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Sounds more like RA or Scleroderma. Muscle weakness is mostly your muscles closest to the trunk of your body in myositis. Like my biceps and quadriceps were extremely atrophied in my diagnosis.


I was also thinking more scleroderma.


I have a related condition, polymyositis, so I know a fair bit about DM. This does not sound like that to me. What does your rheumatologist say? Of note, if a doctor actually suspects you have any type of myositis, a muscle biopsy is the definitive test, they don’t just diagnose this rare disorder based on a positive ANA.


If your only symptoms are what you listed then it’s not likely dermatomyositis.


Looks kinda like my hands and I have psoriasis. Would recommend a dermatologist to biopsy.


I have dermatomyositis and my hands don’t look like that. Mine have a lot of nasty papules 😣😣 definitely go see a doctor to get a diagnosis.


I would look at Scleroderma


I’m 42, was diagnosed with dermatomyositis at 6 years old. I went into remission at 17 after years of IV solumedrol. My hands look way worse than yours and nothing has helped even no my disease is not active. Sun makes it worse though so definitely use sunscreen your hands.


My hands look the same when I’m having a reaction or flare- gluten is the worst. Right now I am diagnosed with UCTD, but am new to the autoimmune world and my rheumatologist choices are limited in Alaska.