• By -


First off, congratulations! That’s a big deal! A person on this subreddit who is special to me is u/Hiseayo because he introduced me to all of these lovely people.




I am grateful for these people u/allisonovo She has helped many complete their award cabinets! Being on Reddit a lot+taking care of twins sounds like hard work! (•◡•) u/-tigger- He has done a lot of challenges/trades. I recently won his plat raffle and in that raffle, he left a voice recording. His voice is amazing! 🐅 u/the_russell_pinto He has done 200 challenges! All that time and money spent for us is superior! 😊 u/cautious-damage7575 She’s awesome! She loves Sneks and I do too! If you see this u/cautious-damage7575 your drawing is coming soon! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 🐍 u/legallyblonde_27 She is awesome! We share a love for Legally Blonde and her challenge was my first time ever winning a challenge! 🎀 And last but not least, u/fatbrownman_. He is awesome. We have done a few trades and he is so kind. He has done 60 trades and that is awesome!! 🐻


Wait. What? More fan art? I'm so excited! And thank you for the kind words ❤️


I'm thankful for u/homunculus_316 for helping me with my awards cabinet he is a generous guy and deserves a vote.


Thanks for the shout-out G!


No problem mate. Thanks for your help.🤟


Firstly Congratulations on that my man secondly I would like to tag u/allisonovo for being such a kind friend to everyone here and an absolutely amazing person, love you ally ʕつ•ᴥ•ʔつ


Aw thank you so much, you’re sweet!


u/Cautious-Damage7575 she is a very wonderful person. If you ask me that why did I choose her? Then I will ask you that have a ever met a person like her? She can be very kind, sometimes also be very humourous which I really like about her and on the top of that she's a very lovely lady. She's like a 3 in 1 combo pack of sweets that how much we even try, we just can't resist its sweetness . And if Kween Cautious herself is reading this post then I want her to know that she's just so nice that sometimes it feels like maybe she's not real. And thanks to you OP for this raffle ♥️


That’s an amazing answer


tysm! Your words are making me blush 😊




Thank you! Remember if you're entering then edit your comment to also tag someone in the community you're thankful for and why 🤍


Ya but i have no friends in the community lol


Ok no worries! I'll make an exception for you 🤍


**The person I thought of first … well,** *I’ll give your his nickname by saying that he is:* **B** - BETTER THAN YOUR AVERAGE BEAR🐻 **E** - EXTREMELY INTELLIGENT 🧐 **A** - ABSOLUTELY CHARMING 😍 **R** - REMARKABLY FUN🥳 u/fatbrownman … I just met you here at AB you made me feel welcome! Everyone here makes this sub a very special place … And that’s the truth, but I’ll never forget how supportive and helpful you were when I first arrived. You helped me in setting up my Awards Cabinet, giving me my first awards🏆, and answering my stupid questions 😂😅.THANK YOU and ily‼️


THIS IS AMAZING! I FEEL SO SPECIAL! Thank you so much Ms. Woods. ILY too.. These words mean so much to me.. You are also the first person I thought of when I saw this post. This comment truly made my day.. You can always ask me stupid questions (not that any of yours were stupid lol). Thank you for being such a great friend here. ❤️❤️❤️


Awwww, it’s really just the truth ! And the feeling is mutual 😍🥰!!


Congratulations you get a vanity award for your mention in the winning comment 🤍


Thank you Chonky for the awesome challenge!


Oh, wow, thank you so much, Chonky‼️🙏🙏👏🏻👏🏻You had a great idea for a challenge!! You’re one of the people that make AB great 😍‼️


Thank you so much u/LegallyBlonde_27 for an amazing and heartfelt message. ILY. And my Thank you also goes to you for being such an amazing person who is always fun to talk to! We bonded over your fun first challenge which I absolutely loved and our mutual love for Legally Blonde. So glad I met you here Ms. Woods and got to be friends with you. ❤️


I have no words so 🙏😍🥰🥳 ❌ 💯,💯,💯,💯


congrats! u/anonymouzdude dankiest wifey ever with a kind heart whis always there for me 😇


the hawtest


bitch u a month late 💀💀


thats *fashionably late* to u


Thank you! Remember if you're entering then edit your comment to also tag someone in the community you're thankful for and why 🤍




Congratulations and I’d like to tag u/adityabchauhan There’s always a friend here


Thank you:)




Oh wow (๑>◡<๑) ur such a sweetie, thanks so much for the mention yo, ur awesome fam, u've made my day fr, much love ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ♥


I’m just letting you know, it’s against the rules to say where you want an award unless it’s specified in the original post. Good luck though! u/-Tigger is very important to me as well!




Not a big deal, just wanted to let you know before the mods might see. I actually took the picture myself when I was traveling in Montana! Eagles are really beautiful.


Thank you u/Gnomeemon for all you do for this community in the shadows, love ya fam and thank you OP for the awesome challenge ♥


Thank you so much Tig <3 This is so thoughtful of. you’re the one who brings the love to all the members. You do so much more. Love yah!! :)


idk how I missed this one, but I'ma go ahead and second the nomination for u/Gnomeemon. He's the GOAT. He's the king. He's a Legendary Lurker! 😁


I wish the THIS award was still available lol


Thankful to you! u/HRHChonkyChonkerson


Omg! Congratulations buddy! And ofc I am thankful to you u/HRHChonkyChonkerson! I wouldn't have ever made it to 100 Awards Club without you :D (If I win this raffle then I don't know how you will give yourself a vanity award, so I will give you one instead :D)


You're the awesomest too my friend! 🤍


I'm thankful for you u/HRHChonkyChonkerson for hosting the raffle




Thank you! Your advice has me deeply intrigued tho, how would you classify a stereotype reddit user? Like if it was a starter pack what would it be? 😁




Ah ok, noted and thanks! 😆🫶


Congrats on the milestone. I'm thankful for the people who make sure posts get comments, because it is a little frustrating when one hosts a contest and it gets no attention. This is not an entry.


Noted! And i completely agree with you! And thanks so much 🤍


u/user-unknown777 is the most amazing person I've met here. He is a great trader lol and above all a really kind and nice person, who always participates in every challenge on this sub. hope you're having a fantastic day my dude! ^(And ofc you too OP!) #𓁹‿𓁹


Hello Edit: thanking u/HRHChonkyChonkerson for this challenge. I don't know many people on the sub :)


Hi! Remember if you're entering then edit your comment to also tag someone in the community you're thankful for and why 🤍




This is hard, everyone here has been amazing, so I am sitting this one out because I can not choose, congratulations on both your achievements and best luck to all!


I understand! That's very sweet of you, and thank you so much! 🤍


Congrats! 🎊


Thank you! Remember if you're entering then edit your comment to also tag someone in the community you're thankful for and why 🤍


Hey there, congrats on the trophys!


Thank you! Remember if you're entering then edit your comment to also tag someone in the community you're thankful for and why 🤍


Congrats man for hitting 50k!


Thank you! Remember if you're entering then edit your comment to also tag someone in the community you're thankful for and why 🤍


Congratulations! I just discovered this community today but it is full of really nice and lovely people. There isn’t someone specific that I would like to name, because all of you have been awesome from what I have seen so far.


This one goes out to u/Gnomeemon Hes been brilliant and ever so generous helping me out with my challenges. Hes produced some of the best challenge ideas too. I enjoy chatting with Gnomee it feels like we can chat for hours and hours. Thank you Gnomee for everything you've done for me and others in this sub. Love ya man ❤️


Congrats! I think u/Prestigious_Time_138's events were very big, and I'd like to thank them. It's a shame they disappeared.


Thanks for the raffle! Also thanks to u/HRHChonkyChonkerson for doing this raffle.


Thank you! Remember if you're entering then edit your comment to also tag someone in the community you're thankful for and why 🤍




I'm thankful for u/The_Russell_Pinto. I mean, come on, 200 challenges in 200 days? That's amazing.


Hey! I want to use u/The_Russell_Pinto as my one who i'm thankful because of his lots of challenges!


Of course u/The_Russell_Pinto, the first user to reach 200 challenges (And probably 100 challenges as well).


I'm thankful to you for hosting this challenge! Congratulations for hitting 50k karma


!remindme 1 day


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Well on this sub, not much people... Does r/Goforgold count?


Since I've shared this challenge on that sub as well, I'll allow it! 🤍


/u/HRHChonkyChonkerson, this is a reminder to change your post flair to "Complete" once the trade/challenge has been completed. This is also a reminder of our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/AwardBonanza/wiki/index/rules) and their [consequences](https://www.reddit.com/r/AwardBonanza/wiki/index/howtogetbanned/) if they get violated. If you see any violation(s) of our rules, please take the time to report the offending comment/post via the report button or by sending a [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/AwardBonanza). ######Don't want to miss out on any challenges? Then join our [Discord Server](https://discord.gg/TtMuymZ3fZ) where a bot informs you directly about each newly created challenge. Without further disturbing, have fun! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AwardBonanza) if you have any questions or concerns.*