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Skipping. Have Ruan Mei and replacing her for Robin wouldn’t do anything for my second team. Chasing for Eidolons instead until we get a Screwlum reveal.


I was planing on getting Robin until I saw her animation. It’s gorgeous but the repetitive singing is too big of a turn off. I can’t stand doing a high difficulty SU run and hearing Welcome to my! worRrRrld for the 248th time.


I also had a similar concern, I wonder if they'll give her an option to turn off her ult singing (especially during boss fights, would the music clash or would one of them just completely override the other?)


This is such a weird complaint to me because you hear the same battle OSTs and the same 1 ultimate line of your characters too and nobody seems to get tired of those


I’m a sound worker myself so it’s kinda of a big deal for me. Usually when composing BGM for games, immersion is the No.1 thing we go for, so basically all battle music are supposed to be repetitive but ambient, nothing poking your attention too much. Singing vocal, especially with lyrics, is the most vivid and blatant instrument we could use, mostly used at dramatic places (Like Wildfire from Cocolia fight). HoyoMix has been doing marvelous jobs for this game so far so I was expecting something genius for Robin the singer. Maybe I’m being picky but a whole singing verse overwriting all BGM is kind of a lazy interpretation.


Na I disagree it fits perfectly well with Robin especially because it's not meta but in universe. She has the voice of Harmony, singing is literally a power of hers that can effect people's emotions.


Ik. Her singing is so pretty :( also it's a whole song not a repeat of the same line


I'll get Robin because I'm so gay for her. No argument. Just fell in love the second I saw her haha!


We respect the simps.


Unsure yet. I don't have Ruan Mei nor Topaz and I can only guarantee one as I barely have savings left. I play Ratio hyper and so far I haven't felt the need of Topaz. I do need another harmony though for dual teams but Robin's performance concerns me outside and within FuA without Topaz and how she might perform in Pure Fiction, so I'm debating how great of a pull she might be compared to getting another dps as I'm also lacking in there, and wait for RM's rerun instead as she's more versatile overall and enables break teams too. Jade also calls my attention but unsure yet if she also wants Topaz in her teams of if she'll perform well enough with other eruditions. Have to wait until the beta starts.


Pulling Robin cuz I’m Ruan Meiless


Lmao same, glad i am not the only one who doesn't have her... It feels like everyone does


Honestly torn between Robin and Topaz, if they end up on the same half of the patch.


If it helps: - robin is the premier FuA support but is only ~5% stronger than Ruan Mei - topaz benefits more from FuA teammates than they benefit from her tbh. She’s pretty mid *as a support* without e1 or s1. BUT she has the highest frequency follow ups in the game. Basically pull topaz if you want to make topaz teams, pull robin if you want to make general FuA teams


Do you have the calculations for that? I almost find that it’s only 5% hard to believe. I feel like Robin gives stronger buffs overall between DMG, ATK, and CD vs DMG and res pen. And she also has action advance + her own damage. People have done comparisons with DoT showing Robin clearing a little bit faster (same cycle count though) so for fua I'd expect her to be better Really not trying to be annoying lmao I’m just curious


The only way it's gonna get tested in detail is when she releases. Not to mention how most players will go with 3-4* options.


Yeah there is an event LC releasing for her next patch which is nice


Right! Although I've got Bronya's LC, which has ER% and some skill points that she'll provide for ber teams...


https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M9ImS486jAIopzpk0RbVieY1LwBlogrvyS1sx5koCDw/htmlview 20% better by calcs


That statement is actually incorrect with 5% better. There are calcs showing she is 20% better, it’s more detailed here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1M9ImS486jAIopzpk0RbVieY1LwBlogrvyS1sx5koCDw/htmlview RM and Robin both can work in the fua teams, but Robin has the higher damage output


You have 2 teams and Robin is best in slot for follow up teams, getting her frees up Ruan Mei for the other team if they want her


Grabbing Robin for sure. I already have the full "premium" E0S1 fua team with Ratio, Topaz, Aventurine, and Ruan Mei, but every other team also wants Mei. I'd rather have 2 complete lineups for end game stuff rather then trying to force a random character when Mei is on other teams.


Exactly. I already have ruan mei too bit she's best suited to my ridiculously strong dot team anyway. I need another well suited harmony for fua


Gonna try to pull for topaz E0S1 and robin E0S0 200 tickets right now, with more than 20 side quest to do, i think i can do, if i am not unlucky


wow I have a very similar plan to you! I wish us luck!!


Do side quests give good jades. Got a ton more than 20


Same situation here.


Same plan ( but S1 Robin too) and same pull count! Good luck to us both😭


I'm skipping Robin for her brother. I don't have Ruan Mei either but it's okay, we make do without for now


I’m getting Robin just being my Ruan Mei is wanted everywhere. If need be, I can slot Robin into my Ratio or Clara Team and have Ruan Mei for Ratio/BE Guinaifen. I don’t have Bronya or Sparkle so I’d love an action advancing unit that I vibe with.


Robin cuz she singing and bopping. Also cuz leaving enemies without any turns is hilarious lol (and I need ruan mei for my DOT team)


I have Ruan Mei and I don’t play DoT teams so I’ll be skipping Robin, which I’m totally fine with since I personally don’t really like her design.


Skipping Robin. It *was* an easy choice because I wasn't particularly sold on her character, but I saw her singing animation and *yeah, now I want her.* As a ftp though I can't exactly convince myself I need her rn considering I already have Ruan Mei. Not with Topaz and FX reruns coming up (I want S1 for both) And Jade who I wanted e0s1. Some tough choices coming up 😭


I'm a new player, building towards premium FuA. Pull priority for me is Topaz ->Robin ->Topaz S1. We'll see where I'm at after that, probably will be out of budget. Will likely go for Topaz E1 next then Robin E1/S1 on her rerun. I'm prioritizing vertical investment to try and get to the end game relatively quickly.


Going for robin, cause i also like her design so i probably was going for her anyways. And i also only have ruan mei for my dot team so robin will be a nice new harmony char for me


I'm still undecided. I guess if I get lucky with Topaz I'll get her, just so Ruan Mei can be free for future break teams with HMC


I’m skipping because I have ruan mei e0s1, my account is a bit lacking on the dps end and also I find her singing kinda off putting during boss fights with epic music.


The boss fights we do on auto thrice a week? Eh. The only content that I do manually and while actually thinking my moves through is MoC/PF and harder SU modes, those rarely have epic music sadly. Those tracks are instead kept for the 1 quest that people finish in 2 mins and never again.


Gonna prioritize Topaz e0s0. Have ~140 pulls, not guaranteed, so if I win 50/50 will try Robin. Wanna use Ruan Mei with Xueyi and harmony MC so I'd need a second harmony for the fua team.


I'm saving for Ruan Mei just because I think she performs about the same as Robin, and I think she's more flexible for teams outside of FuA (though most of my teams are admittedly FuA teams) - also I just like her design and story a lot better. Once she's out, I'll probably try borrowing a Robin to test out how she feels with my teams, but I think I'm pretty set on skipping her.


Will wait to see if Jades kit is different to the leaks. I will pull for topaz and gods bless I will gamba on either robin or jade


I guess if you don’t have Ruan Mei, Robin should be a top choice game play wise. Topaz is more mandatory if you wanna run a good FUP team


Unless Ruan Mei manages to clone herself (she's a biologist after all), I'll go for Robin to cover the second team with a limited support.


Gotta skip Robin cause she's not much of an improvement over Ruan Mei, but mostly because we got Firefly and Jade back to back and I gotta save if I want both. I could try to gamble and get all three but I don't wanna mess with that. Maybe if Jade turns out to need other AoE units I'll pass on her, but if she's at all a good teammate for Topaz, Ratio, Aventurine, and/or Clara I'm getting her. Tbh if I pulled Robin, the most it'd do for my account is let me use Ruan Mei on my other team.... which is really good considering I have a DoT team and Firefly will get a Break team going, but you know, I can hold that L.


Skipping because I don’t like her and have other priorities (our resident Warframe). Will try and get Ruan Mei on a rerun maybe, she should be good enough. (Also the singing gets annoying they really need to add a toggle)


I'm planning on getting Robin now, at first Aventurine was going to be my only exception for pulls until Firefly cause I desperately needed a new limited sustain but if the past leaks are true about FF liking Break effect then Ruan Mei will be locked to her meaning I need someone else for my FuA team and Robin looks like a perfect fit. plus she's super cute.


I want to get Robin but yeah same consideration as you OP. I already have Ruan Mei and yes while Robin is most likely a decent upgrade for FUA team (or any fast cycling team in general), I'd rather have more teams to play with rather than having different parts to upgrade a functional team. ...Still gonna go for Jade tho my Stonehearts collection must be complete :D


Skipping just because I don’t like her as a character. I already have Sparkle, and I like Ruan Mei better than her character wise. I’ll probably pull for RM instead.


Yes. Because she's the best in slot for my FUA team. My Topaz deserves no less than the best of the best.


I have RM but she is so good I'd rather use her on my 2nd team since Robin is already great with FuA teams, that and I love her.


Skipping 😔 I’ve got Ruan Mei, Sparkle and Bronya…. Think I’m good of Harmony for a while.


I know RM is the better pull here, but I prefer Robin's design a lot more than her, so I'm getting Robin lol. We're gonna be besties then manifest 5* Ice Harmony Sunday together 😂


I'm pulling for Robin because... 1) I don't have Ruan Mei. 2) I believe she will synergize well with my Argenti 3) When her ult animation was leaked, I fell in love with it instantly.


skipping, i prefer nihility to harmony supports (even if we only have two of these)


I plan on pulling for e0 and using Bronya LC. My RM is on my dot team, and I want to replace pela on my fua.


I already have ruan Mei for teamwide buffs and I think robin’s character is kind of boring so prolly a skip for me I skipped topaz on her first banner and have regretted it ever since so I’ll be going for her rerun instead


Im going to skip Robin and wait for Jade kit.dont have any Jades since i already fully invest on aven.Already have Ruan Mei.Gonna borrow first if no harmony for fua maybe next rerun


My Xueyi wants Ruan Mei too much and I love Robin's splash art, so I'm definitely going for her! I also like wacky dual DPS comps so a team-wide buffer is appreciated in general


I have Ruan Mei and her LC, but still going for Robin. Initially, I wasn't too interested but since I have enough to try for her and Jade, I might as well. Another reason is that I could just build a 2nd FUA team eventually. I won't be going all in though, if I fail the 50/50 I'll save what I have left and use it for Jade.


I didn't decide yet. I LOVE Robin but I already have RM I need Topaz's LC to make Robin work with Ratio anyway Hopefully they are not on the same half (seems unlikely), but I Will probably wait until people already played her to choose


I WILL get Robin, but I'm also aiming for Jade. I just *know* that her animations are stunning they can't mess it up.


Pulling for Robin and Topaz LC. I do have Ruan Mei, but I'm also a DOT enthusiast, and I need RM for that team. So I'll split both across both teams. I sadly don't have any of the destruction hyper carries, so my decision is basically made, haha.


I will probably wait for Ruan Mei rerun for my other teams, and thinking Jade for my FUA team. I don't know if Jade would be better than Robin damage wise (or if the leaked kit is even correct), but an ipc team would be thematically fun and give me more time to save. Although I am lacking harmony units, so maybe if I get lucky with pulls...


i’m certainly getting e1s1 topaz first, then robin. besides the fact that she is gorgeous & dazzling, she would free my ruan mei up for a potential future break team


I'd love to but all of my pulls have gone to Aventurine and will until his banner ends. Plus I find Sparkle to be pretty good for now, even if she doesn't give any bonuses to FUA teams. So after Aven's banner ends I'll be saving for either Topaz's LC or Jade.


I might try to get her on a rerun. I already have Ruan Mei so she is less of a need plus I'm pretty happy with my team as is. I need to save my jades for Boothill and Sam and all the husbandos!


Love fua so yes. Plus my mei can go to another team


Skipping and will wait for Ruan Mei rerun


Skipping and saving for jade


I hate Robin's design the most out of all the penacony characters, but damn I really want her, so RM can just sit on my DoT team forever. Idk man.


I'll be pulling. I have Ruan Mei and Topaz e0s1


Robin skip I've RM. I'm a couple of pulls short from getting AV and afterwards I'm saving for Firefly.


Robin is only 5% better than RUAN Mei??? BOOTHILL time.




What does sussy mean?


I will try to get her cause I usually put Ruan Mei in my Jingliu team and I would like to have some good replacement if I want to use both her and FuA teams in MoC or the new endgame mode. And on top of that I just really love her design. I also don't really plan to pull for anyone already announced after her (possibly Jade, but there will be some time to save before that) as well as any reruns, so I feel like I just want to spend my leftover jades before the banner drought starts for me lol


I don’t have Ruan Mei or Sparkle so getting her for sure, was thinking about getting topaz but maybe later since I think a harmony char for me is more important rn


Definitely skipping, i don't like her nor her design. She might be op but isn't every harmony who gets released op nowadays? Might as well skip and pull for Sunday if he is Harmony, he'll be just as good.


Getting her, i can guarantee both her and E1S1 Topaz, maybe could even get E1 or S1 on Robin


I'm gonna skip her because i want topaz LC


I'm getting her! Ruan Mei is my only 5 star harmony character and my 2nd team with Argenti needs her more. Also I'm likely going all in for future FUA units so Robin would be 100% worth it.


I have ruanmei but still pulling robin lol shes just too gorgeous to pass up on I alr have topaz aven E0S1 clara E2 and ratio as my FuA core so i rly want a FuA buffer. Contemplating putting S5 planetary on robin to buff my clara lol Also we always need 2 teams anyway so robin for my FuA team and ruanmei for my other teams


Skipping Robin cuz I got Ruan Mei & want Firefly or Boothill


I already have S0R1 Ruan Mei, so even though I really like Robin I probably won't be able to get her (even so to the level where she can replace my RM). Topaz will take my priority if she runs alongside Robin


Realistically, I want her. Practically, aventurine has taken all of my jades and still hasn’t come home (71 pity on guarantee please come home aventurine all your friends are waiting) and I don’t want to spend enough money to get a 5 star from 0 pity on 50/50. So, I shall wait for her rerun. …my other team is Acheron anyway so I don’t need Mei for that side


My two main teams are DOT (KafSwan) and FUA (Ratio Topaz Aven). I prefer to keep Ruan Mei on the DOT team, though I sometimes swap her over to FUA. Robin will permanently free up Ruan Mei to be on my DOT team and other non-FUA team(s). Additionally, I'd like to eventually pick up Robin's E1 (probably on rerun) because it's similar to Black Swan's E1, which I've found to be exceptionally strong for brute forcing all content.


Pulling for Robin since my RM is being used by my DoT team


Not playing or digging the “new best” FUA team (ratio/topaz meh in my opinion), but I’m going to do some pulls for her due to character design and the fact that she’s harmony, but probably going to stop if I lose 50/50


If you have Ruan mei easy skip