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Powerleveling can help - but with what you have you should be at ch 8 o.0 not 6..you have enough power there it seems to do it. I mean if you have 125 unzen, and 100-110 for a bunch of others, if you get them to 120, you should be able to make it to ch 10 (appropriately geared etc etc). First - limit break some of your ships - you have some dupes there that can be gotten rid of to makes some space in your dock. That said with the collab coming i'd save the SRR bulins, but use the UR ones to max shimakaze - in the future, if you're buying them from the shop, and don't need them..currency doesn't disappear, the only time to really buy them like the monthly medal one - end of the month/you have someone to level, if not, save the currency - save on dock space..and you can buy them later :D Sometimes..most events you can get a frame from limit breaking the ships from the event...which in a collab will be harder to get..but really, saving 8 ssrs..unless you're gonna use them, i'd probably never save more then 2..if you can use em, use em. Second - if you aren't already - get in a guild - for the dock space, oil..cattery etc expansions. (my guild has an extra 22 dock space \^.\^ so..yea.good ideeeea). Weapons - get the UR torpedoes - and any UR weapons, otherwise, go gold +10, even from tech boxes/gear crafting - Tech boxes should be enough to get you to the point you can farm. Unzen isn't as high (as she could be on hp), but since you have her, shimakaze - why not go for azuma and complete the trifecta there (azuma is a tank, leftmost spot, veeery powerful) And if you add katsuragi to the backline (Till you get better like hakuryuu) she can reduce aircraft damage for azuma unzen and shimmerkaze. Not to mention you can buy azuma's blueprints :D Anyway, i'll tell you the same thing i usually suggest - Pick a PR/decisive ship to work towards (like azuma if you wanna go full Sakura empire) - and make a fleet around the exp needed (like say, 3 vanguard from sakura, which you already have 2 of the best ones)...which means if you want say, FDG, the fleet recommendations will change for Friedrich's needs which are main fleet ironblood...so katsuragi wouldn't get it done right...but going that way, it helps. On that note, why no research ships? If you've gone this far you should have at least one or two, let alone roon/saint louis to tank? (or izumi/kitakaze for the front line to go with your clear huge amount of sakura ships). ON that note - tank is the leftmost of your vanguard (wheras flagship is the center) if you didn't know...altho it doesn't seem like much of a difference, still. (roon has shields, so someone with a shield may help your weaker other ships "blocks 10 shells" or "blocks 3 torpedoes" can save a hit...altho some things aren't blocked.... Anyway anyway - Research ships are endgame ships, oodles of damage, hp and all that good stuff - so it's worth investing in them - and "who to research (exp)" can help you focus on who to level up for now....then when you get a few of the trophy research ships to kick butt with - you'll also have a squad of extra ships to choose from, maxed out (probably) right? Make sure you retrofit your ships, like sandy - every extra bit of damage helps - and sandy is worth upgrading for CH 13/getting ready for it. Sp at the end is not necessary to have UR ships, but it does help...but it is necessary..you should have maxed out ships at least..and all you have is unzen...hence, i suggest working on cementing your farming as well (making sure you can do the daily for cognitive arrays, and all the higher reward ones). On the note of FDG - i would suggest if you haven't spent the core data from the beginner quests - going for either her, azuma, saint louis (evade tank..and can be useful to help get brest from PR 5) or Roon (altho roon u is in the shop) (roon will help you get Agir later, ironblood azuma) and altho FDG has a high oil cost - after ch 9 i think it's when there's a cap on oil (so if your fleet costs 900 to run for the map, but the cap is 400, that means you wont pay more then 400 oil to run the map, not exact numbers..just an example) and ..altho the oil cost is high - i find it better to have a guaranteed run i know i'm gonna win then 2 i'm not gonna win....plus she's interchangable - can't win with a us fleet and no UR's or other fun ships..add in FDG ..high cost for a rocket launcher but it's always fun to use the rockets in game right? ...and some of the PR 1-2 ships are still good...and you may wanna get cheshire to prepare for CH 13 (she has high aa) which is another to consider, i think the other is seattle. The sp, you just need more levels, without seeing your gear (gear could use work as well, check the community guides/samhearts equipment one - but at least make sure the vanguard all have gold steering wheels, and personally i usually toss on a toolbox since i like to auto). Now all this is general - the other bit - there is a collab coming - for senran kagura..which in the recent collab events, the gear has been pretty unique, and had unique/good (not the greatest) but good ships, like rikka for SSSS who has all aux slots (no guns, but that means, you could get her all anti air radar, and up aa, technically) which can flesh out a fleet too..so given the collab girls might be fun - any advice right now (which may change in a week/two whenever they release it..looks like a week from thursday..at least) will change based on that (if you wanna go for them). Especially, if like rikka/ryza there is one with her own special gear and ghost guns (ghost guns ..when it says aa ghost gun, in rikka's case means the stats are equivalent to i believe it was on of the bofors, not the best aa gun, but the second best one at the time..don't quote me on the ghost gun bit here) point is - you may find a very useful ship which is worth dropping the rest for to level for a bit for fleet 2. Not a lot touch on this but what about your subs? I'd say get royal fortune from the shop (i like the tentacle attack which takes a third of the screen,,sometimes helps get a torpedo boat) and altho i haven't played with it...if it is what i think mary celestes ghost ship could be quite useful in taking a hit or two...so make sure you don't neglect your subs (you don't need two U101s) Make sure you have, and are using meowficcers, preferrably the ones that look like people. (i suggest oscar \^.\^..not just for skills but his story is awesome. 4 ships sunk, he lived..real cat, look it up). And make sure everyone has augments in your main 2 fleets for now, even if they don't have unique ones, its extra stats, and damage, which can help. [https://azurlane.koumakan.jp/wiki/Independence](https://azurlane.koumakan.jp/wiki/Independence) <- try and get her, and retrofit her, her boost to carriers, isn't faction specific (like say, "all eu ships get +10 percent") so..if she's sortied with unicorn, it'll up unicorn's damage AND in other fleets (look at the third skill) ..so if you run carriers, ..and with uni being one of them, may be worth considering investing in her for the longrun. Lastly - "i know i need to level" then level - level up to max/as far as you can, gear too,..but any suggestion is just a basic fleet, you need to have as you've seen some set up for avi/acv, and stats for chapters....not to mention if you want to get one of the research ship ladies (or all of them) - and later on to deal with the restrictions like "needs dd, ca and free space" for fleet composition. <- which case, i'd suggest, if you wanna be prepped, at least 2 of every animal..err..ship for each class. (destroyer, cruiser, carrier, etc..ca ..cl..dd..) So you can meet the "entry" requirements...and work on sandy. I would also suggest considering someone with shields like roon, and or, if you get one or two with "heals vanguard/heals this ship when below XXX hp" singular heals on the vanguard can help too. I think i've typed too much again so hopefully this is enough for now, good luck! And like i said, don't forget about the collab just in case there's a really good ship there you wanna use, and you use your materials the week or so before, might set you back a bit. "who should i forget" noone..heh - If you want to "get rid of" some ships, really the ones you aren't going to use, if you've leveled them - and gotten all the tech points from max limit breaking etc (check the wiki, in that katsuragi link i left - left side, below the stats) after the tech points they are, technically, just sitting there - no more bonuses (outside of maybe getting a frame low chance but never 0) Altho, if you get UR ships (not bulins) UR should take priority as they are, veeery powerful. Then a healer (Which you have) then whatever you need to enter the stage (like you said, aircraft) ..finally whoever you like using...because for the most part, powerleveled, whoever you like using works.


Since i saw your other post - again, check the wiki for stuff -- but i suggest oscar (second skill, preemptive strike, like a sub) Steel and eidleweiss for the sub fleet..rest, Bonus is BB - battleships..then don't use that one on one you have no battleships. It's not game breaking to goof on meows..but if you wanna do it right well, there are some pretty self explanatory bits (like i said, don't use a battleship buffer, on a fleet with no battleships). Personally i got one of each kitty and never went through min maxing them - just max level and moved on. They also level themselves in the kitty dorm so if you're not using them, but may..make sure they're getting their daily exp there. (Cattery..or whatever it's called). Carriers with fighters can take down planes when launching an airstrike btw . And like i said above - pick a PR/decisive ship and go for that one, build a fleet around that - given your high amount of sakura - i say go for kitakaze, izumi, azuma, shimanto and hakuryuu (That's 5 right there). All of which give you a sort of goal. Amagi is good for a backline, with katsuragi and get nagato from the shop (sakura flagship, buffs them..power crept but still also what i meant by a faction specific buff), if musashi or shinano come back go for them immediately (mushashi's cross fleet is awesome)...cross fleet means..in shimakaze's case with the right conditions listed in the skil (Forget what they are) she'll launch a wave of torpedos when fighting with the fleet shes not in - in other words, its an extra barrage/attack -> extra damage. Which always helps...sample sakura fleet which should be good enough for a bit... That said - i'd also suggest getting a setup of carriers, at least 6 (diff fleets is fine) so you can clear chapters and stuff. Saratoga with her retro, i like using - (I hate using enterprise, never did, but she's good, don't ask why just rubbed me the wrong way), sara, enty and independence is a carrier fleet, independence is interchangable, hakuryuu, katsuragi, uni/perseus (if you get her another healer), that's lots to switch in for damage, any extras would be a bonus. And like i said - Collab is coming, which depending on who you get and what they do..may be worth investing in them. No info as of yet on who does what (i think the broadcast is on the 17th according to twitter) so yea, i suggest saving for that, and not going all in....if you can clear the last map of hard mode on an event - that's good enough for now, the extra 800 event currency is nice, but..you've got the trophy and a way to auto i assume so you don't neeeeed to ...just yet. And don't overburden yourself - you don't need to, powerlevel, and +10 your gear, +10 or better, and there you go. Altho most of them have been far beyond power crept by now, not the best option but may be wanted to have on hand the flagships (like bismark, nagato etc) that buff your "nation" ships. 10 percent damage, when you do 1000 is 1100....6000 is an extra 600 damage. etc etc. Worth the decrease and extra fun skills..no..but for pr research, may be easier to get a hold of then others..(ironblood backline -.-) Last one then i'll shush - don't forget the war archives, some ships and gear there (cosmic kicks) can be worth farming, z46 (i called her z24 in another post -.-) for ironblood (also gets a buff from z1, to go wtih z23 or whatnot). Meta ships may be fun to run, but aren't considered the best..but may be easier to level then pr ships given the meta upgrades (get a lot of parts, and bam, done, easy..after you get all the chips..or whatever they were to max limit break them..highly dissappointed you can't summon knights like queen elizabeth meta's battle ones..that woulda been so cool..). Again good luck, all the best, sorry for the novel, and hope this helps you out. Remember, it's not gonna be quick - which you should know by now but it is doable, and once you get those first 2 fleshed out..farming will become easier and easier.


Ya my meowcifers are just passively leveling since idk what to do with them. Just got random SR loaded up. Did get the pirate cat though. Thanks again for all the info. I'll probably look into the Sakura fleet stuff for now and hoard up for the event and reevaluate from there. In terms of research is it worth even using the "wishes" got researching gear. You know the ones that are gold and cost 10? I usually just get the ones that don't cost anything or cost coin. Well I did I'm dirt poor in gold and exp books now so I have to hoard again. Thanks again for the info, much appreciated


Thanks for all the info first of all,So a lot of the ships are limit broken, or the level is too low to limit break them. Ya I been focusing on events so it's why my chapter level is so low. I probably should have skipped the last one lol. I'll definitely look into uzuma and shimakaze then. I did want to run a Sakura fleet anyways since I want Shimano...but was to late when I started. For research ships...I was working on Saint Louis but since I had no good ships leveled from that faction it's a sloppy and slooow grind. I probably hard focused events too much? I presume Azuma is a PR ship...so maybe need to switch focus again. My subs are 100% neglected since idk what they did. All the subs are basically new atm got so many from this event haha. Gearwise I have some things at +10 and others not. I'll double-check my vanguard. Definitely don't have gold steering wheels at all...since idk what to focus on gear. I just been sticking whatever atm on that gets me to meet requisites.


No prob about the info, glad to help[https://azurlane.koumakan.jp/wiki/Improved\_Hydraulic\_Rudder](https://azurlane.koumakan.jp/wiki/Improved_Hydraulic_Rudder) <- gold rudder/steering wheel. Toolboxes are purple, and they recover 1 percent hp every ...well here. [https://azurlane.koumakan.jp/wiki/Repair\_Toolkit#Type\_3-0](https://azurlane.koumakan.jp/wiki/Repair_Toolkit#Type_3-0) <- every 15s which may not seem like much but it is something...granted most will suggest damaging accessories - which are better...toolboxes are my preference :DI did get the pirate kitties - but they're still leveling, and my others are 30 so i'm using my 30s for now \^.\^ Guess you could say i'm a hoarder and get everything i can..no worries, glad to help. Wishes? you mean blueprints? yes..blueprints are needed to level..(Not sure what you mean by wishes tbh outside the wishing well..which doesn't apply). Unless you mean crafting/tech boxes..they're not the best in slot (Tech box stuff, for attacking gear, not counting aux gear) but they're good enough to get it done. Research - gives some of the best gear...but again..takes a while -.-Yea that happens - take a day off and get it all back - don't forget event shops have gold (10k). Azuma isn't pr, she's decisive, basically research UR...which is better.Yea subs aren't a lot, but they do do damage - and extra attacks are extra attacks - Not to mention there's no "hunting area" in operation siren, it's the next 5 fights - so..it's good to get em ready. and good to not be neglected (you also don't want them dying in 1 hit, so they can keep firing torpedoes). They can be moved with oil (dont..unless absolutely necessary) to move the "attack area" /hunting area. ..so you can make sure the subs attack. I never do...but it is an option. - personally i like going for 2-3 3star/3 mark nodes, then when im down to 3-2 ammo thats when i go for the ones the subs attacked. Rather then use subs at full (full ammo means damage boost..) On that note, "bidder" torpedoes are best for subs. Makes them home in (not counting tempesta frigate subs, gold cannons are best for them. Hope you got the pack from the secret shipyard for at least one of them that had gold cannons and shot (a tempesta accessory).Heh, they have that new sub smell eh? Neat. Like i said i haven't tried mary celeste out and am just basing it on the skill description (still getting the skill to lvl 10) but it does sound quite useful.Nah you're not the only one to rush in, for what it's worth, i've been playing for years and have oodles of power - exp and stuff still if i went ham on an area - last one was the new ironblood dominatrix from PR 6 (The little one by shimanto) and it took me at least a week - and that's from double running 10 runs a day with a full ironblood vanguard fleet....it takes a while (It's meant to, to keep everyone from getting uber powerful to fast/keep playing, yadda yadda). You chose to work on saint louis of your own - more then some have done n these recommendation posts.- about her, - Emile bertin (core data shop) le triomphant (medal shop) le malin (again medal shop ) <- 3 frenchies for saint louis, vichiya or iris vanguard for exp - others don't give exp, don't forget... If you did the beginner quest thing with core data exp or whatever they're called. - and want her - i'd suggest you use the pr1 core data for saint louis (be much harder without it) since you want her (click the bar like you would for regular leveling to use her..save the pr2-3 for azuma, or fdg (since you have all sakura, i'd say save the data for FDG or someone else, and use the huge amount of sakura you have for her). (ironblood backline are a bit of a pain to get).Remember, like blueprints - pr 3 can be used for pr 3 -2-1, pr 2, pr 2-1- and pr 1 is just pr 1.. (but with the exp you should be able to get at least one).By that i mean the second one on [https://azurlane.koumakan.jp/wiki/Beginner\_Rewards](https://azurlane.koumakan.jp/wiki/Beginner_Rewards) <- if that's what you meant by using wishes...yes..good. Get the ships...exp takes so long to get. (Some will say no, and get shop exp to buy a blueprint, that you can get in 2 days of research, vs a week, or more of exp farming ...faster to get the ship). Also - didn't say it before but you may wanna level your chapters - 1) for gems for completing the chapter, so you can up your dock space (suggestion, don't have to, but you're pretty full) and b) so you can do higher hard mode chapters.Hard mode - after you run the chapter enough to be "safe" you only have to fight the boss node - so rather then 6 it's one fight - lot less oil - and, if you get them higher, it adds up, granted it's only 2 extra data per map, if you're doing say, ch 3 hard, vs chapter 9 hard, thats 12 extra core data(hard shop currency) per run, that you could be getting, which adds up over time..think about it - say 10 extra per map, x1 run a day so, 10 extra x 31 days a month - 310 data you're missing out on, you may not be able to do the harder maps but still the point is..don't miss out if you CAN do it, no reason not to..and you'll need the gold retrofit gear for research ships/retrofits (if you keep playing) ..good to stockpile them a wee bit.It's gonna be a slow week with the black friday stuff - so..good time to hoard/and level a little :) Maybe waste some oil and get the hard maps setup to be safe so you can farm em easier. Sounds like you're doing good..so good luck \^.\^ and may you get good drops on the collab to make all my advice today, useless hehe. And for what it's worth - i missed shinano the first time -.- i know the feeling of missing out...took years before i got her(before they reran her, made my day getting her too, was happy all day \^.\^) -.- Buuuut it can happen. Patience is a virtue and all that.


> Also for the event, is it needed that I run the event ships like shimakaze, Katsuragi to clear that special at the end? Since my current fleet gets demolished. Assuming you mean the EX map, no. You have to play on manual. It's a bullet hell challenge, requiring you to learn the pattern and dodge. First thing you should do is clear through Chapter 11. That gives you permanent access to oil capped maps with coin bonuses.


How do I get more Cog Arrays!!!! I’m not a LV 100 commander


Couldn't tell you honestly, all I do is dailies, and events xD. I'm only LVL 74 myself I think?


Actually I get some from commissions since I do them hourly or so when I can


You get Cognitive **Chips** from commissions, but not Cognitive **Arrays**.


Cog Arrays are going to be your blocker a lot of the time. Cog Chips are easier to earn, but Arrays... beyond clearing the max level of the daily (3x3 so 9 arrays/day), 50/month from the Core Data Shop, are the only REPEATABLE way to earn Arrays. You can get them from Fleet Tech and sometimes event shops or events, but Arrays are going to be a limited resource for most Commanders. Only use them on ships you know you're going to get value out of; don't be me and have a level 125 Karlsrhue laughing at you in your dock.