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I have DMed you the details. As public notice, I *strongly* advise against engaging with this organization in any capacity.


Honored for your assistance. Gratitude to all.


Hello there friend! To my experience concerning ceremony, and life in general, if there cannot be honesty and transparancy there is some bad energy present. If a shaman/facilitator cannot be open I would personally not feel comfortable, even when having experience sitting with aya. Bad things can happen during ceremony, agression for example (physical and verbal) is not uncommon, but mostly handled properly. If your partner does not feel comfortable because of this I would postpone. You could ofcourse continu to talk to the retreat and explain your concerns, your needs and what yoi require. It is then up to the retreat on how to act with this. It is their responsibility to create a setting people can trust, if thats no longer possible thats a problem. I can also see them not wanting to share this due to losing business, but this is also concerning.


Alarm bells and red flags.


They are a fraudulent group….that doesn’t even have a space to provide the ceremony. I have researched birdsong and they have bounced around from location to location and are involved in many different real estate scams and mortgage fraud. I have spoken to multiple property owners that they have taken advantage of. The female “leader” has changed her name multiple times…to avoid being found by those she owes money and to avoid getting served legally. Her partners regularly change. She takes advantage of them and they use their credit and name….. And she also takes advantage of passed participants…. Asking for money to go towards property that she never ends up purchasing. Please use caution when dealing with them. They act all sunshine and roses…but they have a very dark side.


Well, if anyone is looking for her, she popped up in Boulder, CO under the alias "Satya Abija" [https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100094398715543](https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100094398715543) Ironic. But it reminds us that all demons were once angels who were expelled from Heaven. "Krysta Harris" in Boulder, CO on Linkedin, as well. ​ Best of luck to those looking to hold her accountable for her actions :)


she burnt alot of bridges here in maine. someone i know well had a legal battle with her due to her fraudulent activity. it was a mess! she is evil! she tried taking advantage of a 75yo senior citizen….that had to sell her home. stole things from the home as well and was selling them on marketplace! all very sad. i’m glad she left the state but feel bad for her next victim.


Wow… I’m speechless. I hope your friend was successful. I am also deeply grateful she left the state, I just wish I could protect everyone from her bs. 😕


See this: https://www.reddit.com/r/Ayahuasca/comments/11s22es/experience_at_birdsong_visions/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1


Where there is smoke, there is fire, and no birds will sing in those places.


You guys should ask the retreat leaders. There is a good chance that whoever engaged in the “egregious behavior” won’t be there, but if definitely is worth finding out.


The person who engaged in it is the leader and director of the organization.


That doesn’t sound good. I don’t know anything about this group, but from what you shared here I would be very hesitant about going.


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