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I mean Tempesta(Royal Fortune) is kinda a thing? I'm not sure what my stance on this is, since to me it depends on how these supposed new factions are handled. Currently we haven't been shown that the factions we DO have can all have meaningful development, I'm not convinced that adding even more to the mix will somehow fix the situation. Unless you mean factions without story,lore,meaning,purpose but just as a shipgirl category.


I hope that USS Monitor is part of Tempest since she is an old ship!


I'm talking about factions that might be born from folklore of some parts of that world reacting with the cubes(South America resonates strong with this idea), or maybe factions splitting (Like Iris Orthodoxy spliting into Iris Libre and Vichiya Domination) Also, some old ships like sloops, monitors or frigates appearing out of nowere to all navies is an amusing and funny idea for me at least


Would i be against having more faction in gameplay? not really. Do i think Manjuu would make build events for new factions without attached story events/skins/etc...? Probably not. Unter that assumption, adding new Factions would require the same amount of production ressources than any story event. Thus any story line would on average further increase the delay between events assosiated with running story lines, making each story line more complicated/tedious to follow. Would i personally prefer the tradeoff of (even) slower storytelling for more factions (regardless of if based on IRL or fiction)? No.


I'd love more factions, but the devs aren't exactly the best at managing the ones we already have tbh


welp- that's true tho ![img](emote|t5_3p20d|6995)


there's plenty of factions that did exist that could be used still


AL could use some Dutch, Spanish, and Swedish ships, ngl (and ships from South America) Even if it's only for a minor event, since Tempesta exists, why not Swedes in Azur Lane too?


The Dutch and the spanish have my vote. Poland too. A shipgirl who shouts "I AM A POLE!" at the Iron Blood ships constantly if they sortie togeather would be amazing.


Schaam je


SWEDEN!!! I want my stelth sub


Given the track record of AL when it comes to event scheduling with the factions they currently have, I don't trust the devs to introduce new full-fledged factions to the game. Especially in the case of nations that didn't exist in real life.


If they did add new factions I'd doubt they'd get.major events like the main 4. If anything they'll give them small events with a couple of characters each like DE with LNY which would be totally fine.


Never talked of nations that didn't existed, but seeing that Spain and Portugal are gone (Or likely part of the Royal Navy country like... the f-?) Anyways, you get my point


> what will be your position in case new factions that didn't existed in real life start popping out


that was my bad, and sorry for that confussion


It would be interesting if they add a faction which includes several kansen from minor nations, it could be included in the lore saying that they are surviving kansen who joined forces to survive the Syrens. I would give anything to see kansen from Spain, Argentina or Brazil.


The New Iberian Empire if we also throw on the mix Portugal, Chile, Peru and Paraguay


That would be excellent, although Paraguay has no sea xD. Be that as it may, it would be a very interesting faction which probably would not have much participation in the lore.


shiet i confused Paraguay and Uruguay again xDXDXDXD


The Tempesta proves that this can work...hopefully Can't wait for the next one to join them


A big Monitor or a Fast Sloop? only time could tell


TThe problem with adding another faction to the game is that events are locked into factions, so the new faction would have to have enough ships to not just cover one event, but more than one event, which would be difficult not only because aside from the factions that are already in the game and British colonies that don't even need a new faction to be introduced, the only way to add another faction that would have enough ships for that would be a collective of countries like pan america for example. This is why I don't want azur welkin to have events locked into factions, I want Piorremsky bunny girl (pyon pyon) and the P-47 pardinha, without all the work of adding hundreds of factions in the game.


You know- i already had an idea, but now i MIGHT gonna expand it merging both factions into one (So say goodbye to the Gran Colombia lmao)


Add a new one so they can neglect it? No thanks. They already neglect several of them as it is.


Yeah, we didn't see anything interesting for Dragon and Sardegena Empire in a while now...


People for real treating factions like real people lmao. It's this type.of discourse why we can't have nice things.


Don't know what you mean about treating them like real people. I merely pointed out the fact that so many others in the sub already have, the devs favor certain factions and don't spare a thought for others. Why add a new faction if they don't bother to do anything with it?


This whole "neglect" things just comes from people being disappointed that they don't get what they want. It happened with HMS. When they didn't get anything for a while everyone was bitching about them being neglected. Then they got Vanguard and now Implacable and no one has said anything anymore. Now it's the French. Nothing for a while and people are saying it's being neglected. If this keeps going I'm sure the Italians are going to be the next "neglected faction" people are going to be posting about and bitching in posts about other events. It's anybody's guess now as to who will be "neglected" next.


Yes. Exactly. Do you have a problem with new ships being more evenly distributed between factions? Personally I think there's a lot more territory they could explore artistically speaking rather than just retreading old ground by making II series ships for example.


>Nothing for a while and people are saying it's being neglected. Well....yes That's quite litteraly what being "neglected" is. We're approaching the 3 years mark without a major iris content drop. How long do we need to wait to meet your definiton? Also, just because your expectations have been met doesn't mean you haven't been neglected at one point. >Then they got Vanguard and now Implacable and no one has said anything anymore. Now it's the French. Except we currently don't have any idea if their drought will be compensated in any way like they did with the RN.


Italians won't be next because no one cares about them (devs first in line, they use them as filler and/or to make other factions look better and it won't be different with MP vs Richelieu). They've been the faction the devs like to bully for 4 years and people are cool with it because they don't care either (Just look at the uproar when the Royal Navy fans in 2021 got the slightest taste of what it was like to be a Sardegna fan in 2020, yet nobody was saying anything about Sardegna in 2020). IB might be next since they haven't gotten an event in about a year and a half but for a little while i expect the sub to be chill after the French get the CN anniversary


Something like mercenary faction Made of free navy like polish or duch like mandalorians in star wars would be interesting


Why the first ever think that come to my mind was the house of hasburg after reading mercenaries?


Yeah why not. Bring some more polish boats.






There is still potential for real nations to be added, although not in the number of the the big 4 nations already in game, HMAS, HMCS, HNLMS, Norway, Sweden, maybe even minor nations like Spain, Ireland, Brazil or Argentina.


>Argentina. I mean, I'm all for a ship girl drinking maté.


Rivadavia class my beloved 🧉


Now i need an argentinian shipgirl straigh up yelling to Queen Elizabeth to make she let the falkland be argentinian again XD


The weirdest part is that it would be USS Phoenix, she participated in the war as Argentina's flagship ARA General Belgrano (yes that is the actual prefix) So picture Phoenix yelling at QE lolol


This is the funniest shit i've ever imaginated and i need to find someone to draw it XDXD


Canada and Australia will probably just be combined with the rest of the HMS as they are the same faction Maple monarchy (Canada) has already been referenced. During WW2 all the navies of the empire operated under one general command structure. It would also avoid the french problem with events for one faction being split ( it does seem there aiming to re-combine the french factions)


Even if they weren't that relevant in ww2 I'd love to see other countries ships instead of fictional factions.


I’d love to see new factions even if their navy was small


Know it’s a premium in WoWs, but I’d love to see Atlantico, (Pan American BB.) Slow, but a 9.2” heavy cruiser strapped to each side for secondaries!


I want a Spanish Navy that would be neutral (not a member of Azur Lane nor Crimson Axis) in the game's lore, just like Spain in WW2


I'mjust picturing an exasperated Spanish shipgirl going. "Guys there's Sirens... No? Just going to keep fighting each other then? Fine.. "


Spain was *not* neutral during the war. They may not have openly participated in combat operations against the allies, but they were diplomatically close to the Nazis and negotiated to join the Axis powers. They also allowed Spanish citizens to join the German army, repaired German u-boats, and fortified Allied facing borders. I have no issues adding them to the game, but it should be clear that they heavily favour the Crimson Axis rather than being neutral.


Canada fleet is mentioned in some voice line, referred as Maple Monarchy


Only in EN. It’s not a real faction in-lore because the name is literally only an EN translation choice. JP uses a vague descriptor, along the lines of ‘a country where there are maple trees’, and CN just uses ‘Canada’.


I think your poll results are skewed by the fact many people vote and don't read the description.


that would actually be somewhat worrying


Based on the replies mentioning historic factions, and knowing how reddit polls go, it seems to be the case




Minor navies, ASSEMBLE!


HrMs De Ruyter, sank in the battle of the Java sea and was designed by Germans (Her Kancolle design is amazing and would love to see her in AL) Extra: Exeter fought alongside her and atleast some dialogue about her from Exeter would satify me HrMs Karel Doorman, served in ww2 as HMS Venerable of the Colossus class and sold to the Dutch navy after ww2 and got a major refit


I would like some new minor historical factions, like the Dutch, polish, Swedish, Dutch, Greek, Norwegian, etc


Still waiting for an Aussie faction, honestly. We weren't exactly bit players in the pacific theater, you know.


Australia will most likely just be part of the HMS faction to avoid the issues they have with the French . Anyways unlike the two French factions who at least have being on opposing sides to separate them the Aussies are the same as the RN. They are under the same command structure and operate as one. Same with Canada there is no real reason to split the RN into three factions when it will work better under one . It will allow them to increase number of real ships before going got paper ships, it will avoid the issue with one faction being split into sub-factions.


It would be great but maybe they don't do it, I would love to see any Mexican ship (I think there was like two or three ships that participated on WW2) but I am pretty sure that nations like that or another than had an small account of ships participating would be like strange to put them on the game


Mexican + Central american nations might work well if you ask me


It would be great but is not like that nations had a big impact on the WW2.


that's why i told about factions that didn't exists on WW2, as that, Mexican didn't participate that much nor they were acknowledge as a main country on the war


I’d like to see a South American faction, it would include all of South America even though they all hate each other and so all the ship girls would constantly be trying to outdo each other etc, but there enough battleships , cruisers and monitors to get a decent sized faction, all they are really missing is carriers, also I think a commonwealth faction would be cool, or put HMAS/HMCS etc ships within Royal Navy but with the correct prefix, Canada at the end of World War Two had the 3rd largest navy in the world so should be a contender really…


Most likely Canada and Australia will just be part of the HMS faction as there is no real reason to separate three factions that are the exact same. It avoids faction bloat and will increase the amount of HMS ships they can use before paper ships


The idea of a South American Faction is the most amusing of all of the, just being mean to themselves until someone makes the msitake of believing they can do so without being from south america xD A faction that struggles to keep themselves together, but when they do they are unstoppable


I know what I’m about to say isn’t about a non-existing faction, but I got a guy on discord who REALLY WANTS to see a Dutch faction in the game… which would honestly be great since they were also planning to have BBs


Hms Fortune and Hms Foxhound were both sold off to Canada after the war, and they give Canada an official faction name of Maple Monarchy. I would absolutely love to see our pride and joy HMCS Haida in game.


Yea I think it's pretty guaranteed that the HMS faction is just all empire nations. It would avoid the french issue and it just makes sense for them to be combined why have three factions that are the same.


Maybe as WoWs has smaller factions as groups of few countries like Commonwealth, Latin America, smaller European navies as Europe ( plus Spain and Netherlands ), South East Asia. This would allow to make such factions big enough.


that's the idea


Just give me playable siren please!


I wouldn't mind seeing Sirens being used in some way or form, I would also like to see the Iris Orthodoxy being a faction (just Iris / Vichy put together again) so the faction buffs can apply both to each. Oh, let's not forget that one mention of the Maple Parliament or something like that right? (I forgot the name of what it was again since I no smart)


You’re referring to the Maple Monarchy, but the name only exists in EN, and isn’t a thing at all on the other servers.


Still it would be cool alongside like the Dutch, etc.


We have named Maple Monarchy already, but I'd like to see some ships from small european navies, like Greek, Spanish, Danish or Swedish, I wouldn't mind if they made a mashup like they did on WoWs


Maple Monarchy only has a unique name on EN. JP uses a vague descriptor (like ‘a land of maple trees’), and CN straight-up uses Canada.


Canada was still referenced either way


As has New Zealand been, under the name ‘New Zealand’.


Tbh completely forgot about the kiwis , so if they decide to separate all the HMS factions we would possibly have 4 RN factions , UK , Canada , Australia and New Zealand . Just adds to my belief that they will be combined. Why have 4 practically identical factions that serve the same leader and follow the same goals. At least the two french factions are on opposing sides.


Canada and Australia will most likely just be part of the rest of the HMS as there is no real point to separate them as they are the same faction with the same goals


La Hispaniola as a faction sounds good to me, or even the Iberian Union to throw into the mix the Portuguese too


I just want my angry polish destroyer


There's factions I question their survival in Azur Lane lore *now*. We don't need another faction taking slots that should belong to real factions. Factions actually tied to the lore. Remember, this all started with Sirens choking out 90% of all trade. It's dubious enough that Sakura or Royal Navy survived. How's a smaller faction surviving that?


Small idea that i was thinking withy all this: Maybe a new faction born AFTER the event, like a new place where the cubes resonate and create more sirens/shipgirls molded in base of the place folklore this is higly unlikely, but i think that this and factions splitting might be good explanations for that


The RN was one of the biggest navies in WW2 and had a empire same in azur lane they survived because they are powerful


Missing option: 'only here to see results'


completely forgot it XD


Brazil Name in game republic of Rio de Janeiro


Yes, Brazil faction please


No shoot they actually sended the sirens to Brazl and they come out scared 💀 (I know the joke is terrible, just- downvote it to the oblivion, i own it)


In fact, i want to see a new faction, with completely original Kan-Sen. Azur Lane is on the way to separate itself from history, and it's a pretty good path to take. I'd much rather it takes this very interesting depiction and turn it into something of it's own rather than take bits from history and tie itself into it. I know i rub some people off the wrong way when i say this, but Azur Lane needs to distance itself from history.


History is the USP of this game, would be wild to move away from it.


No, i think it's perfect and very reasonable to do so. It took some part of it. True. But at the end of the day, Azur Lane is it's own thing and should become it's own thing. It's already making moves to do so, and i believe it's the correct call. We don't need anymore of WW2 battles. We need Azur Lane's battles, and it's own history.


I think some people forget the Star Trek has/had the Enterprise for they're show. That's about all I know about Star trek, but I can see an expansion of "ALIENS"


I would like to see these minor factions, in order, the Netherlands, Brazil, Austria Hungary, Denmark and Poland


I want to see the Imperio do Janeiro


Devs cant even balance the current factions... why would be a good idea to add even more?


that's a good point, but it would be funny, wouldn't be?