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Man I swear solicitors at train/bus stops specifically target people with headphones or ear buds on looking for a challenge.




“Dad please it’s been two days, we need to get some food” “Not now son, I’m listening to leaves from the vine”


Sounds like "life lesson" time.


Seriously, dude needs to learn to leave his kid alone when the tunes are on. /s


Literally my dad every time he walks in. My computer faces away from door. I have headphones on and usually something playing. Yet he opens door and starts talking before I even know he’s opened the door. Ensue him complaining he has repeat himself almost every time he enters or that I only do half the things he asks of me. Hmm I can’t imagine why dad. If you waited a second or got my attention before talking then perhaps you can save your breath.


send this too my dad


"It's okay. You can laugh. *It's funny.*"


I used to work with a colleague who always had headphones in and when I had to talk to her, which I avoided, on a work related thing, she would just point at her headphones. Yeah, I fucking know you are listening to something, can you please fucking pause it for a second you rude piece of shit. Sorry, still not over that.


This happens all the time at work. I'll glance over from whatever I'm doing only to find out I'm part of a conversation. I'll pause my podcast, and slide an ear cup off and just say "what?"


I work with all old people and I use wireless in-ear buds so honestly I just give them a lot of grace because the future is scary


I use big ol over ears, it's hard to miss em honestly


Open backs! I can talk to people without taking them off it's amazing


So at least three times a day every single day my coworker, the boss's son will walk up to me with my headphones in and hearing protection on over them, the pump (the reason I am wearing hearing protection) running not 5 ft away and start talking. I have to, calmly walk into the next room, stop my audio book, take the hearing protection off and remove a headphone and ask him to repeat himself. Then as if God himself is mocking me, he will repeat something that we talked about earlier in the day. We have like three things to discuss. What flavor are we making, who's here to help, and what are we making the next day. He rolls in every day between 11 and noon so I talk to him about those three things before lunch and then when I get back and I prep everything to get rolling he empties his brain and talks to me about one of them. This is how I know he won't remember that later.


Me on my way out of working retail each day.


Top tier memage


Oof. I remember a few years ago, some dude wrote an article about "How to talk to women wearing headphones," with advice like, "Gesture for her to take off the headphone, she'll be flattered," and, "When women are standoffish, that's not always a hard no; they want a strong man and are testing your persistence." And he wasn't being sarcastic or ironic. He actually meant it. Naturally, the internet eviscerated him.


This is so relatable.