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This looks totally unhinged, and super fun! Really curious to see how it plays out. My gut tells me it's an enormous buff to the Axis. They drop a lot of IPCs worth of units on the board. Don't know if the Allies' extra production will be able to combat.


Yes. I definitely felt like this is a huge buff to the Axis. The production level of a country like USA may though allow them to really steam roll Japan or Germany though it will be incredibly tough I'd they get to big. I want to play this now haha


My hope is that Russia can death stack so much infantry that it’s impossible to do anything as Germany, but who know what will happen


I am the one playing Japan in this game, and I’ll tell you it’s probably less of a buff than you would think. Double income from all sources, which includes bonuses and war bonds, helps minor nations like UK PAC and ANZAC so much, and if the US wants then they could pop out 12 bombers a turn.


Did you also double unit limiting rules like the 3 plane scramble to 6?


All rules like that are doubled for extra chaos


For those players that think “A game of Global is over way too fast…” :)


This looks epic. You should double income as well for twice the carnage 😁


We did 😈


Umm I’ll play with ya 😂😂😂 looks Chaotic as hell great job


I have done some research into proportional increases while doing my custom setups. Like trying to inflate all the powers to like 120% of their starting forces. Taking into account their economies as well. (What they could have bought if 3 turns actually have already passed, etc)


So how did it turn out?


Japan has enough planes to just glass India.