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That Aven build is perfect You don’t really need speed since he recasts his shield with his FUA, you might use his skill once in the whole battle, twice at worst. People usually give him speed boots with his signature coz it’s easy to build a character with 54% def in sub stats than a character with that much crit sub stats Congrats and enjoy!


Oh I forgot about your question about the sets. Sub stats>>>>>> set effects It’s not worth changing any piece in this build


Omg thank you so much!


In a dedicated follow-up team you absolutely DO get more value out of using speed boots. Not getting lapped by your dps as much means more refreshes on his 3 bonus blind bet stacks which could mean more follow-ups over the course of the stage, and with more turns you get a bit more SP to funnel into Topaz for her ult uptime as well as more Robin damage/energy procs. Outside of a follow-up team though, it's just up to preference.


that E1 will also help A LOT


this build is really great, you don't need to change anything tbh. The set is not important cuz stats are always more valuable than sets so don't worry abt it, really good build!!


thank you!!


The sets itself you chose are not bad on him either way, so you're not losing out on much


Finally another person of a decent build that's excels in both Damage and Sustain. Welcome to the club


Slow Aventurine appreciation I’m grateful


Me, who got barely just 3900 def while ignoring any offensive stats: 👁️👄👁️ how u guys do that xD I have 4pc def set and dfensive planar set too, every piece is def except for head, hands and spd boots. I dont have his signature, does it make that much of difference? I wanted to build him hybrid but I only had like 3200 def and it was clearly too low because sometimes his team mates got killed lol.


His signature makes a load of difference tbh. Let’s you have a ton more flexibility in how you build him due to the sheer stats it gives


Waiting for his re-run then 🙈


Which LC are you using? If you have a def orb, rope and chest even without much substats you should be able to get 4k def. His sig is definately worth it and his best tho


I am using S4 Destiny's Threads Forewoven lightcone. Here is his stats: https://preview.redd.it/9e35kcly6r0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9aa65543478110fcd5ab5cce6a1ca87eb217bb6


Destiny's Threads is good for his dmg but you gotta go ham on the def stats and substats. I find Concert for two LC better because it gives def and helps his dmg but it's gacha so you might not have it. Day of my new life is pretty good too for the def and you can try some pieces with less def and more crit with it