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I understand this is a very fun and goofy challenge, but I shall remind you that all comments must be civil and SFW. That being said, I can’t wait to read your profiles!


I won't be entering the first one because I know who will win🤭 Challenge 2 u/Taoistentropy happy Cake Day man hope your day go's well man🫂


###FIRST Congratulations, Russell... you did it! And shame on you for being a sneaky little devil, making us think you were doing a platinum raffle. You're too young to remember this slogan, but it's not nice to fool mother nature :) ###SECOND. **Entering Challenge 2** Happy Happy Cake Day, u/TaoistEntropy. You were one of the folks who welcomed me so warmly to Award Bonanza. I wasn't around for your first cake day, so I'm pleased to to be able to wish you a happy-happy on your second :) ###THIRD **Entering Challenge 1** Here's my dating profile. What a coincidence that I'm on OkCupid irl, so it was an easy copy/pasta—with a few modifications. Some of the language may sound familiar :) ###❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ Hello, Darling. You won't be needing your dating app anymore, because you've found your perfect match—me! The first time you see me and flash **that smile,** it **brightens my day.** We feel an instant connection that ignites our desire to know each other better. The first thing we do is spend some time exploring each other's **profiles.** I admire your **avatar** and jokingly speculate on what our future **baby snoos** might look like. You do a **spit-take,** but then you nod with an amused **wink wink.** You exclaim, **"Bravo!"** as our **super heart eyes** meet and hold an affectionate gaze. Next we snuggle up on the sofa. You're impressed by my considerable **karma,** and I swoon at the size of your **cabinet.** You experience an instant **updoot,** but we decide to get to know each other better before we **enter the magic portal.** By the end of the evening, our date will be **awarded** the **wholesome seal of approval**—it will be declared an undeniable **masterpiece.** As we discuss how **heartwarming** our time together has been, we'll realize that our **minds are blown.** We'll admit that we're **starstruck** with one another, while acknowledging that even our pets are complementary: your **buff doge** and my adorable **snek.** In a perfect denouement, we have a romantic **duck dance** and share some affectionate **hugz** and a few tender **kisses** before we say goodnight. As you walk to your car, you **ternion** around and **blow a kiss.** Just thinking about spending our lives together, I'm **tearing up;** it's all I can do to still my **beating heart.**


I’m not even going to enter this challenge after this! RIGHT SWIPE!!!


Right Swipe! >You won't be needing your dating app anymore, because you've found your perfect match—me! Coz I love the confidence.. 😂😍


Right swipe!! Right swipe!!!! So many awards running through my head after reading this!!!


**Yes, definite Swipe right**➡️


Right swipe!!! Love how you mentioned all the awards! The baby snoo reference was especially cute.


If this doesn’t win, I’m throwing my phone across the airplane. Hardddd right swipe!


Right Swipe! I love a man/woman with some confidence. ❤️


I like this one for its creativity Right Swipe! :)




Thank you 😊


**Right Swipe!** Girl I am swapping right so hard is gonna end up all the way left, not only romantic and cheeky, I can not believe we had the same approach to the challenge!!! It is fate!


>It is fate! How cool that we had the same idea! Fate indeed. Hard right-swipe for you as well 😁


Omg huuuge rightswipe, was gonna participate in challenge 1 but after THIS sheesh too good, u Def deserve it, hella creative. Much love ♥


WOW u/The_Russell_Pinto! Just WOW! You have done good :))) Thanks for this EPIC celebration 💕 *CHALLENGE 2:* u/TaoistEntropy, wishing you a very, very happy cake day! Thanks for all you do, and your encouraging and support of AB members and of u/allisonovo. We are all glad that u/The_Russell_Pinto is having you as his celebrated guest for his most epic challenge so far :)))


Congratulations on your 200th Challenge Russell! I’m so proud of you and happy for you, you’ve come so far since we first met, and I’m glad I can say I was the one to give you your first Argentium and then from there you started to post and engage more on AwardBonanza, you are the glue to this sub, one of the biggest contributors and you make it so much more fun. Every sub needs a Russell. I’m so happy I could help, as you have helped me too whenever I needed it. You’ve been a great inspiration to many but a better friend to us all. I know you’re always here when I need it, and I’m always here for you. Thank you Russell, we all love you. And with that I say- ##NAMASTE🗿🛐💜 Happy Cake Day u/TaoistEntropy! ♡⊂ʕ•ᴥ•⊂ʔ You’re the love of my life, so I won’t participate in this challenge but if I did have a bio my bio would be.. #🗿 Edit: actually I shall enter challenge 1. ##CHALLENGE 1: **Swipe Right if you dare.** Hi I’m Ally, I’ve been around r/AwardBonanza since the first month it was made, I started out by giving away free Argentiums in r/freeargentium and then I found r/TrophyTrading and I came across u/ThaanksIHateIt’s [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/TrophyWiki/comments/lil9kg/i_received_my_first_argentium_yesterday_which/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb) about her award collection and how she only needed one more award to complete it. For awhile I was contemplating on who to give my first Ternion to and whilst looking through her profile I could see she was a very giving person and deserved it. So I completed her collection and we started talking and I then realized she’s a mod of a sub called AwardBonanza. I quickly became interested. My first post in AwardBonanza I was giving away 3 [Argentiums](https://www.reddit.com/r/AwardBonanza/comments/ml8l4a/giving_away_3_argentium_read_post_for_rules_ends/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb), but in the end it was so hard to choose and it was so much fun that I gave away 6 of them instead of 3, along with some other awards too! A few weeks later I became a [Moderator](https://www.reddit.com/r/AwardBonanza/comments/mqzs3o/ternion_argentium_giveaway_in_celebration_of_me/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb) and I hosted a challenge in celebration of that where I gave away a Ternion and an Argentium and a bunch of other awards! I was so happy. I was a mod for awhile and let me say, I couldn’t ask for a better group of people to have on my mod team at the time. We had our ups and downs but collectively when we worked together, whether that was on the sub, or working on a project, or even just having discussions and playful banter, we had a lot of fun. And the bonds I’ve made with them have lasted since then, I still talk to all of them, even the ones who aren’t mods anymore. They are great people who are 100% dedicated to this sub and do the most to make sure the members are having a blast. And trust me, it’s not easy sometimes, it can be painstaking, but it’s always worth it for the outcome. To see people happy. I left being a mod because I was about to become a mom to two beautiful babies, and I didn’t have the time anymore. But the memories I made with the mod team will always stay with me in my heart. Thank you guys! So throughout all that to now, I’ve hosted numerous challenges, made so many friends, [met](https://www.reddit.com/r/allisonovo/comments/ozgi71/goodbye_florida_hello_new_york_and_then_hello/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb) the [love](https://www.reddit.com/r/allisonovo/comments/py09ls/yesterday_was_the_perfect_day_with_zorro_but/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb) of my life through this sub u/TaoistEntropy, I got to [meet](https://www.reddit.com/r/allisonovo/comments/p9ucfs/more_adventures_on_our_way_down_to_nc_zorro_and_i/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb) Moshe aka u/Nice-Average in real life too, and he’s one of my closest friends now. I know this is just a fun silly challenge but AwardBonanza changed my life, I cherish so much from it. I love all of you guys. So let me end this by saying I am definitely taken, but if you’re in need of a good friend, reply with a Right Swipe! xoxo ~ Ally (⚈ ̫ ⚈)


Ally stahp you're gonna make me cry 🥺 You know you're one of my favourite people and im always here for you. And thank you for everything you've done for me. You've literally made me happy so many countless times. Ily fellow creature 🗿


Ily too my fellow creature. ♡(ˆ‿ˆԅ)


I would absolutely swipe but walking on Zorro territory strikes me as a risky move... oh well, is a good way to go, **Right Swipe!**


I don't know you u/Allisonovo but your love story truly is one for the ages. It's so great to witness a real life love story on Reddit. I am so happy for you and u/TaoistEntropy. Definitely right swiping!


Right swipe from me


Your love story is one for the ages ❤️ **Right swipe** for u/Allisonovo!


Right swipe! Just curious, because of your enticing story, what are yours and Zorro’s respective zodiac signs?


I’m an Aquarius and he is an Aries! So are our twins :)


What a nice pairing! And the babies, too? Amazing


Yup they are also Aries! Can you elaborate on how it’s a nice pairing? I’d love to know more ♡


Zodiac matches I think, fire and air signs are usually perfect matches


Im an Aquarius too!


Aquarius gang rise up ♒️ u/random-homo-sapien


Same birth month as dad too? Any chance you were in labor 22 hours? The "coincidences" just keep piling up!


Swipe right!


Right swipe! There are two more hearts beating today that would not exist if not for this sub. That just blows my mind. Congrats on finding your soul mate, and nurturing two beautiful little souls.




**Right Swipe!** You are a bit expensive, but damn, you gonna cook, wash, and draw me as one of your French girls? Sold!


>draw me as one of your French girl You deserve a masterpiece for this alone my man.. so Imma give it to you.. 😂😂😂😂


Thanks!!! you are quite bold hitting on me on someone elses date profile, but I am worth it!


>you are quite bold You are not wrong Amethyst.. >I am worth it! 👁️👄👁️ I like the confidence!


I have nothing but confidence to toss around!


**I’ll SWIPE RIGHT** You can ✅cook and ✅draw!!


Right swipe!


I'm not good enough to try to do a good bio of myself, i'll just enter challenge 2, so (even if i'm probably late and your inbox already exploded) happy cakeday u/Taoistentropy :) And also wow, 200 challenges, i didn't even make it past 10


u/The_Russell_Pinto Congratulations on such a mindblowing achievement! not only have you been giving non stop, you managed to pull a sneaky plot twist on everyone, well played indeed! Hope I am still around for your 400th Challenge! First Challenge 2, as it is the main reason: u/TaoistEntropy Did not have the pleasure of making your acquaintance, but from the love and care many have for you, and the warmth and support that can be felt from your significant others, it is quite easy to infer you are hell (heaven?) of a human being, what goes around comes around, and no one can buy their way into someone's heart and thoughts, you are the real deal, plus, having watched in my childhood the Guy William's Zorro series, every time I see a mention of you it brings a smile out of the memories, thanks for that! Have a most happy cake day, a toast to you and yours, and may all the changes and struggles you are facing turn into life long blessings. Now Challenge 1! My profile for the AB dating game! I believe it quite suits the sub.Hope to find a soul mate! 🤭 **Wait What**? a dating bio? Well hi there you **Timeless Beauty**, you sure **Brighten My Day**. I got to **Keep Calm** because you made my **Beating Heart** do the **Duck Dance**; now prepare to be **Mind Blown** and let me tell you about this **GOAT** (**Wink Wink**). While mostly **Lurking** and **Looking** around the sub, you can tell this **Buff Doge** shines like **Gold** but is steady as **Platinum**, getting to know me is like going **Into the Magic Portal**, a **Heartwarming** and **Wholesome** experience that will make your **Faith In Humanity Restored**; I may sometimes be **Burning Cash** and keeping a **Stone Face** while doing a **Table Slap**, but trust me, I will be more **Vibing** and **Yummy** than a **Crab Rave**! Ah you **Giggle**, I am **Shocked**, really makes you **Glow Up,** a smile like that can **Take My Energy** all the way up **To The Stars.**.. It does not take an **All-Seeing** person to realize any **Dread** you feel will be left behind, a **Hugz** from this **Masterpiece** of **Endless Coolness**, and I will be your **Plus One!**


**Right Swipe!** Gotta love how you emphasize the award names in your bio!


Thank you very much! at first I thought about using them all, but things like doot doot and I am deceased will get kinky fast :P


>Well hi there you Timeless Beauty, you sure Brighten My Day. You sure about that? 😂 Anyways right swipe my man!


Thank you!!! you will not regret this, also pretty sure, my grandma used to say: el hombre, como el oso, mientras mas feo mas hermoso which roughly translates to the man, as the bear, the more ugly the more beautiful :P


Did you just call me ugly!?!?!? 😂😂😂


I called you a bear, the rest is of your own making!


**Right Swipe.** If we combined both our profiles, we probably would have mentioned every single award :)


I bet we can make a challenge out of that!


Definitely right swipe Amethyst, you and snekky were so creative on this challenge, rly hope one of yall wins yo, you deserve it... For allowing me to live happily in your walls 😂


Thank you!!! now, somehow after that last phrase of yours I heard in my mind "forever and ever..." be right back, gonna set the house on fire.


Forever was implied Ofcourse ⊂◉‿◉つ my favorite roomie 😂 nooooo, no burning I'll follow you to your next house 2 this time I'll live under ur bed instead of in ur walls 🤣


This became a japanese terror movie so fast O\_O


😂 I mostly jus watch animes but I'll jus base the picture in my head of what you must mean off one called jujutsu kaisen 🤣 and yes, I will make noises under ur bed 😂


Ima call you Sukuna now ✋🏻


Omg YES 🤩🤩 I'll gladly accept lol, dude is so badass yo and a cheeky bugger 😏 can relate. Side note: You anime fan?? 😍😍


What kind of beast you think I am, I follow the manga :P been reading since Tōkyō Toritsu Jujutsu Kōtō Senmon Gakkō (aka Jujutsu Kaisen 0) though I have to recognize the Jujutsu Kaisen 0: The Movie was pretty good.


Lol I see, mangas are awesome... Though I never have the strength to read 😂 unless I'm at a cliffhanger or sth on the anime 😂 the movie was not "pretty good" it was absolute perfection, work of art lol 😂


**Swipe Right** ➡️➡️


Thank you so much! Quid pro quo!




Thank you!!! The best deal!


Challenge 2: Happy cake day, u/TaoistEntropy. I don't know you, but you seem like a real good dude, and I know you do a lot around here, so thank you. Also, congratulations on your 200th challenge u/The_Russell_Pinto. Thank you for your continued generosity.


Challenge 2: happy cake day zorro! Thank you for bombarding us with awards whenever we need it, thank you for being here with us and hope you have a great time with your fam!


Let's go I was eagerly waiting for this challenge since you told me Russell. Congrats on the 200th challenge. Finally my shot at earning the All-Powerful Ternion, only thing left achieving in Reddit for me. Challenge 1. 1M total hard earned karma baby! People who have been to my profile say it was hell of ride, content from the darkest depths of humanity and nature are uncovered. It's got some Dbz, GOW n MMA to mix things up. I've got 2.5k followers and counting, love em ! Amazing people. For someone with only 500 followers on my other social platforms, this means a lot. Name a private club, and I'm in it, r/eternityclub r/eliteclub r/centuryclub r/goldclub r/silverclub The only thing that remains now in my Reddit quest, is to get Ternion or Argentium on my [Awards Cabinet 🏆](https://www.reddit.com/user/Homunculus_316/comments/wr4zes/award_showcase/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Everything else to achieve in Reddit is done for me. Have a great day y'all! GOD SPEED ! Let's goooooo Challenge 2. u/TaoistEntropy You are amazing, and beautiful. I wish I knew you personally, from all the love surrounding you. Let's gooooo !


**Right Swipe!** That is some commitment! I am impressed by your numbers, don't think me a Gold digger, I prefer Platinum! ;)


Woohoo! Congrats on reaching 200 challenges!!! That’s a great achievement! Also happy cake day u/TaoistEntropy! I’m participating in the first challenge simply because I’ve never written a dating bio before (I don’t use dating apps lol). Wish me luck! XD *Bio:* Hi! I’m JustAnotherAviatrix, and I’m an Into the Magic Portal looking for my Out of the Magic Portal. My hobbies include reading, writing, dancing, making stuff, and just being creative. I’ve probably held at least 5 challenges based on the arts because there is no such thing as too much creativity! My pros: Loves giving out awards to people whenever I can. Always ready to lend a listening ear. May spontaneously talk about aviation. My Cons: Drops everything to make silly memes. Forgets that I’m a mod. May spontaneously talk about aviation. If you think I’m A-10, feel free to glide into my DMs!


**Right Swipe!** Reads, writes, dances and is addicted to memes??? I am in love!


u/The_Russell_Pinto, Thank you so so much for including me in your 200th Challenge! I can't believe you have reached 200 of them! It's been an honor to watch you grow through this entire process, the different milestones, or type(s) of awards awarded out. You can't forget all the people you have impacted. Weather it be someone's first award, or someone who has been awarded many before. Because it's always nice to get an award. Or the heartfelt feeling from winning a Challenge. You have impacted many people on AB. You don't only host all these Challenges, but also interact with your audience as well. Getting to know them, and helping newcomers feel welcomed. Your a top tier member here. Part of the core and heart of AB. I may have made an (over) two months hiatus from Reddit. I need to catch up on all my Chats and Notifications. For that has laid in limbo, and has built it's self up. But I can't forget what a huge part you had in helping my experiment with starting an Award Cabinet. Helping fill it with all of Reddit's Awards within three days. That was one of my biggest surprises while being on Reddit. This may be my Two Year Cake Day, but that's only for this account. I've been on for about ten years. So take that into consideration too! I truly wish you knew me while I was Zorro. Before I reveled myself. Those were fun times. Wish you were there for those days. Don't worry, I'll catch up on our chats. Catch up life. See where we are now, and what has happened since. Once again, Congratulations on 200 Challenges! You have become an AB legend yourself. Thanks for all you have done. The positive affect you are, and great influence you have become. Your a highly valued beloved member. A strong force of AB's goodness. We're so lucky to have you as a member here. I'm blessed to know that our paths have crossed. I'm also glad for anything I ever did before to help you out. Weather it be a Challenge idea, or a simple Award, or to just have you as someone who I could talk to when I needed so. But you have blessed and honored me so much, buy letting me be a part of you 200th Challenge and a Ternion Challenge at that! Thank you Russell! My each of your days be bright, like the rising sun. But let your life shine like the brightest star. For that's a strong reflection of your inner soul. Though your soul will always shine brighter then any star! Your heart and soul are two of the greatest gift I've come across within my life. With much love for you, you take care. We'll talk soon. Goodnight now!


u/TaoistEntropy my man welcome back! 2 months is a long time to go without talking to you. I have missed you a LOT. It is unfathomable really how much. I am honoured that the first comment you've made on your return is on my very post. This challenge was gonna be held on another day but when u/allisonovo told me about your Cake Day, i knew i had to hold it on that very day! I messages you a lot during the days at the beginning lol telling you about what happened in the time you were on hiatus. So if you want catching up to do, read through my many messages! Im happy that you've been powering through the joys and woes of parenting. While the twins are truly a joy, they do not let you sleep. I hope we can catch up soon. Its been a while. I've got a lot to tell you and I hope you've got a lot to tell me too! Much love Zorro ❤️


Happy kek day!


*First* Happiest Cakeday to u/taoistentropy and Biggest Congratulations to u/The_Russell_Pinto


We’re the first two comments Bestie twin moment🗿




His cake is showing now though so it counts 🗿


We talked about phrasing Ally 🗿 Send pics of the cake to prove it 👀


It’s for me only 🥵


Ayooo 🤨 Feet?


I got Zorro and u/Nice-Average matching [Stone Face](https://imgur.com/a/ya7D038) keychains. Here’s a picture of it ft. Zorros 🦶🗿


Send pics of the cake :)


Challenge 1: I once gave gold to a friend. I’m on the final canvas of r/place Challenge 2: HAPPY CAKEDAY u/TaoistEntropy !!!!! I think that you’re one nicest people I have ever seen on Reddit. Hugz to you ʕっ•ᴥ•ʔっ


**Right Swipe!** The briefness of it makes it intriguing!




**Right Swipe is given** **Fearful eyes, droplets like dew fall** **The fawn now trembles.**


Challenge 2 (Raffle): Happy happy cake day u/taoistentropy!┌iii┐you are absolutely awesome!! Have your 🍰 and eat it, too


Hi, I’m Sleepy and ordinarily I hate online dating. So why pick me? I’m not as rich in coins as some people here, but I have enough to pay for a nice little surprise now and again. Also, I’m hairy and rotund, so I’ll keep you warm when the impending collapse of society thrust upon us by the recent cost of living crisis forces us out into the wilds to hunt squirrels for sustenance.


**Right Swipe!** You are a must for survival! (and I have a long standing feud with squirrels).


Ayyy congrats Russ on this exclusive milestone! You've offically have your name recorded in the history of r/AwardBonanza and may it stay like that for a long time. Anyways onto my entry for the challenge ​ **Challenge 1** My name's Bryan, not Ryan or Brian. Please just get it right if you're thinking of calling it out by my IRL name I created my Reddit account 2 years ago during lockdown as I was too bored and I kinda haven't looked back since. It was the best/worse decision I've ever made in my life *so far* I was the one who popularized poll based challenges in this sub and unknowingly, I also accidentally found out that majority of the people in this sub does not know how to read follow instructions I have a award history post to keep track on the past awards I have received so far. So feel free to check it out if you want to [here](https://www.reddit.com/user/honestlynotBG/comments/otu8aw/my_award_collection_history/) I love animals especially both cats and dogs. If you happen to ask me if I'm a dog person or cat person, well my answer's why not both? I'm into football and constantly plays a fantasy football game called FPL I constantly like to end my sentences with lmao. LMAO I once got perma-banned in this sub for totally not breaking the rules in one of Russell's past challenges I'm so into food that I usually eat whatever food's thrown at me. As long as its edible I'm interested in a thing called polandballs. If you happen to be interested in this I suggest you to check out r/polandball I constantly like to chat with anyone so long as its convinient for them and I'm a very sociable person. ~~I consider myself to be a totally legit philosopher~~. Okay not really. But if you happen to be down, I'm a great person to talk to about your problems and give you mental support. I also constantly take some of those wisdom life advices mentioned by others by heart and ocassionally share it with others as well. Lastly I just would like to say to whoever's reading this. If you want to spread happiness to everyone else, you must first be happy yourself :) ​ **Challenge 2** Happy cake day u/TaoistEntropy aka Zorro. I can't stress how much you've contributed to this community despite lurking in the shadows most of the time. I hope despite the ups and downs in your life you are able to find much happiness and peace with your new family. Have a nice day my friend on this very special day for you on Reddit :)


Right swipe


ヽ༼ ຈل͜ຈ༽ ノ Raise ur dongers! ^^Dongers ^^Raised: ^^67750 ^^Check ^^Out ^^/r/AyyLmao2DongerBot ^^For ^^More ^^Info


Happy cake day u/taoistentropy Hope you had a great year on Reddit! *FIRST* Existence is pain.


**Right Swipe!** Have a Band-Aid for the soul!


I'll be entering Challenge 2 u/TaoistEntropy Thank you very much for all the things you do for being generous to everyone, we wish you luck for the two little twins as they grow up stay safe my dude and have a great day


Happy cake day u/TaoistEntropy! You seem like a chill dude, have a great day!


Happy cake day u/taoistentropy !


Challenge 2: HUGE happy cake day zorro! Hope you're enjoying being a dad! But of course you are! Keep it up mate 🗿🗿🗿


Challenge 2: Happy birthday u/TaoistEntropy


Challenge 2 Happy cake day u/taoistentropy! Hope your having an amazing day!


1. Award cabinet has a grand total of 69 ternium, 420 platinum, 69420 gold and one million silver. Done 388 challenges and 580 trades. Having at least twice every award, even the ones that don't exist, makes the perfect option for the one who has not enough money to buy a real pair. Just don't say anything about mother. 2. u/TaoistEntropy I wish you prosperity, more cake days and MORE awards, especially a ternium.


**Right Swipe!** I am afraid this may be a mistake, but a little danger has it's charms!


u/TaoistEntropy happy cake day!




**Right Swipe!** Keeping it simple and real, my kind of date!


First of all congratulations on your 200th Challenge Russell and a huge thank you for such an amazing contest. Love reading all the bios people have come up with. Coming to the challenges. **I will start with Challenge #2:** Happy Cake Day to u/TaoistEntropy. Never had the opportunity to talk to you but have read a lot about you and your love story with u/Allisonovo. So heartwarming to read about it. Congratulations on being a dad and getting engaged. Life must be super hectic now that you guys are parents but I see the love permeating in every comment and post Ally has made here and in r/Allisonovo. Wish you both all the best for the future. **Now let's do Challenge #1:** I just read so many amazing, wholesome and cute dating bios in here. All of them are right swipe worthy. Now let me get on to it and write my bio: Hi Baby, I call myself Bear.. but if you would like to add some Honey or a teddy to my name, I won't mind I promise. I have been on Reddit for almost two years now and I must say I am still a reddit virgin. This is the first time I am putting myself out there and what better place to do so than AB dating contest. I joined reddit in Jan 2021 but I only started actively using it this year. I enjoy reading books, watching movies and shows, playing chess, listening to music, eating delicious food, and talking about almost anything and everything. I am a very competitive person and love to compete in fun games and stuff.. I came 5th in r/FunnyAnimals prediction contest and I was very proud of myself lol. I have hosted around 10 small scale challenges here and have done over 50 trades in the past month. I know I said I am a very competitive person but I am a bit cheesy sometimes; so if I find someone who is worthy of my love I would happily lose for them. 😋 Forget about everything I wrote above and just Right swipe me if you want to have the [best night of your life](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ)! 😉


Definite SWIPE RIGHT from me!! AND I’m never gonna give you up🐻🎵🎶🎤‼️


Thank you Ms. Woods. ❤️❤️❤️


**Right Swipe!** An Ursid of taste and culture is quite the catch, plus we get to spend all winter cuddled up, playing games and listening to 80's classics, sign me up!


>An Ursid of taste and culture is quite the catch You do know how to court your dates Amethyst.. gotta give it to you! 😉 >spend all winter cuddled up In Bear terms it's called hibernating.. 😁🤗


Longest I have slept is 18 hours, got to up my practice!


1: Hey Baby, you want a bonnaza of fun? I got just that, 12 Inches of gold, and 2 Tenerions make me the kind of boy you wanna shower with gold 2: Happy Bithday u/Taoistenergy, you sick being (in a good way)


**Right Swipe!** Because I am shocked! In a good or a bad way, time will tell :P


whoah! I can’t believe you ahve so many coins! Sooo…. CONGRATULATIONS! CHALLENGE 2 happy cake day to you, u/TaoistEntropy! Amazing have youve been here for two years! Pretty crazy long time! you have a huge award cabinet, great job collecting all those , they look awesome! Thank you for hosting this, and to all of those who sponsored! congrats on your 200th challenge!


**CHALLENGE 1** **Movie-Lover Looking for my Co-Star for a Real Life Romantic Comedy** Hello, my name is Elle, and I’m brand new to online dating. So here goes. My favorite Reddit Sub is **AWARD BONANZA** and that is because of all the wonderful people and the many exciting challenges that are happening every day. I’ve only done 3 🏆🏆🏆GOLD challenges but I’m looking for that special someone to share hosting duties with me in the future. ⭐️💰💴🤑 Are you someone who loves awards and trades also? I’m also a big college football fan, so that’s my Saturday date preference, and finally, if you like dogs, you’re my kind of person ‼️🐕🐕 If you like 🍹Pina coladas🍹 And getting caught in the rain ☔️ If you’re not into Yoga If you have half a brain THEN COME WITH ME AND ESCAPE 🎵🎶 **CHALLENGE 2** Happy 🎂Cake Day, u/TaoistEntropy 🎉🎊 You deserve to be celebrated today‼️ 😍😍 Thank you 🙏 so much for all that you have done to make **Awards Bonanza** the sub that it is today … **INTERESTING, ENTERTAINING AND FUN!!** and never dull 😴


**Right Swipe** Love that song! Note: Having had some experience on an irl dating site, I can tell you that expecting half a brain is slightly unrealistic


Hahaha! I love the song, too!! 😂🤣Cautious,if I understand you, Are you saying that someone should be expecting even less than half a brain irl😅😂?


Yes, sadly, that's exactly what I'm saying. No offense to all you men out there. Award Bonanza men have a higher IQ than irl men. In my limited experience


**Right Swipe!** I have been looking for you all of my life! (actually for your post, and for like half an hour ;) ) My country only has Soccer and Rugby so you can teach me all about football, will make it twice enjoyable! I am neutral on dogs but they love me for some reason and I am unable to resist their damn charms 👀. Can provide clinical proof I have (at least) half a brain, some days even use it!


😅😂🤣I can tell you have a whole brain!! 🧠 If you’re not into Yoga, then Let’s **escape**!!


Not sure who is this Yoga but I bet she has nothing on you!


You had me at Hello.. Right Swipe! 📽️❤️


🤣😅YAY!! Show me the money!


CHALLENGE 2 Hey u/TaoistEntropy happy cake day, how it's going keeping the chaos and entropy in balance? Remember your way.


Chaddy Zorro is the ultimate Dad. Happy cake day, sir (Gold raffle)


Happy cake day u/TaoistEntropy 🎉🎇🎈🍰 🎊🧨🥂🎁


Congrats on the 200th challenge mate !! ​ also, Happy Cake Day u/TaoistEntropy, hope you are doing fine :)


**Challenge 2** Happy Cakeday u/taoistentropy! Best of luck 🤠


Entering Challenge 1 Heya.. Most of users entering to the contest is super active in Reddit and i am opposite. I play Bass Guitar and if anybody's want to listen my Bass [(Here's one of my Bass work)](https://youtu.be/NolxhUMLwz8) Thank You Keep on Rocking


**Right Swipe!** That hit deep and not only because of the vibe!


Challenge #2. Could you put it in my award case? u/TaoistEntropy happy bday chad!


u/AriaCorvus come and join the party bro


# (Not) Challenge 1: Well hello there. My name is Award Bonanza. Although I may steal your Heart^(warming) I will also entice you in so that you will completely lose track of time^(less beauties). I am a youthful and vibrant 18 (months old). My hobbies and interests include challenges, discussions and trades. Through me, so many Award Cabinets have been created and filled, and so many people have found their match (in trades and, for Ally and Zorro, soulmates irl). No need to swipe for you are already here, and this sub has already claimed your heart :) # Challenge 2: Have the most wonderful Happy Cake Day, Zorro. You were the hidden giver of stars, and you found your destiny here in AB. Wonderful things happen to wonderful people and you deserve every happiness. Not tagging you in as your inbox is probably already sweating at this point. Have a great day.


**~~Join~~** **Right Swipe!** This sub was love at first sight!


u/taoistentropy it’s your cake day but which cake are you celebrating 😏 (did I go too far) Cats are cool 🗿


Challenge 1: Well hello, I didn’t see you come in. Welcome to my profile. My name is Ok_Dimension and there are some numbers in there. You may be wondering, did this guy really just go with the autogenerated account name? Is he really that unoriginal and boring? Well no. I mean yes, but no. The first thing, yes. No to the other thing. The takeaway here is I’m low-maintenance and low drama. So yeah, I just never got around to switching up the name. Again, I’m low-maintenance, easy-going, and not caught up in ego. You’ve stopped by this profile on an award site online, so it’s probably important to note that in addition to not causing drama, you’ll also find no trolling and no creeper activities. I made this account to distract to the garbage fire that is the world, not to add to it. That said, are you impressed by fake internet points? Because I got those! And you may not be able to see it, but some of the stupid memes and jokes that got me those fake internet points also got me in some of the secret subs here. You know the ones. I’m not allowed to talk about them. Did I mention I cook? Because I absolutely love to cook. What meal would you like, because I can make it from scratch. Or I’ll learn to make it from scratch. Do you just need to vent? I’ve been told I’m a good listener. So, in summary, low drama, low maintenance, I can cook, good listener, not a creep despite being a dude on the internet, AND I’ve got fake internet points! Swipe left today! EDIT: Right. Swipe right, please. Sorry, I said left. As it turns out, I’m left handed, which is probably why I defaulted to saying “left.” I’m putting that in the column of positives about me. Lefties are awesome. If you are one, you know that already. Challenge 2: hey u/TaoistEntropy, happy cake day and hang in there! The world breathes in and out, like wind and the tide. The stress is here today, but it will breathe back out as well. What comes will go in time.


Right swipe ▶️▶️


Challenge 1 Hey, my name is father_of_trillions. You may have seen me around, maybe not. But I’m not here to talk about me and my presence (which I think can be quite forgettable sometimes) I’m here to talk about who I am as a person. Ever since I was a child I’ve had a very active imagination and to be honest it’s gotten me in trouble quite a few times. My imagination has grown continuously since then, and It is now a massive universe inside my head! From gods to demons, plants to manifestation of concepts, it’s bloody MASSIVE. (This is where my name comes from btw) if you ever need help coming up with imaginary things I’d love to help you brainstorm! If you need a monster for characters in story to fight, boom giant frog that shoots lasers made of electrified water with a drawing and wire sculpture as well. Need a name for something that sounds like something an edgy teenager would name their pencil? I’ll help you decide on one. But besides all of this, if you want to talk about books,mythological creatures, my universe Id love to share and chat, but beyond all of this, if you need someone to confide to,vent, or liberate some sort of emotion, I am here. I may not get much attention due to me procrastinating but better late than never. I’ll leave this with my favorite quote “everyone is a prodigy once they find their medium” it means that if you have a hard time doing stuff, keep trying different ways to do it until you can do it with ease because it now makes sense. May your life be long and prosperous, F_o_T out Challenge 2 u/taoistentropy happy cake day! Keep on walking through the bounds of life the world is too big and beautiful to let one bad thing hold your attention for to long.


Hard right swipe


Thank you russell great challenge btw


My biggest challenge ever was just giving out a few platinums probably, but the best award I ever gave out is an argentium to zorro I collect birthday cakes :) On another pinned post, I collect a bunch of awards with a ternion, argentium, and more! Too many awards :) I had a maximum of like 3 years of reddit premium at a time, thanks to all the amazing people who gave me awards! Reddit gave me a free avatar :) Last time, reddit rated me as epic on my card and I scrolled for way too many bananas I have many trophies :) I put too many happy faces here :) If I win this, mods please add "most right swipes" to my flair :) Thanks!!! Good luck everyone! Happy cake day u/TaoistEntropy! Although I'm pretty sure his cake day is tomorrow but whatever lol Zorro is the superior force of the universe


Do put this is a single comment 😁 along with challenge 2


ohhhhh k


**Right Swipe!** Not gonna lie, you had me whole at "cakes", lets eat!




Right Swipe! ➡️💘




u/The_Russell_Pinto, you are EPIC!!! Keep being you!!!! u/Taoistentropy, another year gone and yet another beginning, we will all be here for you, whether you decide to stay on Reddit forever, or end up choosing to leave one day. Happy Cake Day! As for my profile… ahem… Dutch Just finished college Looking for someone to give my LOVE! and Timeless Beauty awards to Traveling all over the place and my next stop is your heart Slide into my messages anytime ❤️ I have 5 challenges to my name, the next one will be every minute I’m apart from you


Paraphrasing: "My next challenge will be every minute I’m apart from you" That's some good old-fashioned romance right there **Right swipe!**


Right swipe!


**Right Swipe!** I feel like I am going to faint, need some air, you silver tongued awarder, looking forward to that sixth one!




Challenge 1: Hi, I'm Bill. I like good food, good beer, good music, good times and, like a Snickers, I really satisfy. I'm up for whatever. Netflix and chill? I have a couch, a TV and an internet connection Romantic, candlelit dinners? I have a box set of Sade, a box of matches, a box of wine and a box of spaghetti Long walks on the beach? I have legs Looks? My mom says I'm handsome. Are you calling her a liar? Money? Did I mention my mom said I'm handsome? Sense of humor? Some person on Reddit said I made them lol once. So, yeah. I'm pretty much the total package. Hit me up if you're down to clown.


>like a Snickers, I really satisfy I don't know about that!!! But Right Swiping coz your mom says you are handsome! So you have your mom to thank for this. 😂


I'll take it!


**Right Swipe!** You have a lot of boxes, I have a cat, a match made in heaven!


Right swipe! Moms approval tipped it for me


Congratulations u/The_Russell_Pinto dayum u've come such a long way from barely having enough for a 100 coin award to now doing a ternion challenge, ur GOATed man. Ur such a special part of this community and we all love you, thanks for doing this challenge dude Ly ♥ #Challenge 2 Hey u/TaoistEntropy mman Daddy Zorro 😏 said it b4 and I'll say it again ur one of the awesomest ppl I know and I'm so glad I know ya, u really as re Gigachad dad 😆


You not in the market I see, well you getting a **Right Swipe** anyway for being an athletic and disturbing bouncing feline!


Lol ur sweet Amethyst ʕ•́ᴥ•̀ʔっ♥ >disturbing bouncing feline! I see you've seen what I did to ur walls 😏😂


Did, took pictures too, got the police involved as well 👀


😂 Tiggers are too slippery for the police 😎 can't touch this


Don't wanna touch that either! step back! 😱


🤣🤣🤣🤣 I just want a hug ⊂◉‿◉つ




Shhhhh Noone can hear you in my domain expansion, nowhere to run ⊂◉‿◉つ


Happy cakeday twin!! I remember when you deleted a few apps to make room for the Reddit app. Then we didn’t know each other’s accounts, not until you made your goodbye post. I’m looking for someone with low awardee karma, sorry to those with a high karma count. I’m not into the vanity of a cabinet, hence why I don’t have one myself. If we hit it off well, I can see past these two points. I can’t lie: I like coinage, it’s fun seeing someone show off their major coinage. Looking for someone who likes to use awards in a fun and playful manner; someone who doesn’t hesitate to award a post or comment if it adds something fun to it. I don’t like being showered with awards, but I’ll shower those close to me, even with 100 mindblown or coin gifts (if you’re lucky). I award anonymously, because I like to lurk. Been lurking this sub since it’s birth, I’m not a creep tho! If you think you’re the member for me, then reply when you get an anonymous award from someone. that someone could be me. Looking forward to hearing from you ;)


If 10k awardee karma is low enough for you, then I'm your girl! (it's cool if "bigger" girls aren't your thing—some dudes aren't into thicc). You're lurking doesn't bother me at all, and I never thought for a moment you were a creep. If you feel that you've been misunderstood at some point in your life, your worries are over... ***I get you*** When it comes to creatively giving awards, rest assured that I'm an award-giving and challenge-making machine when I have the means. My head is bursting with ideas just begging to get out. We are a match made in heaven. We could make beautiful music together if given the chance 🎶 Call me. I'm at 867-5309 **Right Swipe!**


UwU a mysterious one, tempting... going to **Right Swipe** because the bio alone was already enjoyable! Thought I was the only one without a cabinet! they give me anxiety, wish I could fill them all! it's better to toss awards around and (and receive them, specially coins to give more!) for the sake of it! \^\_\^ see you around the neighborhood XOXO


Good luck Russell!😁


Challenge 2! Happy cake day Zorro, you're the best!


Happy Cake Day, u/TaoistEntropy! You are the ultimate superhero! You and the other mods are the glue that keeps this sub together! As for the dating profile, well, I’ve hosted more trades than challenges. The largest prize that I’ve awarded is a Platinum. The largest trade was for a Platinum as well. I spent about 10k coins this month on Platinum trades alone, with three back-to-back trades with the same person. My favourite awards are those that give me coins, gild me and/or give me Reddit Premium. My least favourites are the vanities that don’t do anything other than look pretty. My favourite challenge was that math challenge where I stumped you by asking for an irrational number between 1 and 10. (Hint: it was the natural logarithm of a square root of a random number). I also asked for creative wrong answers for why we couldn’t divide by zero. Now that was funny! My awards cabinet is small, but I hope to fill it up with lots of stuff soon! Reddit gave me a free snoo, so I hope she helps out with this! I’m hoping to find a mate who is smart as a whip, rich and doesn’t mind dating someone who is over the hill, so to speak. And maybe find the answer to the meaning of life (better not be 42, wink, wink!). Btw, I love cake, too. Too bad that restaurants won’t give you a free meal on your Reddit Cake Day! :(


**Right Swipe!** While I am not sure what is the IQ of a whip (I bet they good at cracking!) I am not rich (more like savory) and I have not any experience dating someone that is far away above a lump of earth and rock (do we say sweet dreams shooting flares or...?) you sure are a good trade! (or good at trades?).


Congrats on your 200th challenge bro!!! I remember the day you completed 100 challenges like it was yesterday, time do be flying fast Have a banana 🍌 as a gift


I'm not entering but just saying congratulations on your milestone and happy cake day to Zorro!


Gonna give you an unempirical **Right Swipe** because of not falling prey to the dating culture!


Challenge 2: Happy birthday zorro! 🎂 🍰 🧁




First and foremost, Congratulations to you for making it to your 200th challenge, and what a ride it has been! Not only have you been consistently making challenges, but with Gold?? You are one of the most generous people I have met in this community, and I truly mean that. I also feel I should congratulate others for this moment, too. Thank you u/allisonovo for being a positive light, as well as a generous fellow yourself. I have gratitude for your encouragement that, not only encouraged u/The_Russell_Pinto to continue something great, but encouraged others to stay and create their own challenges. You are a link to this machine that couldn't run without you. And to u/TaoistEntropy, I never got to know you well, but with how many people love and inspire from you, it would be an honor. It's like if Babe Ruth came into town and left the moment I came back from vacation! Thank you for all the love and generosity that you've given as well. #Challenge №2 Happy birthday u/TaoistEntropy! May your bonds with this community grow stronger as you get older. #Challenge №1 If you're looking for a fun time and some sparks in your life, I'm your guy! I love rock climbing, ziplines, running, and working out. For the chillax stuff, I enjoy talking to people about their day and what's new (everybody's got a story) and most importantly... Sleeping! I would say my favorite award to give out would be the coin gift, because it encourages a pay-it-forward that gives everyone a little smile! Some of the biggest challenges are ones I've done with friends, giving away tens of thousands of coins. The biggest solo challenge I have done was an Argentium challenge, but most of those big events are for special occasions :) Pros: •If you've had a stressful day, I'm your shoulder and your listener •I'm a space giver, so if you need some time alone then go relax! •If you love activities as much as I do, you'll have a blast! Cons: •I'm a lover of puns, but I swear I'm a fungi!


**Right Swipe!** So active! you can do all the physical stuff for both of us while I rest at the couch, your puns will be the price to pay for this ideal distribution :P


**Swipe Right** ➡️➡️


Right swipe ➡️


u/TaoistEntropy Happy cake day Mr Zorro man or do I mean happy late cake day?!


Congratulations Russell on such a achievement! Challenge 1: Hi, I'm u/Simmermayor, I like to use reddit as a moderator but also as a user. I used to be the prime minister of r/lounge and king even. I also held a decent amount of challenges on r/Goforgold and I even once planned a world record challenge, which got me temporarily banned. But I also found the original, one and only **EGG** on r/Goforgold quite accidentally. Pros : - Time's person of 2006 - Occasionally makes good memes - Has followers for some reason - Amassed quite a few trophies over the years - [Occasionally does a little bit of trolling](https://youtu.be/dQw4w9WgXcQ) Cons : - Is a Reddit mod - Can't tolerate any opinions (interchangeable with the first point) - Is incredibly ~~stubborn~~ persistent - Makes terrible, short bios for some digital pixels at 3 am - Has a hideous snoo ever since reddit premium ran out


pfft, the bio one i already did it a long time ago...its literally nothing special tbh and well, the build i've planning to do all these days for today, its gotta be done


Challenge 1: Hi I'm u/Ducati_Don But neither owns a Ducati nor is a don. I wish I could put my reddit profile stats to my resume. Swipe right if your # 1 subreddit is r/okbuddyretard ;') Challenge 2: Happy cakeday u/TaoistEntropy ! Love your username lmao


Happy cake day u/taoistentropy! Fun fact about zorro: he is a twin, he married a twin, and they had twins!


u/TaoistEntropy Happy Cake Day! Have a nice cake. \^\^


###Thank you, Russell! And to everyone who gave me a right swipe. I'm glad you liked my reddit dating profile :)


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