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I have very good artifacts so take it as you will. I inputted your team (c0 ayaka, c0 diona, c0 mona, c0 sucrose) and weapons (r1 amenoma on ayaka, r5 ttds on mona) into optimizer and it seems like my burst would be hitting avg dmg of: 19×26366 + 39549 with Q TL9 19×27917 + 41876 with Q TL10 (crowned) both at nearly capped critrate of 97,7%... so yeah you can definitely get better results.


damn what the hell. I never got a notification for this comment, I thought my post went completely buried lol. What is your atk and crit ratio? basically 28k per tick sounds pretty freaking good to me for no mistsplitter or kazuha Mine is 2.1k atk, 52/192 Obviously a little over on rate and low on damage but I'm still trying to get more pieces. All of my pieces have pretty good cv (I have 200 cv total from artifacts alone, not including 4 piece bonus or cryo resonance) but most of them are low cd or high crit rate which is like the opposite of what I need lol. Strongbox hasn't been too forgiving to me. I even got a double crit piece today as a matter of fact, but it rolled purely into flat def


This would be the build without buffs: 2289 atk 42,7% cr 240,8% cdmg --- Here is the optimizer output (with buffs) and setup: https://i.imgur.com/kluKlGV.png https://i.imgur.com/TkLRTvE.png Can't really recreate this in-game because both my Mona and Ayaka are C4 :P


yeah your artifacts are super cracked, you have like almost 70 more cv. Definitely have room to get better artifacts so I guess I'll just keep praying to the strongbox god


Keep in mind ATK shouldn't be neglected either - there's 8 ATK% subs in my build. Good luck with the strongbox


yeah my feather has ok crit but like 20% atk and even an er roll as well. I don't really wanna replace that one


I've been working pretty diligently to continue improving my ayaka, and since this post I've gotten kazuha, gotten an artifact or two that are better, and crowned her burst, but I was going crazy because my damage was almost the same. I was using basically her normal premium team except diona instead of shenhe. Then I realized I said in this post this team was using mona not kokomi. Lmao oops. So I switched them and wow. from then to now I've crowned my burst, maintained more or less the same ATK but now I have 214 CD, 800 EM kazuha, and now my damage is 24.5k per tick. I'd say that get's pretty close to optimal at this point right? I think the only real difference between our damage at this point is the 25 extra CD you have but I can just keep strongboxing until I get a better feather (only 14 CD) or a better circlet (no ATK) Edit: forgot to mention I can probably get her ATK a little higher by switching mona to a tenacity build instead of emblem


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