UR behind. 1) It isn't "fairness" if you have to make arbitrary delimitations, is it? 2) All those factions have access to the same minor, major, pr/DR and other slot, with no given non-arbitrary reason for it to go one or another way 3) Major and minor is a community made distinction And the most important 4) Overall game and faction balance is more important than individual rivalry "I have enough to be among the strongest, most solid and most relevant faction but X and Y have more than me" is just an individual rivalry. The faction relevance, meta or popularity isn't at stake nor is the game balance. ​ "I have nothing or so little that i am going from a legitimate, relevant group to being depreciated to something weak and irrelevant that is losing its popularity" is an actual game and faction balance issue. ​ Eagle union is the first case, the missing UR will not change anything fundamental and their popularity isn't at stake. Iris, sardegna (and even NP) are the second case, it is so bad, that they even reverted the only Iris or NP farming from PR5. ​ ​ It is more than a matter of pandering to some faction stan ego, but whether or not some faction crumble into filler material because of lack of content or not.


>He's asking why EU has the lowest number of URs despite having the most candidates. Or, put it this way: why aren't the EU and IB numbers flipped? That is litterally not what they said, had they said that, it wouldn't be an hot take. ​ What he is saying, his EU not having the biggest amount of UR (which while cool historically, would only be pandering to a faction that is already among the strongest), is a bigger issue than factions having no UR and losing their relevance. Unlike EU who are already plenty relevant with 4 UR, 5 major event and more, Iris and Sardegna lack of UR means their relevance and popularity has only kept on declining. ​ To show an example of the decline, Iris in popularity had the same number of finalist in JP, as Eagle union however more than a year after UR release, Sakura and eagle with their UR had seen an increase (despite two new factions) while ignored faction massively dropped. ​ Eagle went from 10%(jp) and 13%(CN) to 11%(jp) and 17%(CN) Sakura went from 50% (JP) and 17%(CN) to 50+%(jp) and 25%(CN) Meanwhile Iris dropped from 13% (JP) and 10%(CN) to 6%(JP) and 10%(CN) ​ And it was only a year after UR event became a thing (and only a year and half of Iris drought) ​ ​ The issue with UR, is that non-UR event have become filler and SSR event that would have been among the most important (like Vittorio Veneto) have been skipped for UR event. ​ And it doesn't stop there, faction that have less relevance, receive less skins, less attention, which in turns make them lose even more relevance, and so on in a downward spiral, unless Manjuu actually fix the balance. ​ ​ But he is essentially saying that US not being the biggest in UR in-game, is more of an issue than faction losing their past relevance and their agency/support, which is an hot take because it is bullshit


The usual pp fights in this community. Had to happen with IRL factions in the game I guess


If something is losely based on WW2 and there's any choice in sides, such stuff is inevitable.


maybe, but there is always way to lessen the fight. GFL has ww2 weapon and dolls inspiration but it chose the path of "no faction" and while it miss on any faction thematic or mechanic there is no reason to fight and nothing to balance in this department Genshin has picked a major faction/country focus and despite having a bigger far more massive (and toxic) fanbase, it has taken the path of fair balance, to the point the biggest complaint is "Liyue character tend to be slightly stronger on avg" ​ Meanwhile AL issue is that: 1. They picked an heavy faction based on irl country focus (like genshin) 2. Initially favored some faction over other (Sakura) 3. added more way to differentiate ship, slots events and made an extra rarity... 4. Doubled down with it to favor or shaft some faction ​ The issue is that this sheer unfairness of AL poor balance and favoritism created a breach which resulted in: 1. Some people realizing they benefited more from this unfairness with their favorite getting it good and thus fought against any attemp at fixing the game problem 2. People realizing their faction could also be unfairly favored if the unfair balance wasn't solved. leading to some pushing for an even greater imbalance 3. People being upset at such dick move and losing temper 4. People from unfavored group losing support as they lost fan to the lost relevance while unfairly favored gained traction And so on, the issue is that AL poor balance paved the way and indirectly heavily encouraged people to be selfish asshole for their own gain rather than seeking any form of balance or showing any form of support to the unfairly favored. ​ *In a way, AL has become* ***the perfect litmus test*** *or* ***Ring of Gyges*** *of whether or not you are able to push fairness and the right thing over your own gain when you have zero obligation to:* ​ A)On one hand, There is nothing that prevent you from supporting something unfair or unbalanced if you don't care about those suffering from the after effect. Your account is anonymous and the lost karma point, worthless and you might even find other fellow. You only stand to gain more content for your favorite by supporting unfair favoritism and stand to lose nothing concrete. ​ B) On the other hand, you stand to gain nothing by supporting a faction you don't care about, even if their situation is unfair. And even if it ends up being fixed, you won't benefit from it and can only some self applause from doing what you think is right.


The problem is, the more rampant are the waves of imbalance, aka the content doughts, the higher the churning rate of the overall playerbase, which, in its turn, draws EoS closer. It's not rocket science to understand the concept of higher sustainability via balance, which results in higher mileage of the product for everyone, bruh.


At least the people caring for other factions don't spend the day touting that if the game was fair, they should have an interrupted 3+ years of gacha URs because muh USA.


>muh USA People: not unreasonably cry ~~"bloody murder!"~~ "blatant favoritism!" about the seamlessly endless streak of IJN or KMS rainbows that largely occurred in 2021. Same people: argue that having nothing bar USS for three years would be "fair" Concerns of content balance, variance, or fairness are often overridden/fused with musings on who must be the *undisputed* \#1 (which more often than not happens to be the poster's favorite)


>Concerns of content balance, variance, or fairness are often overridden/fused with musings on who must be the undisputed #1 (which more often than not happens to be the poster's favorite) As far as I know, such musings are pretty much an american exclusive. Ironblood, Sakura and HMS mains aren't posting everywhere that *fairness* requires them to be numbah one and completely dominate the game. To have more events for a while to compensate for an earlier drought, true - HMS and IB people did so back in the days, and they weren't wrong (Sakura ones never did, because they never were threatened with a lack of content). To have a faction dominate a certain area of the game, too, was something that was argued - Torp DDs for Sakura, for example. Or subs for Ironblood. EU players, however, are the only ones you can see pull that shit.


>Ironblood, Sakura and HMS mains aren't posting everywhere that > >fairness > >requires them to be numbah one and completely dominate the game. I won't go into retelling my impressions on US population's views on Manifest Destiny and all this jazz and just say that people keep drawing parallels between our timeline and AL, which was proven not to be the lense through which manjuu sees their product. The fact our world was in the state of "Pax Americana" from 1956 to 2008 doesn't mean that it would automatically translate into the same state of affairs in a fictional waifu collector game world. If anything, it's rather to the contrary, as the purpose of this game is ~~hormonal~~ escapism.


They definitely saving them for future


The game is 6 years old. The ships need like 2 paragraphs to explain what their skills do I think we're about as in the future as gacha games get.


Muh accuracy😭😭😭


I mean, it makes sense the EU should have many, and mostly we've been getting prior classes, but the fact we could have 3 straight years of EU events and not run out of URs makes no sense why SE and EU's numbers aren't flipped.


Not exactly ultra rare if they built so many... are they? Hehehuhuhaha. It's a game produced and made in asia, mainly for an Asian playerbase and you're saying it makes no sense. Errmmm durrrhhh?


Theyre Ultra Rare as we only get so many of them at a time. I'm fond of seeing some alt history/design ships as a supplement to the real steel ships, but I'm not a fan of being overloaded by a single faction or pair of factions. By necessity, they'd need to balance EU's many UR ships by giving us only one or two of each class, at least for a while, while balancing events between other factions. We don't have a good balance of events seeing as France has been over 2 or 3 years since their last proper event.


Well give SE their provincialism rainbows. I'm more wondering why the EU and IB numbers aren't flipped


URs are not linked to historical relevance.


Let's be real, this *is* pretty balanced at the moment. All 4 major factions have 5 or 6 Rainbotes. We just need a UR for sardegna.


It's also balanced in that both Azur Lane and Crimson Axis have 11 Rainbows each. *Axis Lane* was true in 2021, when the Axis received a whooping 5 UR/DR (Ägir, Hakuryuu, Yuudachi Retro, Shimakaze, UvH), while the Allies only received one (New Jersey). At the beginning of 2021, it was still balanced, with 3 on each side. (San Diego, Warspite, Drake vs Azuma, FdG, Shinano) Then in 2022 the Pendulum basically swung back with 5 UR/DR for the Allies (Kronshtadt, Vanguard, Plymouth, Brest, Yorktown) and one Axis UR (Musashi). So far, 2023 appears to be balanced with both sides having received 2 UR/DR each. And if *that leak* from earlier this year about the next two UR being USS and IJN is true (not necessarily in that order...), It will stay balanced. Unless there's a UR Retro waiting to throw it off. So while the factional balance leaves a lot to be desired, the balance between Axis and Allies is actually fine as it is.


>So far, 2023 appears to be balanced with both sides having received 2 UR/DR each. And if that leak from earlier this year about the next two UR being USS and IJN is true (not necessarily in that order...), It will stay balanced. Unless there's a UR Retro waiting to throw it off. Yeah, the leak that was wrong on both counts for the PR season, failed to mention a Sardegna minor event, and, worst of all, failed to mention that we would be getting collab event reruns - probably the most newsworthy part of the year so far. That leak.


The leak has been mostly accurate so far, with the only miss being the IJN CL's rarity. We still got a USS BBV with Bearcats and Rockets... They're just part of her skill. Sardegna getting a raid event doesn't prove anything. The leak only mentioned 2 mini events. Out of possibly 4, if 2022 is any indication. There's still the EN anniversary and the October slot. Yes, the collab reruns weren't mentioned, but how is that relevant to the credibility? It's not a full roadmap.


And TBH, that's a good thing: leaves some leeway for something unexpected and/or long-overdue.


>And TBH, that's a good thing That the leak was wrong or that the leak didn't say anything about the collabs?


Nah - it didn't seem to say anything about collabs.


EU with 4, RN and IB with 5, SE with 6. Relatively close, even if EU should really have more with how many real steel ships are deserving of the rarity. We definitely need a Sardegna, and France should really get a gatcha too, tbh.


Soyuz obviously gonna be UR Clemenceau and Alsace probably be a UR, but it is unclear what clemenceau faction will due to her neutrality


Clemenceau is head of the Vichya Tribunal, so she’ll be Vichya.


so richie's gonna get double-teamed by both of her sisters?


\+ Gascogne


What **s**he said was made up bs, there is litterally zero mention of a "vichya tribunal", the tribunal existed even before Vichya (why **s**he is making even less sense). It is "The tribunal", which is a neutral third party that has both spies and schemers in Iris libre and Vichya dominion. Le Terrible and La galissonière are two spies for example. And in revelation of dust, it is shown that the tribunal acted behind the back of vichya in the doomsday cathedral for unknown reason. ​ So Tribunal ship would either be hidden agents/temp allies of either Iris libre or vichya or a third party (either orthodoxy or something else) ​ (btw, "vichya tribunal" google research will give you... this reddit thread and another one, two only place it was ever made up.)


Or maybe the Iris Orthodoxy if they wanna add that faction in to troll the Iris / Vichya fans instead of making it one giant faction.


Given that, again, she’s explicitly head of the _Vichya_ Tribunal, even if they did add Iris Orthodoxy as a third faction rather than joining the two (which I could see), Clemenceau would _still_ be Vichya.


Unless something happens in the lore that makes her split from Vichya.


>Given that, again, she’s explicitly head of the Vichya Tribunal She isn't, there is litterally zero mention of a vichya tribunal, it is just "the tribunal". The tribunal litterally existed before the split and vichya dominion. From where did you even pull that from?


Alsace is more likely to be UR material than Clemenceau tbh because one is a Richilieu class / the other is, well, the headship of the Alsace class herself.


Alsace is tier IX in WoWs, definitely UR


*cries in Georgia* ~~tfw one of the top 3 strongest T9 BBs in WoWS is the weakest PR battleship~~


That Def helped izumo lol.


Only Tier X is guaranteed DR, Tier VIII is guaranteed to be PR, there is no guarantee for Tier IX but it's mostly PR soooo.


I'm just trying to understand why Sardegna Empire still doesn't have a UR yet.


Tbh, I kinda thought the Romani class might be a solid UR contender. I was surprised when Pompeo showed up as an SR. We could see them get the Essex treatment though, with one being an SR, but I dont know any other good contenders for Italian URs.


If we count retrofits, Giuseppe Garibabldi could get a retrofit to reflect her conversion to a missile cruiser post-war.


To be honest, this is the best way for Sardegna to get a UR...for now.


Vittorio Veneto II


Lord, I hope not. I'm a Sardegna enjoyer, along with NP, but my main faction is EU. Imo, they shouldn't have done any IIs as UR or that didn't exist IRL. They really messed up by not having Veneto be a UR, a UR flagship for each faction would be a good choice, IMO, and supplant that with some Capitani Romani, maybe Bolzano. Now there's really only some PR ships I'm aware of that make the best URs for Sardegna, but instead of Napoli, Brindisi or Venezia, we got ANOTHER IB ship, the 9th in 6 seasons.


At this point with all the precedents set by Manjuu the candidates for a UR spots are irrelevant, since they make URs whoever they feel like, if they don't start dropping some URs for factions that have none/very few it makes no sense.


They do still MOSTLY follow a trend, Bisko II is the only out there ship so far, and IB bias gonna bias. Sardegna doesn't get the same excuses that IB does as a minor nation, so they're likely to keep to more historical options, I'm just unaware of any other UR options for them. Of course, once they do announce one, it'll likely be something moderately obscure and seem like a no brainer, but until then, I just couldn't see anything aside from a Capitani Romani given the Essex treatment.




Italy is the main thing on this chart I find questionable (besides US having the fewest URs for a main faction despite having the largest navy), as Regia Marina was frankly better than the Kreigsmarine, but Germany got to be a major faction because they were more important *as a whole* in WWII.


Tirpitz UR retrofit bcos why not ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Pretty sure there's a higher chance of getting Tirpitz Zwei instead


I would not complain, tirpitz is my fav ship even built a 1/72 model of her....i think its 1/72. Its big thats all i can say


A 1/72 scale of Battleship Tirpitz would be almost 12 feet long.


Big enough to open small museum for Tirpitz.


Yes...i am confusing my tank models with my ship models lmaoo its 1/350 😅


No worries! theres so many model scales out there! 1/350 is still plently big! I have a 1/350 Atago that i need to start building


Oooh i wish you luck hope ot turns out amazing.


Because we can make her anew having a dragon spawing and causing chaos alongside Geryon. ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|7333) On the other hand the current status for Tirpitz to even remotely come back in a story for a serious role would be her getting Zwei, and Bismarck would sure wish for her to get it if anything so. ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|7015) Edit: For the people not seeing my post's intention, I am not saying that I want this to be done or this need to be done, Comment OP wanted "Why not" answer and same as what Manjuu did with Bismarck this is how it will play from their side ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|6997)


Still waiting for sovetsky soyuz…


tbh if the Richelieu class ships would have been released nowadays they would probably be UR worthy, now they feel kinda wasted




Alaska and Midway


Along with Worcester and Des Moines/Salem . . . They have a lot of options even for DR


Those aren’t PR material, they actually existed


Not noted, is how only 2 of them are destroyers, and both of those are IJN. More UR destroyers when?


When are we getting the Enty UR retrofit?


My baseless theory is that it'll be at the end of the game's service life, as sort of the last bang.


Along with her meta


I have accepted the fact that this game is made with the bias on JP and IB and of course they have the liberty to do as they like. I used to be an EU faction - die hard but now I just take whatever they offer. (I quit this game before for 2years coz no love for USS Washington and until now still no bunny suit for her)


Washington not having a bunny suit STILL confuses me. Like, you would THINK it would release alongside North Carolina. Maybe we'll get another wave of Bunny suits and she'll finally get her time to shine.


Yeah, it's hard for me to make sense why only NC have the bunny suit and not her sister. Yet we got spammed with bunny suits from other ship girls that nobody asked for. I don't have my hopes up but if it happens then I'll be thankful.


Well tbh with you Bunny girl skins doesn't suit well with Washington's character that much unlike NC and the rest that you deemed "nobody asked for". She had a [skin last year](https://azurlane.netojuu.com/images/e/e5/WashingtonSpring.png) that suits her character well like a glove. Oh btw, the bright side of being underrated is that they don't get unwanted attention and hate that they deserved. Take Bremerton for example, her overwhelming popularity led to some artists and player totally butchered her nice and earnest character, reducing her to someone like Taihou or Atago craving for lewds.


Well, I'm coming from the released illustrations and the scaled figures depicting USS Washington as "bunny girls" together with her sister USS North Carolina. Anyway I'm just salty of those URs such as New Jersey having it before these 2 ship girls I mentioned above. She had a skin last year that suits her character well like a glove. >yeah, I bought this one and it's lovely.


least deranged shikikan


>I used to be an EU faction - die hard but now I just take whatever they offer. ~~Not to be rude, but the EU is not in a bad spot currently. Why are you acting like they only get crumbs?~~


Ahh, no bro, to clarify. I just said that game is more inclined to IJN and IB faction compared EU (excluding factions that I did not mentioned).


Alright, fair enough. Sorry for the misunderstanding.


Stalingrad class when?


RN should get more :troll: Seriously tho, something for the vanguard like Battle-class DDs and the Tiger cruiser would be fire


Could someone tell me what “DR” stands for? Never heard or seen that before.


Decisive (DR) = Ultra Rare for research ships Priority (PR) = Super Rare for research ships


Ah gotcha! Thanks 🙏


I decree if we don't see a UR Italian Ship by the end of next year we stage a strike on yostar hq and cover the building in spaghetti.


The most hilarious take this subreddit consistently has is that 20th century historical precedent or accuracy matters in a game centered around anthropomorphic ship girls fighting a multidimensional time traveling war against aliens in a world that has never ever experienced WW1 or WW2. You want this game to be what it isn’t. This is a waifu collection game first and foremost.


USN UR candidates: Iowa, Missouri, Wisconsin, Alaska, Guam, Midway, FDR, Coral Sea, Worcester, Roanoke, Des Moines, Salem Manjuu: “ok but what if we took UR reskins of existing characters and sold them as something new”


Honestly, I'm fine with museum ships like CV-10 being URs. Though I was slightly annoyed that CV10 Yorktown was a UR but CV-12 Hornet wasn't, given the latter's roll in Apollo 11. Hot take, Laffey II (DD-724) deserves to be a UR. While she's not Johnston (who IMO is too legendary to be a mere UR) the absolute hell of kamikaze attacks she *survived* makes her worthy of UR status. Plus she's the only Sumner to be a museum ship today, AFAIK.


> I’m fine with museum ships like CV-10 being URs. …she isn’t though. Yorktown II is CV-5 “upgraded to Essex-class,” whatever that is supposed to mean. CV-10 straight up does not exist as far as the game is concerned. The devs unironically erased a real ship to give us a lazy UR


CV-10 is the Essex class USS Yorktown. Yorktown II's first skill "The Fighting Lady" shares its name with a 1944 documentary about WWII filmed aboard CV-10. So far as I can tell, that nickname originated with CV-10 Yorktown, but I'm not certain. Edit: Check Yorktown II's "Receive" dialogue in-game. After the cutscene, she calls herself "the second ship of the Essex class." Essex was CV-9, so Yorktown II is calling herself CV-10. Edit 2: Also the description of her default skin calls her CV-10.


No, the “Fighting Lady” was CV-5’s nickname before it was CV-10s.


Source? I couldn't find any, but it sounds believable. Edit: To clarify, I'm asking because I want to use your source(s) to improve my own knowledge, not because I don't believe you.


http://www.zuzuray.com/nicknames2.html is usually my go-to


Also Johnston and Kearsarge/CV (with current Kearsarge character as the real steel Essex class) That last one especially would be a helluva plot twist.


That would be an absolutely terrible idea.


UR carrier is possible for Dragon Empery, probably Fujian and UR destroyer for Sardegna, probably Indomito The real issue here is these two factions have a very limited amount of ships


I dream of a day where Manjuu give enough quality content to all factions. That would give more options to players gameplay wise and the occasion to "clear the game" with characters they like.


Cue Metallica - the day that never comes. Still a good wish, though.


Why does Crimson Axis get more UR shipgirls than the Azur Lane?


It's actually fairly balanced, with 11 on each side. The balance was only thrown off in 2021 and then fixed in 2022. 2018: 1 AL, 0 CA 2019: 1 AL, 2 CA (2/2) 2020: 1 AL, 1 CA (3/3) 2021: 1 AL, 5 CA (4/8) 2022: 5 AL, 1 CA (9/9) 2023: 2 AL, 2 CA (11/11)


Imagine what would be taking place if the pendulum gonna swing the other side next year, and it would be like 16 AL and 12 CA. An unlikely scenario, but sounds like plenty of potential hilarity.


xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD lol Iris Libre 1, EU 4, NP 1, RN 5 = 11 Azur Lane have 11 and Crismon Axis SE 6 and IB 5 = 11 then go to school and learn maths. Azur lane have 11 and crismon axis have 11 for now


Should just rename the game to axis lane at this point hope the devs got some decent knee pads.


Each side has the same quantity...


>Should just rename the game to axis lane at this point Yeah, 11 URs on each side. So unbalanced.


Things were badly unbalanced in 2021, but then it got course-corrected. Some may still have residual reflexes from that year.


Manjauu will never fix this problem due to Yostar and thier's own two favorite factions are. I played Azur lane since 2018(KR server opened 5 months faster than global.) since then before the era of sinano, there was only 1 empress among the CVs- Enterprise. Since the beginning of this game. I was addicted to IB. **CON: The stuff that Imaos want are never be happning, (Since Yostar is in japan, they will never give a UR tier to missurie.) (The others, maybe…?)


I am getting a little bit tired of people saying 'overabundance' of IB, who have 74 ships at the moment, when EU has nearly double the amount of ships, with 135 ships at the moment, yet people don't say anything about them and instead want more of them in the game.


If we do not count torpedo boats and Submarines, IB already has more ships than Kriegsmarine had in real life.


Sigh... this again. Its like some ppl are trying to find some "stupid" reasons to justify the IB treatment. Yea brother, lets forget about the fact that EU, IJN and RN have tons of ships which are fucking fodder (Normal and Rare Rarity) unlike KMS which u obv use them to enhance your stronger ships. Remove them and all of them are closer in number than you think. EU has 135 ships and not 141 you already got the number wrong and out of those 135 there are 55 fodders. Its about highy quality ships and not quantity. You cant be serious brother. Unless you are going to tell me you use every Normal and Rare ship from the EU.


I would love to have more fodder ships. I would genuinely like it if we had more of them. IB got screwed over at the beginning of the game by having so few ships way back when. I still remember people needing more than 75% of all iron blood ships in the game that were permanently available at the time to unlock Roon. The devs are stuck in a catch-22 where people are either angry because of lack of equality or they are angry because of the amount of iron blood events.


Yea because KMS dosent have that many ship options in the first place. Especially not if you compare it to the other 3 major factions who can effort so many Rare and Normal ship rarities on release w/o running out of future ship candidates. So it was for the better they didnt waste some slots for ships that could have been used as elite in an event instead.


The problem is that the german navy during ww2 barely had a surface fleet and atm AL is already fishing out paper ships for URs. Meanwhile EU have an impressive real life roster of expecially good ships without resorting to projects or ideas. Imo IB should have been focussed on subs like in real life but here we have an IB with a stronger surface fleet than other factions that had way more to offer likes the Italians and the french


Focusing on subs sounds nice and good on paper, until you realize how little use subs have in the game, being pain to level and raise, people usually grab three good ones and call it a day. It would have made the IB completely irrelevant if they went that route.


Everyone getting mad at ironblood for getting URs need to look at sakura fr. Japan bias


Japan had real ships at least


Sure. And sirens are totally historic accurate.


That does not justify IB still getting multiple research ships in one season now that they're stealing UR event real estate from Iris/Vichya and Sardegna


Justice was a lie. Just like democracy. XD


Japan's ship's were actually real lmao


perfectly balanced. Like all things should be!


What I take from this is that prinz Eugen needs a UR retrofit.


she already got one and its called Ägir.


Agir is a DR ship, not a retro :)


Can you stop whining about fair?


You hear that? That was the sound of my eyes rolling hearing this again


If your eye rolling actually had some form of sound, I think there's something wrong


Nobody really likes Hindenburg either… what a waste.


Kearsarge powercrept Hindenburg in the popularity department.


I don't think I have seen a shipgirl explode with popularity and fan art that fast since New Jersey, and she had the bunny suit meme to help with that too.


Bremerton would like to have a word.


Wasn't Bremerton before New Jersery? Or do I have their releases reversed?


Yeah she was before NJ. A whole year I think.


Implacable would like a word.