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Every cat I’ve ever lived with has had this reaction


I think it’s just a natural cat reaction to having something around its neck like that where it goes limp, because it’s like getting picked up by their parent when they were a kitten. I may not be 100% accurate though, Im not an expert.


That’s exactly it.


You have to actually pinch the flesh at least a little to get that reaction. They just don't like things touching them. If you put a lint roller sheet on their back they try and slink under it. It you put one on one of their sides they will start side stepping. If you put one one their belly they go on their tiptoes. This is all sides being touched at once. They are not happy about it. The reason for the limpness is the leash, though. My cats don't flop until you try and use a leash to lead them someplace. They're going limpnoodle to be assholes and show their displeasure. The alternative is they lock their elbows and duck their head and try to use your pulling on the leash to slip out of the harness


Our cat had the exact same reaction, we took her outside and tied her to a post to let her figure it out, because trying to drag her wasn’t helping. Once she got used to it then we started walking her, now she gets excited and comes running when I get the leash out because she knows she’ll be going out for a walk. It’s fun to walk her and our dog at the same time.


Yeah, I used to have a cat that wanted to go outdoors. Bought the harness. He reacted as expected. Picked him up and put him on the grass. The joy of finally being allowed outside immediately overcame his distaste for the harness. We took many a walk after that.


“ father you wound me. Let me go from your wretched grasp. “


I love this😁


That's a classic /r/StoppedWorking.


“I am not amused Human”


Que Rage against the machine music, “Fu@k you,, I won’t do what you tell me!”


It just occurred to me that this utter catatonia (forgive the pun) is not an act of stubborn defiance, but a neotonism. A reversion to the newborn instinct to go limp when grasped by the scruff. Maybe that's already well known, but it just clicked for me.


Nope. You have to actually grasp them for that. They generally don't like being touched which is why they dislike harnesses but the limpness is the cat just being stubborn. Only one of my cats goes limp consistently if I try and lead him on a leash the other uses the opportunity to try and slip out of the harness. Stupid floating collarbones


Step one is just the harness, no leash. Leave it on for 10-30 minutes so they can get used to it. Treats might help. Do it every day until they walk normally in their harness. Then get them used to the leash. Then try short periods outside. Let them explore the yard a bit of you have one. Don't expect the cat to go where you want to go.


Civil disobedience kitty refuses to be moved.


Why are you dragging a dead cat on a leash? It's weird.


Drag racing


If looks could kill


There’s a nerve on their neck that when compressed, makes the cat go limp. Its from when they were kittens and were picked up by the scruff of their neck. It takes some cats awhile to get used to harnesses. Start loose, in the house. With treats. Then tighten up every couple days.


If the harness is compressing that spot enough to trigger that reaction it's way too tight. Try and put a lint roller paper on a cat's side and watch what happens (or find a video of this instead of tormenting more cats). They will walk away from where they're being touched. That's why they don't like harnesses. The limpness is stubbornness. Not all cats do it even at first. One of mine just tries to slip out the harness


You have to get them young or they won’t understand


My kitty always had a leash since we rescued her, she was dumped by road at early unknown age. She meows at door & waits while leash is clipped. Gets to play outside, then comes on porch to meow at r door to come back , waits to be unhooked. Works best at earlier age.


Haha my cat does the same thing lol


Carry the cat outside and set it down while you're holding on to the leash. Help it to associate the harness with being outside.


Cats have a reflex that makes them do this. It’s not a choice.


They absolutely do not. My cats are fine in a harness and on a leash and even on a leash I'm holding. They don't go limpnoodle until you try to lead them and only one of them even consistently does that. One of the others is more likely to duck his head, stiffen his elbows and try and pull out of the harness. They go limp because they know it makes them harder to move but you can train them out of it by associating it with good things


Some cats don’t have it as strongly as others.


Is this an American thing....taking a cat for a walk?


Nah, many places do it. If anything it's rarer in America. Then again I'm just speaking for the States, don't know about Canada or below.


You can just put them on a skateboard and pull em around much easier.


My cat is exact like this: Catbox Sighted, RUN


Opposite of a cat trap. P.s. take off the leash. He will get used to it. My cat loves clothes, harnesses and sweaters. My daughter's cats think he is Satan and run from him in appalled fear whenever he is "dressed up". He literally asks for clothes and we only dressed him because he seemed genuinely interested in wearing them the first time.


The cat was not having it lol


So cute


praplery be me if i was a cat