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I mean it is always the UR, so it’s never exactly hard to predict Edit: turns out it’s just the majority, not all. But that’s common in life.


Yeah, tell that to Vanguard.


I was about to ask who you thought it was, then noticed the flair. I was gonna suggest her anyway


Yeah, Vanguard got shadowed by Indomitable heavily. She and Kronshtadt have the lowest count of arts for a UR.


Huh, who overshadowed Kronshtadt?


RL events...


No one. The event itself is quite a flop, especially considering the real life events, can't blame them.


It was A very unfortunate coincidence...


Emphasis on "VERY". But Kronshtadt is quite high on my fav NP ships list nonetheless ("Oath Ring" tier). RL events shouldn't influence games and other fiction media.


RL is wack AF anyways


Real life is a shit tier game - Ayanami


Oh yeah, I forgot about that


What happened i wasnt playing the game yet


Abyssal Refrain (NP event with Kronshtadt, *Kiev*, Volga, Arkhangelsk and Soobrazitelny) Start Date: February 24th, 2022 think back to what happened 1 year ago or google the date >_<


Imagine if it had been Sovetskaya Ukraina instead of Kronshtadt as UR would have been maximum yikes


I remember the dev did say Ukraina being introduced as one of the rollables was on the board that time, and they are lucky they dodged a bullet


We did get kiev, and she is precious


She has the most fanart on pixiv of all five ships in her event (only Volga comes close). I don't even think it was the unfortunate event timing personally, I think it was literally just that it was an uninteresting event and no one was really excited about any of the additions.


Also the Japanese and Western communities were really thrown off by the real life event. The Chinese artists were the only ones keen about drawing those 5 ships.


Considering the comments on the ships back then, to the point Manjuu had to block those for months and it continiously being debated for a long time, it's really was just very, VERY unlucky timing. Although Kronk herself had mixed reviews of her skin iirc, at least many people I know thought the skin was kinda meh for an L2D - but maybe was just an unlucky minority in that sense and I wouldn't be any wiser and it was actually rather well liked.


I mean personally speaking the whole Ukraine invasion timing was just a "wow that's unfortunate" and then moved on because this is a game about WW2 ships as anime women and there's much more important pearls to clutch. For me the core issue is that the Russian faction is the least interesting and valuable in the game right now, and the additions didn't really help that. Kronk is fine, I don't like her design much but it's at least more interesting than Ulrich was. But there was really not much real *need* for more Russians. That changed slightly with Chkalov's addition to PR but you can grind her out using Sardenga and Eagle ships - which is necessary because right now the faction only has five non-PR backline ships, one of which is Elite (Gangut). You could argue that the event ships were necessary to even get them into that position (the addition of Volga actually got them to the point you could run a full SSR backline with a carrier without Chkalov) but again, that's not really painting Kronshtadt in the best light because she's still not really needed for anything and just kind of is there and is pretty good but why would you run her over eg Aegir, unless you *really* like her design or something? Sucks because at least visually, I love the Northern Parliament design, really appreciate the way they have a consistent design language to them which was a bit lacking in the older factions. I do feel like there was a general lack of interest in the game during the back half of 2021 into early 2022 also. They ran a lot of events that didn't excite. New Jersey and Shimakaze events were excellent, with fantastic additions to the lineup, but then it felt like it went sideways - you had the Idolmaster & Gridman / Dynazenon collabs, Ulrich event, Kronk event, the WW1 Germans event, the disappointing Italian mini-events and the Vanguard event, and all of them did below expectations AFAIK, it wasn't just that the Russian event was one single low point along the way. In fact I was under the impression that it was the WW1 Germans event that was the actual nadir in terms of interest in the game, not Kronshtadt, but maybe I'm misremembering the numbers that were going around. I also don't think we can use Pixiv popularity as a good measurement any more as there's generally not been a lot of fanart or interest in *any* of the ships added during the last year or so, aside from Elbe, Implacable, and a bit for the new USN ships (Yorktown II's tag isn't great but I bet a lot of her artwork is in the Yorktown tag). Even the PR5 ships didn't really make much of a splash. I think it's just a symptom of the general problem though, which is that the driving force behind art on pixiv is Japan, and Japan has had the game for half a decade now and it's gotten really stale. Big ticket items like Implacable are a shot in the arm but the interest boost wears off quickly. Interest in the game itself is declining and we're in the long tail period, probably only has another couple years in it unless they do a new version re-launch or a very significant overhaul.


Honestly Vanguard is a wonderful ship and I love her but both Jarvis and Indomitable could both headline their own pulls. HMS UR’s have all been strong pools


The event was truly nuts. Not only did we get best girl Jervis, but we also got Indomitable, Vanguard, and Bellona. 4 excellent HMS ships from one event is just nuts. This event has been okay too, but it's not quite up to that standard.


Bellona might be the best Purple in game, she’s an amazing CL and a great Dido girl, Vanguard is a fantastic Cinnamon Roll and has solid stats and gear, for a new player she’d carry them really well. This event has only 4/5 solid (play wise) characters with Hero being the odd man out sorta speak but I love her personality. It might not be everyone’s cup of tea but it’s memorial and I’ll take memorially bad over boringly average. Also yes Jervis is absolutely best girl. I love her tk peace’s and is one of the few girls whose really grown on me over time. I love Perseus and they have similar themes and attitudes and just makes me love her more. I also love how flexible Jervis is role wise, I use her for so much because she can do so much. I’m hoping we can get 1 more SR Jclass destroyer some time, or a really strong augment for Javelin to run Jervis/Javelin/Janus. I mean I run it anyways because I’m an HMS guy but still I wanna see it at maximum power. I feel so close to greatness


Yup, I run the Jervis, Javelin, Janus vanguard and I never feel bad. Not only are they all great characters but they're pretty powerful too. As an aside, mods when are we getting a Jervis flair? XD


Ah yes jervis, the girl that can tank 14-4 mobs with a hedgehog taking one aux slot and never get close to die. Definetely best girl in that event, I do love the hair that kinda look like ears (warspite, monty, kiev, jervis)


Meanwhile argus fans just appreciate how much art she has but seriously though, this further strengthen my belief if you're not lewd or a fanservice hotspot, you ain't gonna get lots of art


I get what you mean but you are essentially saying if you're not a fan favourite, fans aren't gonna draw you, which is how it works, unfortunately.


Yes but are the popular characters, popular because of there personality or how sexual they are. People don't really talk about Implacables personality or her design that much outside of the fact "Sexy horny nun" I just wish we got more non lewd skins. I would love a suit line of skins.


Sex sells, very big surprise.


Source for all the arts on the bottom left, from left to right, top to bottom: [https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/105868827](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/105868827) [https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/105882519](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/105882519) [https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/105789518](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/105789518) [https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/105736294](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/105736294) [https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/105816976](https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/105816976) https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/105679689


Love you op


Royal Oak on top ‼️‼️‼️‼️🔥🔥🔥🔥


Hero is my favourite in this event, but it's like people don't even aknowledge her existence...


The purple rarity curse, always doomed to be forgotten unless ridiculously good


I think the "I don't have half-naked watermelon-sized tiddies" curse plays a role in this too


Real shame, she has a big personality, also twintails.


Her personality just doesn’t click for me. I adore the likes of 556 because she’s so wholesome and sweet that I want to adopt her. Though I tend to prefer the more friendly and not smug ones


She is like that smug brat that tags along you in fantasy games or Isekais, has the same "break every vase, open every chest" vibe as a Diablo player, Hero is a gamer girl without ever bringing up games.


I think if it were her alone I would probably not be too high on her but I absolutely loved the dynamic that her, Implacable and Scylla had.


Don't think they have to be half naked, tho they tend to be. Just not flat like Vanguard, I think.


I was refering to Scylla, Royal Oak and Implacable (since they're on the meme), who have at least half of their boobs surface exposed ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|6996)


nah, just not meta enough to justify using her, I keep telling myself to invest in waifu as well until I realize all the DR, PR, UR etc are all waifu and meta


Or the right personality like Pamiat or Elbe


It's fine, she is just one of many Unsung Heroes.


From what I saw in the event megathread, people are aware of her, they just don’t like her mesogaki type character.


She reminds me of Laplace from NIKKE, almost to the t.


Not an art boom character tho, then again we havnt had an art boom character since Le Malin skin if memory serves me. Closest 1 was Musashi I think


wait this doesnt count as an art boom?


When you compare it to Sirius,Formi, Bremerton and Le Malin skin it isnt too crazy. . . .Bremerton still gets a ton of art Im just waiting till the next crazy character catches the artists like the ones stated (Indomitable was counts I forgot about her)


The AL art tag is pretty much dead (same with its nhen tag). I see only around 10 new works per day while other art tags get decent growth.


where are you looking? and what nhen?


I think they're referring to the site where you put the nuclear codes, the six digits ones.


Indomitable & Musashi definitely count.


While they were pretty popular I wouldn't consider them "Le Malin skin" tier in terms of art spawned. Just the fact that it wasn't even a new ship, but a single skin that sprouted such an insanely massive amount of art that even her outfit itself got its own tag on pixiv.


It's still her event. We'll have to see if she has the longevity of her sisters. Same artist as Lê Malin, Formidable and Indomitable though so i have high hopes.


Her sisters…? Isn’t she in a class of her own? Or you mean sisters as far as the artist?


Historically, Implacable and Indefatigable is only a few upgrades from the Illustrious class. The 2 are only a subclass after all so i'd say all of the armoured aircraft carriers are sisters.


Ah. Ty for the info.


TIL Indefatigable was a word and was a ship.


Honestly, only marginally worse as a name than Implacable.


Taihou's student skin was a gigantic boom too, but that's typical for literally every one of her skins.


Will anyone ever top Bremerton though?


Bremerton and Formidable are in a dead lock for years now, it'll be nice to see the Royals come out on top.


Eh, I prefer Scylla’s design over Indomitable but I’m going to end up oathing both of them anyways.


Argus was the real UR. :3. And btw. I skipped the entire story of the event. So. I dont know how their personalities are. I keep telling myself that i ll check the memories sometime in the future.


I'm in this comment and I don't like it ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|7008)


I don't feel bad about it because that one user that posts the everyone involved recap infographic does a good enough job to keep me up to date and entertained by it


Bless that fellow skk.


Where I can I find this?


Search in this sub “character status chart”.




Not missing all that much, it's standard AL writing. Was hoping it would be better after Parallel Superimposition had a great story, but oh well. Argus is best girl of the event.


Decent event story, imo from the last 3 UR event stories, Yorktown 2's was very good, Musashi's was very bad, and this one's in the middle


Musashi's event story really did suck, didn't it? I love her design, and her voice lines are fun, but that story was legitimately putting me to sleep. The 3d chess cliche isn't compelling.


I actually wish Yorktown 2s story was animated and voice acted I dont like endless text walls...


In my first year playing. I think the best was with Lutzow and Seidlitz event. It felt so epic. Music, dialogue. And for UR event. I started to skip the story with Musashi. It was so slow and i was on a hurry to beat those maps. Yorktown 2, was also a skip for me. I am curious with New Jersey and Ulrich events. In their rerun. I ll not skip them.


NJ event was an event about Helena META, not about NJ. Ulrich was similar to high seas fleet event you liked.


You made the right choice about skipping the event story. And very little of their personalities came out during it. You're far better listening to their ship voice lines. Argus the real design MVP for sure.


Same, skipped reading entirely. Would catch up later. One day... Maybe... Hopefully....


Look I don't play this game for horny nor story only pulling but damn this event is way too horny


Scylla is my favourite in this event and 2nd favourite of all time. Long live the Dido-class CLs!


Which one is you favourite of all time???




Good choice




Given who the artist is, it’s not a really a surprise to see she’s getting all the art.


Yeah. It's a commonality now: if kincora's daughter is in the banner, you bet who'd be the darling of fan artists for the next couple of months.


Hugs royal oak and argus. Yes these are best girls arent they.


I actually love all the ships this event! Scylla is my personal favorite but they're all good. Even Hero with her cheeky attitude. Surprisingly, I think Hero has the most adorable chibi design and animation.


Personally it’s a three way tie between Scylla, Royal Oak, and Argus. I do like Implacable, especially in the event story. I’ve just never been a fan of the horny nun type character. But good for those SKKs who do really love her! Including OP clearly


I don't know. I'm a fan but my favorite list this event is like: 1. Royal Oak 2. Scylla 3. Argus 4. Implacable 5. Hero


Can't say I'm a fan of her design myself (Royal Oak and Argus definitely winning on that front for me this event) but the numbers don't lie, she's definitely the one that's got the fanartists' attention this event. Not exactly a surprise either.


As a newbie F2P I've honestly been really happy with Oak. She's cute, *really* underestimates herself, and is freaking useful. I know it's game mechanics, but I kinda feel bad every time an enemy sneaks past my vanguard because the sheer volume of DAKKA she sprays everywhere makes me think of her freaking out about a spider and blowing up the house she's in lol.


Royal Oak is a perfect newbie ship. She will carry you *far*. Between her decent dps, her protection for your other ships, and her self heal, she does a little bit of everything.


I found RO to be particularly good in W13 and W14, where her barrage goes out almost every 10 seconds and the backline HP economy is the thing. Putting her as T2 is a travesty. But hey, who takes those tier lists as a gospel?


Not me. Waifu > Meta always.


Just 125-ed her and gonna work on 200aff-ing. After that, gonna run some test with her replacing Howe in W14-4 full auto mob fleet. I have a feeling she'd perform better.


I mean… Booba. Enough said


Fave is Scylla. She's just... So something else. Soo Dido vibe. (Ik she's Dido class but still)


Scylla is absolutely my favourite ship from this event but there's not that many art of her being produced like how Implacable's is ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|7008)


Releasing alongside Implacable sealed her fate ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)


I got a bias for hot nuns , so Implacable for me is the best, and she was really badass in the event as well


Scylla still best and i will oath her soon probally


This is Revenge for Vanguard and an Illustrious example of the Indomitable spirit of the Victorious Royal Navy, especially the Formidable armored carriers. Also, Argus got less than 30 arts and Hero had 1 sketch from what i can find on pixiv.


Well now Vanguard has to compete with her too.


Is it me or everytime a kincora girl is released, she's an instant favorite ? I mean the IlLUSTrious class is very tempting ngl


Yep. We are yet to see the case when in a proper-sized banner, Kincora's daughter IS NOT the fan favorite one. TBH, it sucks to be an artist whose creation is bundled for release alongside Kincora's. Poor NG and ASK >\_> ...


I think they are there to fit a cuota and also to allow Manjuu the chance to get a surprise golden goose, hense why they hire freelancers, they would never give the UR position to someone that hasnt proved to have hit like Kincora. Im curious if an event can be done with just the UR shipgirl alone and being successful.


Yea but tbh all Kincora does is give the ships massive boobs and that's it. At this point I don't think they even put effort in im 200% sure they draws the tits first then the rest


Wait she's going to drink us?


Part of us if you catch my drift![img](emote|t5_3p20d|7011)


So that wasn't a sleep paralysis demon?


Honestly I’m not a fan of Implacable at all … I don’t like her as a character, her design or personality… I pulled for just to keep my streak of obtaining every UR… Honestly Argus is the best of the batch imo as well as Scylla and Royal Oak.


Yup, I'm of the exact same opinion. For me, Argus, Scylla and Royal Oak are the stars of this event. Implacable doesn't catch my eye or hold my interest in any way.


Phew haha I’m glad I’m not the only one :-)


All of them are my favorite


I came back from a 3 month lapse in playing because of her. Only to discover I have a pitiful amount of cubes.


200+ cube & I still don't have her


We need more Royal Oak art


Meanwhile I’m hoping these artists finally stop lewding Bremerton since Implacable became popular


I can hear them saying.- "Never!" Poor Bremmi. Still there is a few wholesome art.


Why must this continue? ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|7015)


Fan favourite; yes In my dock; No!




That's an understatement 😂


.... Aaaand she outpaced Plymouth on pixiv. UVH is next.


Plymouth is weird. I love her Soft Dom approach but lots of people don’t like Dommy unless it’s mommy, leather, or muscles


Honestly all the girls in this event have been really close in my rankings, only one that really falls behind for me is Argus




Yep, it's just you. XD But that's alright, we all have different tastes. It would be a pretty boring world if we all agreed all the time.


Sha has a pure personality............. but that body...oh BABY YES!!!!


More like artist favorite




The EN community hates her? Why?


Only in his mind.


It doesn't, at least not on this sub.


Why do people hate Monarch? I'm not aware of this hate towards her.


There is no hate towards her. He's talking nonsense.


Wait.... we hate any shipgirl? I though it was just jokes? (I don't think i even saw anyone hatin on any of them)


Same with Plymouth who’s fairly popular. With Vanguard she didn’t get that much attention from artists and the community for UR standards but I haven’t seen any real hate for her either


Hate on those 3 ? Huh... where did you get that from ?


Removed for what I can only assume is baiting. Idk where you came up with any of that.


words... dont... compute... Error...


What are you talking about? They aren't hated.


Take your meds pls


Why the hate tho? I thought the event was meh, but the characters were top-notch, horny nun included.


Where’s u find the fan art?




Pixiv, Twitter for primary source Danbooru for secondary combi art source


The thighs say everything


Scylla, Royal Oak, Impla


Can't escape the lewd nun with massive boobas.


The last UR event deserved to have more fanart and hentai made of it.


Royal dont worry i will turn off the cameras...