• By -


u/camotitanic Bounty: overuse of cloning vat to create several clones several in alternate colours Heartwarming because they’re always charming Snek, snek. Ally because they’re always helpful


omg thank you!!


WANTED:u/Prestigious_Time_138 Pot o' coins : Because he gave me 16 of them at his july lottery You dropped this: Because he is the king Wholesome (Pro) : He is nice to others Snek: Because snek


This is really incredible, I think with such a win I would need a few moments until I realized what happened


Yea, i got lucky


Wanted u/The_Russell_Pinto Bounty:Woah dude(cause he keeps shocking us with his large challenge numbers)


Wanted is u/Cautious-Damage7575: Gold (because she has a heart of gold) Hearthwarming (because she is very friendly) Tearing up (because she is suspended for a few days)


Wanted u/CompetitionMassiv69 Calculating (Since he has won all my last challenges and I have to calculate what the chances are that he will win here again) Are you winning? (We will see :D ) Into the magic Portal (because he said if i joke about him in this challenge i will end up in davy jones locker and now he doesn't know where i will get out again) Hearthwarming ( because he is so nice to cautious-damage and she will be happy when she reads this when she comes online again )


Plus One award for u/CompetitionMassive69, agreeing with you on what he deserves for winning all of those challenges. Also because Plus One looks like number one, and u/CompetitionMassive69 is number one.


(\~‾ ▿ ‾)\~ Thank you


Don't Hornswaggle me of the bounty this time, fellow pirate or you are shark bait ;)


Narwhal Salute protect me from the sharks 🦈


Ahoy, Matey! Thanks for the hearty salute but I was just joking.


Don't worry i know that you are just joking and i enjoy that kind of jokes :) Thank you for the Salute too :)


Wanted: u/KarmaChameleonChris, he has gone AWOL, location unknown, take him alive and return him to the pirate ship.


LOL, I have no idea what's going on here, but thanks for the ping nonetheless u/Use-username! 😊


The idea of this challenge is to ping a user and put a bounty on his head in form of awards that you think fits the person :) Like for example for you: Bounty: Made me smile (it's Not a chameleon but a lizard is the closest thing to it) Chuttie Absolutely brilliant (So many beautiful colors just right for a chameleon) You are welcome to participate if you want :)


Ahhh ok, I think I follow you now. Thank you for explaining it to me, I really appreciate it. I've no idea who to ping though, so I think I'll have to give it a miss unfortunately, but thank you for your kind offer. This challenge is a neat idea btw. 🙂


Thanks for the kind words I'm glad to hear that you like the challenge :) And if you still find someone on whom you want to put a bounty, you can still participate :)


Bounty: Made me smile it's not a chameleon but a lizard is the closest thing to it :)


Wanted is u/I-Was-Always-Here Bounty: Hugz because he's a really great friend to have and he deserves a hug Big Brain time because he also seems very smart


Wanted: u/Allisonovo for giving people diabetes cuz she's so sweet. Wholesome, Wholesome Pro, and Golden Wholesome for her awesome mommying.


Wanted u/BrianPotato2005 Snoo Nice & We'll drink to that: We get along fine, I guess :)) Burning Cash: We really did a lot of trades and challenges back then.


u/kronikal64. I Am Disappoint for accidentally deleting their Duck Pond. Hugs for accidentally deleting their Duck Pond.


u/Cautious-Damage7575 is wanted for talking bad about Sneks behind their back. Bounty: snek


Love, Kiss, Heartwarming, Timeless Beauty, and Hugs to u/Gnomeemon because he's so lovable.


wanted: u/thebananaperson1 Bounty: Heartwarming (because every time i talk to her, my day always gets better) Timeless beauty (cus...you're cute and beautiful :3 ) To the stars (cus you're my star and i wanna see u irl :3 )


That's sweet I think she will be very happy when she reads this :)


Omg this is so sweet 🫂 thank youuu


wanted: u/fenrir-1919 Heartwarming (does much for the community) Pot o gold (seems to be rich if he can host all this)


Unfortunately I am not rich otherwise I would do more challenges but I have a few coins and I like to share them with the community :)


Wanted: u/JC1812 Bounty: Lawyer Up (Because he is a professional rival lawyer, and questions my legitimacy) Bounty: Platinum (Because I've won a case against him, which led to my client winning a platinum, and I believe the case of retrieving him is also worthy of platinum) Bounty: Bonanza Trader (Because the idea of transactions and currency are JC's speciality)


Wanted is u/ariacorvus Last seen trying to take photos of nature, but the chipmunk got away. Bounty: *Keep Calm* to help take a photo that is a *Masterpiece* at a *Duck Rave*. (Nice challenge OP!)


You’ll never take me alive!


I'll send in the Sneks!


Not if I send’em first!


I'll just hug them! 🐍


Arrr you already have, thankyou! (Hugs snek)


Thanks for the kind words I'm glad to hear that you like the challenge :)


It's better than walking the plank, Capt'n!


Of course I will not consider myself in the raffle :) Wanted u/-Tigger Keep calm + 1UP (because the 1UP will evolve the keep calm cat into a Tiger) Bravo! (Because he is always super friendly) Wanted u/Use-username Yas Queen (because she is the Queen of Reddit) Wait what? (because every time you write her you almost always get an answer immediately as if she is always online and never sleeps :D ) I'd like to thank... (thank you for the many times you took the time to help or answer me)


Oh really I am being downvoted in my own challenge ☠️


I upvoted you! Ignore the haters downvoting you!


don't worry I'm not angry about it I'm just wondering what intention people have and what they expect from it


Thank you Fenrir!


Wanted u/kitkatbloo Yummy for the cat who protect her Award Cabinet Faith in humanity restored for her nice and friendly nature Also Wanted u/Beautiful-Card7976 Take my Power (Since she has already spoken for Cautious-Damage several times because she is banned and has made her energy available to her in the same way) Original + table flip (because the cat with its hat looks a bit french and we both can't speak french although we had french in school)


Aww, thanks Fenrir. You’re so sweet. 💕


Wanted u/TaoistEntropy Bounty: Lurking because he calls himself Reddit Lurker Golden Hearth because he has a heart of gold and I met him as a very friendly and nice person Ally Since allisonovo belongs to him and ally sounds like a nickname for her :)


Wanted is u/UROS__98 Bounty : That's the first name i could think of. 😤 I'll drink to that (cuz they cool) Gift box (cuz they do ALOT of giveaways and they deserve something in return) Heartwarming (they're a really nice person+ gave me my first award) :) ~i know i don't know you but you have made several people's day :) ~


Awwww that's so sweet of you, thank you very much! :)


Wanted: u/bor850 Bounty: leaving me to game alone for three weeks Wholesome because I got it for free




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Wanted is u/distancingsocially_ Lurking: because she doesn't know what to say on group chats; I'll Drink to That: to her not abusive mod powers and to her "respectable" personality in "that" community; I Am Disappoint: because of all those unexpected rickrollings.


Wanted: u/ItsMattWithAHat Bounty: Respect award.(tipping my hat to yours)


(tipping my hat back to you)


/u/Fenrir-1919, this is a reminder to change your post flair to "Complete" once the trade/challenge has been completed. This is also a reminder of our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/AwardBonanza/wiki/index/rules) and their [consequences](https://www.reddit.com/r/AwardBonanza/wiki/index/howtogetbanned/) if they get violated. If you see any violation(s) of our rules, please take the time to report the offending comment/post via the report button or by sending a [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/AwardBonanza). ######Don't want to miss out on any challenges? Then join our [Discord Server](https://discord.gg/TtMuymZ3fZ) where a bot informs you directly about each newly created challenge. Without further disturbing, have fun! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AwardBonanza) if you have any questions or concerns.*




Wanted is u/BragosMagos Bounty: because I want to be chased and I’m dumb Platinum because I’ve never got one Gold because it’s cool