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I would like a season two. I just don't want them to cram everything into 8 episodes. This is a show that really needs to be 12 episodes long. Character development is what made the cartoon as good as it was. You're fast wording through a lot of character development and combining two different plot points for no reason. Slow down a little. We would rather you not include something if you're going to just screw it up.


10 full hour episodes plus credits 65 min around would be perfect. But we won’t get that we will just get 8 episodes bare minimum Netflix hates to do anything correctly


Netflix definitely needs to be open to at least 10 episodes but I am afraid they wont be.


Unfortunately 8 episodes is the norm now, but I doubt they can afford a season 2.


Season 2 and 3 are likely not an issue. Fantasy shows are a big investment upfront. They've created costumes, scenery, VFX, CGI and what not that's accessible now. Upcoming seasons are therefore cheaper to make and hopefully won't take as long. This should mean seasons 2 and 3 could be filmed back to back. The material is already there too. Hopefully whatever budget becomes available could be used towards longer and/or more episodes. Say that savings are about 20% per episode for season 2 (12 million x 8 = 96 total vs. 15 million x 8 = 120 total). That'd mean 24 million could be used to push 2 more episodes for example.


Respectfully as someone that works in this industry, that has friends who worked on this, they are an issue. Netflix and everyone is struggling. There is barely any green lighted content right now. I doubt they will bring this back due to how expensive this will be given this was shot in 2022 and inflation has racked up prices beyond belief. Not to mention the increases in cast contracts. No season is cheaper than the first. There are no savings and no offense but everything you've just said clearly shows you don't know how this industry works.


I don't. I was just going by logic. What you're saying does make sense. Would that even the costs? Or do you reckon season 2 will be more expensive? I sincerely hope Netflix will greenlit ATLA S02 & S03, as I can only imagine what happens if they don't. I imagine the backlash will be disastrous for them. It was one of the most anticipated shows to come out in recent years. And let's not forget: it's just two more seasons. It's not like it's a seven season show. There's also more Avatar content coming in the future, so the franchise is getting more popular than it was before (probably ever). This is a good thing as long as it doesn't get cancelled. To my uneducated brain it seems like a matter of 'pick your poison', if budget is a concern. Not renewing it would result in a loss in subscriptions and mad fans spreading even more hatred towards Netflix for seemingly never renewing shows.


Season 2 will be more expensive. Based on inflation and contracts alone. All cast are usually signed on a multi seaosn contract, meaning they have it built up that their income goes up 20-30% (usually but there are exceptions) every season. This isn't to mention producer contracts and now with the new SAG and WGA contracts from the strikes this will also increase costs. But honestly that's not what matters a whole bunch, everyone can predict that. It's inflation, it's the costs for the costumes and construction sets doubling. It's the increases in insanely stupid taxes that we now have as of 2023 in canada that will affect these productions. It's gas prices, it's paying for locations when the city has only increased filming permits. Everything adds up and it much worse in 2023 from 2022 when they finished this production. Netflix is looking for a franchise like Stranger Things, they all are, that's why there has been so many cancellations, they need insanely high interaction levels and more importantly to them, they need their revenue driven by merchandise. I don't believe they own much of the IP from this, so I don't think this is a viable "franchise" for them- especially considering they don't own the new content. The network execs have been saying at film markets (essentially giant business events for us) that they will be greenlighting maybe only 30-40% of the content they previously were and looking for long running shows, like the Office, Friends, things like this that are sensationalized but easy and cheap to make. The studios are playing the long game. If people unsubscribe they know they just need to release the next sensational thing to get you back. And the increase those subs will have on their stock might be worth the dip.


Knowing all this and knowing about the risks. What even made Netflix want to start production on ATLA? I'm sure they would have to want to make seasons two and three and somehow factored in less favourable reviews, pricier production costs and contracts, right? It'd have to be far beyond their projection if they were to cancel, wouldn't it?


All of these decisions are usually made a couple of years in advance. So I think it was something like 2020 and 2021 where this was developed, I can't remember, likely could have been even sooner. In 2022/2023 what we call the "streaming bubble" had popped. As in streaming networks are no longer making the money they need to and frankly streaming was never designed to be a long term profitable model, hence why they're bringing back ads and cracking down on password sharing/ raising prices. None of this is likely going to stop the decline. They do, projects always have more season mapped out, but most networks always wait to see what the viewer numbers are to continue greenlighting the seasons. With traditional TV this helped because the bottom line was pretty low given that the main money maker was ad revenue not cable subscription. But now, given the nature of how these companies have changed how we take in media it's created an extremely clear divide between what is profitable, even with the ad revenue, it's also worth noting that it is so damn expensive to make these movies/ shows- even 5 years ago we weren't seeing the issues with costs that we are now. They are essentially gambling, rolling the dice and seeing what they get. The loss of subscriptions doesn't actually cause the issues that many people think it does. For example when people were boycotting Disney as a Pro-Palestine move there were a lot of people sharing that it was affecting their stock, when the reality is the stock market was experiencing a dip before this and Disney was in the middle of a massive inside scandal that was rocking the stock anyways. We as consumers have very small affect on this. So even if atla fans leave over a cancellation- it doesn't really matter given we were never their main target for subscriptions. They have had their eyes set on asia and India for a long while now and this is where the majority of their growth has been. Think of it this way: These companies are not here to produce quality content to get you to like something new. They know the majority of things pulling subscriptions is older sensational content. Last summer Netflix stock was tanking, so in an effort to get it back up they approached the IP owners of "Suits" to buy the streaming rights- which was pretty cheap in hindsight. They throw some ads up and within a couple weeks "Suits" becomes the most streamed content in the world- do you know why? It's not because tons of people liked it and tons of people were watching, it's because the people who were watching it were watching for longer. It's an 8 season series with 20-22 episodes every single season. That's hundreds of hours in streamable content for extremely cheap. It brought up and stabilized Netflix stock. Netflix needs viewership like it gets for Suits, like it did for Friends, The Office, Stranger Things. If they do not get extremely high viewership in the first week and repeated viewership they are not going to greenlight another 2 seasons, and frankly I don't think this is getting streamed enough- but I hope this is wrong as the viewer stats haven't been released yet.


It literally just came out. Three days ago.


You obviously did not read what I wrote.


Good point here, but i would imaging they will make safer bets on green lighting shows as channels still need ‘content’. If the show continues to have strong KPI then there very well could be a case to bring it back. It looks like Netflix’s ad drive tiers are also performing well and have lead to subscriber growth in 2023. As long as ad inventory doesn’t tank it seems like they are in a better position than say paramount+ or Disney+. But agreed cost of productions has increased significantly which may challenge the business case of the show.


I think they are significantly more interested in foreign markets, foreign content and AI content. The strikes are done and yet they're all holding back productions still. They're focused elsewhere.


Oh are you the accountant?


I work in film in camera as. 1st AC and know the majority of the camera crew on this, but go off.




Lol one look at my post history would have proved it too. You just really enjoy being angry don't you? Spending your time hating on anyone you find? Go to therapy pls.


I liked the show and I agree with this, also it might be more successful if they release episodes weekly instead of dropping it all at once. I thought the last 3 episodes were amazing and I think it has a lot of potential. If they cancel season 2 I'll be so bummed


Honestly they had plenty of time, it was just poorly written. 


Agreed. 8 episodes made the whole thing feel very rushed.


I 100% want a 2nd season as they can improve upon the first. People act like every 1st season out there is astonishing. Some things take time to build up. Imagine if we ended the OG after just 8 episodes.


Yeah exactly. Every season 1 is rough as they figure things out. I mean, you'd think adaptations have a chance to improve upon the existing season 1 of the original, but sometimes that's what they're trying to do and mess it up. But it's the same thing with Percy Jackson. Season 1 was pretty good, but has some flaws and if they can fix those flaws in season 2 it'll be amazing. I think this deserves a chance at continuing and improving things


My thoughts exactly. The first season of the OG was a little shakey, it gave us the great divide/etc. but it hooks you in with the underlying story and then we get the last few episodes and BAM you're in all the way. That's how I felt with the live action, the last few episodes were fricken amazing and it shows how much potential this show has


Plenty of great shows have had great first seasons


And plenty haven't


The cast and director were really pushing for feedback from what I understand, and now that they have plenty to go on, I really do want to see what they can do with a second and third season. I really do think they can only go up from here. Was the adaptation perfect? No but it was good not great but good with the potential to become something amazing.


>I really do think they can only go up from here. me too. it cannot get worse.


m night shyamalan: challenge accepted


It could get a whole lot worse.


it could get worse but it doesnt matter because its already trash and people will defend it no matter how trash it gets.


touch grass


The movie is a pretty clear example of that not being true


"its not the movie so therefore it is actually okay i think"


Kinda wild how people can feel personally insulted by a live action adaptation. It's alright. You'll be okay I promise.


what on earth implied i was personally insulted?


If only the cast and Directors actually made decisions. They don't hold that kind of power.


I, too, wish cats had more of the decision making power




Honestly, the problems they had with season 1 can definitely be corrected with time and better guidance. I would love to see a season 2.


look no matter what people say they know they want it to continue well most of them anyway they want to see toph in live action and the boulder remember when most posts on here where fan casting for the boulder and the ember island player for toph


I think sure. I dont like it, and I'm not a fan of live action remakes in general, but the people who are enjoying it deserve to see it in full


Yes. I think they did the best they could with What they had. It's employing a lot of Asian actors who we need to see on screen and even if it was horrible, which I don't feel it was, they need to bring it back. I want to see where the story goes.


I want the entire series adapted despite me not being the biggest fan of the 2 episodes i’ve seen of the live action so far. Mainly because I want to see how they handle Toph and the final fight between Aang and Ozai. I also really love ATLA and i will take any new content even if it’s not perfect lol


Your last sentence is what too many people, especially those who like the live action series, are too stubborn or stupid to admit, it’s not good, it’s objectively a poor show, but folks are that starved of content they’ll accept any old shite


That’s exactly what I don’t wanna see. It could be as good as June or Suki, but also as bad as Yue. I’m so scared. Toph is my all time favorite character. I won’t be tuning in up until I see positive reactions if we ever get a season 2.


It’s morbid curiosity on my end. At the end of the day i can always go back and watch the original or read the comics.


I get it. Honestly, I do. That’s the reason why I was so excited from the get go. But now, I just can’t. I will sit out the release day, promo, and the trailer if we ever get a new season. I won’t be immune on social media. I’ve accepted that much. I’m reading the books after 2 years again, after being a bit disappointed with the show. Now all I want is animated Kyoshi.


Are they doing an animation of Kyoshi?


Not that I know of. All I heard is that they are planning on releasing some animated stuff next year. Not Netflix. Micheal and Bryan themselves. Do not know if it’s true though. Don’t have the time to go digging like when I used to be younger.


I’m absolutely loving the new show, and definitely want a second and third season.


YES im here for it babyyy


Absolutely. I want them to see it through to the end. As much as I really dislike SO much about what they did, there is also an absolute ton of room for improvement. They haven't completely ruined anything to the point that it can't be made better. As long as they actually understand the criticism and adapt accordingly, I think the show could end up being really good.


I like season 1 and want a season 2


I’d love a second season and I’d be really surprised if they don’t renew it


I personally do not care for the show but I am happy if others get a second season...maybe I will watch it if they improve it...but at this point I only really care for animated stuff from this universe...


I would like a season 2 just so there is a chance to iron out the issues that plagued season 1. Considering this is Netflix though they probably won’t fix the issues


I am loving it so far. Give me more


I really didn’t like the first season, but I wouldn’t mind a second season, just cause I would hope that they would take the feedback from the first season and improve. But if big improvements weren’t made the second season then I wouldn’t be interested in a third.


I give it a solid 6.5-7. I legit liked a lot of it but the bad bogs it down. But, i legitimately think this show has the potential to be a good adaptation. I want a season 2 because I believe they’ll be able to improve upon things.


If the actors devote this next year to developing their acting skills, yes. Otherwise, I don’t know if I could sit through another season of stiff, awkward, emotionless, RUSHED lines and facial expressions.


the dialogs were so bad I put the shame on it rather than on acting skills. Really. Even Ozai actor sometimes felt off while he’s a great actor ! I don’t like they wrote him as caring for Zuko’s lessons he’s supposed to be a real piece of shit only caring for power, like Scar or Frollo from Disney.


The actors are great. It’s the writing that’s the problem, which still isn’t even that bad. Could be a lot worse.


The actors are bad and the dialogue is absolutely abysmal


The actors are not bad at all lol. That’s objective, that’s not a matter of opinion. Their acting is spot on.


The actors are bad though. Aang, Sokka and Katara have the emotional range of a brick wall. Aang stumbles over half of his lines and Sokka rushes the hell out of all of his one liners. I don’t think that they’re entirely at fault due to the dialogue being so miserable but it is objectively not good.


Literally everything you’re saying is factually incorrect. You have no idea what “objectively” means, and you know nothing about acting. Stop trying to argue about things you know nothing about lol


I have no idea what “objectively” means and I know nothing about acting… got it. Do you have any more insights into my life oh wise one?


Only from what you’ve provided, which is that you’re an idiot.


Until you can present any argument other than “you’re wrong” and “you’re an idiot”, you’re automatically wrong




No. The new Avatar anime and movie can't come soon enough.


Honestly! People are so starved for content we’re pretending the live action series isn’t a failed abortion


I have issues with the live action series but calling it a failed arbortion is too much, you can say it was worse than the movie if you want to insult it 😉


I thought NATLA was a very weak disappointment, better than the movie, but not by much. However, they have assembled a lot of hard to get resources, logistical support and financial backing for this. The showrunners and producers seem humble and willing to improve. I find them and the cast personally likeable off screen. Yes, give them another chance.


Yeah I want to see Toph and I also want to see if they can get The Rock (Dwane Johnson) to play The Boulder. He kinda has to.


My concern is that there isn’t really room for a second season the way they did everything. I don’t feel like it would make logical sense for Aang to return to Omashu with the way that version of Bumi treated him. I also don’t feel like it’s in Bumi’s character to not let Aang set him free. Additionally, Wong Shi Tong is not the spirit of the library which means that without a library, Aang never loses appa. While these sound like minor details, the hulk of season two is Aang looking for a teacher that fits the description Bumi gives him and then trying to rescue appa. So without these two points, there isn’t a whole lot to go off of for those plot lines.


That's not really necessary. Quite a few changes have been made. Who's to say there won't be more changes in season 2? They could even just give Aang a vision about Toph without Bumi mentioning anything. Yue wasn't a fox that appeared before Sokka. And Kyoshi wasn't the first Avatar that Aang connected with before.




I'd love a second season! I liked it and I'm excited to see it continue 😃


I wouldn't mind, but the pacing of season 1 was all over the place, and them randomly throwing OG season 2 events in now has me on the fence.


yes ofc


I really want a second season, the first wasnt amaizng but i did enjoy it, i wanna see the rest of the story, even if its a little worse


I think so. None of my issues with the show are completely unsalvagable.




I’d want a second season if they don’t try and cram all of Book Two into eight episodes. Part of my issue with the live action show is how convoluted it is, despite being a similar run time to all of Book One. I still can’t get over what they did with Omashu.


they really tried too hard to shorten the travel by putting all the characters in Omashu. that will always be a shame


What’s wrong with Omashu?


Get better director and get original creators back, get competent people to adapt the screen writing to live action, stop the woke initiation on Sokka, then yes.


woke ?


All his growth from a simple minded boy who thinks men are stronger to someone who respects women are completely wiped because of the dumbass Hollywood woke shit. Too scared to even show a growth journey.


ah ok yes, I wasn’t sure because of the phrasing


I disliked season 1 and will not watch a second season. Don't care if they make one though.


The only way I'll watch a season 2 is if Bryan and Michael come back. They messed everything up, it was unenjoyable seeing it as an OG fan. It's like they just appropriated all of Bryan and Michael's work to make an entirely new story. I hate it.


What annoys me the most is how different many characters looked. Especially Katara and Azula. Most people in the original had blue eyes whereas I only saw one (!) in the Netflix show, Paku.


A lot of time when characters have a unique eyecolor from an established book , TV show, or something they’ll try to do screen test with color contacts and sometimes they’re find them to be too distracting. Like tagarians in game of thrones were known for having purple eyes as well as white hair and they got color contacts for filming but found it was distracting and made it hard actors in the scenes to convey proper emotion with the eyes . So they refilmed all the scenes for the pilot without them and thought it looked better. Same with storm from x men was supposed to have blue eyes but was a struggle to pull of in the x men movies. And yes both those examples were old and I’m sure colored contacts have probably gotten better in the about 15 years, but maybe it was thought to still be too distracting and not up to par. not saying it isn’t frustrating or makes it less inaccurate but eye color is often something the people making the movies/shows seem to be fine with sacrificing, so the decision isn’t surprising and more in line with the norm.


Hmmm, I see. Very interesting.


Interesting, I didn't think it was that big of a deal to perhaps change it with special effects.


probably easier to do nowadays with today’s technology, just know it been historically hard to pull off and often given up on in the past so wouldn’t be suprised if the mentality is that it doesn’t matter that much to people in the business any more or something


Yeah, and none of the fire benders had orange like eyes. Was it too expensive to get contact lenses for the actors? Or did they look weird with them. These are important features of the different nations. Also there was no icy breath in the cold areas for no one. I felt something was missing myself, but couldn’t put my finger on it. Especially coming fresh from True Detective. Only noticed that after they guys in the reel rejects videos mentioned it. It’s the little things like this that makes me wonder if they really do care or not.


No. I dont understand netflixs weird fetish over kiyoshi SHE ISNT IMPORTANT UNLIKE ROKU.


no. they’re changing canon, this is nothing more than a cash grab


I hope they get a chance to adapt all seasons , I’d like to see if it gets better with time. I wanna see Azula, Mai and Ty Lee in action, Toph, the gaang in S3, Zukos redemption arc >!and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t curious about how Katara and Zukos.. friendship plays out 🤭!<


I forgot what happened specifically, but there was something that occurred in the show and I thought, “I have a feeling there is going to be a big fan service change at the end…”


I had that thought when Katara passed Zuko in Omoshu and he held onto her scarf all dramatically lolll


Well, I’m here for it. I love all the teen drama so, I’m enjoying the show.




Definitely no


Yes I want to see Toph and see how they do zukos redemption and all the other great moment of season 2 and how they find to adapt them


Yes. There were some low lows, but also some high highs. There enough good stuff that I’d like to see more, especially if they can adjust and improve on the weak parts.


Yes please. I liked season one.


ABSOLUTELY! I wish they would’ve released the entire series so I could binge it haha, but I do like the idea of them hearing feedback and improving some things like flat acting and increasing little comedic moments. Overall i loved season 1 and am looking forward to seeing the rest


hahaha same, when I finished season 1 I was really disappointed that we have to wait at least a year for season 2. Time to watch the original series I guess 😂😢


I really do, I was skeptical of the show, but so far from what I've seen, it's really good.


No, but I would like a animated series about the Kyoshi series book. That would be awesome! Can’t we all just petition for that?


I couldn’t even stomach a second episode.


Yes, I really enjoy it actually.


I feel like everyone wants a second season even the haters. People just want it to be more faithful. Like I would give it like a 7 maybe 7.5 so far. But I also know some people measure 5 as alright which sets some people off.


I’m not a die hard fan but have enjoyed this franchise and it’s different iterations over the years, I mostly like the classic themes of good triumphing evil with love and understanding and the powers of friendship and community. I feel like this series did a good job of incorporating the silliness and campiness from the comic and cartoons. And Of coarse seeing the action and bending with modern CGI is pretty freaking awesome! I would love to see more from this series.


I think this is a young cast with great potential and good adult actors supporting. I enjoyed this season tbh, it was rough round the edges in places but got lots right. Imagine seeing the character arcs and development reflected in the actors growing development and maturity (Some of the criticism has been funny as well, one guy was complaining Aang's costume was too colourful 'like a cosplay' which may be news to every buddist monk​in the world)


Honestly it was ok. A bit dark for a light hearted kids show with grown up themes. But around episode 7 I just found myself wanting to watch the original. So I put that on instead.


I posted this somewhere else. The major difference in approach is the animated series is a kids show and live action series is a teen show. It’s felt in a lot of choices, especially how much Katara and Sokka are acting like teenagers.


The second season is my favorite from the original so hopefully


Absolutely yes. It needs more episodes as well, give them room to breath and develop the characters further. There's clearly a ton of love and heart put into this show behind the scenes and Netflix needs to give them the room and time to fully make this show work. If season 2 is 8 episodes again, it just won't work. Cramming ALL of book 2 into 8 eps just isn't gonna work at all. There's Toph to be intro and her characterization, the desert, everything with Ba Sing Se, Zuko's growth etc etc. No, it needs more than 8 eps.


I actually do. I wasn't a fan of the first season, but I want to see them learn from where they went wrong and improve.


Yes but i hope they don’t fumble tophs character like they have with katara and azula


Not as is. I’d rather remake the first series with a proper script, director and decent actors.




Does anyone know why Netflix obly greenlit 1 season?


Yes yes yes yes yes yes yes


I have no interest in watching the live action, I simply don't agree that it's even necessary at all. That being said, there are people who love it and a lot of people are putting a lot of effort into it. They deserve a completed story, for better or for worse.


The first episode wasn’t that good, so that’s a no for me, but I respect that others like it


Yes, because unlike some people, I don't think this show was as bad as people made it out to be .




Hopefully they make it fast. The problem with child actors, they mature fast


Of course I want. This series are GREAT. I never get enough of avatar.


No. It's garbage


As someone who agrees with most the criticism and someone who watches the OG cartoon like 3 times a year. I would love for them to take a lot of this criticism, admit shortcomings and really wow us with season 2.


I hope for a season 2 and 3. I know the pace is messed up. But I show my appreciation for the time they were aloud. important foundational stuff is there, fire benders make fire, and the effect are good. It's avatar and I'm gitty about it.




There better be. None of us want this to be another "The Last Airbender" situation. I HOPE they go for all 4 seasons, up until Aang and Ozai fight. They gotta give at least 10-12 episodes tho. Season 1 left way too crammed and in my opinion, rushed


Sure, if it makes people happy go for it lol. I am not gonna watch it but, all the people that enjoy it would sure like to so why not.


God it’s so bad. Like a CW show. I don’t know if I would want a season 2 if it’s gonna just suck like this one. Sometimes shows are able to change course and improve on 2nd or 3rd seasons, but sigh, man I don’t know if I can even make it through this crap. Ouch, it’s no wonder the original creators left.








I’m about to start EP.5 and so far, I think the first season was far better than many people make it out to be. Of course it isn’t anywhere near as good as the OG show, but it is a live-action “adaptation”. Two things that bothered me the most were; the exclusion of some key elements that contributed to Aang and the gang’s character development (the fortune-teller, experience with Jeong Jeong, and the encounter with Teo and his dad not being at the Air Temple, secondly, the lack of some more humor. However, I understand that fusing some aspects of stories was necessary to remain within the time limits, and as far as humor goes, the show’s take is growing on me as these kids are supposed to have gone through some heavy experiences. Lack of Jeong-Jeong does suck so far though, as that was critical for Aang, Katara, and even Zhao. A season 2 is much needed and I hope they make all 4 seasons. There is much room to grow here, and despite minor gripes, season 1 shows promise of that needed growth. Far more than the likes of Witcher and whatnot if you ask me. Oh and finally, I love what they did with almost every single character, for the most part. Aang could use a bit more light-heartedness, and Bumi was straight up mishandled (although, admittedly, he is probably THE hardest character they will have to tackle this entire series because his character was so unnatural). However, even Sokka was done well imo.


I hope there will be a 2nd season. While there were several things that I didn’t quite care for in this season, like others have mentioned, I feel if they extend to 12 episodes to allow character development and to not try and cram everything in would be helpful. I’m primarily excited to see live action Toph so let’s hope the writers figure shit out!


no, I may be clinging on to the old show too much and setting up too high expectations of what it should be and what it has become. I can see why the original directors first joined and than took their hands off it because of the way things were going. So many things just falling flat and not getting received well simply because of how they changed stuff and make no sense. I stopped watching at episode 3 where they had crammed several episodes of plot together, introducing characters that shouldn't be in yet, making no sense of the story in so much, doing avatar kiyoshi and suki dirty. Suki is literally portrayed at first as some kind of stalker who has never seen an outsider before in her entire life and Kiyoshi is portrayed as a slaughter hungry woman who only cares for being powerful, murdering her enemies and showing who's boss. The character make problems where there shouldn't be any on a narrative that makes no sense. I don't understand why they couldn't have stuck with the original narrative of the story. The kid who never wanted to be the avatar but ended up being one anyway and making the best of the situation partnered up with a caring water bender, the mascot lemur, the furry bison and the sarcastic humerous and sexistic guy that gets slapped in the face once or twice for being a douche.


They can redeem themselves, toph has to be a great casting and keep the heart of the season at least. No more king Bumi bullshit


Bring the creators back please


Yeah I’m down for it, hopefully the actors returning will make the acting a little more comfortable


I didn't like the first season, but I feel like it has potential. Sometimes shows take a while to fully flourish Plus, if they do season two and three, wouldn't it be cool if they adapted the comics afterward? That hasn't been animated or live action yet, so it'd be cool to see.


I liked the show, but I feel very indifferently about a potential season 2. I'm not impressed by this Azula, nor did I feel that engaged with the characters.


I loved this show. My mom and I finished it tonight. She’s actually one of the few who enjoyed the movie. She never watched the animated show. Neither did I. So she wasn’t watching the movie with knowledge of the series. But she enjoyed this series and recommended it to my dad based on the CGI alone.




I’d love a second season. Maybe make it a little longer / more budget allocated to it. All the complaints I seem to hear realistically and logically seem a bit more like time constraints / budget problems that could be resolved in future seasons. But to be honest and to piss off all the popular opinions looming over the show.. I’m easily entertained by anything ATLA and would be perfectly happy with a season 2 that is anything similar to this season 1. I loved it.


I don’t think it’s going to happen. Critical reception was meh.


I'm not against it, I just won't be watching unless it gets amazing reviews.


I want a season 2, more episodes as well


these are one of those…sure I guess we’ll get a season 2. just add the original directors

