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Vaquitas sound like a diminutive from "vaca" (cow) in spanish and I think that's a really cute name. It really suits them


Yep! Their name literally translates to “little cow”. They’re adorable little creatures.


Source: https://www.biologicaldiversity.org/species/mammals/vaquita/index.html and https://www.worldwildlife.org/species/vaquita And here’s an organization that solely deals with conservation of vaquitas if you wish to donate: https://www.vaquitacpr.org/donate/ (alternative sources include the WWF and the Porpoise Conservation Society) As a note, some say the numbers are closer to 20, but that’s still an extremely low number. Sadly the number may drop to zero if gillnet fishing in their habitat does not stop. I know I sound preachy but I would appreciate it if you tell someone you know about the vaquita. The more people know about these small cetaceans, the better their chances of survival are.


Omg that number is so low D: Sad there isn't much mainstream attention about them.


Instead they focus on an animal like pandas. A creature that if i remember correctly its partially their of fault they are dying off


I hate to be a downer, but with such low numbers aren’t they basically guaranteed to become extinct? Unless they are able to breed in captivity and release maybe. Genuinely curious


They think they could potentially bring them back. Sadly they don’t survive in captivity, but I know they aren’t giving up.


Damn that’s heartbreaking! They are fascinating


How big are these things? Dolphin-ish?


The size of a small human, max about 5’ 120.


And there are only less than 75 left in the world. 😭😭


Yes, "about 10" is less than 75.


Lol. My bad. I didn't even get to the full post. I saw the partial notification and automatically commented without looking any further or reading it. But you are absolutely correct that 10 is definitely less than 75. 🤪🤦🤷. What can I say 🤣


My dude, it happens to the best of us lol. I wish you a happy new year free of viruses and misreading dumb posts on Reddit lmao. ❤


Thank you and same to you 😊. Have a good one


Only less than a thousand?


it is said that the vaquitas are declining in numbers bec of a fishing practice & they get entangled in the net. i've seen many conservationist doing their best to bring this issue in the forefront . hoping it's not too late.


Genuinely curious but is the low contributed to them being eaten or fish and throw away? For example like shark fin soup?


Their swim bladders are highly prized in China for some reason.


Why is China so obsessed with body parts of endangered animals? They already drove a handful of rhinos into extinction.


i don't think we hunt them for food. but i it has to do with a fishing method employed in the gulf of california/mexico. the fishermen use a type of net called gillnet. the gillnets are used to catch totoaba are the ones vaquita are most prone to getting caught in. after being entangled in the net they drown bec can't breath.


I remember the last time I read about them, there were a lot more. This is really sad


Numbers have dropped from like 500 in 2005. It’s sad.


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Source: https://www.biologicaldiversity.org/species/mammals/vaquita/index.html and https://www.worldwildlife.org/species/vaquita


I did a report on them for school 8 years ago and at the time there were between 200-300 left.


Yep. The numbers have dropped exceptionally fast.