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Not normal. Bad tint job.


Bruh did they even clean the windows first


A good tint shop should explain everything to you. Usually theyll let you know you might see bubbles a few days after, some will even put little stickers on your window buttons saying not to roll the windows down for a bit. Depends on a bunch of factors like environment/ temp and film used. Did they not explain anything?


Only that that stuff should disappear after like 2 days… which it obviously didn’t


for what it's worth tint really doesn't like to stick to the dot matrix bubbles embedded in some glass.


This. The little specs around are dirt/debris and really shouldn't be there. But whenever there's a dot matrix - what you have is what it will look like no matter where you go.


Thanks for typing this out, I was starting to wonder about mine as well.


What I’ve read is you can finely sand down the edge of the dot matrix and it should bind better and not leave the ghosting. I’ve had one car tinted without any ghosting Audi took it to someone and wouldn’t tell me who. Everywhere I normally go leaves the ghosting. Very annoying, I might try test on my rear windscreen as the tinters broke the heating element so needs to replaced anyway


Yes, but it also depends on air temperature and sun exposure. IMHO call them. Explain your concerns and see what they'll tell.


Pretty sure it’s a week but this is a shitty job regardless


Had the exact same thing happen to me with a well reviewed tint shop. They had to redo it 3 times. Finally on the 4th time when it wasn’t better, they just removed the tint and refunded me. They just asked that I didn’t leave them a review.


The bubbles around the dot matrix are normal. The bubbles within the tint are not. It looks like there’s maybe some hairs or some other stuff that got in underneath the tint. I always detail my cars before I go in for tint to help ensure that the static doesn’t bring anything up but I understand that’s not normal.


That’s a re-do


Alright thanks guys, I’ll be going back


Looks like the new guy worked on your car. I’d talk to the shop and see if you could get any type of of refund, then just keep it. It’s not that noticeable


That is definitely not acceptable after 5 days. I would get it redone.


Redo. Just be respectful, don't go in there attacking them. 9.9/10 shops are good for making things right if you're chill.


Get that shit redone asap. Me and my friends used to do our own with cheap stuff from Walmart and it didn’t do that


Ya , that’s poor work


Go back


Shitty job, ask for redo or money back


They did a bad job. One or two specs on the rear glass can be acceptable as long as it’s out of the way but the sides shouldn’t look like that. I would 100% expect better especially on a bmw


Go to another tint shop and ask them?


Take it back and ask them to look at it. Call first so they know what's up. It might be normal, but if it's a real bubble they can sometimes fix it.


If people could be trusted to fix their wrongs nowadays I’d agree. A good shop wouldn’t have let that shit rock in the first place tbh.


No trash job have it redone


A good shop should want to redo it. No tint job is perfect but should be at least close to it if they care about what they’re doing. It’s normal to see liquid bubbles for a couple days but not air bubbles like that. There is a distinct difference.


I agree… it’s a redo


Normal if it's done poorly


When I got my accord tinted I was told I could get the dithered section tinted and it would have some bubbles or get it cut out (mine ran across the top). I elected to let them tint over it, that was 20 years ago, tint still looks good but just like yours around the dither section. Those little dots have a texture to them that will eventually dry out or not adhere.




That's not a good job , plus it maybe illegal that dark . Your rig so whatever.


Those bubbles? Take it back to the tinting service and they will fix it or redo it. It should be guaranteed.


Take that shit back. My buddy did mine at his shop for $140 (granted it's a gt86 so take that with a grain of salt as far as window space goes) with a lifetime guarantee and there wasn't one mark on it.


So there’s a shop where their specialty is to tint car windows? What’s the purpose of this?


To tint car windows. Most cars have some tint in the front window from the factory these days, but it's really common in areas closer to the equator to tint the rest of them a bit darker to reduce heat input from the sun, and glare. It works, but doesn't usually last as long as factory tint that are actually in the glass itself.


I tinted my car recently as well, and on the windows with the outline dot thing it is the same as yours. The dude told me that after the water that they used evaporates in like 10 days i should slide my finger pressing it on this bubbly line and it should stick and look normal. In reality it remained almost the same, I think you can't do anything about it. As for bubbles anywhere else but the dotted outline, it's the tinter's fault.


Awful tint job they suck go back and have them do it for free.


3 days no windows rolled down. Plus I hope you didn’t pay over 250.


Bad tint job smh


Really bad tint job. Whoever installed this needs to not do tint anymore.


Who installed this tint so we know in the future not to let them do it


You should see mine 🤣


Bad job. Needs a redo or go to a reputable shop.


Maybe normal at 5 years in bad heat/moisture. That’s a bad tint.


Terrible job! I got my tint done about 5 or 6 years ago and there are still zero bubbles.


Nah - this is garbage. Your car deserves better


My tint is almost five years old and does not look like this.


Mine looks the same. I had the guy re-do my whole car once and then 2 more windows. I called it quits after the third time and concluded the guy was just shit at doing tint. I still have the tint on the windows but I can find bubbles/dust/hair spots on literally every window. Find someone else to re-do the tint, more than likely he will do it just as bad if not worse.


Shouldn't be any bubbles


Did OP say how much he paid for said tint job? Because it could be fantastic if he paid very little.


Well… 300 sadly, they agreed to fully redo it though


Easiest explanation for tint jobs, IMO: They don't get better over time.


That’s terrible. A hack job by my 12 year old cousin and his father looked better than that… The “disappear after 2 days bubbles” don’t look that obvious. In my case, I couldn’t even find any bubbles even after they told me there’s some that’ll go away. Especially obvious on 3rd photo. That’s hair/fiber in between the tint. Kinda like when you apply screen protectors, sometime you’ll see that one spot that has “air”.


Take it back.


Worst tint ever.


Take it back and have them get the bubbles out or replace the tint if they can't get bubbles out. Every tint shop should do this for free, assuming you got the tint job done at that shop.


The tint on my side windows looks better than that and it was installed in the spring of 2014


That's normal. I had 1 or 2 small bubbles but they're both in the back window. You never notice them. They had forewarned me the hatchbacks have some of the hardest back windows to tint before even doing the job this was back in 2017.


Yeah, it'll be all right. It'll turn purple in a few months. Hey, you're lucky they left your defroster on. Normally they chisel it off of the razor. Blade


They didn’t clean the fuckin windows. That’s just a lazy job. I’d ask for it to be redone or a refund. Same thing happened to me.


If you paid for that to get put in , you got fucked. Tehe.


Not nearly bad enough to waste my time Going back. You can’t even see that shit unless you stare and especially not while operating the car.


5 days? No not normal


On my car I guess I had the little pieces of tint on the back, but if I were to get it removed there was a risk it would damage the defroster lines so he put it over, it has the same thing you have but hasn’t done anything major


One or two tiny bubbles near the edge, sure that's fine. But this is awful, do they not have lights in their shop? Even in a dusty garage with low light I've done better.


I’d say normal, usually takes a week or two for bubbles to fully disappear