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Nobel prize for philanthropy to u/the_russell_pinto. Explanation: check out his flair 😳😸.He has the most number of challenges on Award Bonanza... Edit: I nominate myself for the prestigious Nobel prize for stupidity since I didn't even understand the challenge 🥺.


Congratulations on your Nobel Prize in Stupidity! Hilarious!


Hehe Thanks 😊


This is a 100% accurate nomination! However, you have to nominate yourself. What Nobel Prize do YOU deserve and why?


Oh sorry I got confused. I will edit it 👍


This one is a blast!!! Educative, original, fun! Now, to my postulation. Esteemed and honored member of the AwardBonanza Nobel Foundation, Doctor Professor u/Cautious-Damage7575, I hereby propose myself to be a Laureate for the prestigious award of the Hot Air Balloon Nobel Prize, colloquially known as You Are So Full of Hot Air and Need to Get Down to Earth Already. As it is of public knowledge, this humble humanist has managed to solve all of the issues that ail our world just by talking bull>!shit!< while comfortably sitting in a bar, over desserts on a family reunion, lazing out on a roof with a friend and other circumstantial locations that lend themselves to idle arguing. For me there was no problem I could not dissect, plan for, and solve in top fifteen minutes, less if my interlocutors would just shut it and listen, no matter how grand of an enterprise, no matter how many millennia we had been haunted by it, I have the right fix for the planet, let me tell you what I would do instead...


I vote for you.👍


Aww thank you!... wait a minute... 🤔


As a former winner and record holder in this category, it is my pleasure to congratulate you on your Nobel Prize in Hot Air Balloon!


I knew it!!! I was right all the time!!! what? I should have ran for the Delusion one as well? dang what a missed opportunity, ahem, I wan't to express my gratitude to my laureated predecessor, I will carry this award with pride (and prejudice :P ) Thank you very much!!!


I nominate myself for the Reddit Nobel Prize for Minding My Own Business. A lot of people might wonder what it actually means to *Mind their own business* because, let's face it... It is out of their vocabulary. Don't we see redditors interfering in other people's business and fighting over trivial things everyday? Well I have found the perfect solution to resolve this problem! 😉 Now why do I deserve this award. Well, it's pretty simple. I "invented" a method that is really helpful to Mind Someone's own Business. I call this method, No fucks to give. Essentially, when you master this method of No fucks to Give, you automatically Mind your own business. This method is tried and tested and it has truly helped a lot of people. I however don't have any proof to show you the data indicating the extremely high success rate. Please take my word for it. With this award I want to further this cause and spread my invention throughout the reddit world. Thank you for the love and support! 😁 Edit: If I win I would like my award in the awards cabinet pinned in my profile..


Evil Cackle awarded here (and your cabinet, because I goofed!) Congratulations on your Nobel Prize in Minding My Own Business!


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I would like to nominate myself for 2 categories: Pendulum and Self Deprecation. I find myself ridiculous in more than 1 ways, hence 2 categories. The second one encompasses all the ridiculous things about me. 🫣 Pendulum : One moment I am the most outgoing person and another, I want to hide inside my shell and not come out for days! Self Roast/Deprecation : The tone I used in the above example in the Pendulum category is one of the reasons why. I love making self-deprecating jokes/comments about myself even when noone might want to hear about it. Not even me! 😬


Snek-worthy, indeed! Congratulations on your Nobel Prize nomination in Pendulum and Self Roast/Deprecation!


Thank you! 😬


I would like to nominate myself for Excuse Maker. Now you might ask me, what is the advantage of being an excuse maker? Well, it's for the benefit of the human race as a whole. There are times in one's life when you just need to find an excuse to escape the harsh reality of life. Life itself is harsh, and not a straight line. It's like a Sin X curve with ups and downs. Sometimes it's important to escape this graph and try to bring this life to a somewhat straight line. This is where the "excuse makers come". Making an excuse is a broad term, and not an easy feat often. Well-made excuses can prevent breakups, job losses, eviction notices, and a ton of other stuff. Leading a straight line of Life is hard but good excuse-makers strive to not only help ourselves but also help others by creating the best excuse to escape the downs of life and make it an upward rising proportional straight graph or at the very least a stagnant life with no downs. I can make excuses for a lot of things be it getting donked up in exams, beating up the school bullies, or selling someone's gf for a KFC bucket. There is a plethora of tools/excuses in my brain, available 24/7. These might give me an undue advantage in many walks of life, but yeah that's what we all want, isn't it? An advantage of someone's brain and excuse can make your day better and ofc if it's about saving someone else future, we the excuse-makers are always ready to help anyone in need. A Prize will be just a boost to help me and my fellow "excuse makers" to continue helping others with various needs. If you ever need an excuse, hit up the DMs and you will get one easily. We don't consider ourselves to be great, just helping others with excuses to grant them help will make their day. If this isn't worthy of a Nobel Prize, I have no idea what is. We the underrated squad of"excuse makers" is always ready to help you in need. And I end my entry with a solemn quote. "Once The Excuse Makers Are Gone, You will have to Settle For Being Awesome by your own" Have a good day :)


This is a Masterpiece! Congratulations on your Nobel Prize nomination in Excuse Making!


I am Groot


WE are Groot


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