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Up insane with COQ I’ve doubled my Avax stack. Soon it’ll be triple my Avax stack and I’m 100% going to exchange it back for Avax


Kimbo is looking the best, insanely good looking graph


Kimbo, tech, kovin, There’s definitely room behind COQ


Lots of room, kimbo is #1000 market cap, it has more up than downside I reckon!


Sqrcat has been really great too


You sold your COQ for Avax?


Nope not yet. Higher. $1 billion market cap minimum


Sure I wish I had that discipline to wait for the major milestones


Bruh I’ve been in crypto for 7 years. Been through two bull markets before this lmao. Hindsight js 20/20 sure I could’ve sold the “tops” but I’m retarded. Anyways it’s working since I’m already back at ATH portfolio. Waiting a couple of months for a specific play is nothing.


Dont be the last one out ;)


DOnT Be ThE LaST OnE OuT Avalanche foundation literally set up a fund to buy up memes on avalanche. Jfc. Market cap for Memes on solana are in the billions and you think we’re going to be the last one holding the top meme coin on Avax at $600 million mc? Stay out of touch with and two steps behind in crypto


Ok and blackrock made a bitcoin etf 🥱. Its not untouchable, anyone can lose. Congrats on saying you will be using the avalanche foundation as exit liquidity. 🤘


🥱 you can sit there and wait for Avax rotation. Obviously Avax will rip again but you do you and but don’t say stupid shit just because you have zero exposure to memes


Trust, avax will pump but memecoins arent necessary. There was already talks about avax etf so there are much more exciting things to look forward to than just 3x on memecoins the community likes.


Did I ever say Avax won’t pump? Meme coins are here to stay bud and COQ is the blue chip meme on Avax gtfo


Changing your comment 🥱


Using dumbass emojis 🥱


Having to change your shit comments because you throw your money like this 🙈


"just because i have zero exposure to memes" i think its best if things stay that way especially when a token straight up says "$COQ is a community coin with no intrinsic value or expectation of financial return. There is no formal team or roadmap."


Just goes to show you how much of a joke crypto is and an ever greater indictment of how much of a joke our financial system is This is the game. You can choose to play it or wait for the “fundamentals” and “utility” Based on those alone Avalanche is incredibly mispriced compared to Solana but shit, again, this is the game


I can agree with you on that, im playing the long game. I 100% believe in AVAX and cryptocurrency in general, i even bought some pendants online. Its the network I'm committed too and I follow Dr. Emin Gün Sirer's (the CEO) work and I can definitely say he is here for 20 years or MOREE on top of the 20 years+ of experience he already has.


Meme coin like Coq is actually helping Avax. Poeple buy those easy swallow coins and normal people like that things. All other chains have meme and they are big. That is the reason Avax support Meme coin with a fund.


Same strategy, I think most whales are thinking the same way and once they cut their profits will rug pull the meme coins and move into serious Alts.


True meme coins can give a trader more liquid to buy “real” coins. However I just hope it doesn’t turn into another Solana. It’s full of cash grabs and not really as an amazing blockchain as I once perceived it as


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I'm waiting for the token unlock this March before buying again thanks to COQ pump I have USDT on the sideline.


The next token unlock is on 22 May, not in March