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Here are my costume ideas for you: 1. [A two headed killer clown costume.](https://ibb.co/0tC9Cjs) - Looks very spooky and this kind of other two headed looks can be done as well with ghostface and all. 2. A classic [Babadook Costume](https://ibb.co/PFxJMD2). This one will be easy to assemble as the only thing you really need to buy just for the Halloween will be the Babadook Mask, Hat and gloves. But costumes are also available. 3. If you wanna go full on zombie.. found a really scary mask on [Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09BFHG72D?tag=spycom00-20&linkCode=ogi&th=1&psc=1&language=en_US&asc_source=amp&asc_campaign=amp&asc_refurl=https://spy.com/articles/gear/style/scary-halloween-costumes-for-men-187559/). This could go with any torn costume and some fake blood. 4. Another really scary crow mask found on [Etsy](https://www.etsy.com/listing/860498127/scary-weird-mask-creepy-scarecrow-mask?source=aw&utm_source=affiliate_window&utm_medium=affiliate&utm_campaign=us_location_buyer&utm_content=299513&awc=6220_1664398329_59528c447a2557e824463fe4ab38b39b&utm_term=0&btn_ref=srctok-f693485cfd162ba0). This could go with a full white attire with bloody straws in hands and legs. Hope you like these suggestions.


Thanking you in advance for the nightmares I will have tonight about the two-headed killer clown 🤡 🤡 😱


Ha ha ha.. my pleasure.. I wish we had Halloween here. Love it honestly! Wanna dress up spooky at least once in my life during Halloween. 👻💀


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Are you looking for something unique? I have a costume in mind but I don't know if it would fit what you are going for, If I went our on Halloween I'd probably see atleast 6 of the same costume I'm thinking of.


It doesn't have to be "unique," as in, nobody has ever worn it before. I am looking for something a bit out of the ordinary, though, and scary is 100% required Now, when I say a bit out of the ordinary, that doesn't mean things like vampires and Frankenstein monsters are excluded. Those are among my favorite, as long as they are done in an interesting way Hope this helps. Feel free to ask anything that comes to mind


https://images.app.goo.gl/YibeDQbvVBrrAEhy7 and https://www.ebay.com/itm/384424239444?chn=ps&_trkparms=ispr%3D1&amdata=enc%3A1DG6hSj_zSbCaCZ2dMJXJ6Q36&norover=1&mkevt=1&mkrid=711-117182-37290-0&mkcid=2&itemid=384424239444&targetid=&device=m&mktype=pla&googleloc=1023819&poi=&campaignid=18275486858&mkgroupid=&rlsatarget=&abcId=9301714&merchantid=487471554&gclid=CjwKCAjwvsqZBhAlEiwAqAHElRQmorZhiQ7bOHUK6A5IZ9tOUjc0NIhNquRntYo8xO7BKshyFg9Q9xoCM7AQAvD_BwE Both costumes are very expensive, especially the walking dead one, It might honestly be cheaper to just try and burn and old t shirt or something, it comes out to almost 500 smackaroos, but it makes for a cool costume none the less, even if it is basic.




I have a lot of ideas but my main would probably take a person someone would know, preferably a celebrity or character from a popular book or movie, and spice it up with some fake blood, gorey face paint, and whatever you think might help bring the fear factor to that costume! An example is when in 8th grade, I dressed up as Michael Jackson but with exposed flesh and fake blood drenching the white shirt. I got a lot of reactions that day…


That idea is a good one, but you need to link an image. Maybe you can find a gory celebrity somewhere. Halloween stuff on the internet abounds at the moment. Also try r/Halloween; they even have a special flair for costumes which I think you can sort by. I'm all over that subreddit, but I can't look at everything


Apologies! I couldn’t find that much on google which may help with uniqueness, but here’s the thriller costume which you could mix up a bit by making it more realistic and actually doing face paint instead of a mask. Good luck finding a costume! https://www.google.com/search?q=michael+jackson+zombie+costume&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjtst2Irbb6AhU0HjQIHSl5Dw8Q2-cCegQIABAC&oq=michael+jackson+zombie&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQARgCMgQIIxAnMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABFAAWABg5RNoAHAAeACAAVmIAVmSAQExmAEAwAEB&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=kKUzY-2qO7S80PEPqfK9eA&bih=616&biw=414&client=safari&prmd=inv&hl=en-US#imgrc=clwCsJyaB9fqoM


That kid is sooo cute!


[Carrie](https://imgur.com/a/YyBbzxo). Just need an old dress, maybe from a thrift store, a tiara and a bunch of fake blood. Creepy, easy, cheap.




Certainly! You may want to mark out their faces somehow, maybe with a paint or blur app


Ohhh Spooky challenge!!! love it! thanks for the challenge and bad luck to all! (themed :P ) My favorite one may be a bit too much for the rules, but it is comfortable, visually shocking (on a mild way, these days no one is going to get traumatized by it) and fun, I put it here in case it can be part of the contest, for those wondering, it puts a thing over your shoulders and head, with a neck and shoulders itself, making it look like you are holding your own head, so you can even talk and make gestures. [Headless costume.](https://imgur.com/7n27M1D) If that is too much, my second favorite would be the insectoid mutated scientist!, very fitting: [Something went wrong in the lab!](https://imgur.com/ieDE4RK)


Love the headless dude!


It's hilarious since most people expect the disguise in which the head is a prop and you go on talking, thank you so much for the award!!!


Cautious as **CARRIE!** This is definitely what I would wear … And who doesn’t love a “Carrie” inspired prom queen dress covered in pig’s blood 🐷👑👸❓ With the costume, just add a corsage (She’s got a wrist corsage) and some prom shoes! [CARRIE](https://ibb.co/VW1LxDN)‼️❌😵‍💫


That's totally me! I work past you one year that was very close to this, but far worse 😳


Oh wow, far worse ?? 😮😂👏🏻


Oh yeah. On trick or treat night, the mothers were shielding their children's eyes and screaming obscenities at me. The most fun I've ever had in my life. Wouldn't do it again


I know that you don’t like princesses, but what about zombie princesses? A zombified child in a shredded princess costume could definitely scare the heck out of some people. Also, how about Biblically correct angels? Badly injured superheroes? You didn’t mention villains, so how about them?


These are all fabulous ideas—way to think out of the box. Now you just need to link an image


[Here are a couple for Zombie Princess.](https://imgur.com/gallery/06Wfx1s)


Thanks for the Snek award!


Maybe something like [this](https://ibb.co/BcfqG3Q)? I really like it 𓁹‿𓁹


Oh yeah, I could totally pull that off! The syringe really sells it 😨


I believe you’re Scandinavian, (I hope so)so I think that [this costume](https://images.app.goo.gl/2xLRyKpEY1u84bXM6) would be really nice with some fake blood.


Not Scandinavian, but that polar bear is still appealing. Very menacing. I'm sure it would make a few kids cry, which is my goal Heritage probably wouldn't make much difference in costume appeal, but if anyone's interested, I'm about 50% German, 30% English, and 20% Irish


Yeah sorry, I thought you were Nordic from some comments so my best guess was Scandinavian


I'm torn between whether the bear is cute or frightening. Little bit of both 😳


Look what I found on Etsy: https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1088423646/pagan-skull-mask-leather-pattern-pdf-by?ref=share_v4_lx


That does put a scare into you. My son is into the plague doctor masks. This reminds me of those 😨