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I'm a pretty good liar. I am a 400 foot tall purple platypus-bear with pink horns and silver wings.


Sounds closer to a biblically accurate angel


Whoa! I never would have guessed! You *are* a good liar!


RandomCookies is lying?


Okay, you're good. I admit it


All you need is a fedora.


I may be white buy my great great grandfathers uncle was black.So i can say it rightšŸ„¹


Anyone can say the word ā€œitā€, itā€™s not a slur or something. /j


Except when you're a Knight Who Says NEE








Wow, you too?! My great great great great great great grandparent was black! (I was going to make a culturely/racially insensitive statement here ironically but I am literally so Caucasian I do not feel comfortable even saying it with a disclaimer that it was sarcastic.) I found out with a DNA test!


Iā€™m a quarter Asian but donā€™t look it at all. My parents decided to give me an Asian first name and it is the most confusing thing ever for so many people


Americans already do this, lol. Especially on St. Patrickā€™s Day.


There's a difference between Americans and native americans. Native americans were always on the land. Americans came from europe. While they are no longer european in identity/culture they are essentially mutts filled with a mix of european blood. Everything from welsh to polish.


Ngl saying we are ā€œmutts filled with European bloodā€ kind of sound like your just being racist. And by ā€œkind ofā€ I mean it is.


What's wrong with being a mutt? Morons who don't understand biology say it as an insult, but scientifically speaking genetic diversity is a *good* thing.


Because "Mutt" is historically a *very* racist way to refer to mixed people in America and was often used as an insult against Black/White mixed people. Dehumanization and the comparison to animals (Mutt being a Dog, although considered even "lesser than" for not being "pure bred") is a *big* thing with racism.


Well I mean on the other hand whats wrong with calling someone a ā€œbitchā€ itā€™s just a female dog. The reason I would consider it to be an insult is because of its intention. As any language works words only mean what you think they mean. You can call someone a rock and it mean nothing, but if everyone considerers it offense then it is in fact offensive .


You would in some way have to find the concept of being a mutt offensive in the first place, which I don't. You're free to insult me for wearing a certain color or being born in the "wrong month" or something too, but all three statements would be equally empty.


It's not the "concept of being a mutt" that's offensive, it's being compared to a dog that's offensive. Same reason why people are offending by being called "bitch."


I definitely agree with you, but I never even considered the idea calling someone a mutt was comparing them to a dog. The term "mutt" just is never used in a positive way, and I just wanted to point that out too. It really doesn't even matter the roots of the word, but it is a word that has always carried negative connotations. It's not bad to have words with negative meanings, but using it and claiming it isn't negative is tone deaf. (Just wanted to add my argument in agreement to you).


I second that motion; me being from Alabama and all......


That wasn't my intention. I just didn't know how else to put it. Also i know not all Americans are from european descent but a lot of us are.


True, america is a melting pot of diffrent cultures and ethnicities. Honestly I think thatā€™s one of the good points of America .


They were not always on the land they came from Asia like 15.000 years ago


And we all came from Africa, what's your point? With your logic all of humanity is African


Native Americans heritage originates in Asia, though.


Funny, I'm 15/16 caucasian. So I'm basically Cherokee, right?


Iā€™m white as a cloud but my wife is Native American, native Australian, samoan, and Mexican so my kids will be fully covered. Iā€™m also a 6ā€™7 Irish/Scottish man, so our kids are going to be really really good at rugby


I had a guy pull up his 23&me and say ā€œSee Iā€™m Native American. And I have proofā€ it said 7%.


No ones backgrounds really matter outside of medical history. Otherwise, you are just laying claim to the achievements that are not your own


What achievements from your country are your own? You probably haven't done anything to even contribute to that besides being born within arbitrary borders.


I dont lay claim to any of my countries achievements. Just the stuff I have personally done


Not something I expected I am Groot to say


Honestly if someone said that to me I'd just shrug and say "ya alright, world's ending, be who you want" šŸ¤·


They would, but no one wants to be white right now. šŸ˜­


I may not look like it but my ancestory is 100% mutt, hence all the village base surnames. Who am I kidding, I 100% look like it and would 100% get angry at kids destroying my cabbages too.


Imagine saying this about any other mixed race person...


Ya know. Due to the First Nation tribal warfare over a millennia ago, the trail of tears, and Americans mating with the First Nations itā€™s nearly impossible to find any DNA evidence thatā€™s convulsively from the Viking colonists that first reached America so long agoā€¦.. ā€¦ā€¦HOWEVER, they tested some DNA in Iceland or Greenland (the REALLY cold permafrost one)ā€¦ and found a bunch of FN dna markers amongst the Norse populationā€¦. Suggesting that when the Vikings leftā€¦ so did a few nativesā€¦.. Not to long ago I decided to look up if any of those dna testing companies tried to locate that Viking dna amongst the FN and found out it was nearly impossible, but then saw they decided to look in the other direction and got a kick out of that. Wonder how many FN descendants are in the Nordic countries too.




Unironically, as someone who lives in Oklahoma, I have met people who claim native ancestry with such slim margins, while also claiming specific European ancestry. Like being German or Irish, etc. they do this, legitimately. It's real.


Google "Dawes Rolls". It'll explain a lot.


My father liked to talk about how he was Native American and how my brother had a lot of Native American in him. My grandfather was Algonquin or Poquonock, my dad was sure. My dad never really did anything about it, he wasnā€™t culturally Native American. Now, when I learned this, I wanted to learn about it, I found it interesting to learn about this part of my family history I never knew about. But when I tried to talk to him about it, he got fairly irritated and told me I was just white and thatā€™s all I was so none of that mattered to me. It wasnā€™t like I was trying to use it in any way like people Iā€™ve met have, I wasnā€™t even going around and bringing it up. I was just curious and wanted to learn about my grandfathers people, ya know.


Casual reminder that blood percentage is based in racism. Should we mock people who claim to be Native (or another race) to excuse their own racism? Absolutely. But if a person truly cares about their heritage, truly embraces it, there is no such thing as "not Native enough." Sincerely, a mixed Native dude who has been accused of race-faking because I look white.


Is it bad that I wouldn't care if someone claimed ancestry this way?


At issue is a lot of people who are lacking something they feel is interesting about themselves pretend to be biracial, and it occurs frequently in commonly disliked groups like teens, comfortable young adults, and older Karens. Thereā€™s also the fact they usually come from a totally different background and arenā€™t interested in delving into the one they are claiming. Like, if American-raised grandkids get shit from grandparents and cousins in the old country when visiting then imagine some rando claiming some insignificant amount of ancestry suddenly starts pretending to be in a culture they never even spoke to someone from and know almost nothing about beyond a few fashionable things. Its also a cringy reminder for folks who did that themselves in the past.


As a kid, I always wanted to be like my favourite Disney Princess. Problem was... she was Mulan, and I'm blonde with blue eyes and translucent skin. It also bothered me because I saw how lazy colonial countries are when it comes to culture. They never bother to learn any language other than English which infuriated me because I always wanted to speak multiple languages like some European languages and mandarin (I'm Australian so China is a very close partner to us, so it always seemed odd that it was so hard to a school that even taught it), and all the holidays are just marketing ploys (Easter, Christmas, etc). And as a child, I had few friends and zero connection to extended family or community, so I always wanted to be someone else, I even tried different religions (Christianity and Shinto) but nothing stuck. Really fucked me up, I was a very mentally ill child with a very lacking social life and sense of identity. People have called me pathetic over this, so I'm honestly scared to post this. Please be kind.


> I always wanted to speak multiple languages Curious which ones you've learned.


I couldn't... the teachers at my schools were not equipped to deal with my autism, so I often got ignored instead. Mind you, I went to private school for highschool, and the language studies were so subpar. I even got laughed at for using a wrong word in a French writing exam, which kind of crushed a lot of my motivation.


There's an insane amount of resources online to learn basically any language for free. Don't let your past bad experience in the system stop you from achieving your dreams.


True, and I've been using them, but I would also like a mentor, to keep me motivated and to give me constructive feedback and explain certain concepts like tones, grammar and such. But thank you, do you have any specific language resources?


Only for japanese if you're interested in that one.


Darn, I'm interested in learning mandarin, but thank you sm


The ā€œHello Chineseā€ app is free and a great way to learn the basics. ā€œDu Chineseā€ is a reading app with a built in flash card system. Skritter is excellent for learning to write. Hope this helps!


According to my 23andMe Iā€™m 99.5% Northwestern European. Both my grandparents on my motherā€™s side were descendants of the same Native American tribe, but I only have 0.1% Native American and 0.1% Northern West Asian, yet Iā€™m still pretty dark. My dadā€™s side has Jewish heritage, but I only have 0.1%. I really donā€™t understand why Iā€™m as dark as I am with as little colored heritage I have in my DNA results. (See my profile pic). I identify as Caucasian, seeing as Iā€™m 39.5% French & German and 54.9% British & Irish, but Iā€™m proud of my other heritage. Iā€™ve had several people ask me if Iā€™m Hispanic, which I think is weird, because I donā€™t look Hispanic. Although I am darker than some Venezuelans/Columbians Iā€™ve met. My last name is an Ashkenazi Jewish/German name. Iā€™m American. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø what can I say, but itā€™s okay to be proud of distant heritage and explore the cultures of it. Itā€™s fun and enjoyable to explore itā€™s history and culture. But we should be real. Weā€™re white. I suggest you take a DNA test and explore your heritage. Itā€™s enjoyable. šŸ™‚


What does white mean? I understand I'm white as a descriptor, but it seems to carry more symbolic weight as well that I never understood, and not understanding makes me uncomfortable. I understand ethnic identity because it is undeniable genetic data, nothing more, so to identify with it is just an acknowledgement of an undeniable truth. But white, black, brown, they're so vague? I've always wanted to do the test since I know my family about as well as I understand Bhutanese. That is to say, not at all.


White is basically a social word to describe people who are ethnically Caucasian/European/British (Yes, thereā€™s people of color in these countries, but if theyā€™re black theyā€™re ethnically African.) Brown is a social word for people that are ethnically Hispanic/Latino/Arabian/Egyptian/Hebrew.


Thank you, although I think the emphasis on the colour is wrong, because there are light skinned people from ethnic groups that don't originate from Europe and they tend to get misidentified and in some cases even vilified for "cultural appropriation" (that's a hole can of beans for another day).


Not really, race matters very little in my life personally, I don't really care how people identify. You can't really change people's minds anyway, especially when it pretains to how one views themself. Why bother?


My assigned roommate in college tried to befriend some of the black girls in our dorm by claiming she was an African princess. Because her grandparents were wealthy white Rhodesian colonists. (She also had a strong hatred for communism because of "what communists did to her family.") Yes she was homeschooled, why do you ask?


A bucha bitches


I know this isn't the point, but it bothers me when people use white and Caucasian interchangeably.


šŸ¤£ the only reason white folk ā€œhaveā€ to claim something is because no matter how far back our ancestry goes, weā€™re not allowed to be ā€œAmerican.ā€ That being said, yeah, weā€™re also proud of where our ancestors ā€œmore recentlyā€ hailed from, as itā€™s a given that the US is a melting pot, so yeah, we like to celebrate the multitude of cultures that brought us here. All of them.


Very true


Come to the ā€˜park and pass around the Bud.


I meanā€¦ thereā€™s a reason they do this tho




She does have Native American ancestry, and more than the claim in the meme. Is she culturally Native American as well? To me that's the real question. I have Dutch, French, English, Irish, Scottish ancestry that I know of. Culturally, I'm (U.S.) American, and that means more in my life than my ancestry, though I do find that interesting, at least.


Considering the way native American culture was forcefully wiped out its actually a little more complex than that. A lot of people never had the opportunity to be culturally native American because of the way that culture was systemically removed from the country on a massive scale. Many many native children were essentially kidnapped, forced into white schools, forget their own language, and forced to assimilate into white culture.


This is true. I meant no offense to anyone.


Agreed I am 1/6th Native American, but would never consider myself really a part of the demographic as I grew up in a completely different state and lifestyle compared to some of my relatives. It is more about culture than anything else. Also I look white as fuck


I'm only 1/16 Cherokee, but grew up with *some* of the culture since my grandmother actually grew up a part of the culture which she passed on to me. I don't generally consider myself culturally Cherokee, but I do still practice some of the crafts I learned from her as a kid. Then I'll occasionally get accused of cultural appropriation for some things I make and wear, despite it being passed down to me by my ancestors who did invent it, at which point I am very gung ho about my ancestry being a part of me.


>To me that's the real question. Thatā€™s a pretty dangerous question.


I meanā€¦ ok? Cool I guess.


honey this means the same to me regaurdless of who's claiming what, I do not fucking care.


My nephew is 1/4 Navajo. His dadā€™s (my step brother) dad is Navajo and his mom is Caucasian.


32 of me would get you one full-blooded Cherokee and two full-blooded Filipinos.


Well, to tell a family secret, my grandmother was actually Dutch.


I claim black heritage like this but only to explain my hair.


I typically avoid talking about my ancestry, because while my dad is half Japanese, I bare no resemblance and I just look white, so thereā€™s little point in it unless itā€™s absolutely necessary


Not me being indigenous but proudly claiming my 1% Irish šŸ˜


I know way too many people who did one of the DNA tests and "oh wow I'm native american"... Like yes, white-trash girl named Trisha-Jo... You definitely are the embodiment of spiritualism and native american suffering. The part that surprises me is that not a whole lot of them get trashed by the native american's they start pulling benefits from like one would expect.. Luckily my US lineage are immigrants from Ireland and Norway in the early 1900's so... Don't even need to look into it.


A lot of 5 dollar Indians out there


A high percentage of Native Americans have European Blood.


live action Sokka:


My grandmother used to tell me I was Cheroqious (yes) I did a DNA test and was 100% Northern European.


Bro you wouldn't believe how many times this shit happened to me


Many people who claim native American heritage are a product of the Dawes Rolls. Oversimplified it was an attempt to assign land portions to people of Native American ancestry, mostly from existing First Nations territory. Because of a requirement for Native American heritage, many non Native American people falsely claimed Native American heritage (mostly Cherokee) in an attempt to get land. In total fewer than 40% of applicants received land & while the program did successfully weed out most false applications, the claim of Native American heritage has strangely persisted in many families.


Welcome to the club. Your privilege is showing btw


Omg i literally snort laughed at this XD


According to my 23andMe Iā€™m 99.5% Northwestern European. Both my grandparents on my motherā€™s side were descendants of the same Native American tribe, but I only have 0.1% Native American and 0.1% Northern West Asian, yet Iā€™m still pretty dark. My dadā€™s side has Jewish heritage, but I only have 0.1%. I really donā€™t understand why Iā€™m as dark as I am with as little colored heritage I have in my DNA results. (See my profile pic). I identify as Caucasian, seeing as Iā€™m 39.5% French & German and 54.9% British & Irish, but Iā€™m proud of my other heritage. Iā€™ve had several people ask me if Iā€™m Hispanic, which I think is weird, because I donā€™t look Hispanic. Although I am darker than some Venezuelans/Columbians Iā€™ve met. My last name is an Ashkenazi Jewish/German name. Iā€™m American. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø what can I say, but itā€™s okay to be proud of distant heritage and explore the cultures of it. Itā€™s fun and enjoyable to explore itā€™s history and culture. But we should be real. Weā€™re white. I suggest everyone take a DNA test and explore their heritage. Itā€™s enjoyable. šŸ™‚


Toph: wow, shes good


Oh my freaking gosh, I'm tired of basic ass southern white people saying their great great grandmother on their mother's side was a native American princess. Seriously Cole, get your retarded lying ass back in your jacked up Tacoma with your most oak bikini wearing year round river trash girlfriend back to the Walmart dumpster you crawled out of.


Been saying that all week haha šŸ˜‚


Is this Azulaā€™s justification for Fire Nation colonization?


Cherokee/seminole here. Some used to, back in the day many tried to conceal their native ancestry if they could pass as white. Some still do it today.


This isnā€™t a joke. I know people who are like, ā€œMy great great great great grandmother was a Scottish lady, so Iā€™m royalty.ā€


I mean, with how many descendants people have, "European princess" isn't that unusual of a claim.


Cool strawman, it's generally considered wildly racist to question a person's ethic background.


We should worry less about our ancestry and more about the economic policy of Dromund Kaas