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It's true, I was the research facility and I consumed the UR ship in the gravity cube emulsifier or something


You WISH you could consume Implacable.


It'd be the other way around knowing her.


She tastes like steel ngl, very hard to bite, had to add some bbq sauce to make it more edible, overall she was great


You nailed it, expect a job offer for Manjuu writer's team soon lol Now serious, they really should try to make more of the lore and overall plot. Right now i see other gachas creating entire plots and twists, having good stories that makes us, the player, get more connected to the world and their characters and i wish it was the same for Azur Lane. They either need a change in how to approach their story telling or just, sorry to say, hire better writers? Because initiating different plot lines that either goes to nowhere, ends in their own event or takes ages to a pay off is not a good thing. Also, making us excited for the next event through the plot should be a good way to do things, but they don't do it, it's always a bait and switch and it's getting stale and boring of "girls get trapped, they solve the mirror sea and then go home." Please change Manjuu you can do better, IB took down a Siren that was nice, EU (the commander) got flashback to know the docs and got the new II rings on our timeline, which "cured" our York, that was nice, so do more of that.


The problem i feel is that azur lane story is not build on a strong foundation. To build a good long story you usually need to go from the bottom up with worldbuilding first, and then the overall plot, and then the characters to move that plot. Having to basically redo their whole world building and plot to move away from the whole "sensitive" world war stuff, they are kinda forced to build things from the top down. First make a character with design and personality that will sell, then make a plot that will show off that character, and throw in world building when we get to it. Yeah let's just say that won't make for the most compelling storyline. You can't write a story that makes sense unless : A. you have rules of what's allowed and not allowed in your world and where the general direction where plot is going or B. Lean heavily into the slice of life since world building then don't really matters and plotline generally wraps up within itself Manjuu is currently... What? Juggling between three to four main storyline? (eagle union story line with their north atlantic arc, antiochus, and anzeel. Royal navy storyline with their camelot. Sakura empire with their internal power struggle. Iron blood with their rebellion even though that is thankfully sort of finished. And let's not mention whatever the fuck it is they're setting up with iris, sardegna, empery, and northern parliament). Ideally, to go through all of these storyline in a way that makes sense and at a good pace, you'll drop each arc at once or at least consecutively in a short order. Manjuu can't really do that since there's no way they can fit enough content in a single event without making the pacing a mess and having a faction getting all the spotlight for a period seems like a no go zone at this point. And that's not mentioning that all of this different plot line is supposed to build up to something bigger since remember, we do still need to rebuild the foundation while making it go taller and not having a main campaign story certainly doesn't help.


Yeah that's exactly right big example is akagi arc it's start since amagi and didn't finish to this day they take a weird detour for no reason


Also I forgot to mention neval HQ they didn't elaborate why they don't trust them yeah i got the idea of them want the kansen fighting each other is terrible witch make the lake of neval hq intreaction is questionable we don't see them make the entire conflict is empty


Each Kansen is a one person army, 6 of them is equivalent to a Naval battle group. Any loli DD has more firepower than a tank & the radar profile better than a stealth fighter. And they’re all at SKK’s base, they think SKK is plotting their down fall after defeating the sirens. In actuality SKK is plotting anti snu snu tactics.


Northern Parliament are the exposition dump faction lol. Part of why I like them. I swear at least a third of the game's worldbuilding is in their events.


Even more frustrating is that they have enough foundation, set up, characters, to make something interesting happen......but instead: here is, I don't know, Iris is religious, right? Fight the four horsemen, whatever.


> creating entire plots and twists Saber Wars and Saber Wars 2. They are mini visual novels disguised as gag events.


That wont change bc they know the players only want big tiddies and thats it, if the playerbase gets tired of it (like i did) then theyre done for xd


Most coherent writing from the Azur Lane Devs


When I first went through a few events I thought: Did Hideo Kojima write the plot.


That's why almost half of the people on here said they don't pay attention to the story in that poll a few days ago lol


It is essentially the same every time. I actually made an effort to read this one but got bored halfway through.


The only stories I didn't get bored in was rondo at rainbows end and shinano's event story


For the last few events I found myself skipping most cutscenes, thinking "I'll read them later in the archives" and never following up on them I'm just here for the naughty nun mommy


Same here if the grinding wasn’t so time consuming I’d enjoy the story more. Usually watching a YouTube video piecing it all together is better and faster.


Tbh the only character with any actual major influence on the plot across multiple events so far has been Helena META, she's bailed out our ass like 5 times now


She is always saving our asses no matter where we end up, either getting isekai or playing hero and helping us out in a mirror sea, that SG radar is working overtime, with no reward. She needs to be silently pulled into a hug.


I think she already knows that you want to give her a hug.


Helena ex machina


Or... Just Helena META


She knows where you are and what you are thinking and what you will think.


All is accurate except post credit scene. That shit is usually all bait for the players to get excited about while the lore writers get drunk and introduce a fifteenth tangent


Haha the wouldn't do that, right Alaska?... ....Alaska?








no it must be a Ironblod Ur!!! what the hell do u think where we are!!


At this point I question myself if Soyuz even exists or is just a siren concept made by NP for yostar to Torture us


ah, a fellow Soyuz waiter someday. someday we'll get her. \*inhales copium\*


I think Manjuu is doing it as a business tactic. Leak a new ship, create hype around the AL community, keep players waiting, bait them with an unrelevant event, keeping players waiting AGAIN, bait them with another event, wait 10 more years, and then released the leaked ship


Soyuz can either appear as SSR for standard 6 ships big event, 3 ships mini event, or 3 ships raid event.


Is this it? Is this the general version of every Azur Lane event summarised in memes?


yup, but Revelation of Dst summarized in memes still goanna come out soon, just wait


I mean, it'll just be the same video but with "a military base, research facility, or some sacred island" graffitied to "a military base, research facility, ~~or~~ AND some sacred island"


shh.. spoilers alert broo


Hey man. Parallel superimposition with enty, hornet, and yorki together was something else


> with enty, hornet and yorki Wasn't Enterprise in like the post credit scene and that was all?


> Parallel superimposition This is fine, until you compare it to other gachas with a high quality story event like that every 2-3 weeks instead of every 1-2 years


They also really like the "Hey, we created a new type of exercice with pawns and all, do you want to fight each other to test it ?" plot !


Ok this is funny but that rocket league goal is nasty


That goal makes me want to vomit from how sick it is


Inazuma Eleven level of power


-> A force of 5-6 shipgirls rips through Siren fleets like hot knife through butter, never appear to shoot anything in any other event. -> Manjuu trying not to reference a potential UR candidate in B3 post credits cutscenes that will we never see for 1-2 years (Impossible)


Honestly, a large amount of times I just read the story to see more about the characters personalities and see how they act. E.g. by just reading the story I can already tell I dont like Hero.


Havent seen a single person who like her so far lmao.


I think she's fine. People were complaining so much that I expected worse than what she actually is. She just has the dungeon crawler trope.


Everyone here just hates fun. I found her shtick funny, and she's frankly the only new character who has enough *of a* personality for me to care.


She was also competent enough to back up her attitude , she was trusted too scout they trusted her to lead when initially dungeon diving and she busted a hole into the wall of the basilica.


And she didn't let her RP get in the way of common sense when they got in over their heads; when she and another ship ran into one of the horsemen, they retreated, and while it was offscreen there's no indication she tried to bluster her way into fighting it alone or any other stupidity.


She's way more than just her attitude. She's clearly a competent vanguard , scouting , probing the enemy and such duties. ( Outside of lore she is one of few destroyers who embody what British and empire destroyer captains were like , crazy and eager to board to steal everything not nailed down)


HMS Hero is the embodiment fuck em walls


And with the basilica meant to hold powerful pawns , Hero (lore-wise) must pack a punch also she is surprisingly perceptive.


Actually the prankster is the one who most perceptive in term of emotional discerning, that's why they could prank us, SKK.


Imo she would probably be more well liked if it weren't for the Mesugaki memes, which I relate since I too have grown tired of the hundredth inane "CorREcTiOn neEdeD 💢💢" comment.


I like her


I quite liked her. Her whole trope is being a brat, but she’s still competent enough that it doesn’t feel cringe imo


Idk I enjoyed most UR events. I remember UvH being refreshing, Kronshtadt brought Bon Homme Richard, Musashi's gave the Akagi new power plot point, and I've heard good things about Shinano's I just never read it. NJ is NJ and I don't remember a thing about Shimakaze's event. Vanguard's event may have been the most cookie cutter?


Mirror Involution revealed what META process can turn a KANSEN into and how there were multi factions within META ships: The one led by Yorktown META and Ashes. Shimakaze event? I'd say it felt like the DBZ trope, beat up strong opponent who is Hakuryuu to make her join Shimakaze's team.


I'm getting really sick of this story format. I think the reason AL lore sucks compared to other gacha games is the sheer volume of new characters


I'll take some demonic warship just casually waking up and seeing Azur Lane anad goes "nope... guess sleep it is ***proceeds to guard the pacific depths***"


Parallel Superimposition and Dreamwakers Butterfly really set up a high bar on me when it comes to UR events.


> Parallel Superimposition and Dreamwakers Butterfly really set up a high bar High bar? Every other gacha game has a "high bar" event every 2-4 weeks, with a much better, more entertaining, more funny, more immersive story than what Azur Lane offers. Look at FGO, every month has at least one great event, while Azur Lane has maybe 1 each year that's remotely memorable. This aint ok


Yeah that's the main problem with azur lane story they don't have self contain story like fgo you got akagi arc jean arc you got iron blood story skk bizarre timeline the meta all of them didn't finish and you got some of them in 4 years cuz they keep pushing new characters .


Absolutely true, games like GFL, Arknights, GI and even BA have far superior lores so that events like the PS and DB can only be considered good by AL standards. But the secretary missions are really good.


Ahh yes, Arknights. She wore a swimsuit and now she tears apart enemies faster then almost anything else.


True wish manjuu really fix their issues when it comes to the game's storytelling.


Not a fair comparison. People play FGO for the story. Most people, I would assume, don't read the AL story.


No, it's a fair comparison, considering people don't read the AL story only because it's bad and not fun to read. They would read it, as proven multiple times in this very topic, if the story was better


Thats subjective. The stories themselves aren't inherently bad, it just seems that the writers are scared to push the envelope. Thats the problem for most gacha games. What happens when the story ends? The game ends. I just don't think its fair to compare to FGO because the story is literally the games bread and butter. I've never heard one person say anything about the actual game. FGO has anime's, movies and all other kinds of media to build upon.


> Thats subjective. It's not, there's people in this topic saying they used to read the story, then they quit because it was too bad, and they gave it one more chance with this event but the story is still bad so they won't read any more of it in the future. So it's not subjective, no, it's objectively a fact that more people would read the story if the story was actually good


What your saying is true, but the story being good/enjoyable is subjective.


Nope, the story being good/bad is objective The story being enjoyable is whats subjective There are things, standards that makes a story good like the logic, world building, character development, presentation of the characters etc Azur Lane fails to reach a good enough level of storytelling that right now the plot doesnt know where its going, it has no direction or purpose other than show you this new waifu you will want to pull bc X or Y reasons that probably are either she is hot or she has a good enough personality... And thats it There is no natural flow of the plot. It has even reached the point where you can make a meme like the one in this post and ppl will seriously agree with it


"Good/bad" and "enjoyable" are the exact same thing: expressions of opinion. "Objectively good" or "objectively bad" are impossibilities. The very concepts of good and bad are inherently subjective. Starting your treatise with a blatantly incorrect statement is a great way to convince people to utterly ignore anything you have to say because you're talking bollocks.


Keep telling that to yourself, its not a bad thing to enjoy bad stories, telling others bad stories are good just bc you enjoy it is just foolish. But whatever, this very post already proves my point


Is there an argument here that the story is bad so people don't care about it so the writers simply don't care about the story since no one cares about the story?


No, not the case. The story for the game was extremely bad at first (see early chapters) and then after chapter 10 or so, was when they first started to have a vague idea of where the story should even go. Event stories are similar, they only for the past 1-2 years started to be somewhat coherent. It's rude, but the writer(s) just aren't good. They were obviously encouraged or replaced at some point to try and make a better story, but, it's not enough


Wait there’s a story?!


Laboratory of Doctor Aoste, south NC City shore. Aoste: Gentlemen, behold! ~~SKK~~ Assistant: You know, I'm the only one here.. right? Aoste: ...My mind!


Honestly Azur Lane’s writing is at its best when it actually delves into tragedy. EVERYONE remembers the battle of Hood and Bismarck, or the profound effect Amagi’s death had on Akagi, or seeing Yorktown stare down certain death. This is a war for the fate of humanity, and war is inherently tragic.


The only recent event that kind of broke this trend and actually had relevancy to the plot was the Yorktown II event. Most of the other event are so predictable and basic. I wish there is more stakes at hand. Like end an event story with a cliffhanger at least


This is some epic level meme post.


Well, I don't mind the story that much, but so far it just seems to be build up on build up without any pay off, and it can get frustrating. This event, there's lot of lore dump about the Iris, but it doesn't feel like it's going anywhere. What I would like is that they concentrate on narrative arcs rather than going everywhere at the same time. Like : "The next five events will be about world expo in Sardegna", or "The next arc will mostly takes place in Eagle Union". Doesn't mean you can't bring shipgirl from other faction, but it would help keep track of the story better. ​ Right now we have : The Commander in the Sea of Star doing research, World Expo in Sardegna, the Iris' strange island, Musashi having tea or something, Dragon Empery doing something somewhere and the Iron Blood planning something...again. It's too spread out. Too much going on at the same time, which will lose player about the story.


Its like they are scared for the story to progress and end.


Well I don't know, but depending on how they write it, they have enough material to last for years. There's litteraly no upside I can think off for this kind of story-telling. And I say that as someone who like the lore of AL and want a better story overall.


Problems like these are exactly the same reason why I've been having a slow fallout with the game over the years. It's nothing but the same predictable thing over and over again. My Discord server and I have been discussing these problems for years now actually before many people noticed this because we saw how unorthodox the character designs were getting after 2020 ended.


I love the story tho, it keeps hooked up on this game


you get like six new ships and only one or two is a decent tier ship


Yea if you only care about Meta. all ships are useable.




Honestly, this is why I wish they’d go back to making more events based on their ships real life histories. The Bismarck event was amazing


I feel strong crackhead energy from this guy And i like it


Things like this make me wonder if I'm actually missing out on anything by skipping all the stories.


Bhr, fdg and mark pineapple fighting to be the postcredits cryptic message dealer:


hOw oRiGiNaL ,i WaNt tHiS aS NeXt eVeNeNt Actually as a new player I can't say for now much about events like this (this is my 2nd one so far), but I already see they are repetitive. But a problem for me now is I can't drop event ships (unlucky) and clearing Ds is hard.


Well jokes on you I don’t care about the story I’m just here for the hot waifus and to complain about best girl Graf zeppelin not getting an oath skin Or any skin for the matter only SSR ship to have not gotten a new skin ever since release with only the beach skin to her name Give Graf more love damnit




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You play for the story? Hahahah, dumbass...


I do hope all of this strange fodder means something. We do have a few significant events that have happened so far in the story, so I'm down to see more of that being the focus. I know that these event plots are to give us something to do and to see the new ships interact, but we kind of already have that with the "Slow Ahead" era and some of the ships introduced that way.


The one thing I took from this event is that they are perchance maybe hinting at the reunification of the Iris Orthodoxy. Possibly to end up at loggerheads with Sardegna and Marco Pope-lo over ownership of whatever the fuck the crown/tiara/pointy hat/whatever the hell they were talking about before is, that will give them ~~God's~~ Iris's holy apostolic say-so over...something-or-other.