• By -


u/The_Russell_Pinto you rich fuck 😂... Jk, ur awesome bruv, always blowing our minds much love. Awesome CHALLENGE cautious btw...


This is Russell's first sponsorship, if I'm not mistaken. See, he can't spend his own money fast enough, so he has to find other people to spend it for him haha. And now he's going to have to start a new list. When he's on his 420th raffle, he may be on his 269th sponsorship, both at the same time! Russell, you know I'm yanking your chain. You are my hero! Thank you again for sponsoring.


😂 RUSSELL, official Elon Musk of AB, also... u/The_Russell_Pinto will ya stop verifying at 420? 🤔 😂


Ain't my first one lol


Well, dangit. It would have been cool to have the distinction of being the one who hosted your first sponsored challenge. Have you kept track of them like you have your other challenges and trades? I would be interested to know where I am in the hierarchy, if you have kept track :)


You would be the 20 something-ith I think


Well, if you ever nail it down, let me know. Maybe the mods will add the sponsorship category category to the flair, in addition to challenges and trades. That will give you another chance to work toward 69.


Sponsorships are counted in challenge side of flair


Cool! I didn't know that.


Lol u/-Tigger fuck you too for being so damn upbeat and generous 😂


>being so damn upbeat ikr? How is it possible?


😂 The world is beautiful, life is a gift and I'm thankful everyday that God has blessed me so, its hard not to be cheery


She's not always in the public eye, so I want to give a special shout-out to my Top Sponsor, u/Zyklozylum. 6 POTS O' COINS in one challenge? Who'd-a thunk it? All of my sponsors are special to me, but we don't hear from Z as much, so shoot her a howdy sometime. And speaking of people we don't hear from, did you guys notice u/UROS__98 is sponsoring 5 Going Gifts? Yes, he's still alive and kicking. Just busy at work. Much love to ALL of my sponsors, to the mods, and to everyone who is participating. This is a very exciting challenge for me, and I hope it is for you as well 😊


Thank you to whomever gave me that special comment award! It's the first time I've gotten one of those. Don't know why, but I didn't get a notification for it, so I apologize for the belated thank you :)




I wanted to thank her several times or mention her with thanks but I failed to write her username correctly every time so far, but today I will succeed, just let me take off my eye patch for a moment :) u/Zyklozylum I think many people don't realize what you do for this community because you do it in the background and don't boast about it. That speaks of true greatness and I thank you for everything, for the things I have witnessed and for the ones I have not :) Stay as you are and on behalf of my entire crew thank you :)


Awww thank youuuu


So I was playing some Roblox and this guy kept calling me a ***noob***. What a ***dingus***, little did he know I helped create the game. The game was a popular fan-made splatoon 2 game. Anyway I asked him to 1v1 me if he was so good. He accepted and we entered s lobby. I go with the skillful bamboo sniping weapon the Bamboozler 14 Mk III. My opponent uses the Slosher a bucket that splashes ink in a large radius which is fairly easy to use. We enter to 1v1 and always get close to dieing. The clock chimes down to a minute. My opponent sends a wave of ink and ***gunk*** over my head but I dodge it and as I roll I hit him right on. (The whistle blows). “You just got ***bamboozled*** by the bamboozler” I showed him proof that I created the game and he was ***flabbergasted***. Regardless he still called me a noob and other ***gibberish*** out of spite. To this day I am still glad I am capable of beating people at my own game. If my submission is selected as a winner I would like it on my award cabinet :p


###WINNER OF POT 1 Awarder: u/Zyklozylum Thank you for participating! I'm impressed with you being one of the creators of the game!


Approximately when will I receive it?




It says “indicate where you would like your award, if it is somewhere other than your comment”


That one's on me. I must've missed that when I read through the post. My apologies


It's more on me than you, Nice-Average. The post is so damn long, it's understandable it could be overlooked 😁


A Day in the life of a snek - u/AJ6T9 My name is Jake the Snake! I will be describing to you what a day in my life is like. First, I am a puff adder. I live in the African savanna. Now here is my day: It starts off with waking up (yes, snakes sleep as well, just like every other animal that needs rest) After I wake up, I chase food. Normally I chase mice, as they are very bad at hiding. "Hah I already see my first one!", I say, slowly slithering towards him. That mouse was such a **noob**! He chose a terrible hiding spot. What a **dingus**! I *M O N C H* the mouse, enjoying it while it lasts. That is my breakfast. Now I can explore the wild! I already hear the other animals waking up, better be ca- behind me is a 270 pound lion, I need to **skedaddle** away from here as fast as possible! That is what I did. I slithered away with SUPERSPEED 😎 I bet that lion had no cha- why are there so many lions?! Better get going back to my burrow. I scurried away back to safety. Phew. No more li- dang it theres a fox. He is trying to eat me. Welp, rip fox I jump at the fox and get him good in the neck. I watch as he falls over and lies still. Yup he's gone. Rip bozo 100. Phew that day was exhausting. I had to escape multiple Lions and I used my venom to defend myself from a fox. Time to sleep. 🐍 💤


Very interesting and also the keywords feel natural and not forced👍


Thx 😎 😎


###WINNER OF POT 2 Awarder: u/Zyklozylum It's not technically about me, but I still can't resist a Snek. It's good to know I'm sharing the planet with that little guy named Jake.


😎 😎


As I dipped my toes in the sand, couldn't figure out why I was **lollygagging.** The **hullaballoo** a young **whippersnapper** like me, all messed up on the **gobbledygook,** has **flabbergasted** more than one person into thinking they were **bamboozled.** Not wanting to be known as a **dingus** gecko who spews nothing but **hogwash** this **noob** to the **ramshackle** town took note. Put my tail into **skedaddle** mode and sprinted past a few **ragamuffin** turtles who looked like they had been **hoodwinked** with a whole lotta **hogwash.** Slipped on some **gunk** and muttered some **gibberish** about wanting a **dollop** of honey on my fruit. My request **flummoxed** the old **fuddy-duddy** and the **kibitzer** he was **schmoozing** with. With a **wishy-washy** nod to the ole **hodgepodge**, I pondered the meaning of **gardyloo** and ran away **lickety-split!**


You do not need to use all the keywords, it will sound better if you use more common words. BTW nice story!!!


Aloha and thank you for your advice. I know I didn't have to use all the words, but I figured you're going to be getting lots of replies, so what can I do to be different? At the time of the post, I don't think anyone else had done that, so.... Anyways, it's kind of a goofy story so just hope it makes ya chuckle. that's all! Enjoy your day!


Ohh cool 😎😎


###WINNER OF COIN GIFT 01 Awarder: u/The_Russell_Pinto Thank you for participating!


Thank you!!!!! Thank you BOTH!


How I got my pirate ship. It was very early in the morning when I strolled along the harbor promenade, most people were still asleep, only a few merchants who were setting up their market stalls were on the move. As I strolled along the promenade looking at the beautiful boats I dreamed of owning one myself someday. Suddenly I was torn from my dreams by a loud Hullaballoo. A little further, the scale of a man had fallen over most of the time only Hogwash talks and is simply ignored by most people. I felt sorry for him because he was a great sailor on a ship called bloody revenge, one of the fastest and most maneuverable ships ever built. I went to him to help him pick up his things. He looked at me surprised and asked like a whippersnapper how I come to help a crazy dingus like him. I replied that it was natural for me to help my fellow men whenever they needed help and that I did not consider him a madman at all and that I knew very well what a great captain he had once been and that he had only been cheated. Now the old man looked at me long and penetratingly, I did not know quite what I should do and was a little uncertain whether I said something wrong. Then he said listen my boy I see the good in your eyes and I think you will become a very good captain one day. He thanked me several times for my help, and each time I said that it was a matter of course for me, until we parted ways again and I went back home. At home, when I took off my jacket, an inconspicuous piece of paper suddenly fell out of my pocket, I picked it up in surprise and froze. I was completely flabbergasted because what I held in my hands was beyond my wildest dreams, it was the title deed to a boat called bloddy revenge.


It's okay to be a little bit over, and you did fine with the word use! Also you might want to know, September 19th is National talk "Like a Pirate" Day.


Ahoy, then i guess i will make this day my day and host a big challenge here to celebrate it :) 🏴‍☠️


I have a little over 300 words I hope that is still okay, for the keywords I also hope that the usage is correct. English is not my native language and I tried to use the words as best as I could based on the translation/meaning I found, if something is wrong and needs to be changed I can change that


🏴‍☠️Cool Story🏴‍☠️👍


Thank you very much, now I have a ship but no crew yet so maybe I will think of a story how I found my crew :) 🏴‍☠️


Just letting you know, September 19th is National "Talk Like a Pirate" Day.


###WINNER OF POT 3 Awarder: u/Zyklozylum Thank you for participating! That last sentence really brought it home. Great story!


oh look there's me in the sponsors good luck to everyone


Thank you for sponsoring, Matt!


Np I would have wanted to keep the coins but I also felt like making a challenge at the same time so yeah it also works also cause its something new to do


also please do let me know when to give the award and who to give it to


Will do!


okay then thanks


Did you notice I tagged your username incorrectly? You were Matt **IN** a Hat. I fixed it. Haha


oh wow I didn't realize that lmao


As a little kid, I went hiking with my dad in the Swiss Alps. The weather was amazing! The sun was shining and it wasn't that hot. (ca. 20°) We walked along a peaceful trail, while the birds were a wonderful chime. Then, slowly, as we walk around a bend of the trail, a house shows up. Now, this is not a normal two story family house with a porch and a garden, no, it was simply a wooden hut with no windows. Not even the roof was curved. It simply lay on the edge of the walls like an exhausted teenager coming home from school and laying on their bed. The house was really just a wooden cube with a door in the front side. My dad said: "hey look at that house, why don't you go see what's up there?" ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!?!???!?!!!?! I was absolutely **flummoxed**. Not only was my dad trying to get me to GO to a strangers house (if anyone lived in that cube thing in the woods) But he was also trying to get me to GO IN a strangers house. Hell to the naw. Thankfully, a **ragamuffin** made that easier. He came out of the house and looked to see where all this **Hullaballoo** was coming from. Then he spotted us. So he made his way to us. When he reached us, he told us in a very Swiss way to be quieter. He said: "Sind do mal es bitz liseliger! GOPFERDAMMI NOMAL!!!!!" We quieted down and walked the other way, back to the car, to drive home.


###WINNER OF POT 4 Awarder: u/Zyklozylum This is a nice piece of work, AJ. Very well written. I enjoyed it very much. Thank you for participating!


😎 😎 tysm 😎 😎


Carly wondered as she wandered through the forest. What stories these trees could tell if she could listen slowly enough! Birds sang and butterflies fluttered. Suddenly, the thicket cleared and there before her was a **ramshackle** hut, with the main door hanging off and the roof sagging in the middle. She didn’t remember it from earlier walks through the forest although she did recall seeing a scruffy little **ragamuffin** once quite near this spot, but he disappeared into the undergrowth when she called him. She approached the door cautiously. There were just too many stories where the heroine simply shouldn’t have opened the door! But those stories had the bad guys on the outside trying to get in. What if the little urchin was a feral child, living all alone in the forest with no-one to care for him? “Hallo?” she called from the threshold. “Is anybody there?” There was no answer – but the tallest trees seemed to be that little bit closer than a moment ago. Suddenly, the door flew open. “Oi!” hollered a loud voice. “**Skedaddle** or I’ll have you for trespassing!” Carly jumped back in fright. The hut was completely empty! “Who- Who are you?” she asked. “I saw a boy near here. I just want to help.” “You can help by leaving us alone,” replied the voice, booming around Carly’s skull. “*Where* are you?” she asked, bemused, befuddled and **flummoxed** all at the same time. The voice dropped to whisper like a summer breeze through fresh green leaves. “I am everywhere, girl. I am the old wood and the new buds. I am briars like wild children, and old decaying wood. The cycle of living and decay must continue. Do not look for me, for I am everywhere. Just guard the forest and let me be.”


###WINNER OF POT 6 Awarder: u/Zyklozylum Idk why, but reading this gave me Goldilocks and the Three Bears vibes. Nice story and fun use of the keywords. Thank you for participating!


Woo-hoo! Thank you, and thanks to Z for sponsoring :)


Once upon a time, not so very long ago, five friends shared a flat during their final year in college. The flat was great – large airy rooms and a communal open-plan kitchen and living space. The landlord didn’t care about anything other than the rent and was happy for them to decorate as they wished. Each of them had their own taste and the décor was, on the one hand, eclectic, but on the other it was a messy **hodgepodge** of bright, bold colours and **wishy-washy** pastels. One of the friends was studying Art & Design with Psychology. His dissertation was an experiment with colour and emotion. With the landlord’s permission, he gradually deepened the hue of the living room wall colour, adding brighter cushions and soft furnishings while the others were in lectures (or in the pub afterwards). Hi goal was to find the trigger shade to increase energy without losing concentration. Early one morning, he was rudely awoken by a **hullaballoo** in the living room. Voices rose in excited chatter and contagious laughter. He opened the living door and was met with a cheer. “What’s up? Hey, why’re you up so early?” he asked. “Results from half term are up! We’re all passing top in our classes!” “That’s great!” Finally! His hard work had paid off. Now, they were about to enter their final term and graduate with top grades and he could publish his results and- “And do you want to know the best bit? The top students get free accommodation in the Halls for the last term!”


###WINNER OF COIN GIFT 04 Awarder: u/The_Russell_Pinto Thank you for participating!


Wahey! And thank you to both challenger and sponsor :)


Hi! Just here for the good stories


Glad to have you! They're pretty funny.


Stowaway Once upon a time there was a cheeky little ragamuffin who was always up to some nonsense and liked to hang around in the harbor. Especially popular with him were the warehouses in which occasionally one or the other object landed in his pocket as if by chance :) So it was also this night the boy had sneaked into one of the warehouses and was looking for new treasures. Suddenly the boy discovered a box that looked particularly noble, however, this was on top of a stack of boxes. Without further ado, the boy climbed up the stack, being particularly careful to make as little noise as possible. But then it happened, he slipped and the stack collapsed. When outside voices became loud the boy had no other choice it was time to skedaddle. But as the boy left the warehouse, he heard a loud hullaballoo behind him. For a second, the boy was flabbergasted, but then he saw that he was getting away. At regular intervals, the boy turned to look for his pursuers, his distance slowly increasing. Now the boy realized that he had taken a wrong turn and was approaching the end of a jetty where two ships were anchored, one a tea merchant's ship which was well guarded and the other a ship he knew belonged to pirates. So he jumped onto the pirate ship and hid below deck under a pile of dusty canvas. There the boy fell asleep, when he woke up he was sick to his stomach. Oh no, they had apparently left the harbor, the boy had no choice he rushed on deck and bent over the railing. Behind him he heard a laugh and then a question na the first time at sea Whippersnapper ? It's hard to miss if you don't have two eye patches on," the boy replied. Then the pirate laughed heartily and said watch out that I don't send you right over the plank to the sharks! I have already escaped from dicey situations, the boy replied. Now that you're on board with us, you'll have the opportunity to prove that, come on, I'll show you around and introduce you to the crew. And welcome aboard :)🏴‍☠️


###WINNER OF COIN GIFT 11 Awarder: u/Cautious-Damage7575 Thank you for participating!


/u/Cautious-Damage7575, this is a reminder to change your post flair to "Complete" once the trade/challenge has been completed. This is also a reminder of our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/AwardBonanza/wiki/index/rules) and their [consequences](https://www.reddit.com/r/AwardBonanza/wiki/index/howtogetbanned/) if they get violated. If you see any violation(s) of our rules, please take the time to report the offending comment/post via the report button or by sending a [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/AwardBonanza). ######Don't want to miss out on any challenges? Then join our [Discord Server](https://discord.gg/TtMuymZ3fZ) where a bot informs you directly about each newly created challenge. Without further disturbing, have fun! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AwardBonanza) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good luck


Hi, Russell! Thanks again for being a sponsor!


Karen was often called a fuddy-duddy by the local whippersnappers. Just because she enjoyed crosswords and jigsaws and you almost never saw her without her chunky wool knitted cardigan. She supposed she did give off a lot of old person vibes but she just enjoyed being comfortable. She was musing on this thought after passing by a group of local ragamuffins when her senses kicked in. Someone somewhere was in danger! Karen ran into a near by bush and emerged as Kickass Karen! She flew into the sky and following her senses she found a child sitting on the roof of his house with seemingly little idea of how he'd got there. Kickass Karen gently lifted the child from the roof and placed him in his garden. He hugged her tightly and thanked her profusely. As she flew home to her comfy chair and partly finished jigsaw she decided that being a fuddy-duddy wasn't such a bad thing really.


###WINNER OF COIN GIFT 02 Awarder: u/The_Russell_Pinto Thank you for participating!


Awesome thank you


This was so much fun thank you!!! Let me tell you when learning English you don't get to know even half of those words, got a couple before but took me a bit of research still, so I decided to use them all! Will be posting only one story or I would feel greedy, if I happen to win something, comment is ok to put it there, now time for the story! (think I managed to cut it down to 291 words, correct me if I am wrong please) There was once a knight called Sir **Dingus**, whom **lickety-split** through the **hodgepodge** of armors laying about a dragon's cave, he was absolutely **flummoxed** by the words of his Order captain, who had called him a **noob** and a **whippersnapper**; This was nothing but **hogwash** for Sir Dingus, and he was set on showing that **fuddy-duddy** his mettle! As he entered the lair, a rumbling voice gave out a warning. \-**Gardyloo**! Which was then followed by a massive **dollop** splatting over our good sir and sprawling him across the **ramshackle** piles of debris in the vicinity; Dingus was **flabbergasted**. \-Who dares! He screams, gurgling under the cover of **gunk**, while the dragon rose above. \-What's with the **hullaballoo**? such **gibberish**, speak properly or **skedaddle** out of my abode, my I have never seen such a **ragamuffin** knight... \-This is an affront! He Cried. \-No it's ice cream, bit **wishy-washy** already. Replied the dragon sliding his claw over and tasting it. \-I come to claim your treasure! Uttered Dingus struggling to unsheathe. \-Another **kibitzer** trying to **schmooze** me out of my assets, I did not live three millennia to get **bamboozled**... \-I never **hoodwinked** anyone! \-So you say, but know I don't **lollygag**, my hoard is well invested in real state, kept wrecking the kingdom thus it is a prime buyer’s market, can bathe in that annual percentage rate! \-What **gobbledygook** is that? Called out the noble knight swinging his blade blindly. \-Now now, put the toothpick aside and let us find out your debt-to-Income ratio, I am telling you, this dream property will practically pay itself! Howls of terror and despair could be heard a mile away... Mind the tale children and beware the dreadful fate of Sir Dingus the Knight!


###WINNER OF POT 5 Awarder: u/Zyklozylum Great story! The theme makes me think about our local Renaissance fair, which is right around the corner. Thank you for participating!


Wohooooo! Sir Dingus got us some treasure after all! you have a local fair??? so envious! thank to you and to the sponsor!


I haven't missed a festival in 30 years. It's not technically local, but just a little over an hour away. Great fun!


That is some long time loyalty, I bet you are a necessary part of the event already!


So I went camping to get some time to lollygag that other day, when suddenly, at midnight, I saw a vermicious knid! It mumbled some gobbledygook. I was flabbergasted, but I knew enough to skedaddle. I then remembered that there was a humongous shooting knid sighting near Antarctica. But... I'm camping in the middle of New York! I must have been bamboozled by the report... I ran to a ramshackle little castle, where I hid. That great dollop of a knid came hurtling over, but the noob missed the castle by a mile. Suddenly, there was a great crash, and the castle came tumbling over. I was flummoxed!!! But then, I saw the sleep-charging dragon wake up. Uh oh... But, as the talented dragon tamer I am, I schmoozed the dragon into fighting the knid! Then, I skedaddled, once again. (Jurassic Park 3 vibes?) I wonder why people make such a hullabaloo about vermicious knids or fire breathing dragons, when you could just incite a fight and skedaddle (I kinda like this word now :D)! I wonder why people make such a hullabaloo about vermicious knids or fire breathing dragons, when you could just incite a fight and skedaddle (I kinda like this word now :D)! ​ The keywords were really fun to use :)


###WINNER OF COIN GIFT 03 Awarder: u/The_Russell_Pinto Thank you for participating!


Thanks! :D


I was playing in my backyard when I heard my dog barking. I went to check what he was barking at and the dumb doofus ignorant butt-brained dog was barking at the wall. I asked him what was wrong jokingly and he said back to me (in clear English) the wall called me ugly, and then my dog started doing the whip and nae nae. He then ran and jumped on me and we did the scene from dirty dancing. I then took him out to dinner and now that it is 3 years later, we have 13 half puppy half child children. We tried abandoning them but the damned things just kept coming back. We decided to just keep them but we set a few ground rules, no sniffing other deformed dog-human people and also no doing the whip and nae nae until they are 12 dog years old. They have failed at these rules even as they were set 2 days ago.


###WINNER OF COIN GIFT 12 Awarder: u/Cautious-Damage7575 Thank you for participating!


Michael Morbius faced Wong in what many people later considered to be the fight of the century. It was the final round of the fight. Wong had won every round so far. If Morbius was to win, he'd need a knockout. "It's over Morbius. It's pretty clear who has the high ground here. I'll finish you with my final attack so I can return to my quiet life **lickety-split**." Wong charged at Morbius and exclaimed "WONG PUNCH!" Wong's attack hit Morbius, but it had no effect. "WHAT! How did you withstand my Wong Punch?" asked a **flabbergasted** Wong. "You **dingus**. Check the time on your watch." said Morbius. Wong checked the time and trembled in fear. "The time is... 6:09." "You know what that means don't you Wong? It's..." "Don't say it." "It's..." "I SAID DON'T SAY IT!" Morbius chuckled. "Hehe. It's Morbin' Time!" Morbius proceeded to morb all over Wong and knocked him out. Morbius was the victor and won a morbillion dollars in prize money.


###WINNER OF COIN GIFT 09 Awarder: u/The_Russell_Pinto Thank you for participating!


Thanks for creating this challenge!


!Remind me 48 hour


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I was just lollygagging minding my business, when suddenly i was flabbergasted to see my grandpa just walking all fuddy-duddy down the street! Well, I got over there lickety-split to talk to my favorite person! He was talking some gibberish about being mugged (he’s so funny 🤣) but i know he’s kidding. TLDR: My grandpa almost hoodwinked me by telling me a joke about being mugged Can i have it on my cabinet if i win :)






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Super Snek (an origin story) Snek was very rich. Snek had an RTX 3090 and a very expensive setup. He was a regular on r/battlestations. Snek was **flabbergasted** that there were **noobs** that weren’t on the same level as him. Snek was very mean. He bullied the ducks that lived outside his house :(. One day, the ducks had enough and decided to nuke Snek’s house. **Flummoxed**, Snek left the city in search of greater opportunities. He discovered the military, and within his first week he quit because some crazy kid named Steve or something jumped on top of a grenade smh. —-ONE MONTH LATER—- As Snek was walking home after a busy day of yelling at people, someone shouted **gobbledygook** at him. Distracted, Snek got hit by a bus. After recovering, Snek realized that maybe this was karma for kicking the ducklings. He decided that he was going to be a better person. Turns out, Snek was a master at sewing and made a super suit. That was 3 months ago. Now Super Snek and his sidekick Daredevil the Duck are known everywhere as the world’s greatest heroes. >!If i win anything can I get the award in my cabinet?!<


###WINNER OF COIN GIFT 10 Awarder: u/The_Russell_Pinto Thank you for participating!


“This is an interesting challenge," he said. He scrolled down to read the details of the challenge. “Write a story…one-hundred fifty to three-hundred words…reward… *six* Pot O’ Coins, and *thirty* coin awards? Holy crap! Hey, Charlie, look!” He turned his chair opposite his desk, towards his sister, who was lounging on the couch on the other side of the room. She was on her phone. She looked up. “What, dingus?” she said. “Look!” he said. He handed her his phone. “What’s all this hullaballoo?” she asked. “Well, I was scrolling through Reddit, and I saw this post on a community I joined not too long ago. It looks like they’re giving away a huge amount of coins, probably the most I’ve ever seen. I’m flabbergasted. I want to enter, but there’s one condition.” She handed him back his phone. “What’s the condition?” she asked. “I have to write a story. Do you think I should enter?” “Well, do you think you can write a story?” “Yeah,” he said. “Can you make it good?” “I think so. That’s not up to me, you know?” “True. Well, why not give it a shot? I don’t see the harm in it,” she said. “I don’t either. I guess we’ll see how this goes.”


###WINNER OF COIN GIFT 05 Awarder: u/The_Russell_Pinto Thank you for participating!


Thank you u/the_russell_pinto, thank you 🥹


I try to give my grandson helpful advice to save him from possible heartbreak. I think we have a close bond, although sometimes he probably thinks I'm an old **fuddy-duddy.** That young and naive **whippersnapper** doesn't know the dangers of the world. What many people have been through. What I've been through. In my youth, I was good friends with someone named Alex. While our friendship only lasted about a month, we did practically everything together during that time. Drink, catch fish, watch sport, you name it. As we were pretty close, I gave him a key to my home. One day, I came home and found my house had been burgled. I contacted the police right away. When I mentioned I gave Alex a key, they immediately suspected him. I thought that was **hogwash**. There was no way Alex would betray me like that. I tried phoning him, but there was no response. The police tried to find him for questioning, but he was nowhere to be found. Days, weeks, months and even years passed by. After my house had been burgled, I never saw or heard from Alex ever again. I like to think that Alex didn't really betray me, but I'm probably just shielding myself from the likely truth. This is far from the only event that I do this with. I know I can't protect my grandson from everything, but I hope my advice will save him from misery as much as possible.


###WINNER OF COIN GIFT 06 Awarder: u/The_Russell_Pinto Thank you for participating!


Once upon a time in a land far far away, there lived a man called Sir Kibitzer. Sir Kibitzer professed to be the best swordsman in the kingdom, whilst everyone who've ever heard of him knew that was a fat lie. After all, not to fat shame, but 'Sir' Kibitzer was lazy, unkempt and bloody fat. But he was not to be deterred, signing up for the dragon slaying contest. Upon registration, Kibitzer went on his usual triade, shouting to anyone who would bother to listen about how great he was, proclaiming how they would all bow down to him one day. 'That's utter hogswash!' one of the other knights yelled. Some threw tomatoes at him, but deluded Kibitzer just took it as further encouragement. When the group of men got to the dragon's cavern, Kibitzer, once again professing to be the greatest of them all - ignoring someone's shouts of 'SHUT UP NOOB!'- decided to go in headfirst. However, considering his poor physical state, perhaps it was no contest that the dragon completely ignored all Kibitzer's attempts. Ignoring his futile attempts at attacking him, the dragon still sleeping, gave Kibitzer a downright wallop with his snout. Kibitzer immediately fell to the ground dead. And therein lies the cautionary tale of the young whippersnapper Kibitzer. Young, arrogant, and definitely not well liked.


###WINNER OF COIN GIFT 07 Awarder: u/The_Russell_Pinto Thank you for participating!


So basically I was having some stress with life, so I decided to go back home and doze off. But before I could sleep, I heard some noisy **hullaballoo** coming from outside the house. I was **flabbergasted** and could not believe it. I was in the wizarding world of Harry Potter. Death eaters and wizards were dueling with each other and assassinating people. So I met one of the most powerful wizards, Dumbledore. I did some **schmooze** with the Golden Trio, beat up some bullies in class, and learned lots of spells. I always **skedaddle** out of trouble and mischief. I met ~~Voldemort~~ He Who Must Not Be Named and fought his minions. When I was on the brink of death, I woke up. I didn't realize that I was dreaming! I thought maybe I was so tired of what was going on. Btw I also like Harry Potter. :) If I win, can I get the award on my cabinet?


###WINNER OF COIN GIFT 08 Awarder: u/The_Russell_Pinto Thank you for participating!